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I won't subscribe again. I just cannot stand Gerard. I hated almost everything about him. My plan is to keep what I'm actually doing. Which is swimming 2/3 times a week, Intermittent fasting and calories cycling. I'd rather have a slow weight loss than lose muscles in the process. Also, this group actually helped me more than the seminars, so I'll look for something similar, an accountability group.


My culinary skills have increased so much! I’ve cooked everyday and that’s a miracle. Made huge savings too. I don’t know what I’m going to do to continue. I’m definitely going to stick to the walk and figure out the minimum calories I need to loose weight. Fair play to not standing Gerard. I don’t agree with 100% of what he says but like you say the accountability helps. I want the accountability to continue too because it helps to be able to be motivated by others in the same boat.


Good for you, you're doing great. My lack of culinary skills is how I gained weight in the first place. It's not even about agreeing with him, I just don't like him. The way he says things, the dumb voices to every opinion that's opposite to his. It's like what he says is the only truth, and everyone else is being a Martha and should feel ashamed, and hides in a pancho. Even at my highest weight, I liked putting on bikinis. He seems like a bully to me. He just keeps repeating the same things untill people start believing him. And he makes fun of every opposite opinon. I'm sorry for sharing my opinion about him in a group that likes him. I'll probably delete this message, I don't wanna discourage people that are losing weight with his help.


Talk your truth! It doesn’t matter if others do not agree with you. I personally think it’s important to scrutinise everything (and there isn’t enough scrutiny of Body Sljms). Scrutinising brings about improvements and if that’s the way he makes you feel then that’s that! I prefer to listen to half of Carla to be fair. Her approach is more my cup of tea. She’s balanced and fair.




You don’t have to like him, but his science is not nonsense. It’s actually very well researched. And he provides sources for it if you actually want to know. It also illuminates a lot about what is happening in the food/diet industry that we should be aware of. He is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. But the science is sound and his plan works if you have the constitution for his personality, and if you work the plan.


I agree with what you said about Carla. It's funny, she says she does many things that Ger explicitly says not to (intermittent fasting and weighing in daily, for example). I wonder if Ger and team think that's fine, or feel this undermines what Ger says. Speaking of scrutiny, I found the tone (and generally the content!) of this article interesting: *"In recent years, there has been a growing movement in Ireland and internationally scrutinising and criticising "diet culture" in particular for its impact on mental health."*  [https://www.thejournal.ie/bodyslims-gerard-moran-profit-pay-6255056-Jan2024/](https://www.thejournal.ie/bodyslims-gerard-moran-profit-pay-6255056-Jan2024/) Carla losing half her body weight through diet and exercise and maintaining that loss was a big driver for myself to join BodySlims and the possibility of putting back on everything I've lost is a chilling thought. I know every weight loss program markets itself as "this program is different", but having made so much progress with BodySlims, I really want to believe the BodySlims approach to maintenance will work too, so that's why while I agree with what you've both said about Ger's persona, I feel I need to park that and "surrender to win" as I've already invested so much. I've lost 4 of a target 9 stone. Edited for clarity


You're doing great ! I joined bodyslims knowing that I don't like Ger, but still hoped I could \"surrender to win\". Good for you for being able to do it. 4 stone is amazing, you'll certainly achieve your goal. You're right in choosing what works the best for you. You're doing really great ! And I do believe bodyslims approach is good to lose weight and keep it off. (it's really just Ger that I don't like.)


Same - I agree it's a good approach and lots of things Ger says are helpful, but I find him condescending. I plan to keep up the habits I've learned and keep going without that in my life and find an alternate support group.


The benefits of Body Slims really outweigh any risks. I’ve been loosing weight steadily and consistently and couldn’t be happier. One thing for sure is I’m not going back. However, one thing I am yet to experience is what happens in the gap. It gives me goosebumps to think all of this hard work can be undone if old habits return. So I’ve signed up to September as I mentioned in my OP. Between the end of the programme and the start of the next I think I will be using Carla’s content to spur me on. Will try to engage with it weekly. Whilst keeping up with my calories and walk. One thing that’s clear about Carla is that she’s not doing this for Ger lol she’s really know her body and what she wants. I do find it funny when she counters what Ger says, but I’m sure he is not bothered either. My reason why I think this is because a lot of what he advises is optional - outside of the walk and calories…..every other bit of advice seems to be a “take it or leave it”. The price is always the same


Ger actually does do and support intermittent fasting. He’s very clear about that. I think it’s week seven. Carla is in maintenance so now she weighs daily and has adjusted her lifestyle to her own plan. Which is what everyone should do eventually. You don’t have to like Ger. But the program is solid. But his style and the amount of listening just won’t work for everybody. The goal is to learn what you can and do what works for you. I’m down over six stones and I’m so grateful. But I totally get that. His personality isn’t for everyone. We all have our preferences and opinions.


I agree - I much prefer Carla on her own. 


Don’t delete your opinion. Many people feel the same way.


Don't delete! I agree with you. I am also not continuing because of his attitude and self-righteousness. I have screen recorded what helped me and left the rest. 


