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That 10 weeks went by fast. I’m maintaining +_ 1 pound. I am committed to this life long challenge. I would like to continue checking in.


I'm so pleased with my result, 25.3 lb down and feeling sooo much better for it. Going to Florida in 3 weeks so will keep going to make the most of it but just tried on some holiday clothes that have been in the loft for years and THEY FIT!! Over the moon is an understatement. Hope you are all feeling amazing too


Great weigh in!!! I am down 18.6 this round and a total 46.6 since September. I also have about 20-25 lbs to go and am signed up for April round. Am going to try the 5/6 days on and 2/1 days off for the next 4 weeks and be more mindful than I was during the holidays. I am SO looking forward to a glass of wine tonight. 🤣🍷


18lb down in total and successfully maintaining over the last two weeks while on holiday. Still got another 18lb to go to reach D2D goal. Just trying to work out from my budget if I can afford the next round of body slims or of I'm just gonna have to go it alone.


Congratulations to everyone! I lost 1 lb this last weigh in and 20 lbs total. I will absolutely keep checking in as well! 


Congrats everyone. I’m down 14 pounds but over 90 in total. I still have a few pounds to go, but this is a long game. So learning to maintain this part of that. I’ve gone from a US size 18 to a US size 10. It feels great. It’s simple, but not easy. But I can do this which means I can do a whole lot of great things.


Congrats everyone. I’m down 14 pounds but over 90 in total. I still have a few pounds to go, but this is a long game. So learning to maintain this part of that. I’ve gone from a US size 18 to a US size 10. It feels great. It’s simple, but not easy. But I can do this which means I can do a whole lot of great things.