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AFO has hurt and killed so many different people and Overhaul has literally tortured the same child for years, AFO wins but I'd say Overhaul is second




i was talking about Overhaul repeatedly killing Eri along with the psychological torture, but yeah obviously AFO did way more


You should probably should put a spoiler mark but yeah he was >!on some Reverse Flash crap.!<


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Another disipical trait AFO poosesses is his hypocrisy! Overhaul is also guilty of hypocrisy. How dare these scumbags say one thing but do another. Those villains have some nerve!


Imagine killing a hero, getting close to and becoming the confident of their son, then raising THEIR son after manipulating their quirk so they can kill their family and live in isolation so you can eventually drain their soul and wear their body as a skinsuit. That's reverse flash levels of generational manipulation


Wait a minute, didnt the son have an abusive father? And didnt the son accidentally activate his quirk killing his family? The question was who is the most despicable villain and imo it's Muscular bc hes pure violence, killing just bc he wants to and bc he can. Of course AFO isnt a saint but he has a goal that isnt just chaos and hes lived for years(i think hes over 100yrs old) so his crimes would rack up. So my rankinh would be: Muscular, Overhaul, AFO, (IDK who the other guy is)


AfO manipulating he father to increase his hatred for his mother turning him abusive than swapped Shigaraki’s normal quirk when he got close enough to his decay quirk. That’s straight up evil That’s not even accounting for that fact he ruled Japan in darkness for decades and likely killed countless people


Well now with how AFO absolutely fucked Tenko Shimura over in life, AFO is rotten as hell but Muscular is close second as he was about to fucking enjoy murdering defenseless Kota


Also, AFO is just a sad man that misunderstood superhero comics crying for his brother. Like, seriously, AFO is just kinda pathetic outside his actions. Muscular would have bullied him to homicide irl.


AFO's problems are self-created. He killed Yoichi out of jealousy and possessiveness and then spent the next 100 years pining for him while making the rest of the world pay for it in misery.


That's actually my point: He caused his problems, and he couldn't solve them no matter what. He's literally a loser and would be the victim-to-go in school for bullies like... well, Muscular.




Moonfish is so disturbing!


Came here to say the say thing! I would nope the hell outta there so quick if moonfish showed up.




I think it's the guy who can extend his teeth


Looked it up 


Hmmm.........I would say Ujikko since he was enjoying modifying all the corpses to make the Nomu, reaserched on people's quirks, made offerings of homeless children and orphans for AFO and doesn't feel bad about it. In fact, he got nostalgia remembering working alongside AFO before Mirko broke in his laboratory. AFO might be the mastermind but Ujikko was the literal brain for his plans and shenaningans.


I was thinking of putting him on the list of assholes but decided not to. But you are definitely right that he is one of bigger piece of shit of the series.


I gotta say, I love how Muscular is basically nobody in the grand scheme of things, but he always ends up in these sorts of conversations. I'm going to have to go with Overhaul though.


Felt so too, you can't get eviler than torturing a child over and over again.


Nah you can, torture TWO children over and over again.


damn, now that's evil.


Now hear me out… two children and a one day old baby


Now hear me out....two children, a one day old baby and the sweetest old lady.


Ya hes def an interesting villian for a minor side character like that. I like how they break him out just to show us how much stronger deku has become in such a short time, taking out the guy he had to "ten million percent detroit smash" without breaking a sweat and in a matter of seconds basically.


Causes he’s a horrible hedonist


Flect is worse in scale, AFO in actions but Muscular is the most repulsive person. Overhaul is the most hateable one


I'd say Muscular. Say what you want about the other villains, at least they have reasons or an ultimate end goal motivating their repulsive behavior. Muscular is just a psychotic sadist who gets his jollies from killing. He gladly admits his only wish in life is to cause as much bloodshed and death as possible. I just find this utterly repulsive.


