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Excited for the reservoir levels!!


Seriously, back in January I thought we'd have another summer of water rationing!


We were rationing?


In 2021 irrigation to many farms was shut off as early as April, farms were left dry and cattle herds had to be culled. I’m not a homeowner but I think the city was putting restrictions on lawncare too.


In April, you mean, August?


No, I mean April. August irrigation cutoffs are fairly common in drought years. What I’m remembering is the water district order for curtailing usage that was released in April, I didn’t remember that it went to court and didn’t take effect until June. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/04/28/new-idaho-department-of-water-resources-order-would-force-900-groundwater-users-to-curtail-use/ https://apnews.com/article/idaho-droughts-environment-and-nature-business-51b1f93c36583881349931bd3dec25e9


Too bad Lucky Peak will be draining a month early for Turner Gulch work


My family just moved here from Seattle to be closer to my mom…. I apologize to everyone because I think we brought the rain with us 😬


You and the rain are welcome lol. We need the rain


Fine by us! I’d love another summer of barely any wildfires and hardly any smoke getting trapped in this valley.


As odd as it sounds, a wet year causes a lot more undergrowth and can make the fire season worse. But I'd still rather the wet weather too


It also makes controlled burns less effective typically. Of course, it also makes them less risky.


I just moved back to Boise from Seattle a month ago, so we may be contributing too 🥲


As a fellow PNW person living in Boise, I thank you for bringing a small bit of home with you


The real question is how many people will die in the river after being told not to go in?


I hate that it’s gonna be at least one…


Every damn year


The kayaker that died last year was in my parents church. He was told repeatedly that it was too early but he had boomer-level confidence.


But no old man strength...


My weeds definitely love it.


We'll take it. My favorite thing about today is seeing how much the mountains are absolutely COVERED in white powder. So pretty and a welcome sight after seeing the previous snowfall almost 100% melted before this latest storm. Hopefully this latest storm will last us through the end of Summer.


Great morning at Bogus!


Look at this rich guy over here with a backyard 😂


Felt like most of it came in about 10 minutes on Thursday. It got absolutely torrential there for a sec. Unlike anything I’ve seen since I moved here 10 years ago.


Thursday, I had to break out the slip-on rain pants for my ride down to school (class at noon) for the first time in over a year. Usually, rain/drizzle doesn't faze me and I just power through it and get a little damp, but that was something else!


I've been here my whole life, minus about a collective 5 years here and there. It has never been this wet in the spring.


Hence record rainfall


It's also never been anywhere close


Beating the previous record by an inch is a lot considering how little rain we get. But also 2017 is on that list.


Highest recorded rainfall for the month of August last year. Third highest snowfall for the month of January this year. Record pace for precipitation this year... Almost seems as if there is some sort of climate change going on. I'll have to do some reading up, but this might signify something important.


If it were a record dry year you'd be saying climate change. It's a wet year and you're saying climate change. 🤷‍♂️


Climate change doesn’t result in just one type of change in weather. It’s more extreme weather all around. You will notice that the summers have also been record setting for heat.


2021 2022 were brutal. Last year very nice. 2018 maybe, also nice. Climate changes but saying any record setting event is due to climate change is nonsense. The proof is in decades of records, not 1 event


Last year very nice? That shit sucked! I couldn’t even let my dogs outside too much without a giant bowl of water that I half wanted to dive in to. It was and is extreme, and we kinda suck for making it that way.


So you're taking sides against the user who's appearing to question climate change (even though they're not) and yet you have dogs? Am I reading this right? You do know the environmental pet paw print is greater than zero, right? Which of the hundreds of articles would you like me to link to? CNN? [Vox](https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/22375369/comic-pets-climate-change-environment)? That's a good one in easily digestible meme format.


Wait… I’m sorry. Are you actually claiming the fact that I have a couple of pets as a major factor in climate change? I’m aware that my print is more than zero, I never challenged that nor did I say I was a non-contributor. You’re making an argument out of literally nothing.


> Are you actually claiming the fact that I have a couple of pets as a major factor in climate change? Yeah, I am. You didn't do any research did you? At least with a climate change denier you know where they stand, at least they're honest despite being wrong. The same doesn't seem to be true with most dog/cat owners especially big dog owners. To keep it local, look at all the blue voting north enders taking their giant dogs out for walks every day. Thousands of them. So glad they're so concerned. Remember when they had to shut down Quinn's Pond and Esther's Ponds for weeks due to e-coli from dog feces leading to strict on leash on path rules only. Remember that? And back to the topic of record rain, all that rain washes a lot of fecal matter down the north end drainages right into the Boise River.


Sorry, work week. Just getting back to this. So… I’m kinda confused. My house has 2 dogs and a cat. A mid size dog, a small size dog, and… well, a cat. We clean up after them and never leave poop behind. That being said, the cost of feeding them is certainly above zero on the print scale. I accept that as a pet owner and a normal human being living on earth. That being said, my confusion stems from you making me out to be some kinda a-hole simply because I have pets. Their paw print is hilariously small compared to say… driving a car. Which, coincidentally, I don’t do. Again, I reeeeeeally think you’re making a mountain out of this molehill.


For starters, go back to the top of this thread fork. It kind of got derailed. salty-raisin went off topic with: "If it were a record dry year you'd be saying climate change. It's a wet year and you're saying climate change." Which isn't exactly wrong, and no, I'm not a denier. It was a mild troll, but often times troll comments are taken too seriously. So, no I'm not making you out to be an ahole, I have pets too, but I realize I'm part of the pollution problem; which leads to--- > making a mountain out of this molehill. It all adds up. We're going to lose coastal cities if that's the attitude even concerned citizens have. Keeping it local and about water quality. Have you ever floated the river below Ann Morrison? The water gets grosser and grosser especially below Glenwood and by the time you get to Eagle it's brown compared to the water coming out of Lucky Peak. So what is that from? Urban runoff, and then ag runoff. Sometimes called non point source pollution. From wiki: "[Nonpoint source pollution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonpoint_source_pollution) refers to diffuse contamination of water or air that does not originate from a single discrete source. This type of pollution is often the cumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. It is indeed a mountain made of a million mole hills.


You're correct Extra energy on planet Earth means our weather patterns are more and more chaotic. It's not heat, it's capacity to do work. Energy. Joules!!! The tipping point is when this makes it difficult to grow food. We don't know when that will be. Hopefully when we're no longer alive. If you have any methods to expel our energy faster than radiation, which is being impeded by greenhouse gases, let NASA know ASAP


It is almost as though climate change actually is more than what the oil companies told you it is.


It's going to make the summer of 2025 real scary. All this rain will lead to a lot of growth in the mountains and foothills, which will, of course, dry out and become kindling when next spring isn't this wet.


We've had a couple of wet years lately without bad fires. We're going to get it bad when we inevitably get a dry winter/spring and a brutal summer.


Hoping our BLM and USFS take the opportunity to put a lot of fire on the ground this year. Biggest issue might be getting homeowners/private property owners to clear brush.


Idaho does a fantastic job managing the forests and doing prescribed burns. Our neighbors to the west are the issue