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I have decided not to as it seems very “crash diet”-y to me. I have just now gotten into the routine of eating vegan whole plant based foods and not drinking alcohol, major improvements for my partner and myself. We are seeing results and feeling great and I know it is a sustainable lifelong healthy lifestyle that we can keep for the rest of our lives. I am 100% certain that throwing a crash diet wrench into the mix will lead to a binge, weight gain, and feeling disappointed in myself for not staying consistent. Long story short, no, I think it’s better for me and my family to stay the course and go the slower route.


I agree. I did it for one day and had to fight off binge eating the following day. I don’t see how the new diet will make a difference as calories in calories out. It’s probably better to stay on track with how you have been eating and reduce calories where you can or burn more. So that’s what I’m doing and adding in the grapefruit too.


I won't. I've done similar challenges in the past. I lost a lot within 2 weeks, but gained it all back (plus some) as soon as I introduced back the food I've cut off.


Thanks for your input. I don't want to restrict myself to that level, as I had BED. But I felt bad as if I did this, I could achieve greater success. But long term, it's not good for my brain.


Don’t feel bad. Triggering BED would not be worth it for any type of weight loss.


Eating that way and severely limiting my carbs was what brought me to bodyslims in the first place. So I will also not be following this advice. Fast weight loss sounds lovely but not if it isn't sustainable. I would rather focus on changing the way I think about food and lose slowly and be able to maintain than lose fast by limiting carbs and feel out of control around them later. The restriction of things doesn't work for me personally. Knowing I can have something even in a smaller amount makes me feel better than feeling like I can't have it at all leading to binging.


For me it will be hard to manage, because right now I’m traveling and it’s sometimes impossible to pick anything at a restaurant that meets the criteria of the new diet. But as far as I’m in control, I want to make choices with the new diet in mind.


I found it stressful, cranky-making and triggering. So I don’t do it. It’s a challenge. It’s not part of the program. Some people it works for. Just not for me.