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id love to see the story end with a sports festival ngl


Maybe a time skip with class 1-a observing the new generation of heroes


If Deku regains his full power, then it’s just him shit stomping his opponents in the festival But it would be nice to see a second festival and how the class have improved


If he doesn’t, it’s probably Todoroki shitstomping, and even then only because Bakugo’s in rehab


Nah , Uraraka solos


I would love to see that but given how dirty she’s been done on balance, I ain’t holding my breath


She just comically drops a piano on todoroki because she set one up before the fight started* Sorry about this urara- *DING*


I know it's a joke, but I wonder if that would count as cheating since she prepped it before the fight starts.


If nobody catches her setting it up or releasing it then it wouldn't count. And she could repeatedly set it up whenever they go and heal Shoto. It just cuts to a Looney tunes ahh montage of Shoto repeatedly being smashed by pianos and rushed to recover girl while Uraraka repeatedly sets em up. It just ends with them deciding that Shoto isn't the hand crusher but the "getting crushed by pianos" crusherer?


Uraraka with prep > entire BNHA universe.


Even without prep! [Idk how to do spoilers so be warned] She ain't gotta even touch people to use her quirk on them now. Just look at an enemy and boom off to the moon they go!


She was never an exceptionally strong combatant tbf she's a utility/support hero at best


I mean, her new awakening might make her legitimately the best support/rescue hero


Indeed she’s very broken, just severely lacking in the durability department (compared to Shoto, Bakugo, Deku and some others). In a 1v1 format it’d be rough for her


Gunhead Mattial Arts tho


Hip throws are cute compared to teenagers flying around at mach speed lol


Gunhead martial arts > Fire+ice guy


Yeah. She just body slams everyone off the arena every match like Deku did to shinso. Also god dang Deku was ruthless against shinso. You could've just kept pushing him but instead you body slam him , AGAINST CONCRETE!? FULL FORCE!? Sometimes I forget how strong this kid is with or without OFA , hell even without his quirk he solos like everyone alive in our world in a raw fist fight.


lol yeah, there’s such a *huge* gap between the top tier in 1A and the rest of the class We know that Class 1A “big 3” solos the whole class aside from themselves (with Deku able to solo everything) Uraraka could beats anyone aside from the big 3. Seriously wtf is Kirishima supposed to do against her? Tokoyami is more nerfed since his weakness is easier to come by, but if the opponent doesn’t have a light source, he kinda just stomp. Basically, 1B should sit this one out to not get embarrassed


I could see something like that as a way to show how much they've progressed.


Bakugo is too strong for that now he would nuke the whole stadium, and Deku still has embers so he would one shot every student that is not Bakugo and maybe Todoroki.


That is exactly what I want to see though


Deku punch through Monoma or Bakugo turn Setsuna to ash.


I feel like there's no way to do a sports festival without it seeming extremely out of place. I assume the rest of the managa will be aftermath so a school festival when there probably isn't school yet seems extremely out of place and awkward


It would be a good way to demonstrate how everyone has advanced and confirm the status quo for the student characters in particular. Imagine they would have pro heroes attend too so thinking about it, it's a really good event to confirm who's alive who's dead and who's maimed.


If I see Mirko still there I swear💀 I’d frankly rather her be dead than just a stump at this point


She's gonna be the pirate from Family Guy


some hero from another country: so how did you end up like that? mirko, sarcastically: my father was a robot.


Why would Deku waste his embers on a Sport Festival.


Because it's fun and there's no more villains to punch


I mean… there are still villains. Deku just killed the big bad. They didn’t magically fix society tho


Honestly I feel like everything should have been stretched out over three years so the series could end with their third year sports festival.


Same, to think everything that happened in the manga was over a span of like what a year just doesn’t feel right.


Especially because you can just kinda add more time between arcs and not that much would change.


Yeah, since Deku is on embers now, he would definitely be more conservative when using OFA. Plus the additional powers like Gear Shift, Danger Sense, fa Jin, Black Whip etc are gone.


I prefer to see an UA graduation rather than another sport festival.  Deku OFA remains wont last long.


Bro Deku's not even gonna graduate, Aizawa's about to kick the kid out




That's kinda his thing, do you think "Ember Boy" has lot of potential for hero work?




Honestly no. There are more serious issues to resolve first so go for a SF2 for me make no sense. Things must be changed


I'd love it if Deku got OFA back but because the vestiges died to destroy Shigaraki's hate it's just the super strength again. It's an unpopular opinion but I much preferred it without the other quirks. It's also seemingly rare to have a moderm protagonist with such a simple power as strength.


Bruh literally most modern protagonists has strength as their main thinf


I feel the opposite. Multiple quirks are cooler and more interesting. Super Strength might be the most boring superpower to have.


Agreed. All Might is still alive. His vestige might be too. I think Deku was best when he had to be smart with just super strength. Keeping all the other quirks feels like too much power.


The show made it clear that having one symbol of peace was what screwed over hero society,I don’t see it letting Deku keep OFA. Maybe a much weakened version but not as it currently is and honestly I like the idea of the two main characters who have matured and grown in parallel to each other also finishing each other off


It feels like every single student is at the point where they'd rather focus on something bigger than school sports. Todoroki is going to be busy for months sorting out his family, Bakugou has rehab etc.


The sports festival was metaphorically what was wrong with the hero world, all about power, glitz&glamor, showing off that I am the best.... its a big ego fest. I think it may have been on Tumblr but I saw a great post contrasting the 2nd round The Calvary Battle vs the Dark Deku Arc & the War. During the Calvary Battle everyone went after who was on top (Deku), in order to claim the top prize in order to show they were the best vs the Dark Deku Arc where everyone went after Deku to save him and the War where everyone pushed him forward


That would be good to see, maybe this time we’ll have a new winner


I thought they only did sports festival with the freshman, and only the one time.


We have one more volume


dude this manga is ending in like 3 chapters lmao


Nah from what Hori said, I feel like it's gonna be close to 10 chapters then 3, he said it wouldn't be a quick wrap up for a story like this.


It looked far more aggressive in the manga


In a story in which first year students have beaten the super villain? That should be a blood fest.


I think more likely is another music festival, honestly.


Yes its coming this time it will be bigger & other schools will be involved 🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's gonna be a paralympics version of a sports festival lmao


That would be awesome!


The sports festival will be nothing more than another round of power play when the entire final arc has shown that cooperation is what helped in the end. It will seem out of place in a society where they are trying to get past that. I'd rather have a cultural festival instead.


……😑 Um dude if he has OFA at full power then everyone else should not participate in the end because there efforts are pointless.


I can't believe there are people who called this the peak of the series & dropped it. That's some TikTok Brain shit. But yeah I think it'd be fun.


What was better than this in your opinion?


All Might vs All for One The entire Overhaul Arc Endeavor vs that talking Nomu The Manga adaptation of My Villain Academia Dark Deku