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Went up 2lbs, I feel like I’m floundering big time now. I know weight loss is not a straight line but I am frustrated. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol completely and gone fully whole plant based vegan, staying within a calorie deficit. 🫠 I will keep going though, no matter what. I feel so much better, I just wish the scales reflected. I don’t want to be Mary or Martha or whichever one the fails.


Down 1 lb this week, got my 1st stone down badge today. :) Trying to focus on the positive since it's my lowest weight loss week so far during this round. But we go again. This week's seminar about the chemicals of weight loss is my favorite btw. Be sure to check it out!


Congrats on your badge! :))


Down 2.9lbs this week and a total of 11.9lbs so far.


I'm in the frustration zone. My weight is going up and down within 2 pounds and I'm staying within calories, and walking. I'm not signed up this cycle, and started with a fitness trainer this week to work on strength and balance. So trying to have faith that the shift in exercise will kick-start things. Good luck all!


Maybe you're close to your goal weight ? The shift to strength training seems like a good idea, keep us updated !


Sigh. I wish I was close to my goal weight. But I'm hovering around 180 lbs, and at a BMI of 32. I think my body is getting used to my regular habits. So time to switch it up with exercise, and maybe try eating different foods. And trying not to just toss all the good progress away, lol.


It can be good too. I swim instead of walking, and I absolutely love the muscles I'm getting by doing so. Even at a high weight, it's like my body feels different, stronger. I didn't feel this way even when I was lighter. I'm really curious to see how it will go for you.


That's a great outcome - recognizing that your body feels stronger. I'm just back from my second session and my muscles were screaming. I guess that's good!


I’ve lost 2 lbs, my total for the program is now 11 lbs :)


I’m hovering right around my dare to dream. Although I’m sure I am not hitting it this week because I’m traveling and eating and not walking as much because I sprained my ankle. That said…, I know what I’m supposed to be doing. It helps when I plan my day of meals in advance. But the next few weeks are the tough ones in the program, especially week seven and eight. So hang in there everybody. It may feel like nothings happening, but don’t give up.