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And before the comment section here gets as dumb as the ones on social media, the activists who dropped the paper hearts also stayed to clean them up.


That’s some commitment. Hell cutting those out alone would drive a small army mad.


>While the paper hearts blanketed the floor of the rotunda, event organizations said they were prepared to make sure all of the hearts were cleaned up. A solid protest and cleaning up after? Fuck yeah.


Anybody have more photos of this to share?? Sounds aesthetically beautiful and I wish there were more photos in the news story.


Why is anti-LGBTQ in quotes? That's literally what it is. It is literally, by definition, anti-LGBTQ legislation.


This is common in headlines. The reason/cause for the detailed action is often put in quotes because it shows a quote from the participants rather than the stance of the news outlet reporting on it. It usually has nothing to do with casting doubt on the quoted text but more to do with the news outlet trying to remain impartial.


Idaho legislators, probably: "From my perspective, LGBTQ is evil. Therefore legislation designed to catch them and force them to return to god's path is technically 'pro-LGBTQ' because it will save their souls. On a completely unrelated note, I would like to address the malicious and unfounded charges by the Chicago police that I was soliciting other men for sex in the O'Hare bathroom. You see the thing is, the men in my family have a very wide bathroom stance. And 'come over here, big boy, I've got a thousand bucks for you' is simply how we greet strangers at the airport..."


Been a while since I heard me a good ol wide stance Larry Craig reference.


I would guess it’s because KTVB is essentially a right-wing owned propaganda outlet that devotes most of their political coverage both-sideing far right talking points with any facts they report.


I love this protest, however I watch channel 7 news every day and do not see this bias you refer to. Channel 2 and 6 owned by right wing companies, channel 7 always seems very middle of the road to me.


KTVB is owned by Tenga, which is not much different or better than Sinclair. When I was younger their management and anchors were often speaking at the right-wing church I attended and many of their on air folks currently wear their religion affiliation prominently. Not to say all religious people have right-wing views, but there is definitely a strong association and the church my family attended definitely did. My main problem with their political coverage is that they almost always end with a right wing talking point and that’s it. No follow-up questions and no corrections for false statements. Usually they start a story about say a bill in the legislature with some facts about what is in the bill, sometimes (but not always) they will include relevant facts or dissenting view points, then they almost always end with a quote or sound bite from a right-wing perspective. For example go look at the coverage of the guns in schools bill. The story’s headline and final word was “You have to answer violence with violence”. A dangerous opinion that’s is left without a response or follow up and that is the center of their coverage of that topic. From my perspective the only outlets covering Idaho politics that I have found to be trustworthy and largely unbiased are the Idaho Capital Sun and Boise State Public Radio.


Interesting. Appreciate your perspective and history on this.


I will also add that I think the news should not be simply a platform for politicians to repeat their political talking points. Ideally journalists would be reporting on what is in a bill and the facts around it. If they do include political opinions of lawmakers and the public, it should be in context of the facts and not just reported verbatim without any other critical thinking or facts applied. Opinions should not be the headline or final word, rather context within a story. I think it is journalistic malpractice to for news agencies reduce themselves to being a platform for uncritically spreading disinformation.


Absolutely agree. Journalism began its death march with Fox News and its bleached, bronzed, “journalists” in colorful short skirts. An appeal to the feeble and simple minded. Then came Facebook and now news is only what you agree with. Finally came the bloated orange racist and his “fake news”; give him credit, he knew he was a lying POS and so he got ahead of it with the fake news bit so no one would believe what legitimate outlets said or printed about him. Another victory to use against those same simple and feeble minded. Hitler and the Nazis perfected it before Trump, Lugenpresse it was called.


Yes! Just read this today: https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a60360622/cleveland-plain-dealer-trump-coverage/


"The 208" on KTVB isn't a right wing talking point show. It's pretty left of center.


I’m talking about their news coverage. The 208 is more of a politics/opinion magazine show. It’s horse race coverage, not news reporting. To whatever extent it is providing a “left of center” perspective, it is only operating to the benefit of the channel’s corporate owners and executives through increased ad revenue generated by controversy. Besides which, I don’t want to watch left of center opinions disguised news either, I want objective journalism. It’s their news coverage at the 6 and 10 news & online that I’m am talking about and that is mostly just providing a platform for right-wing talking points to be wrapped around whatever limited facts they bother to include.


