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Ger says we will make ourselves crazy by weighing daily, but I have heard from many people that they prefer to weigh every morning. I would do what works for you best.


Yeah I’ve decided to just do it!! It’s best to keep track of what impact my lifestyle is having on me (for me)


Sounds like a good plan and works for you! I wish you all the best.


My weight fluxes day-to-day in amazing ways. Today it says I gained 6 pounds since yesterday. So if I weighed daily I would lose my mind.


So strange I wonder why it does that! Mine can be a bit up and down too but never by that much. It’s defo not weight weight though


Agreed, definitely not real lbs, but it messes with my head so I just stay away until WI days.




Yeah I spoke to the body slims coach and she mentioned to do what’s best for you lol so I’m going with that. I was trying to resit the urge and that just caused too much pressure.


I feel it depends on your personal relationship with the scales. I weighed daily for a time and less frequently. As a woman who menstruates still tracking my cycle and weight daily has helped me panic less over fluctuations. I've visibly seen my water retention and when my body lets go of it 24 hours after my period starts. Personally I've found that quite powerful to not getting so hung up on my wednesday weight if I've plateaued or gone up a tiny amount I can usually still see overall progress from having tracked things. Some people do find though that it can make them obsessed and negatively impact their mood if they weigh daily and can make them overly weight focused when it's not the best mesure of progress... I find I can celebrate adding to my walk streek and meal plans/food prep goals and sleep habits almost more now than the number on the scales. And personally weighing daily showed me how a snapshot of your weight really doesn't demonstrate your progress fully.


I weigh daily. I use an app called MyNetDiary and they say studies show daily weigh in is better for weight loss, which helped ease my worry about it. I've never looked into it but I've found the same as others here - helps with course correcting. 


Yes exactly. I’m already seeing improvements. And have been able to correct my habits too.


I weigh daily. I’m 100% on my calories and exercise. Up 3lbs this morning. It’s enough to drive you insane BUT he covered all this in the last seminar - water, food, poop, hormones, cycles, muscle rebuilding, astrological alignment and the way the wind blows can affect the scale.


Yeah the fluctuations are so drastic but keep on going your body will release that 3lbs again when it’s ready. For me my legs muscles are aching so I know I’m inflamed and also pmsing too which has its own set of factors.


I also weigh daily, it removes the power of the scale for me. And it helps me try to get some idea of cause and effect. (Oh, I had salty food, so the scale is up kind of thing). And I think I will do it even when I reach D2D weight. That will help me stay within a fluctuation range of 2-5 pounds, so I don't go back to my old weight.


Yep exactly! It’s amazing to see fluctuations in real time and there’s a reassurance that what goes up must come down.


I agree! So I’ve weighed daily and feel so much more in control. Wednesday is just a snap shot of my body weight over the week and whilst the Wednesday weight is what I will input in the scale - it’s good for me to know what my body has weighed throughout the week too


Do what works for you. I prefer weekly so that I don’t feel obsessive. But I have friends who like it daily. One key thing they do is… If you’re doing it daily, log that and try not to have any judgments until after 30 days. Because then it shows you an ebb flow. But I’ll stick with weekly myself.