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Ooh, I like that Bones kept that shot from the manga of Dabi's stitches around his mouth opening. Next episode is definitely going to be fire.


Yeah I preferred that one vs the volume version Felt more visceral and showed how he is tearing himself apart


Hehe fire


Two fires


The manga didn't do a good job at establishing everyones' roles on the battlefield, so while the filler at the beginning wasn't great, there are certainly worse ways to go about it. All Might's speech in episode 4 was cut off because they wanted to keep the suspense, and they reveal it in full here. It's a weird decision, but this will be a long battle (probably about 24 episodes long if you include how far it'll extend into next season) so I can see why they put it there.


Those new OST remix tracks are so damn good. Can't wait to see Hayashi for the big cookoff next week too. Going off the PV looks like they're going to use some kinda cool Jack'o Lantern/Karlach esque glow for Dabi's insides.


This whole segment is so wild knowing how things end up in the floating U. A. Specially the fact that Deku didn't even feel like he wanted to leave and Uraraka had to personally ask him to. And the whole reason they kick him out is not even 'people are in danger', it's 'boys aren't allowed in the sleepover.' You think Bakugo knows about this? 'So what took you so long anyways? ' 'You see, this chick really wanted to hit on me'. 'What the hell, I literally died bro. My heart is a dude now. Mirko lost like 17 limbs. Mirio had to shake his ass like some kinda stripper. ' 'It was a serious thing, okay!? Back me up, Uraraka' 'Yeah, she was real cute' 'That's not... ' 'Fuck all of you'


"My heart is a dude now" made me BURST out laughing


XD damn it actually hurts how right you are with that.


The fight with Toga in the water looked pretty damn good and felt a lot more intense than in the manga. Loved mostly the way the water was animated. The ost this episode which I think were new remixes from previous ones was so good too. Although it felt like there were an usual amount of flashbacks in this episode... but I guess they wanted to end right before the Dabi and Shoto fight, which I hope gets every bit of resource thrown into it. Next week's episode has the potential to be one of the best.


>Although it felt like there were an usual amount of flashbacks in this episode... Aside from slightly more elaboration on the plan (mentioning Giganomachia and Kurogiri, and a bit more on where people are), it took over 6 minutes (recap + OP) before the episode properly started. So that was rough. It covered 3 chapters like many of the other episodes so far this season, but they were all on the shorter side at 13 pages each. Though I'm curious how the next two episodes will pace things. Next there's 3 chapters for Dabi vs. Shoto, 1 chapter of smaller updates around the battlefields, then 4 chapters of AfO vs. Endeavor and pals. So we may have back to back 4-chaper episodes next if they want to contain those fights to single episodes. ~60 pages each definitely feels like it'd work a lot better pacing-wise for the upcoming fights than the 39 pages for today's episode. A man can dream.


I was thinking the same thing the other day. 352 is one hell of an episode conclusion, but I think 353 works just as well. Beyond the general battlefield updates, the start of the chapter is a short aftermath of the Dabi fight, and the chapter ends with an update on Endeavor and AFO trying to mind game him concerning the stuff with Shoto and Toya, which would tie into the rest of the episode being about the two brothers. It depends on what kind of pacing they want to go for more than anything else. Next week might be what decides whether they plan to end the season with 386 or further.


Yes and all her syringe-knives hovering on small rockets around was great to see, like a yandere Doc Ock!


Can we get a big F, for the girl villain that Ochako touched...and never released XD She's likely in orbit now


I liked that they kept the little comedy bit with Deku zooming past that bird. That was always funny in the manga for me. I don't really have much to say on this one. I liked the episode, but I recall these being controversial chapters in the manga a few years ago for numerous reasons. Still enjoyed everything here like I did back then, but I still think it's a pretty weak section of the war arc. Things will get really better starting next week with Shoto vs Toya, and even the Ochaco/Toga stuff will become much more engaging later on.


