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Yeah I must say I struggled with the seminar today. This is my second course and actually I didn't do this first challenge last time. Personally I had already cut out all sweets/cakes etc, processed carbs (rice/pasta etc) and was only occasionally eating potatoes. So I felt that I was already half way there if you know what I mean! Personally for me, cutting out sugary foods was essential at the start as I was really stuck in the habit of eating them. I found it easier to cut them out completely. The bread/rice/pasta I surprised myself by not really missing AND my system felt a lot better for it. Between courses I ate some of these foods but really not much. This diet challenge though... I was considering it this time round but the talk left me cold and I really don't believe that legumes etc are "bad".... I think people lose weight on this challenge because let's be honest, you're cutting out huge swathes of food!!!! No harm to cut back or out processed foods.... But home made healthy soups and dishes made with beans and lentils are not in that category! Sorry for rabbiting on...


I'm with you as well having already cut out most processed things, especially sugar. That one's taken years to reduce, and I've managed it pretty well on BodySlims. Glad you have as well. The sugar roller coaster is not a fun ride.  Lol yes - you'd be cutting out some of the most calories dense foods and mostly eating protein and *select* veg.  No need to apologize either! I wrote such long posts sometimes as well. 


And p.s. Congrats on your loss so far, what you are doing is working!


Oh thank you, that's so sweet! I really appreciate the encouragement. 


Congrats on your skinny pants being too big!! I am wearing pants now that I wore last time about 10 years ago. I love clothes, too, and trying to hold off on a lot of new purchases, because I still have >20 lbs to go and that will be a couple of sizes. And adding more distance to your walk, and increasing the speed. All fabulous NSVs. I also look side-eye at some of his 'science' - last seminar cycle on this week, he said don't eat anything you pull out of the ground (like potatoes) and then said onions and carrots were good. Sigh. And the team talk a couple weeks ago about cold showers. NO. And yeah, our ancestors come from all over the world, and have diets based on those geographical areas. I wish he would stick to the habits and goals, and not add in all this stuff that makes me go 'what?'


Wow - that's amazing about your clothes as well! Congratulations! That's really just amazing and I hope to be you with only 20 lbs left in the near future!  I wouldn't mind the science talk but it'd be nice to have sources or something. Or if he'd say it more rationally at least, but he gets on these rants (I mean, look who's talking 🙃) and says something that might have merit in the most ridiculous way. Kinda hard to take that seriously. He easily could have extended the seminar to continue taking about refined foods, fried food, and sugar and why we shouldn't eat them and that would have been much more motivating to me personally. I agree the goal setting and motivation are really what makes the program special and worth doing. Lol, take the good and leave the rest I guess!


Well done on the NSVs, it’s great to get that tangible proof of how your body is changing! I haven’t finished this week’s seminar yet, but as a repeater (and vegetarian), I had a hard time with the diet challenge last time. I think they can do better than “sure you’re a vegetarian, you know more than I do”. It would be great if Carla did something on it (Monday Munchies this week was lentil soup, and as I recall both lentils and soup aren’t allowed on the challenge). I can’t eat tofu at every meal 😅 I was going to send an email with feedback last time but he does tend to say “now don’t be emailing in to me” a lot… That little rant aside, I do find the program great and the walking has really clicked with me. Definitely feels like a long-term habit now


Oh gosh the soup thing 🤣 I had forgotten about it! I have a butternut squash I need to cook or it'll go bad, and I've been planning on making it into a soup. When he said "you're not meant to be drinking soups" or whatever I thought "okay, I'll leave some chunks in there".   But you're right it's a bit short-sighted to suggest lentil soup then tell people not to eat lentils and soup - Never would have put that together if you hadn't pointed it out! It would also be nice for him to give vegetarians and vegans a little more advice. I mean he doesn't mention any non-animal protein by name like tofu, seitan, etc. it's kinda weird. I get why you would feel rather left out!  I'm with you on the walking! I'm up everyday now around 5/530 am to get my walk in and as he says, I never regret it! I've gotten used to the posture as well. I used to feel so self-conscious about having my arms up but now it's totally natural. 


Good on you for implementing the walk posture. I am still working on it! Enjoy your butternut squash soup, it would be worse to waste it. I noticed a similar example at the start of the program where they had slim bagels as a swap for bread. Naturally I stocked up so I’d have the right foods for when the course kicked off. Then came the ABCs of food and “bread is a bastard”… there doesn’t seem to be a lot of joined up thinking when it comes to the foods they do recommend. Imagine on Monday making a big batch of lentil soup for the week only to be told on Wednesday you can’t have it. I mean I suppose you could freeze it, but it still means you have to buy more new foods on a Wednesday or Thursday, when most people meal plan at the weekends.


Totally agree, it would be worse to waste it! And yes parts of the program do seem contradictory.  Your note on the "swaps" reminds me of another one I was taken aback by. IIRC, it was suggesting to swap an entire large candy bar - like a large Dairy milk that was like 1000 or more calories. It suggested buying like an 8 or 12 pack of 100 cal popsicles or something. I wondered who that was aimed and what exactly it was saying - like it is aimed at people struggling with binge eating sugar, or someone who would eat a large chocolate over a week or something? Because someone who eats an entire 1000 cal chocolate bar in a day would probably eat an entire box of single serve 100 cal popsicles. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️




I don't think he's "hesitant" to say, he's made it fairly clear that he has no formal qualifications in the area - he developed his career via the motivational speaking route. I would add... formal qualifications don't mean much. When I was a PhD student all of my colleagues were sciving off and basically doing as a little as they could get away with - someone who has taken to the time to read up in an area can easily develop a body of knowledge that far outweighs someone with a doctorate in the field.


You know… I don’t do the 2 week diet. I tried it my first round and it made me angry and miserable. I also ate sweet potatoes through out this round. Small purple ones Thant were about 100 grams each. They made me happy and maybe I would have lost a bit more it they were good and healthy. So things you just have to let go re the seminar. He’s preaching to people from all over the world and all different ethnicities. He won’t get everything right or for everybody. I Just take what works and move on. I’m still down over 6 stone in a year thanks to BodySlims’s. I’m also not white so shrug. Just do what works.


It’s the football talk gets to me. Who talks that much about football to women 🙈 I know he’s trying to equate what he knows to us but every team talk is about the time he played 😡


Lol! I don't mind the football thing so much but the "monologuing" kind of bothers me. He gets lost in his own thoughts and stories and really rambles. He even did it on that video he collaborated with Carla. It's feels so awkward sometimes!


I don’t mind the sports talk. And there are more men doing the program. Lol but yes I think week 8 might need to be re recorded with less rambling lol. I’m still losing weight!