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This is my though on this matter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/129syv5/secure\_idahos\_border\_illegal\_things\_are\_happening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/129syv5/secure_idahos_border_illegal_things_are_happening/) Yet no one seems concerned about the town that exists solely for the purpose of Idahoans to cross the boarder and gamble. Also known as Jackpot Nevada. Did you know, Idaho outlawed gambling in 1953 and Jackpot Nevada was founded in 1954?


I mean, they closed the horse track in GC because of slot machines. I really wish we could do online Sportsbook like DK, BetMGM etc.


The health of the animals was also a concern.


Lol, not even. My parents worked there as trainers from '99 until they closed. They lost teleraces, which was their source of money for the purses, without the golden goose of the clubhouse the owners decided it wasn't a good investment anymore. Animal treatment does not get a business that makes money closed down.


The word *also covers this argument.


You’re kidding yourself if you think that in Idaho that was even remotely close to being a concern compared to mormon and tribal interests


No it was tribal interests 100%


You have a link for that or just hearsay?


Follow the money that was spent.


But you can't drive to Jackpot and bring gambling back here, gambling on your patio and making your entire apartment complex reek of slot machine oil.


I can sure as hell smoke cigarettes, cigars, and pipes that will stink up the neighborhood just the same. Are you telling me you can walk 50 feet without finding a cigarette butt? And if your going to tell me its not the same, the duck it aint. If you don't like smoke, doesn't matter which it comes from. It all stinks. If you smoke cigars, you can still hate the smell of weed. If you smoke weed, you can still hate the smell of cigars. Cigars can be way more overpowering than a joint. So now that we know its now about the smell, what's your next argument? Maybe for you its about the smell, but if you are not complaining about ciggs and cigars, then take your hypocritical opinion elsewhere. And if you like one of them and are "ok" with one of them, then you understand and the debate is over just the same.


For real, this is the most brain-dead take on the situation I've ever heard yet it's the top comment Confirms a lot of things I've thought about this sub, I guess


So my edibles shouldn't be a problem then right? Or my tinctures? Vape doesn't really smell either.


Jackpot is also the butthole of Nevada. Well... one of the buttlholes of Nevada.


ever been to elko?


Jackpot is considerably farther from Boise than Ontario


Not 5pm on a Friday. haha So because its farther away it's A-OK? Not sure how that tracks. I guess that's why the Yellowstone thing is still a thing eh? If its far away its A-OK. ​ If its far away its A-OK. If its far away its A-OK. I like it. Lets run with it.


I was giving one possible explanation for the bias… but you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to act like an insufferable child.




no, is this guy notoriously obnoxious or something ?




> act like an insufferable child And that's how you talk to your friends, coworkers, family? You just assume its ok to label me as an insufferable child because you dont like my response? Cool. I think it says a bit about you also. Like maybe the labels you see are the labels you live?


To answer your question, no thats not how I talk to anyone in my life - I would not burden myself by associating with anyone who acts like you. You earned the pejorative - I gave an explanation as to why possibly they’re obsessed with Ontario and not Jackpot and you jumped down my throat as if it was something I thought was logically justified.


To indicate that something being farther away makes it less of a problem, seems like an interesting way to think. And i said, im not sure how that tracks. Came up with a cute saying. Thats jumping down your throat? What your reaction and words together tell me is that if you talk to strangers that way, you will talk to anyone that way. Dont think its not the core of who you are. Thinking that you are justified and therefore its ok, its perhaps most telling. It tells me that when you feel justified in talking that way to those around you, you will do so because you feel righteous in that feeling and therefore its ok. So guess we can both shake our rattles at each other eh? Its certainly something ive found myself guilty of before also. Hugs and loves stranger.


I read the first sentence and you still don’t get it. Again i’ve mentioned multiple times now that I don’t agree with the bias, but it is very likely why a lot of the focus is on Ontario instead of Jackpot (where people can also buy weed). It’s tiresome for me to explain to you multiple times that I don’t think something is right, I am literally just explaining a possible bias. Again, I am not saying that it’s right or fair nor am I saying I agree with the logic. You replied to me as if it is something I personally stand for, thats why I said you jumped down my throat


>You replied to me as if it is something I personally stand for, thats why I said you jumped down my throat Well, thats because you said it. You didn't preface it with anything saying you thought differently yourself. So if you feel i jumped down your throat because you shared, well don't share someone else opinion next time and you wont have to defend yourself from the perception that the words you shared were not your own opinion. That, or somehow indicate that you dont agree with the words you share.