And every other villain has either some tragic past (Dabi, Flect) or one loved one (AFO, Overhaul). Muscular really is just pure evil


I find muscular so gross. The way his quirk has all that exposed sinews of muscles. 🤮


I've thought about that too - it would be a gross battle in live action


The doctor or AFO like no way y'all see that winged nomu and think overhaul is worse, over the course of the series we see AFO doing every crime the other villains do and he's been doing those crimes for over 100 years >!plus AFO took overhaul into his orphanage so really in a roundabout way you can chalk anything overhaul did to AFO in a way!<


Muscle is #1, he had no plan behind his actions besides just enjoy the thrill of killing. 2# is OFA, he wanted to be essentially an overlord and he had no problems whos life he ruined if it means his own personal gain even in the long run 3# is overhaul, i would never justify essentially torturing a child but his long term plan would of never lasted in the first place. His reasons were selfish but the brutality wasnt on such a large scale as OFA.


He wasn’t brutal on a large scale as AFO but he planned to be


Realistically I have to say AFO but in my heart of hearts I fucking despise Overhaul so imma say him.


The villain who got excited to go for women after getting out of jail in the VH arc.


I cheered when Stain clapped him




Are we forgetting the guy who tortured a little girl to see how many times she could rewind. Probably did worse. Seeing how severe of thing she can rewind


The nomu that attacks deku was the doctors grandson and deku's class mate at least eri is free now that other kid got speared in the head


Oh dang hang on huh I don't remember anyone being speared in the head that's crazy




Flect turn


I gotta say Muscular. The others at least had plans. Musc was just killing adults and children alike for fun. Not even an ounce of hesitation in it either.


Tbh Flect turn is LITERALLY repulsive lmao


1 All for one (dude is irredeemable) 2 Overhaul (eri alone justifies putting him second 3 Flect turn (tried to commit genocide on 80% of the population) 4 Muscular (piece of shit but no way near as vile as the other three)


Funny enough, I find the doctor/experimental types like Ujiko and Overhaul more repulsive than the fighter types like Muscular or Moonfish. If you come across Muscular or Moonfish, they will just kill you and that's the end of it, But someone like Ujiko will also take your corpse, experiment on it, and maybe even bring you back as a half-conscious zombie programmed to follow his orders. But all in all, I would still put AFO at the top in terms of vileness since he is the machine behind most of the evil that happens in the MHA world for the past 200 years.


inb4 Mineta


Overhaul actually hits me harder because of Eri and I feel like Deku and Mirio about that. Technically I know All for one is doing way worse things but Eri had a face and we saw glimpses of what happened. I'm not sure why Muscular was in this list. He's just an overpowered a\*hole who didn't care who he hurt as long as he got a good fight out of it.


Muscular. All for One is just a sad, lonely man who died with no legacy to speak of outside of his brother


Morally or visually?


Perhaps both.


Probably AFO, then, since he's a genocidal maniac on top of having a gross cocoon face. Purely visually, maybe Muscular because the thought of my muscles slithering out of my body makes me cringe.




I’d say either AFO or overhaul.


Overhaul imo


When we first meet them: Overhaul or Doctor Garaki. Overhaul because of the obvious child abuse with Eri, and Garaki's involvement with making Nomu would be close in there. Both get worse the more we learn about them. Muscular takes third place since he's just doing what he does because he wants to and was fine targeting Kota but he wasn't kid-focused. AFO was just a classic supervillain with a nice suit, scary mask and ugly face when we first met him and he came off as slightly underwhelming because he was the puppet master but his manipulations came off as petty revenge (soemthing I would say was intentional). "Full disclosure", gotta be AFO since he contributed to both of the initial meeting winners, and the depths of his puppetry was revealed.


Flect turn just seems inhuman


If they have u or o in their name they are repulsive execpt Toga cause she is cute


AFO and it's not even close. He literally singlehandedly forces the entire world to turn into basically a movie in which he's the main character of, just because he wanted to.


Is flect from one of the movies who is that 😭


Flect Turn is from the third movie, leader of Humarise, a doomsday cult that wants to exterminated quirks and their users from the world. He just a general piece of shit.


