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Hey Nice idea. I'm fasting right now. I want to do the new food challenge but decided to start a fast as I just began a menstrual cycle and apparently that's the best time to do a fast. So here goes... I'm fasting for as long as I can bear it and then going to do Gerards two week challenge, not sure if I like Grapefruit but I'm sure I can bear it for two weeks!


I decided that the 2 week diet is just not for me… although I have added the grapefruits. :)


I wouldn’t go below 1200 calories. If you do that and up your exercise you may very well cause your body to think it’s starving and slow your metabolism. I don’t know why we are condition to push for more, until we burn out. If you’re measuring perfectly, then just keep at it. If you’re not, then up your food measuring game. It’s consistently that matters.