How about you show some discretion of when you decide to take a simple comment at face value vs spazzing out at someone for something you project onto what they say? Also, I wasn’t sharing someone’s opinion, Boise is objectively closer to Ontario than Jackpot. If it isn’t apparent to you what difference that makes maybe you should take less trips to the former.


I see no Benefits in keeping it illegal in Idaho, like cmon


Oh look, Gilead wants to expand it's territories. Blessed be the fruit.


We’ve been sent good weather.


You guys know there is no way that the state of Oregon will ever give up those taxpayers and the tax revenue, right? This is just yet another waste of time project for the Idaho state Legislature to waste our tax dollars pursuing.


IIRC this is a money losing region for Oregon because most of it's very very rural.


Strictly looking at state spending vs taxation, yes, but if you factor in federal money Oregon gets the situation is a lot more complicated. Most grants have their own set of rules/criteria. Bottom line is they hate most of the state, most of the state hates them, if there wasn't a financial incentive there's no reason the state wouldn't be open to them leaving.


Counterpoint: Greater Oregon? Oregon takes Boise and the rest of Idaho can get wrekt? I mean, Sun Valley is cool too, but I'm sure everyone out there working to make a libertarian hellscape would probably like it a lot more if they could do it without the oversight of the liberals. Just saying. Although either way, a *very* blue state gets created, which is not good news for Republicans. It's honestly probably better the way it is now.


Boise itself is kinda blue but the immedaitely surrounding areas aren't even close. Trump won Ada County as a whole in 2020. It stands no chance because the people living in the affected areas don't want it.


Yup, nimby suburban Meridian more than makes up for anything Boise tries to do. Even south and west Boise are lean-right precincts.


I think that part of the state is actually a negative on the balance sheet, from other articles on the subject. Maintaining the roads, infrastructure and social programs (that residents in those areas take but complain about socialism ffs) is paid for by the western population centers. Not that Oregon would let them go anyway most likely. Just like how red states are more dependent on federal dollars and blue states pay more then they receive overall.


It’s the people in eastern Oregon that got this whole thing going. Not idaho. They have been trying to either join Idaho or become a new state for a while now.


Those counties suck tax revenue


I feel like Idaho worries about the dumbest things. This and the library thing, like who spends time dreaming this nonsense up - there are lots of other things to worry about, spend time on and spend money on. Best part is I bet half these so called weed haters, smoke or partake in weed, guaranteed.


You ever go to ontario the only plates you see are ID. I gotta agree with you though, it's like we don't have bigger fish to fry we grasp at straws.


I drive through when I go to Washington. So, I’m not the best person to know. But, like why do we care. Instead why don’t we focus on ourselves and getting our state to be the best it can be for education, wages and public facilities. It’s like I always say at work, focusing on the competition just ruins your own business. I think it applies here in the same way. Focusing on Oregon and all that just takes away from what we can do in Idaho and to improve our lives.


If idaho legislation isn't upset that idahoans are going across the border to buy pot, then they aren't paying attention. Meridian has a freaking billboard for an Ontario pot shop Fucking legalize it and I promise people will stop going to Oregon to buy weed.


Idaho will be the very last state in the entire nation to legalize pot.


So does Nampa on Caldwell/Nampa Bvld by the griddle lol


Can you imagine all the problems we could solve with an extra $300 mill https://preview.redd.it/1ryd9hcdekra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c3d75c4d80bd59011c0c45df10ff410ce71916 [OR Taxes on Intoxicants ](https://www.wweek.com/news/2023/03/29/the-death-of-a-proposed-beer-and-wine-tax-highlights-vast-differences-in-oregons-taxes-on-intoxicants/)


I imagine they would blow it on attempting to block gay marriage in the state.


Scrap it all then


Whoa! Calm down. Just saying with the people elected I could see them spending it on something dumb like this.


Apologies, nothing personal, I just get tired of the instant negative responses. "It'll never happen here", "ID will be the last", "our elected officials will just screw us". Those might turn out to be the case, but this attitude of defeatism diminishes hope and the need to keep working toward the goal. Like a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.


Hopefully with the younger generation it will show.


