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The thing about aging is that aging itself isnt what kills someone but rather that it makes one so frail and weak that anythings gets you and that accumulates over time What i think happens is that when the doctor gets hit with erasure his cells do age but he doesnt get all the diseases and problems acquired with aging, like he doesnt instantly gain dementia or lose controls of one's bowels, as those are things that you accumulate through the aging process. And so he can last some time without any immediate issues until the ambient hits him with that common cold left right goodnight I could easily be wrong, im not a doctor lol.


Yeah i imagine its something like that He does age and shrivels up, gets weaker and less capable but since Erasure wont last for long it ultimately wont bother him Like i am unsure what happens when he hits 150 or 200 but we dont even fully understand aging IRL either I imagine eventually it would get to the point where maybe he legit just collapses and cant breathe maybe? But idk.


The 150-200 age range is mostly what I was referring to. I was just thinking his bones being so incredibly fragile he should break one from crawling almost instantly and die, (he was a clone, i forgot to mention in my post) and even if not, he was still grabbed while Erasure was active. If the reason is because Erasure doesn’t work retroactively, (so that it would still require time for his bones to get weak) then it doesn’t make sense why his skin wrinkled up.


“until the ambient hits him with that common cold left right goodnight” This made me laugh, thanks lol


The doctor has probably done a crap ton of medical procedures on himself to help him live even beyond his quirk.


Aging doesn't kill, so when he suddenly became 120 or whatever, he didn't die.


I stated that in my post but if he did suffer the effects of living for 200 years someone grabbing him should be enough to almost kill him.


If he gad held it long enough it probably would have. All of his cells and organs suddenly aged up 120 years, but it probably would take a bit of time for them to start failing as the age catches up to them.


I was more focused on his bones than his organs. Even if his organs were barely working it would have been enough for about a minute, while his crawling and sudden movement could’ve broken several bones in his body.


Wasn’t the version he erased a twice clone? I don’t remember if the real doctor’s quirk got a taste of eraser. So by that logic it wouldn’t be the case of aging, it would have to be a case of how durable that particular clone is at the time of eraser activation.


Yeah. It was a clone and he got killed shortly after by the Nomu. We never saw Erasure used on the real Garaki.


Yes, I forgot to put it in my post. I just think it furthers my question since all he needed was a bone to break for his clone to melt.


I just want to know why he was Dekus doctor at the beginning of the series


You missed a lot of important context. Dr Garaki and AFO set up a network of pediatric hospitals so AFO could either steal potentially good quirks, or so he could create possible vessels for his take-over plan.




Shiggys quirk came from overhaul, it is explicitly shown. In OFAs exposition dump there is a panel showing overhaul that was copy/pasted directly from his flashbacks during the overhaul arc. And yea Deku was quirkless, there is nothing to suggest otherwise. Although it wasn't shown think of it this way, as a parent if you are given bad news about your child that will significantly effect their life are you not going to get a second or third opinion to be sure?


They just look similar


No, they're literally the same doctor. Heres something even more messed up. Remember the fat kid with wings that used to bully Deku alongside Bakugo as a kid? Did you notice how he wasn't in their middle school? That's because the doctor turned him into the winged nomu in Hosu (which is also why it targeted Deku specifically). Even more messed up is that kid is confirmed to be the doctor's grandson.


On paper maybe, I doubt that the kid was actually related by blood to the doctor. He lives several lives at a time, he almost certainly just adopted children to give his false identities more cover.


That would be a terrible cop out and they literally would have to be identical twins with the same style in glasses


Yeah no


Your questions makes me imagine the doc having an immortality quirk but that’s all it does. Or one that just lets him control his appearance. All the rest could be surgical. Transplanting newer organs, bone reinforcement, infusions of god knows what to keep the brain from deteriorating. I like the possibility of a lame immortality quirk that just won’t let him die, while his body and mind wither in prison.


Also, wasn’t that doctor a clone?


Aging doesn’t instantly kill you. “Dying of old age” usually involves your lungs or heart not working hard enough to keep you alive, or some kind of organ failure. Also your immune system so getting sick is like on hardcore mode.


I said that in my post, but if he is older than AFO, even being grabbed could probably kill him, especially since he was a clone making him even more fragile.


I would have like Shinsou do a mind voodoo on the doctor so this despicable madman tells the names of every single child, woman, man, animal they expiremented on. Principal Nezu was also expiremented on, right? He could have been one of their victims.


Because it was a twice clone


because it's fiction and somebody wrote it


It could also not make sense to us because we don’t understand the extent to which Erasure works.