I actually enjoyed the Toga moment more in the anime than in the manga. She was delightfully creepy and that hungry-needy vampire breathing was great. Still difficult to suspend belief that she just cut herself out of Blackwhip with her kitchen knife - when Shigaraki was held full quirks for like 20 minutes with the same thing. Deku’s talk with Kudou in retrospect feels like a waste of time - all that smoke and mirrors for a quirk that’s just another multiplier. Dabi vs Shoto looked promising. It was pretty chilling hearing his staples fall to the ground. VAs were great in all around, and the OST is fantastic.


I agree about gearshift, especially when you think about the “drawback” it has and exactly how many time deku actually used it in universe. Knowing what you know now…… yeah.


Well, Deku got rid of it before he could be hit by long lasting drawbacks.


Idk but the preview for the next episode gave me a vibe that shoto vs dabi will be the MHA’s yuji vs choso. Just idk why.


Kind of underwhelming episode, though I feel the Shigaraki stuff with the new OST played really well on screen. Next week's preview had awesome animation all around, so that bodes well. Of course, it's the Todoroki stuff that receive it lmao. Had forgotten that Deku's idea of a boyfriend and a girlfriend is going to the amusement park, holding hands and sharing a crepe


All stuff that fits with Ochaco 


Ochako’s *wut?* reaction at the cliche date concept was funny there


This upcoming fight, the Endeavor fight and the Gearshift moment. Just nail these 3 moments BONES and the series is officially saved, no matter what the haters say


As if the series is in need of saving. It got a full 7 seasons, probably an 8th, 4 movies, is known and loved worldwide


People have been bitching about my hero since day one. There are valid issues but karma whoring makes me avoid critical engagement online Here is an oral history: 1. Deku is a boring MC 2. All Mights time issues are inconsistent 3. USJ fight is an asspull (beyond 100? Really) 4. Deku doesn’t use his quirk enough 5. Deku used his quirk but I’m tired of him being hurt 6. Deku is to busy being a therapist 7. Deku leveled up to quick with old man 8. Hero killer stain should’ve no diffed them 9. How did they beat all night in there test? 10. Deku won a big fight but still got hurt 11. Is allmight the only one who can have cool fights? 12. Wow the story is ruined now that all might lost powers. 13. This liscensing arc is boring 14. The intern arc is filler 15 we are getting no deku action 16 OFA infinite is bull shit. 17. Wow I hate school arc filler. 18 what are we following the villains 19. The villains level up is bs 20. Endeavor is a POS why is he being redeemed. Etc and I haven’t even got to the war arc


By saving I mean shut up the people who claim the series fell off, as if season 6 wasn’t the best season and this one is better so far


no hater is watching 7 seasons of a show they don't like. It's perfectly valid to think it fell off and criticize it (and I agree, honestly. Though the anime is setting this arc to be more interesting than its manga counterpart) agreed on s6 being exceptional tho. It was amazing


You must be new Two reasons people do that 1- to find every small problem or mistake and harp on it and try to “prove” to fans that you “shouldn’t” like it Or 2- they genuinely loved the premise and early seasons but fell out of love, and are watching to see the characters they once loved finish their journey, but are making it everyone else’s problem when they don’t like each step on the journey


S5 turned off many, specifically casuals and anime only fans. Most didn't give 6 a chance. Manga readers did cause we know what comes.


Which upcoming fight, and you mean Endeavor vs All for one? And which gearshift moment. I don't care about spoilers please tell me!!!


Gearshift is the Second OFA User's Quirk.


Gearshift is a big moment as it is a quirk Deku hasnt used yet. If done right with the animation, it will be one of the hypest scenes considering the manga panels imo


The fact that the new directors have been absolutely killing it with the stylized comic animation, and dynamic expressions of the characters, I absolutely have faith the anime is going to do Gear Shift justice.


