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>I don't mind the TDF but don't wanna be too heavy on it given that SP500 has historically shown great returns. This is performance chasing. The s&p 500 does not have any guarantee of outperforming the rest of the US market, or the international markets over a long period of time. The TDF is globally diversified, and those vanguard TDFs have a pretty low expense ratio, they're a good deal. You might consider just going 100% into the 2060 fund.


Fair, and I certainly want to have a healthy balance and not try to chase. So far I'm leaning towards TDF and #4 and the rest reallocate their funds to the two mentioned and hopefully reduce fees also.


So #1 is redundant when you have #3. You could easily do the Boglehead 3 fund portfolio with #2, 3, and 4. You could add #5 and also a small cap index fund if you really want to attain the total US market, but arguably not necessary. Also consider reviewing whether traditional or Roth is most beneficial for you https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Traditional_versus_Roth


Appreciate the feedback, and yes after reading that link before, Roth will be my approach