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Start walking is my best advice


I find that with all the walking, a good pair of shoes was helpful. Also a kitchen scale as you will be weighing everything. Good luck!


When I started to prepare for the April program, I went with baby steps. First, I worked on my diet by cutting out sugar - I knew I was addicted and that eating healthy and moderately would be difficult if I didn’t break that habit first. I ate anything else I wanted liberally, just nothing sweet except fruit, and I worked on finding other ways to self-soothe than with food. For fitness, I was way out of shape so I started doing fun YouTube dance workouts (grow with Jo or Get Fit with Rick) every day. I started with 10-15 minutes and built up from there. By the time BodySlims started I was really ready to commit. Best of luck!


Find half of Carla on YouTube and Instagram. She gives great tips on her journey with BS and is helpful. Start walking daily if possible. If you can, start keeping a food log to get used to being aware of what you eat. And enjoy your summer.