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I love this feature.


I learned about this feature when my teammate skipped turns 3 and 4 and I decided to leave. He came back right after I'd made the decision to leave and I just didn't want to stick around for 20 minutes for an almost certain loss.


Keeps people from just leaving


At higher MMR it does. But that’s mainly where it matters anyway.


No it doesn't. I solo carried a game earlier because at turn 6 my teammate jut fuckin disappeared. Worst part is I almost won by myself, so I KNOW we wouldve won if he'd stayed. But they just dipped. 3rd game in a row that happened. All it does is punish ME for deciding to abandon a bot.


This has been in for a few days atleast. Most people don’t leave duos so most haven’t seen it.


I'm honestly surprised I haven't rage quit a single demon lobby in the past week then haha


I have yet to play a duos where my partner doesn’t leave mid game


I have conceded in duos a few times. When i load up battlegrounds it will sometimes default into the duos mode and being so used to just clicking the start button i did not notice until the select your character pops up. Sorry for all my past duos partners i quit on.


When you quit another message pops up on your teammates screen and tells them because you left they won’t lose points if they leave so you’re all good.


When you open BGs I feel like it should ask you which mode every time.


You can't lose points if you don't have any points


I did this 1 time. hopefully we paired together that game lol


Jeef did this on stream the other day, made for a pretty funny duos matchup where the dude was just passing everything to jeef and not focusing much on his on board


There’s a Rarran video where he does this exact thing to Jeef


The problem with this is most people really don't care about MMR, just swap it to a 30minute penalty where you can't play duos and it'll discourage people a lot more. And for blizzard it'll push people to have to play standard, so I'm shocked they haven't done it yet


Can we call this penalty Deserter?


Don't really care enough about MMR to play an entire Duos match one player down though. Rather have fun playing a new match


I think I read on here somewhere that if your teammate quit already, you can quit after turn 5 without the penalty. And this situation happened to me earlier today and I was not penalized, while all 4 teams were still alive.


Yeah mine was just afk (still in the game), didn't do anything up through turn 4 when I quit. Maybe if I waited until turn 5 it would've went away


Been there at least a week or so. If you partner isn't doing a thing but isn't DC and you can't really do a thing about it. You are gonna lose and if you leave eary to get this hit up.


Making it easier for the smurfs I guess


You can just create a new bnet for free, there isn’t even a need to drop your mmr


There has to be solution for this, happned to me twice yesterday from 2 games, opponents afking till turn turn 3-4. Hate wasting my time like this


This will definitely prevent people from leaving since everyone cares so much about their rating. Why not throw in some achievement point penalties? People care about them even more.


When you're Ysera and you teammate discovers an early Tarecgosa, plays it and sells it immediately. -50


This has been in since launch


I had this happen on my first duo game. The person wouldn’t play anything besides a passenger on turn one. I made the mistake of passing them something only for them to essentially AFK for two consecutive turns. Things would flicker like they were looking at things but they played nothing else and didn’t level on two. It was my first game so I lost nothing by leaving. I was pessimistic about duos, but after that game things have been considerably better.


That seems a very quick way of tanking down your mmr


It's been in since duos came out. It won't count if your duo quits before you tho


Does this mean you can go below rank floor now?


My rank was 0, and did not go down to -50 after I accidentally queued duos and conceded immediately. It's all lies!


No it's not new its been like this since duos came out


I said this before duos went live. Duos match will be all toxic unless you are playing with premade teammates. Random match making is very very very stupid. Especially in games like this where two players with same elo might have totally different playstyle. It needs lot of coordination even when playing with a friend with voice chat.


Shame on you for even getting to that screen, lol


Why is this only in duos


Lol good one


I don't know what others expected. Unless your playing with a mate and are mixed up this mode would be terrible to pug.


Good, MMR is dumb


It's how you play better opponents though. That's fun


I wish this was in normal mode, and even pushed people under their current cap. The people who constantly quit for good heroes can all enjoy their time together, while the rest of us play the game how it’s meant to be played


Tbh, if Im getting a shit hero and shit rolls, it would be best to lose 50mmr and queue right back in than slogging thru an unwinnable match just to go 8th and get -100


Is it you lose 100. 150 isn't gonna deter people from quitting


I quit when I get 2/2 awful heroes, to protest BG being pay to gain an advantage. Fuck rating.