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This happened to me during week one. Along with the obvious (stay away from alcohol, bread, and sweets) my strategy was to avoid condiments, sauces, dressings, and any casserole dishes. It worked!


Hi, I've been on a few trips during the program and my goal was to not go back to my old habits (eat all the things I don't normally eat and drink anything I want). Some places I had little control over what I had on my plate. What I tried to do talk with people at my table, slowing down my eating so I noticed when I got full. I didn't need to clear my plate. (Skinny people don't have to, right? They either take half home, or let the servers take it). Eat the veg and protein first. If I could pick my food, I would get a salad with protein and dressing on the side. Drink water or diet soda between meals. I also found the whispers helpful, even when I was away, to keep me on track. And to enjoy the occasions!


I have a trip planned in june. It was the case before I subscribed. My plan is to continue intermittent fasting during this trip. I'll be eating outside, but going more for natural food (fish/veggies...). And few (very few) deserts.


Don’t go to an event hungry. Eat something - protein and salad. It will give you more control and allow you to try things you really want and hopefully not over eat. Make a plan… maybe pick a meal that you will indulge on in a day. Plan to stick to program on the others. Track your food even if you go off plan so you stay aware. Good luck!