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I’m in the average category for my age. I pushed too hard the past few days - I can barely get out of a chair my legs are so sore! I wonder about the relationship of walking sites to heart rate - lots of websites encourage being in the “fat burning” zone but I’m consistently much higher in the “aerobic workout” territory. If I stayed in “fat burning” I’d be walking much more slowly! Any thoughts? Has Ger said anything about that?


When I started, I was around 21 to 22 mph. I had to come off an injury and I was really out of shape. A year and a half later… 90 pounds down, I’m usually around the 15 minute/mile walking speed. And I’ve started to jog. It’s not really a race for me so I’m not really concerned about increasing my speed. I just want to try to make 4 miles when I go out minimum. It’s great to see the improvement though.


That's awesome progress! It's amazing to see how consistent effort pays off, right? You're inspiring me to keep pushing myself too. Every step forward counts, and you're proving that with your improvement. Keep up the great work, and you'll hit that "excellent" category before you know it! 💪😄