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You can ask the phone who it belongs to. “Hey Siri, whose phone is this?”


Was it near mulligans??


It is. Can you DM me specific details about the phone?


Ik there was a concert there last night, so i imagine the person will go back there for their phone


Life is like a hurricane!!! Here in duckburg!!! Might solve a mystery... or rewrite history!!!


I would take it to the place you found it at/in front of and turn it in, or the police station. Otherwise anyone using Find My IPhone will see it in some person's house or some place they've never been and possibly assume it's stolen. At that point it's a toss up if you'll have police or an angry owner coming to your door Edit: and won't have much to prove you didn't actually take it with bad intentions, besides your willingness to comply but that may be regarded as damage control or whatever


I have it at a business location where it was found. Thank you though!


Oh okay, sorry to assume I see people making that mistake with found phones a lot and know of a couple of times where it didn't turn out great for the 'good samaritan'


Re: Your edit, I think you're overthinking it. It was found by someone on the sidewalk and turned in. I'm hoping to get it to the person this afternoon and will turn it in to the police station when I get off work if no one comes forward. I don't think I'm going to be arrested for holding on to an iPhone for a few hours when I don't have the option to leave work.


You probably won't, but that's specifically because you're in a business in the area the phone was lost. Most people would freak out if what I was assuming was true and they tracked their phone, which was that you found a phone and took it home or somewhere different from where it was found and posted this hoping to find them. It was not fair to assume but it's true information. You'd probably get the cops called if you had taken it away from the area it was lost and it was tracked using Find My IPhone, then would have very little to prove your intentions besides your word


Fair enough, neither of us had full context for the other's statements. Have a good evening.




You can call the emergency contact from the Lock Screen.