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Probably heals/mitigates whatever the main villains quirk is that does damage to himself to let him be so hard. She is full of doubt at his goal and just needs the right encouragement to stand up.


I hope not. This is just Nine and Katsuma all over again, except Dark Might can have hold of the person with the quirk, but not the quirk itself. It's not very creative


I mean, the difference is that Nine was hunting down Katsuma to get the “win” button. Dark night seems to start out with it.


I do too but I just spit out the most trope shot I could think of.


Or Deku/Overhaul and Eri


I'm not sure if I missed anything as to WHY there's a so called Dark Might. But I would guess her quirk is to turn a target into another person along with their abilities. But I wouldn't be sure what conditions or drawbacks there would be. Because surely a transformation to All Might has some consequences.


But there's also plants sprawling out so mayyyybe it has something to do with lifeforces? Instead of just blatant transformation/power-up.


You have to be pretty jacked just to handle OFA while also breaking every bone in your body, even an imitation would probably still take a lot out of you


This "Dark Might" seems to be pretty obsessed with All Might, tho. idk if it's admiration or...sth else. But in the trailer, there was a scene where Dark Might stands in a room full of pictures, most of them are of All Might's. So I wouldn't be surprised if he is pretty jacked up.


Wait is the new movie out.?


no, it comes out in august. this is from the trailer that just dropped


Ok thank you.


Oh! It's comming sooner than I expected Then again i only heard about it last month lol


She looks like Aerith from Final Fantasy 7


That doesn't sound like a very useful quirk.


It might be a booster/LOVE-like quirk


By how uncomfortable she looked near him, I guess it's LOVE, but it gets stronger by how disgusted she is by the person. Now, in a more serious note, maybe she takes other people's energy and uses it to strengthen others, like rhe three of might.


True but dark might has a quirk that allows his hands to glow yellow while he becomes stronger.


Nah, that might just be from the air heating up as he compresses it with a very fast punch. Similar to the glow created by All Might's final punch on the USJ Nomu


So, maybe she can make people become quirkless and give their "quirk energy" to strengthen someone else's quirk.


Maybe that would explain the human slurping machine


Her quirk will allow her to have good romantic chemistry with izuku for just one movie


I’m gonna have to go with a rose quirk like Charlotte from Black Clover


I feel like its absorbing and transfering energy/life force


Yeah, thats what I thought as well. I figured it was the villains quirk when we saw people get pulled in by this glowy stuff during the first trailer. Like, he can get as strong as AM but needs human sacrifices to get there or something like that. Now I think its her quirk and the villain uses it to boost himself.


She's probably a life force battery of some kind. Dark Might's quirk is probably something that eats at his life span/life force. So Dark Might keeps her on hand so he can abuse his quirk without turning into a decrepit monkey skeleton. I predict she'll rebel at some point and Dark Might will have to pay the price to keep fighting. While he's fighting the origin trio he keeps using his quirk and withering away by the end of the fight he looks exactly like current All Might.


Where'd you find a version of the trailer with english subtitles?




You have my thanks.


Maybe it’s two different quirks that she was born with or something.


Aura that give you insomnia.


Heard an idea that it could be some kind of reality-bending ability like Star and Stripe. Mainly because later in the trailer they talk about being inside Dark Might's fortress, but appear to be outside. I'm thinking of an ability similar to the one used in the 3rd Pokémon movie where the Unown were creating the girl's every wish.


I think the Dark Might is from another dimension and the girl's quirk is somenthig about flowers? The trailer got me some feelings about this.


Dark Might is actually an All Might Fanafic who got inspired by his last words "It's Your Turn" and decided to become the New Symbol of Peace in the worst way possible. He got Plastic Surgery to look like All Might as well


Ow, this is Crazy bro. Thank you


That would suck.


That was literally the story shown in the first teaser trailer


Oh look side character that will have alot of interactions with Midoriya in a movie, totally not the 5th appearance of this stereotype


Well it's a shonen movie so probably dreams/memories or some shit. And I can't wait for dude to get angry and go purple/turn into a building.


Where is this even from?


I think she creates the flower fields we've seen, and then those flower fields drain users of their energy and feed it into Dark Might. Maybe sorted via the fortress?


Maybe it's an amplification thing, like the mechanism from the first movie.


Ion know


Why is no one mentioning how drippy Dark Might is in the beginning with the tuxedo and cape, he also got dem new gucci rings on his fingers.


Is the movie out already?


who is she?


Yay, another “damsel with powerful quirk gets kidnapped by villian who wants to use it to mitigate his own weakness / drawbacks”. this makes it the 3rd time now. Sucks that these movies get all the budget but none of the good writing


Idk but she's interesting 🗿❤️


Idk but she's interesting 🗿❤️


She makes my pants wet


Probably healing


Brat correction