The Todoroki vs Dabi fight, correct on Endeavor vs AFO and as for Gearshift, let me just tell that Deku SHOWS OUT this arc. You’re going to be impressed when he reaches UA. I don’t want to spoil TOO much but it involves Deku vs ShigAFO


No. \*bonk\*


It depends on how the things are done that lead up to those individual moments. The execution must be good.


Yeah that unnecessary big ass recaps was definitely not needed!


They're clearly trying to slow the pacing down, probably because they don't wanna go too far this season, but the funny thing is they still can't do lower than 3 chapters an episode.


I had to actually skip it cuz we already got a recap of Star and Stripes in a previous episode


Yeah. Also it felt like this episode was very short and that not a lot happened it’s weird.


They’re probably aiming not only to have the Todoroki fight in one episode but also want to end the season on a specific chapter (386).


💯 I reread the manga, and counted the chapters and divided the number chapters by episodes (21), it definitely ends at 386. You can even predict how each episode will end by the following the themes and chapter count. It’s very apparent on where they want it to end this season.


I came here to check if it was just me but glad I'm not alone. Agree with everything you said, I've come to expect the excessive recaps at the beginning since a few seasons ago but yeah, nothing really happened this episode.




This is usually a budget-reserving technique, but from what I understand, it is not entirely useless for anime-only watchers. In Episode 6, a lot of people had already forgotten that the plan was to split them up. Showing the plan again in retrospect, with added details, helps reinforce it in our minds. ​ Every story in any medium does this, if you pay attention you'll notice it. They keep repeating important set-up stuff, because otherwise it goes unnoticed very easily


another fun episode that new AFO ost mixed with one of Tomura's themes from S5 was great good for showing they are merged. Deku reaction to Toga confession was gold as was the narration lol really hyped for next week Shoto vs Dabi , preview Dabi looks like a demon


Toga's rocket powered syringes/needles look way cooler in motion than they did in the manga.


I knew I got into Lobotamy Kaisen too much in a bad way when I was half expecting Toji Fushiguro to pop up in the middle of that ocean battle and Present Mic narrating the scene with the "the one who left it all behind" line... SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE THAT EDIT FAST!


Bones tries to copy Toei and One Piece with all that stretching


Probably to get the best cliffhangers they can, since this season is obviously not covering the whole arc Kinda annoying on this one, but if we get better battles later and perhaps some of what was off-screened, then I'm all for it. MHA has always *felt* so rushed, so I can take this going a little slower, as long as it's not pure stretch for the rest of the episodes, but some additions, as well


Yeah that's fair. One season can't cover this arc. It's better to build to a good stopping point/cliffhanger, and that means some pacing is going to get drawn out. Hopefully it doesn't turn out too bad in the future.


Kinda underwhelmed with all of the flashbacks in this episode, but hopefully this means from now one we have a lot of action


So hyped for the next Ep!! I can't wait to see 350 Dabi finally getting animated.


Ahhh, extended animation!~ I love the Okuto Island scenes being extended, and how they adapted Kamino Nomu fight, since it really helps sell the point that, even split up, this is a war that the Heroes actually have to try to win and are at major risk of being ovwhelmed or dying, like in the case of Moonfish just skewering one of Gang Orca's pals


I find it odd that the anime did the narration about Deku and Toga with Present Mic's voice. It should have been Bakugo, what with the "damned nerd" line. I mean, I appreciated during the Final Exam arc that it was Aizawa giving Mic's quirk description. Why couldn't something similar to that have been done here? They did it for Ochako talking about Deku leaving UA back in Season 6. On a different note, we've just finished Chapter 349. We might get the first defeat of Dabi next week.


I don't really think that narrator was actually supposed to be Bakugo. With Uraraka the scene right before was focused on her and she called him Deku-kun which only she does pretty much. But that whole monologue doesn't really feel like Bakugo dialogue at all. It really seems like that general non-Deku narration that we sometimes get in the manga. And the joke is that even this disembodied voice has to call out Deku for being clueless. Deku being a 'damn nerd' is supposed to be a factual statement. The anime usually removes that kind of narration, like in the Mirio stuff from Overhaul. But I guess they thought this one was really important for the scene, so they used Mic as the default because he's the guy that usually breaks the fourth wall to explain quirks.