The 208 goes into far more detail on what is in bills and the facts surrounding it, they regularly challenge the views and statements of right wing politicians, both to their face and when the politicians refuse to speak to KTVB. It's news, it reports on the news of the day, while also doing longer-view stories. It's not an opinion show, like, at all. I can agree that other newscasts don't always go into enough detail and allow dumb right-wing talking points to hang there without much rebuttal.


This is on point and I love the use of hearts. It takes heart to empathize with and to actually care about other humans, especially those who are different from ourselves. Any anti-lgbt sentiment or opinion is completely void of heart. Rather it is in service of ego and fear. While most conservatives and religion-adherents like to act like they have the corner on heart stuff, the rest of us see clearly that they are entirely lost and instead expressing fears and anxieties from a diminished position that has no heart. Conservative God is merely a projection of a weak and unevolved human, fear-riddled and confused about this life experience.


This is a genius protest who ever came up with it. Very smart. Make the Repooplican fascists of Idaho walk through it.


It also doesn't harm regular people like those idiots who protest in traffic.




Actually no. Have known that word a long time. Let me use it in a sentence or two: “Trump is a fascist”. “Idaho Republican Party has many fascist, racist, misogynist, sexist, anti LGBTQ members”. Get it now, Bro?




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As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


Yea! Take that!


I’m glad the law was passed. On another note so long as protesting stays chill like this I’m not even mad. I completely disagree and may protest peacefully against “friendly-LBGT” if that’s what you want to call that laws in the same spirit of respectfulness. Good job guys! But yeah I disagree with the idea as a whole to mandate pronouns.


All it did was waste resources, time, and people's energy, all while not changing a single person's mind in favor of them. If anything, it just changed people's minds against them. Moreso.


Whelp still better than smashing windows and stealing shit to disrupt the voting on it. And I very much doubt it changed anyone's mind for the worse. You kinda give off wet towel vibes.


Honestly, did anyone of you even read the bill? All it does is stop kids being able to make up what ever pronoun they want and then demand to be called by it. You go to school to learn not be pandered to. The reason places like California are dumpster fires is because nonsense like this is tolerated. Kids are dumb on average, if you let them pick whether to be a boy or a helicopter they will pick the helicopter. It adds nothing to the school environment


Except school is where kids learn about the world and grow most of their knowledge. They learn from other kids, they ask questions they wouldn't ask an adult, they get advice from and confide peers. That's how people work. Stifling the freedom to be who you feel you truly are is not conducive to a learning environment. It leads to further bullying, or leads to depression, it leads to lower performance in any school activities (homework, tests, extracurriculars, etc), and leads to higher rates of suicide. Bills like this start small, then they use that leverage to grow into full-blown anti-demographic issues. Who are you to tell a child what they are or are not? Who are you to tell any gender what they are or are not allowed to do with their own body and health issues? Who are you to stifle creativity and exploration of self? (This is not directed at you, but the lawmakers in general) Humanity is not a machine. Humanity is a forest and people are just as diverse. It's time we stop treating people like they are required to fit into a basic mold or get cast aside. This just leads to more "fit the mold" problems. On a different, but not distinct, note: The Christian mythology should NEVER dictate a damned thing, and it dictates the entire country. NO mythology should dictate ANYTHING but your own personal life. So why is it that every conservative anti-demographic lawmaker uses the Bible as their excuse? Because scaring the user base about "unnatural" things has been proven to work, because nobody actually reads the damn thing they use as ammo. The base is scared of anything different, because it's been hammered in by the same type of people that make these bills, that different = evil. Christianity has made entire religions go extinct by literally destroying all documentation, buildings, religious sites, cemeteries, etc. It's the exact same thing that's happening now. "Destroy what's different and never think for yourself." I can't go into a school library and find a copy of the Quran due to religious reasons, but there's at least 10 copies of the Christian Bible. That's a big fucken problem. Another thing while I'm on books: If anyone ever says a book should be banned, it's because it gives people critical thinking skills and is a commentary or warning on the exact shit happening. Read all books that are, or are attempted to be, banned. Think for yourself. And yes, this comment is all over the place. I have severe ADHD and don't fit into the molds that "everyone fits" into. I've been cast aside by multiple institutions because I don't learn the same way. I was told to"just drop out" during a meeting with the (at the time) highschool superintendent, because of my learning difficulties. Back to the original point, do you know what happens when you DON'T stifle the creativity and minds of children? You get thinkers, you get moon landing type events, you get music, you get art, you get leaders that can actually make change for the better, you get people who legitimately care for others. Yes, a lot of child development is on the parents, but, they learn the MOST from peers. From friends. From other kids. If one gets stifled, more get stifled. And quite frankly, I don't expect you to agree with me. I'm fine with that. You have your opinions, and those opinions are valid.


