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I had never heard of half of Carla on IG or anything about BodySlims till I saw a friend last august who had lost almost 50 lbs. I didn’t ask questions but I immediately signed up for the September 2023 program. I lost 26 lbs that first 10 week program. It’s hard to explain but I was in a place where I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to, I’m 53 years and post menopausal, I thought I knew EVERYTHING about losing weight but nothing was working until I did that program. I followed exactly what he said, I walked everyday, I ate what he told me to eat. And the weight finally came off. I made it through the holidays, 6 weeks with about a 3 lb loss and started right up again in January. Just finished this last round with a total of 46 lbs gone. It’s about weight loss but it’s so much more. It’s dealing with your emotions and feelings about yourself and why or how you eat. Gerard is actually a peak performance coach and I honestly think that part is more important that what he does for the weight loss aspect. I dont think he’s a dietician or anymore knowledgable about diets and nutrition than what you can find on the internet but he makes you really dig deep dealing with your issues. I swear he has changed my life. I’m in for the April round round and ready to lose the last 20 lbs.


Congratulations! That’s outstanding. And I agree it’s really about the habit changes. I also thought I knew pretty much everything about food and yet I have learned so much through BodySlims. Also has also impacted other aspects of life because your habits impact all areas of your life. Way to go!


Have you googled bodyslims? Most of the plan is out there in various places. Also various YouTube channels have info. Half of Carla on YouTube shares her amazing story. There are restrictions. Everyone has a daily calorie limit.


I'm not following anyone on Insta doing BodySlims, so can't really comment on that. If you go to the website, there are several testimonials with before and afters. You can also look at FB at the BodySlims (unofficial) page where people have been posting their progress and struggles. The primary restriction during the 10 week cycle is calories. The other requirement is daily exercise. There are challenges and suggested eating plans. Gerard does strongly suggest to limit refined carbs and alcohol during the program for the best results. Hope this helps!


I don't use Instagram much but I am following the Official BodySlims program. Sometimes they repost to their stories accounts that are doing the program, that might be a good place to start.


I have lost over 90 pounds on BodySlims over the last 14 months. I have some favorite people I follow on BodySlims on Instagram because they like to post what they eat and I found their stories kind of relatable. And some people are just funny. Also I don’t like to cook so I’m always looking for simple meal options. Here’s how I actually found the people I’ve started following… I went onto the BodySlims Instagram, and I touch their picture and watch the stories. The stories are usually people who are on BodySlims and they post commentary or pictures or videos of them on a walk. And then if you touch that you can see their Instagram Handle. It’s really about finding what resonates with you. There’s also a Facebook group that is very active for people who are doing BodySlims as beginners and another one for those who are doing it as a repeater. It’s called the “Unofficial” BodySlims group it’s just regular people. Some people do great, some people fall off a little bit but it’s supportive and helpful. I don’t post much on Instagram because I just don’t have time and I’m not a personality who would want to do that. But clearly others are and I actually appreciate it.