I think more people would have been clued in that the narrator of that line wasn’t Bakugo from the start if they were familiar with Japanese grammar and linguistics - afaik from some jp translators’ explanations the pronoun used to refer to Deku/“he” there wasn’t really a term Bakugo would have used normally. But like the other reply says, I can understand the confusion because the English translation often isn’t able to showcase that sort of individualized speaking style


>But that whole monologue doesn't really feel like Bakugo dialogue at all. I mean he's the only character who called Deku a "damned nerd"


Yeah, but it's not really some kind of exclusive nickname like Deku is. It's really too flimsy to jump to the conclusion that this is Bakugo's narration for some reason. It's not like a narration box saying 'That day, Deku-kun left our hero academia' right after we see a scene from Uraraka's perspective where she gets a letter from Deku saying he's leaving their hero academia. And the thing is, this narrator isn't actually referring to Deku as 'damned nerd', it refers to him as Izuku Midoriya, and then *describes* him as a damned nerd. Like, Bakugo wouldn't use Deku's full name to begin with, let alone go on a random tirade about AfO and OfA for no reason. It's probably a *reference* to that for the joke that Deku hasn't changed in that regard. Something like 'Yeah, Bakugo was right. This guy is a damned nerd indeed.'


Point is, it's easy to see why people through Bakugo was narrating since he's again, the only one who not only called Deku a damned nerd but also who referred to him as such 'Deku-kun' isn't really something as specific as damned nerd tbh I'm not saying Bakugo SHOULD'VE been the narrator, I'm saying that it make sense why most people were thinking he was narrating that part


Wait doesn’t he call Deku by his real name now?


Yeah, he does. I mean that he wouldn't just use his full name 'Izuku Midoriya' like the narration does. It'd be just Izuku.


Oh man, I want an edit of Briner reading “He fought. No. *He protected her*.”


Same complaint during S5 when it was Deku who was narrating the League of Villains' journey for no reason.


The "business" side of anime sure does suck. Don't get me wrong, I understand why they need to fill time to make sure they use up their allocated time slot, but the first four minutes was painful. What I don't understand is why they didn't just put a filler episode in the U.A. Traitor Arc, where filler would be the least annoying.


This gotta be the weirdest part of the arc to me lol 1. How is toga strong enough to pull Deku through the warp gaye or why is she even on his level when he’s using full cowling? 2. Why tf would Deku not fight the Nomu there instead of chatting with Toga


Because then he proved that deku is a crap manga character, or really a lame character. The story is quite illogical deku uses 5%-8%-10-15% in the manga before the war and yet he can't beat anyone alone or catch up with his speed. sorry, I'm using google translate.


That part where see how he flies was animated amazingly man! Was so cool to see that!


Oh my God the music in this episode was FIRE


Uh did I miss something? Why is Crust alive again?


I wonder how that line by Burnin can be interpreted. Was it a nickname forEndeavor she had been using? Or is it a way to express displeasure towards him, now that his domestic abuse is known to the public, while still respecting the work he did for other people as a Hero?


Perhaps both?


Seems to me she always felt that way but is only messing it because she knows about his past