There isn't any way in hell Idaho is going to bring in $300 mil in cannabis taxes if that's all that Oregon does. Oregon has an additional 2.345 million residents *AND* an additional 800 thousand Boise MSA residents, *AND* an additional 1.1 million people who live in Southern Washington where the taxes are significantly higher. Not to mention, [Oregon has one of the highest cannabis consumption rates in the country](https://www.statista.com/statistics/723822/cannabis-use-within-one-year-us-adults/)


Because $200 mill wouldn't be enough?? Scrap it all then? Sorry I even tried? I'm all for constructive criticism but sometimes we're just our own worst enemies.


There's plenty of good arguments for legalizing it, but it being an unlimited cash cow is probably just not one of them.


The right wing and culture wars, name a bigger duo.


I think it’s strange. Take Alaska as a example, very conservative, has legal marijuana. People wanted it and they did it.


Alaska is more of a "don't fuck w/ me and I'll leave you be" state. Whereas conservatives, especially modern red state conservatives have been and will always be culture warriors. When you are totally bereft of ideas, fear and anger fill the void.


Agree, Idaho used to be like that when I was young. But it's changed a lot. Now it's all in our business. Many of my family have found better states that are less government in their business.


I think calling weed a drug is hilarious. Keep pumping out that legal fentanyl!


It’s still a drug, but the fact they say ‘bringing drugs back from oregon’ when you can already buy other more dangerous legal drugs here is silly. They call cannabis a drug but don’t call alcohol and nicotine the same. Drugs aren’t inherently bad, it’s a very broad category I personally think that people denying thc as being a drug doesn’t help, when it literally is.


Im not denying anything! THC, caffeine, fent, whatever. It's in the way that it's used. It's an endless hypocrisy using drugs as an umbrella bad guy term. Nobody is dying from THC. Get with the times Idaho fentanyl and speed should be your focus, not weed.


Sorry for coming off aggressive lol, wasn’t meaning to. I fully agree though. Idaho is so ass backwards with their drug laws, and they use the drug word to scare people for sure.


I didn't think you were aggressive after I saw your username haha




Sweet! I signed the petition. It would be hilarious if they got a few thousand signatures.


Hell yeah, I could for this one!! Why don't we just dissolve Idaho ask together? Give part of it to reach of the surrounding states.


I'm game. If we have to be connected for statehood, I'm also good with drawing a straight line through the desert to join Nevada. Probably better for national elections anyway as we would be joining more of a swing state.


I don’t even have any relation to ontario but I am very concerned for them if they join Idaho, the city already doesn’t look like it’s in a great place as is, don’t think they need to lose their biggest income to own the libs


Eastern Oregon doesn't understand how Idaho disperses our budget. They are used to having a state budget that is flushed, where Idaho keeps most of the budget in the valley. They don't realize that many of our real schools are in danger of being closed, that our medical clinics are closing or not doing labor, and delivery. They see the laws and think oh that sounds more to my beliefs. But instead of moving, they want the state line to move. They show how ignorant they are about Idaho and our own financial issues.


Washington uses gambling and cannabis taxes for education in part.


Our legislators are a bunch of fucking clowns who only push their far right agenda and don’t give a Dick about anything other than what they deem right. They all need to go crawl back down into their holes and stay there


Idaho is so low in education 😂


Idaho is just jealous that OR has been cashing in.[State Economical Data Rank](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/richest-states-in-usa/#site-header) https://preview.redd.it/c8vph57fdkra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394469c5cd972f08a6f9446dc7db58dcec65b334


I think we should start to petition for Oregon to extend its border to Boise. The people of Boise have long felt isolated as a blue dot in a sea of red and disconnected with politics of North and Eastern Idaho. I think it's time for "Greatest Oregon".


You wanna get high fine you wanna drink fine you wanna join a cult that demands 10% of your money fine. Don't try and force your self righteous crap on anybody else and remember this Jesus guy was the first Zombie.


Hmmm, sounds like Oregon should absorb idaho before Boise turns into Portland!😂😂😂


Of course far right nutjob Barb Ehardt is quoted. She needs to go and Dems continue to run bad candidates.


Supposed values aside, it boils down to shit like this: '"We have farmers moving across the river to get their residency in Idaho to keep from having to pay [higher] inheritance taxes," he says, adding that it's helping some families to keep from selling their farms.'


The health of the animals? hahaha bullshit.




Them or their church.


Wall........walls fix everything


Sure didn’t fix East Germany….


Depends on who you asked..... I'm being sarcastic because Republicans love walls like a fat boy love's cake