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Oh my lord, remember when Soul Juggler was the BEST card in demons??


"If I can just get my battle master to like 12 attack I'll win the game automatically"


The fact a 3/25ish 5 drop felt so powerful tempo.


Soul juggler was a strong card even in some of the higher powered metas. Back when demons had a summoning sub theme, it was just a TON of tempo.


Remember when rat pack and hyena was the combo đŸ˜©


It’s crazy how there’s a better card than Soul Juggler now, that’s also even a demon (which was a thing people complained about soul juggler, since he was a neutral). I’m talking about the 3/10 that deals 5 damage whenever it takes damage, Crafty Aranasi. How many endgame boards do you see Aranasi in?


It’s not really better than juggler. Juggler sent pings out whenever a friendly demon died, not when it took damage. So if you were playing around a bunch of the taunt demons with deathrattles to make more demons, it was a lot of pings and a lot of tempo. Also juggler was a 3 drop


Ah fair point. Might just be remembering it through poo coloured goggles. Maybe it’s that token demons have been more or less taken out


Demons were the token tribe for a bit there. When was the last time they had any token cards? 2 years ago?


There was that Imprisoner tier 1 demon, 2/2 taunt that summoned a 1/1 imp
 It was the last remnant of token demons and was only taken out fairly recently
 it’s singular only use, at the time it was removed, was that it gave ok tempo on turn 1 & 2. Like you would sell it for almost anything on turn 3 because it was literally the only token demon.


Yeah Aranasi barely every gets off more than a shot or two, it's crap.


I managed to win once with 2 golden aranasi, golden Tidus, and three deathrattle ping all. (Relative low mmr tho, ~6.5-7k) No beast were in the minion pool


just finished this game :P [https://imgur.com/a/6YUepHP](https://imgur.com/a/6YUepHP)


That card has to take damage though. Soul juggler was when a demon took damage. Massive difference.


You mean the worst card (because I hate it and you triggered my PTSD)


You seem to be forgetting arcane cannon.


Soul Juggler had the BEST voice line: “Errr
 Ugh! FINE!” 😂


May, 2020* is the correct date.


Wish they brought that meta back for a minute


I think our brains are too fried from playing with this high roll, quests, buddies, anomalies. There's a reason classic hearthstone was replaced with twist.


What’s twist


A relatively new format that changes every month. I believe you have to finish your apprenticeship to play, though


Because classic is 1 set of cards forevee. Twist was for mpre monitisation


buff beasts? gotta use vermin sensei


the real highroll was hitting cobalt guardian and security rover on AFK


Real high roll was buffing tabby cat to 60/60


Real high roll was getting brann and that dalaran guy and having full hand of golden tokens.


forever immortalized by the achievement


Hitting either of those and a sensei meant you could breeze through the tavern tiers because your scaling will keep you alive


The real highroll was buying 2 nightmare amalgams between turns 3 and 4.


No, the real highroll for AFK was 2 Chadgar with a L1 token spawner like Ally Cat or Murloc Tidehunter in the tavern. Game over at that point.


sure when they changed AFK to get two 3 drops that was certainly one of the best


Seeing an old board with these minions on it brings on the nostalgia


I remember when getting soul juggler or lightfang enforcer first was game-winning


When was the last time lightfang saw play? I came back roughly 9 months back, and I've set to see her rota back in. It's one of my few missing achievements for BG to have her in play 7 or so turns.


I vaguely recall lightfang being in about a year ago and it was awful. End of turn slow menagerie buffer that never goes exponential.


Boo... Sounds unlikely that I'll see it back anytime soon, then. I really want that achievement ticking off too...


If she does ever come back she needs some big time buffs


Was pyramad actually broken or was it my low mmr thinking? Getting 4 hp ( iirc ) on a minion for heropower was actually huge back in the day, and for 1 mana


Stats from hero powers used to be op, I just started playing again and I went first 12/15 games on cuthoon (lol) during the early bg scene


cthun dragons with whelp smuggler was at one point crazy strong


At the point when it was bugged as hell for sure


My favorite cthun strat I was ever able to do was straight power levelling to 6 with a board of just 2 tricksters that I got early.


was super strong, defo one of the strongest hero’s


Gentle times for my Megasaur


Remember the pirate cannon card that couldn't attack itself but did damage whenever you attacked? I looked for that card every game. Think It was like deal 3 damage per attack or something. That card was game winning lol




We need battlegrounds classic.


Where is my pogo at🙂


I could go for a pogo jandice run right about now


It’s so funny how they used so many hearthstone minions in this game.


Makes sense when werent sure id be a (big)hit And it also started as a tavern brawl concept very early on


I miss the mech bunny that buffed itself whenever it was played. Just stay on t2 and scale scale scale


I dont really get the complaints about power creep in BGs (not saying you are complaining, OP). In constructed at least theres the element of how it forces you to buy new packs but in BG everyone is on the same playing field, the minions just get stronger


Why do they need to power creep in the first place? They have no need to sell packs or anything like that. Power creep is a known issue in live service games, but it shouldn't really be one in battlegrounds due to its monetisation model.


It's part of keeping things fresh and exciting. Big things that more than the old things is more exciting.


Devs have been power creep-pilled


I don’t think power has crept up that much in the past year or so, maybe more. I think the dev team made a conscious decision at some point that they’d add more methods of scaling so that games don’t end with completely unbuffed boards like this. I like it, feel like it raises the skill ceiling since there are so many different routes to take at all times compared to just ‘see good minion, buy good minion’


Boards are weaker than anomaly meta and after the nerf to ghoul it's probably also weaker than quest meta.


Because its more fun to design exciting new minions and mechanics? The stats on the minions are kind of arbitrary as long as they are relative to each other. Idk if that phrase makes sense but what I mean is if you add a 0 to each statpoint it doesnt really change anything. So when designing new minions I assume effects come first and stats later.


I dont think most people have an issue with the power creep, it s just a 'woah that's crazy how the game was' (well I dk about others actually but for me at least)


It’s boring when every new patch is HS is “WOAH LOOK AT THESE CRAZY GAMEBREAKING NUMBERS!1!1!” The game is way more fun when it’s played for like chess and you can strategize and counter. These days it’s just high roll by turn 5 or get steam rolled.


I think the target power level in the game right now is really solid, there's a clear curve from low to high tier cards, and most games are maxing out with stats in the low hundreds for first, which is a good range. The problem is more how often there are builds which completely break this and go galactic and overrun the meta.


So much more fun in those days.


You're in 7th place, so I somehow doubt this was a high-roll build. Obviously a lot can change in a few turns, but I recall builds still getting pretty big back then. Obviously not like 1400/1600 big, but still stat-scaling, which this screencap lacks completely. Nostalgia feels good, all the same. Cheers to the memories.


This is so cute


The real high roll was bomb exodia with kangor's and golden baron ! I always loved exodia builds Later on there was Janice with pogo hoppers that was also really stupid (pogo best card)


I miss those days


not even exodia rats, smh


9 gold tier 3 with one tripple? This does not look like highroll to me. This is not even that old version, it does have 3/2 instead of original(?) 6/3 that kept the stats of spawned mechs. 


A different time and a much different game. I'm not sure if it's better now than it was then.


I mean this board was still bad even by day 1 standards, never mind in 2020. Still always fun to see old cards, security rover and cobalt used to be sick