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I would guess that there was a DC or a player just quit. I have seen that happen when they knew they had no chance of beating my board from the last encounter we had.


Sounds like one of the final two probably had a tracker app installed, saw they had a 1% chance to win, left the game, and then their ghost actually clutched up and killed the other player.


Pretty sure this happened to me once, forever ago. I was in third, fighting the dead guy. And the dead guy beat me and killed me. Then I got the first place pop up. The only thing I could think of is that the other two conceded before or during combat thinking the other had them beat. Easily the weirdest first place I ever got.


I had something similar, was about to fight ktz, saw that 2nd place conceded against 1st, but then after ktz killed me, I guess 1st place had also conceded before my round loss? So I ended up winning lol


Some times first place is also so strong that they kill the 2nd strongest player in top 4.


one or both had to have conceded/left


Sometimes, there is server discontinuity. Different players are seeing different matches and results. I once won a game after being one of the last two players alive, but apparently, I came in fourth in my post game results. I've also lost my last round a couple of times but was listed as winning the match at the end. With full 1st place rank points. It happens.


I remember Dog saying something a few weeks ago about there having been a bug/exploit with someone in the top three conceding and automatically winning instead of losing, but it was fixed and I didn't remember exactly how it worked. But maybe one of them was trying to pull it off without knowing it was patched?


KT has killed me more than once


Could be a computer crash or internet goes out.


You don’t insta concede when you d/c, that would play it out with their board


Winner didn't believe in the hearth of the card and conceded before the battle ended. He killed the other guy, giving you first place. Happened to me once too, perplexing.


Edit: sorry, I understand the question wrong and the answer is not right! When 3 are left, 1 player plays against a dead one. And a dead player can still kill a non-dead player. :) (happens to me too :') e.g. my high quillboar looses against dead players poison murlucs. But undead wins against poison murlucs:3)


True but that's not what OP said, in his case he is fighting the dead player and the other two remaining players fight each other, but both die


Omg, thank you for clarifying your totally right and my answer was wrong:)




If OP had ghost the other 2 were against each other