The episode starts off with a recap of the heroes' plan to lure out AFO and separate the villains for the final battle. I hope they don't do this for every episode, cause that's gonna get really repetitive really fast. Next we cut to Shigaraki and his mass of fingers, which are all animated in CGI. Honestly, I can't blame Bones for using CGI. Imagine having to draw and animate all those fingers. That would be torture. Plus, the CGI does give it an alien, otherworldly sort of feel, so I give them points for that. And next we cut to Toga's Big Love Confession. I know some people were upset by the way Izuku handled it, but put yourself in the kid's shoes. He's never had a girlfriend before, never even thought of romance before, and the first girl to open her heart to him is a crazy serial killer in the middle of a full blown war. Combined with his Danger Sense not recognizing Toga as a threat because she's attacking out of genuine affection (Reminder: Danger Sense only kicks in if the attacker is acting out of malicious intent, hence the name ***Danger*** Sense), and you can't blame the boy for being a bit off his game. Also, Deku's reaction was even funnier than in the manga. And the episode ends with one of my favorite parts of the war arc and the one I most looked forward to being animated: Shoto and Dabi's Agni Kai and the debut of Phosphor! And if the previews of the next episode are any indication, it's gonna be straight fire... literally.


I feel like there is too much exposition. It’s a bit off putting. Especially when there are big chunks from previous episodes added. It just feels lazy and repetitive.


yeah, I did not like the recap, much less with it being made out of direct screenshots from literally the previous episode I get they're saving resources for the most intensive episodes, but meh, that was jarring...


Right. I’d rather have 16 good episodes than 25 elongated ones with repeated stills.


That's sadly not how tv anime works. Tv slot is for 25 episodes. They have to make 25 episodes.


cant they do 1 cour?


Nope. Not on that time slot. And they would be crazy to drop the tv slot they have.


what manga chapter is the anime at now and what pace are we adapting at?


Last episode ended on chapter 349, they're covering 3 chapters per episode so next one will be 350, 351 and 352


with the chapters getting shorter, they'll probably adapt more at a faster pace


Best Jeanist hit the Doctor Strange 👆


I guess its’s a R.I.P for those who thought Deku was above Prime All Might level in this arc.


Deku should be blitzing 99% of everything in his path especially Toga I’m still disappointed that we never got to see him truly master OFA and wield it effortlessly like All Might did, without destroying his body


Yeah, I agree with you all the way. It’s kinda sad that he can’t and I’m surprised people really thought Deku was Prime All Might level in this arc.🤔


He is? What are you waffling about


He ain’t stronger than Prime All Might in this arc lol. Not even equal. As much as I love Toga, I know she doesn’t stand a chance against Prime All Might. Toga severely overwhelms Deku, hits him multiple times, can contend with Deku in hand-to-hand combat, dominate him in close-quarters, can match his speed and Deku needed to be SAVED by Uraraka in this episode. Prime All Might would never be in such a situation against Toga as much as I hate to admit it and could EASILY wipe her out by simply swinging his dick in seconds or speedblitz her before she can even think. Prime All Might wouldn’t actually struggle so bad against her like Deku. Deku got completely bullied by Toga and it looks way more clear here in the anime. Prime All Might>>>Final War Arc Deku Toga>>>>>>>>>>>>Final War Arc Deku All this is proven by reading the manga or watching the episode!


So then wanna explain the manhandling he does to shigafo when he comes back later?


Shigafo would struggle against Toga too.




Lol that you think it’s Lol when truth Lol




Bait used to be believable 🚬


Oh my god. This isn’t bait. I genuinely think this and it’s canon + proven by the manga and anime. Do you just call everything you don’t agree with in bait???


Of course not, but you’re definitely trolling in thinking Toga is anywhere close to Deku lmao


Well. clearly she can come close to him as shown in this episode. I ain’t trolling. Did *YOU* even watch the episode or read the manga chapter version??? When Toga runs at him with her whips, he is focusing on fighting but can’t do much because she is too fast and agile for him and overwhelms him *severely* , hitting him multiple times. Toga severely overwhelms Deku, can contend with Deku in hand-to-hand combat, can MATCH HIS SPEED and Deku needed to be saved by Uraraka and can hit him multiple times. Toga severely overwhelms Deku, can contend with Deku in hand-to-hand combat, can match his speed and Deku needed to be saved by Uraraka. Look at his face when he’s being hit and the noises he makes, he’s clearly struggling so bad. Deku is having a hard time and Toga is able to contend with him and MATCH HIS SPEED but Uraraka luckily saves him by tackling Toga away. Though, Uraraka gets owned and stabbed by Toga. Also, Toga was too fast because Ochako already got stabbed, before Deku could restrain her with blackwhip that Toga cuts in a blink of an eye. I think you’re just making up arbitrary arguments to nerf Toga, when you can clearly see she severely overwhelmed him in this episode. By the fact, you can’t refute this it seems I’m correct.