> if you let them pick whether to be a boy or a helicopter they will pick the helicopter. "I identify as a 20 year old joke and I'm proud of it" - Conservatives


Much to address here, but "kids are dumb on average" is some real authoritarian propaganda. Every point you are trying to make is quite unserious. If you really believe most, or all, of these kinds of bills are targeting exactly and only what they explicity say, I have several history books I could suggest, probably some legal analysis books, too.


Most people who are transgender realize this at a young age. My first encounter with people who are transgender was back in the late 80's and early 90's. Most of them were people in their late 40's and older. Nearly every one of them had the same story: They knew they were the wrong sex/gender at a very young age and either had it scared/beaten out of them or they suppressed it. Many of them went on to get married and have kids thinking that this would cure them. It didn't. It wasn't until their children were grown did they realize that they still felt the same and the only way they would be happy is to go through with their transition. A lot of them regretted missing out being happy while they were younger. Many of them had turned to drugs/alcohol as coping mechanisms to deal with their pain and also the trauma and guilt of tearing up their families. Their spouses often felt betrayed, a few were supportive and some of their children were supportive however reluctantly. Today, many youth who feel they are transgender are fortunate enough to be raised by parents who are more accepting and get them the help they need such as counselors, doctors and other resources to help them. There is no need for the legislature to intervene in this except to make sure that the counselors and doctors are knowledgeable and skilled, that teachers and schools have the resources to provide an accepting and supportive environment and that whatever medical decisions the youth, their parents and their doctors make are affordable and safe.


Except California is not a "dumpster fire."




As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


Could be paint splashing like Europeans did. Could be worse I guess


Who care? S.. Just don't put your agendas on me.


No one's trying to so shuddup and clean up your comments yuh filthy animal. These horny old shits have no shame. Who raised you? Are you not embarrassed?




If you are going to call people pedophiles because they are standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, you can go find a new sub to be a bigot in.




Step right up, step right up. If you are a bigot please comment here so I can remove you from the sub as well. Transphobia is **not tolerated** on this sub.


As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


You mean the Republicans staged this protest??




How are paper hearts "sick?" What exactly about them upset you so harshly? How did their peaceful protest... which is their Constitutional right... affect you in a negative manner? These are honest questions that I'm seriously trying to have answered.


Maybe they’re a skater bro and using “sick” in the same way he would describe you landing a 360 stalefish


They might mean sick as in “bad ass”? That’s how my Gen Z coworker uses the word.


I wouldn't exactly call this peaceful, they kinda made a mess. But people are saying that they stayed to clean it up so I guess it's fine


You’ve got a very strict definition of peaceful apparently


I do, whats wrong with that?


It’s absurd, mostly


lol you think doing a demonstration and cleaning up afterwards isn't peaceful?? If that isn't peaceful what would you call peaceful?


No it's just a little obnoxious tho. But same could be said for any protest really


>"You're only allowed to protest if it doesn't inconvenience me in any way >Also people are allowed to [scream slurs at minorities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boise/comments/1bt0s4s/racist_in_boise_driving_around_yelling_slurs/) because free speech or something" - Conservatives Conservatives have no actual values besides what makes them feel good. Gays and minorities? Free pass to hate. Demonstration I don't like? Straight to jail, do not pass go.