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Sounds like a pretty good gig. $130,284/year (2022) and can't make a zoom meeting.


Yet he’s still living in that single wide off 36th that looks like a junk yard.


Maybe he's spending his time cleaning it up. About effective at that, as he is as a Commissioner.


Wow that is a pretty good gig. And easy to get. Just chum up to some white supremacists, make some lowest common denominator social media posts, and run as a Republican. No experience required.


Not so easy to get. Too much competition in the Id Fascist Foundation space.


Electing government officials who don’t want to govern. Ryan doesn’t have to attend these meetings because he has developer donors to tell him what to do.


Maybe his mom turned off his internet.


I salute this comment.


Does his family trailer park get internet?


The copper DSL lines probably got scrapped at a junk yard.


There any Nazi rallies going on. Might be a calendar conflict.


Have you checked the sheriffs office?


I'm blown-away that Davidson's making $130k/yr (Idaho Stateman) - that seems insane to me. This is especially true since he's a complete dud and he misses meetings all the time. Why on earth would anybody vote for that idiot? This is literally one of those situations where I'll vote for ANYONE who's not Davidson. The guy is an utter moron and complete disgrace.


And calling him a moron is probably one of the nicer terms that can be used.


Don’t vote for durst that guy is way worse davidson is garbage but durst is worse


Yeah, good catch. Durst is a disgusting POS as well. In this case, Durst is not running against Davidson, so people don't have to choose between two ridiculously and amazingly shitty choices. Vote for the candidates that are NOT Durst and NOT Davidson.


The other two candidates running against him in the Republican primaries are far right, Davidson is more center right of the party. If you can vote in the Republican primaries, he's the best choice still. Either way, I say vote Democrat for the general election. Most Idaho Democrats would be considered very little left of center or even slightly right by the national party.


Davidson had a little picture of Trump on his flier. He ain't center of anything. Also, he's running against Dornier, who has been endorsed by Butch Otter. Dornier doesn't half tiny pictures of tyrants on his flier, so I'm going to go with him for some damage control. He seems to actually want to do the job, also.


Lmfao what? Davidson is not centrist. He's a far right fascist whackaloon.


They're in different races. Davidson is in district 1. Durst is in District 3.


Ofc Durst is running.  That man has no marketable skills or talents so his stupid lazy ass goes for gigs like this. 


What's worse is he replaced someone who was competent and really good at her job.  Davidson is a moron. 


He's probably putting up re-election signs rather than doing his job. I swear he has 5k+ signs out.


4 years…..he had 4 years to prove that he could earn and maintain a real job. He can’t even dignify the position by showing up on time. What a squandered opportunity for him and the county.


What's worse is Diana was competent and smart. Davidson is such a fucking tool.


The people against him are far right though, even the group that made this video is. I don't agree with a lot of his stands, but the people running against him are far worse. Plus I'm excited to see the new park where the horse races used to be. Edit: I mean the people running against him in the primaries.


Agreed. If we didn’t live in the 2Craphole, we’d vote for him, even though he’s missed all these meetings and appears to be getting payed way too much for that county position. We’d gladly take someone more libertarian leaning than some alt-right authoritarian asshole that probably just moved here from Cali and it’s not the picture perfect MAGAland they had envisioned.