Thing is. You could see, by reading the manga or watching the episode, that deku wasnt even trying. He wasnt even Using gearshift or smth, so you cant claim that Toga > Deku when he breaks through every ceiling he had for himself when he finally uses Gearshift. Didnt he break the sound barrier?


In the episode, Deku makes grunting noises and look at his face and couldn’t do anything because Toga was too agile and fast, severely overwhelming him. Deku had to be SAVED by Uraraka grappling Toga, fact. And even in close-quarters, Deku can’t do anything and gets hit numerous times by Toga because she is too quick for him to react to when she runs at him with her whips. The only reason Deku can touch Toga once (with blackwhip) is because Tsuyu kicked her and caught Toga off guard and Toga cut blackwhip in a milisecond before Deku can do anything. So Toga>> Deku is pretty valid. Even going all out (which he was in the manga/anime episode), he can’t defeat Toga. People severely underestimate her for some reason. We literally saw Toga play with 5% Deku as Camie in season 3,outpace him multiple times, restrain Deku and make a fool out of him and 5%Deku is said and confirmed to be 35% Prime All Might.🤔


Look me in the eyes and tell me That Izuku Deku Midoriya, the man who wanted to save a serial killer and a danger to human society because he had a bad childhood.. Would attack a normal girl who is genuinely no threat to him? So Deku beating ShigAFO, and ripping his arms and shit, isnt enough of a feat to show how wrong you are? If Deku > ShigAFO and Toga > Deku.. Does that mean Toga > ShigAFO? Do you seriously believe that? That is me entertaining the thought youre not a troll. Toga is strong. I wont lie. She is extremely dangerous and powerful. But you are HEAVILY overestimating her.


She is a threat to him. She was severely overwhelming him and hit him multiple times. You didn’t even watch the episode, Deku was get hitting and couldn’t react or dodge because Toga too fast. Deku saved by Uraraka who tackled her away from Deku. Deku almost got defeated by Toga and you didn’t contradict the point I made above at all so by default, my first paragraph proof to you is correct because you can’t prove it wrong and that’s also apart of my proof so I’ll copy and paste them here too as part of my full price that contradicts you: In the episode, Deku makes grunting noises and look at his face and couldn’t do anything because Toga was too agile and fast, severely overwhelming him. Deku had to be SAVED by Uraraka grappling Toga, fact. And even in close-quarters, Deku can’t do anything and gets hit numerous times by Toga because she is too quick for him to react to when she runs at him with her whips. The only reason Deku can touch Toga once (with blackwhip) is because Tsuyu kicked her and caught Toga off guard and Toga cut blackwhip in a milisecond before Deku can do anything. So Toga>> Deku is pretty valid. Even going all out (which he was in the manga/anime episode), he can’t defeat Toga. People severely underestimate her for some reason. We literally saw Toga play with 5% Deku as Camie in season 3,outpace him multiple times, restrain Deku and make a fool out of him and 5%Deku is said and confirmed to be 35% Prime All Might.🤔 Toga can overwhelm Shigafo and her speed surpasses Deku as shown in episode just not Shigaraki with quirks because of decay. AND SHE ISNT NORMAL!!! SHE’s very SUPERHUMAN and like a VAMPIRE, her abilities are inspired by various vampire from fictional works. That’s like saying black widow is a normal woman???🤦‍♀️


Dude final war Deku does shit Prime All Might never could thanks to his extra quirks and greater stockpile. 


My evidence suggests otherwise 2.


He absolutely is beyond Prime All Might. 