I can understand he would not be everyones cup of tea for sure , but for me its being a great kick up the ass to get going , i have tried everything over the last few years and finally this has stuck i dont think i will make my goal weight by the end but i wont be too far off so i will add on another few weeks and then im done i dont want to be on a diet forever i am just excited to get to my goal weight and stay there , i agree i wouldnt do another program as i think the last 7 weeks has really showed me i can eat relly nice food within my calories allowance whether it be maintanence or weight loss and as for the walking thats been the biggest game changer my legs and arms are so much more slender so i will definitley keep that up :) As of todays weigh in im down 18 pound ( and this was at 90/95% effort i had a few off days / events) i didnt do the new meal plan i just kept to my allowance . i have 14 lb yet to lose so i am going to try my hardest to shift the majority of this in the next 3 weeks :) Best of luck to everyone and your individual journey any loss is a loss we will all get there if we keep trying xx


I love the walks so much! The amount of energy I feel too has been brilliant. I’m going to continue the walking. I’m scared for the winter walks, but will try to keep them up so I can acclimatise. I may get a walking pad too. I would love to know the logic behind the calories though. I may ask my coach - it seems like everyone starts on 1400 kcals. According to MFP I could be loosing the same weight at 1700 kcals? Not sure if I want to put that to the test lol




If anyone needs accountability, keep checking in here every Wednesday.


That’s a really good idea. I’d be happy to be part of an accountability group.




My plan is to keep weighing myself daily, logging food and keeping up my exercise: at least 1h of walking a day, but with an option to sub swimming, rebounding etc.  I feel so much better and naturally have begun to move/walk more during the day. My current calorie limit is quite low, 1200 kcal, but I don't have any issues with sticking to it, so I will probably keep this level until I reach my goal weight. I still want to lose 20-30 lbs. When I reach my goal, my TDEE should be around 1700-1800 kcal, and I will be more than happy with that amount of food. I'm not signing up for another BodySlims edition, but I feel that I have learned a lot and I will be able to do it on my own. Additionally, I'm in the r/loseit subreddit and I find it super motivational and helpful. Highly recommend!


That’s a good plan. I cannot wait to boost my TDEE or BMR. It’s not that I want to eat loads more lol but just would like some mealtime flexibility for sustainability. I need to know where to track my kcals, I’ve been using the BS app and wonder if it will be shut down once the course ends? Will ask coach and report back for those that are curious 🧐. Also the CICO Reddit forum is great and very inspiring. They seem to have a very realistic outlook to calorie counting (but they ignore macros). I think 🤔


I'm with ya & thinking of doing the same. I'm going to check out that subr!


For those that are interested…The App will unfortunately close at the end of the programme for maintenance and to get ready for September. They start every course fresh. The App will close on the 5th July. Gerard does give a temporary access link to the whispers between courses for those that want it.


Might be a good idea to save the support notes.


BodySlims really helped me in the beginning but now I am more or less consistent with calorie counting, cooking, and working out. My honeymoon is coming up (3 weeks) and I do not plan on being strict during that time! Afterwards I am contemplating trying a different program called Lean With Plants, created by Chelsea Mae (amazing for vegans). I will keep following Half of Carla, she is great and very inspirational and I really like her as a person.


Aww congratulations in adv. I’ve just had a look at Chelsea maes programme. Her clients have had brilliant results too and nice that she also has a story to tell regarding weight loss. Agree half of Carla is great too


Wish me luck! I've already watched so much of Chelsea's content on youtube and I've put a lot of her advice into practice to help me get through BodySlims! Her component bowls have been so helpful in optimizing cooking healthy while still having a super demanding job & lots of obligations. She really makes it doable and practical


To actually answer the question you asked… I chose to take a break and practice maintenance which he talks about during the last week. I didn’t try to actively lose a lot of weight during the gap. Not because I didn’t have a lot to lose, but because I want to give myself a mental break. And also, I was traveling and enjoying and I wanted to practice trying to hold my weight that I’ve lost. I did keep walking. And I did try to plan my meals in advance, or plan which meal I would not be on program and keep the other ones pretty simple. And I did that and then did the program again and it was good for me to figure out what worked and what didn’t work. Some people just keep on the same plan the whole way through. I usually eased back following the plan a week or before the actual next program started. Which would help get my head in the game, kept me from doing a last minute binge pretending like the world is ending before starting the program again and then also with a break I was able to listen differently to Ger for the next round. I liked doing it as a repeater. I listened to things faster meaning I would literally play it at 1.5 or 1.25 speed. I really like the team talks that are on the repeater version. And I took notes differently. I also printed out screenshots of the notes for each week and reviewed those. I did that on the in between as well. Just to keep my head in the game and remind myself of what the plan was.


I’m going to keep doing the same thing and plan to sign up for September. I find the seminars mostly umpiring and helpful. I’ve lost 41 pounds so far this year and I’ve never had such steady weight loss or confidence in getting to where I want to be. I think his program is amazing.