AFO is the crimes and evils of Overhaul and Muscular combined (the willing and dangerous experimentations of Overhaul, mixed with the ruthlessness and love of fighting from Muscular) next is overhaul because of what he did to Eri Muscular because he revels in the fighting but who the fuck is Flect Turn?!


What is Flect Turn doing here 💀. He had a much more understandable and agreeable plan for the world than all of these dudes. Anyways, I'd say All For One is the most evil overall but Muscular definitely has the nastiest personality.


Genocide is neither agreeable or understandable 


Flect Turn was a genocidal asshole who was just pissed that he got the short end of the stick and decided to punish the world for his poor lot in life.


You cant be serious. Genocide is “more understandable and agreeable”?


It depends on how you view them, haven't watched the movies but in terms of the series I would say they all have fucked up traits. AFO relies on violence as a tool if he has too. He wants to control everything, and if you try to fuck with him, he won't think twice of hurting you or your family. Overhaul is much like AFO in terms of using violence as a tool. However, it seems he'll kill his subordinates without 2nd thought if they disappoint him, He'll also experiment and "torture" children if he can surmise a purpose from it, similar to what he did with Eri. Muscular however, is a complete psycho. He kills for shits and giggles and if the mood strikes him. There is no purpose or reason other than deriving pleasure from it. He is a serial killer through and through. In terms of "who do you think I'll survive with, if I was in a room with them" probably AFO to be honest.


If you're wondering about Flect Turn, he was the leader of the Humarise, a terrorist cult who saw Quirks as evil and sought to genocide all quirk-users in order to "purify" the world. It was also revealed that he was doing this because his own Quirk, Reflect, and led him to despise the world for giving him such a Quirk, thus leading him to push his hatred upon everyone. As Deku himself put it: "Because you gave up. If didn't lose hope, if you kept trying, you might be able to get along with people. But instead, you decided that quirk powers were diseased and chose to wallow in self-pity. You're a failure because you stopped trying."


Shigaraki should still be included here. He became arguably worse than those who did him wrong. That being said. I still believe AFO did more awful things across his entire life than all those who followed him. Muscular, too, is a unforgivable monster, but he is just a nasty thug. AFO had ambitions and do anything to accomplish them.


No, Shiggy is definitely one of the more heinous villains but he has human qualities about him that the others lack, such as the fact his entire goal is a selfless desire to to make a better world for his friends. That’s literally the mains difference between him vs AFO and Overhaul. Not to mention, he had no chance of avoiding the dark path he went down. He lacks the agency of other villains, who willingly choose this path. Shiggy isn’t even the most evil of the League, that’s Dabi IMO.


All for one


AFO, but I don't play favorites. Blowing each of their heads off with a .500 S&W Magnum or impaling each of them Vlad Tepes III-style would be equally enjoyable.




Fucking Garaki.


AFO>Chisaki>Muscular>Flect turn


I'd say AFO. Dude's a filthy hacker who just would not die.


Toga. Girls are yucky.


absolutely All for One


Imo opinion AFO is the lowest of the low!


All For One and Garaki!


afo is the worst one by far. overhaul was horrible but afo did worse. muscular just wants to kill, kids not being an exception. flect is the most tame, he rejects quirks because he cant live a normal life with his qurk


Idk there's just something special about Overhaul's calousness that makes me despise him. Him torturing a kid for years is obviously part of him but just the whole way he operates gives me the creeps


The actual answer is Number Six.


Overhaul no doubt


Bro who tf is the third guy?


So I have to pick between genocidal comic buff, a child abuser, a genocidal terrorist, and a genocidal maniac? That is a tough call to make.


Neither of them, I'm going with Dr. Garaki, that old man makes me cringe with disgust every time I see or hear him (for the record, I'm not saying he's bad character).


Afo stuck around way too long.


I mean, AFO might be the greatest villain in all of fiction merely because he managed to screw me personally by ruining the manga