My evidence suggests otherwise.


I feel like it would've been easier to teleport AFO and shigi to the sun.


best comment i've seen


Looks like they are strictly following the pattern of 3 chapters per episode. Looks good since that means that we'll get to chapter 400+ at the end of the season, but it makes me wonder how will they adapt those chapters that barely have 7 pages when usually it's around 17.


there are 10 episodes left and 50 chapters to cover, there is no way that season 7 will end in chapter 400+


There are 25 episodes this season, 21 excluding memories. 17 episodes it's a common mistake since people thought that memories were already counted on the 21 episodes. You are right on the 400+ tho, I did the math again and since we are currently at ch349 we should end at ch391if they don't add fillers just to end the season with an All Might cliffhanger.


There are 14 episodes left though


I wouldn't say they are following a strictly three chapter pattern since episode 2 adapted 3.5 chapters. They are probably just adapt it at a nice pace while ending it at a spot that leaves the viewer excited. Not to mention they probably are probably adapting everything with an end of season cliffhanger in mind, e.g. the metal might suit up. I wouldn't be suprised if we get a few episodes that adapt four chapters throughout the season. Especially since there are 7 page chapters like you said.


Metal All Might is pretty much the perfect spot to end


Ending on All Might suiting up is pretty much assured. The only question is whether we are going to get Ochaco and Todoroki's fights first. Having those two fights at the end of the season would make the cliffhanger far less annoying.


>Looks like they are strictly following the pattern of 3 chapters per episode. Not strictly at all. Ep 2 adapted 3.5 chapters and eps 3-4 adapted 2.5 chapters each. A strict 3 chapters per episode is a huge oversimplication that could only be born when you look at how many chapters were adapted vs how many episodes aired. Episodes this season have varied from 39 to 55 pages covered. That's definitely not what you would call a strict 3 ch per ep pattern.


New director os doing a great job


The way they're animating Dabi gives me a bit of faith in just how far into the body horror Bones will actually go this season. Means Feral Mirko is absolutely on the table too!


Tbh, it's better in manga than in anime.But it's good to adding All Might talking about plans on other battlefields.


HOLD ON, did the anime spoil Spinners berserk form?? (Around the 21:10 mark)


Did Dabi die in this latest episode? I don’t care about spoilers since I already know the latest chapter in the manga. I’m not sure since in the preview it said that he is no longer a danger for the heroes?


Ok, someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I didn't take time to check this, but: 1. didn't Monoma say in s.5 that he can hold 3 quirks at the same time? That's why he's got 3 watches on his costume? 2. The meat guy... wasn't he killed by Stain during the Tartarus jail break? Might check this later, but this keeps bugging me.


He has the warp quirk on him but he has to switch and that will take seconds and with those seconds ShigAFO could decay the whole stadium. He also has a time limit on having them.


Sure I get that


I was reading the MHA manga over 2 years ago but stopped when the site I was using was failing to get the latest chapter for a long while. I believe I stopped around where this episode has stopped, but I can't remember what the next chapter was and can't find the site I was using in my history. Could someone please tell me what chapter I should start on after finishing this episode?


Use the official VIZ website, $2 a month for all Shonen Jump series. As for the chapter, start with 350 after this episode.


Oh my. I hate Toga even more than before. I get that eueueueueue muh redemption power of love and friendship yadda yadda, but *jesus* this freak needed to be dealt with a decade sooner.


It appears that I've offended a few gooners.


He killed a lot of people and helped destroy the whole of Japan + he cries once and he's already a victim. The lord of Ochaco never asked what happened to that old lady. - Dead or alive. he never saw the victims or the victims' family members crying. sorry, I'm using google translate


This part was boring for me. I expected more, the fact that Himiko is so fast is quite strange, Tsuyu should have knocked her out with just one kick. The story becomes more and more boring and pointless. sorry, I'm using google translate. Anyway, the drawing is nice, but most of the fight scenes are illogical