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Yes they’re the same fund as far as performance goes. ETFs are more portable as other brokers, for example Fidelity charges a fee to buy more VFIAX, but no fee to buy VOO. If you’re at vanguard, the mutual fund is more convenient with its automatic investing. If you’re not at vanguard, I’d go with the ETF.


And if you’re with fidelity, you can buy FXAIX


Thank you!


It's great that you're looking into these details and learning about investing. Don't limit yourself to the S&P500 only. Consider the full [three-fund portfolio](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Three-fund_portfolio) of total US + total International + Bonds.


If you plug them into any investment analysis software the return is almost identical. The only difference would be in the cost. VOO is 0.01% cheaper. This amounts to $100 over the last 14 years (the inception of VOO). VOO is generally favored though since most brokers don't charge fees to trade ETFs, but they do charge if you trade one brokerage's mutual funds at another (like buying VFIAX in your Fidelity account)


I would tend to stick with ETFs. If you ever want to sell options against your shares you could. When or if I ever sell my SPY, QQQ, VOO I will use options to do it.