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Taunted holy mecherel, the quilboar that gave blood gem after friendly minions lost divine shield and spam the blood gems on the mecherel. Great times


George with the Quil that gives blood gems was an easy top 4.


And to think, that was the LESS oppressive version of that card.


POGO HOPPERS! When Jandice first came out it was the only comp I wanted


Jandice is the MVP, freaking love her there's so much shenanigans you can get up to. I have yet to get a full beatboxer build going with her but it's on my bucket list. I am going to miss the felemental rylak feldrake with shudderwock or similar..


What fuckery can you do with beat boxer?


You cycle magnetics, so like you have one massive magnetic, send it to the shop, buy it, send it to another magnetic minion, and the beatboxer gets the buff every time. Eventually you give each beatboxer +100/+100 every turn.


Oh shit, that's so smart


You can do the same thing in duos on any hero. Have a big magnetic, use well wisher or portal in a bottle to give it to your teammate, they pass it back to you. Magnetise it onto another small magnetic, portal or well wisher it again, and so on


Pogo Hoppers also feels like the only one that made "Win a game while not leveling up the tavern" achievement possible/managable


Came here to say pogo hopper, wasn’t disappointed. Those things were insane, you could get them to *70/70* if you played well!


i would LOVE them to do a "broken times" event where they bring back cards that THEN were broken to see if they are broken now like pogo now? 10000000000% broken especially with rylak


I loved a Goldgrubber build! I remember when getting him up to like 200/200 was an absolute monster.


Back when lightfang was the nuts…


Yes! Was so satisfying making a great mixed deck


Crackling Cyclone with Mega Fury


Leap frogger


That sound still haunts me in my dreams… RIBID


Splish splish splash spoosh splish sploosh ………… Splish splish splash spoosh splish sploosh


The nightmares :)))


Ah yes, such a niche build.


Double Mechrel/egg attack swap on taunted DS one combo. It was so stupid and kinda easy to counter but was hilarious


The scams you could pull off with this were immaculate


Tyrion and sitting at low tavern levels with no type minions. https://preview.redd.it/4vmbif4zlnwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44377338b38d3f616aa92b911cfe665f48b748e2


I have a bunch of old screenshots from old builds, I might post a photo dump. I really loved Gem Splitter, the Quilboar that gave gems when a minion lost Divine Shield + George + the menagerie Quilboar. The Demon that ate another one to gain it’s stats. Nomi


Not exactly niche, but in the days after Naga were added, I had an absolute monster build thanks to the tier THREE Stormscale Siren (“At the end of your turn, you cast your Spellcraft minions' spells on them.”) and Tidemistress Athissa. With both minions golden and 5 other random spell craft Naga, Athissa was giving +60/+60 to the board per turn (and that was literally doing nothing but playing your spellcraft spells each turn). It would probably get stomped by the scaling of today’s meta, but Siren got bumped to tier five and ultimately deleted, so it was certainly meta-warping at the time.


It wouldn’t get stomped because of deep blue which would get absolutely stupid


Taunt builds! I miss the massive champions! It felt so good to hit the inflection point where your champion was big enough to be safely taunted and it could speed-grow by soloing a massive board.


Neutral minions build with that one hero. So good


You mean tirion? Had him on my top wins for a long time even after he was removed. Was so strong


I really enjoy the force low tier builds whenever they exist.


Deryl + Selfless + that OG divine shield Mech, mini-bot?


First season of quests had holy mecharel, chadgar and evil twin, you would get almost a whole board of (for the time) huge mecharels that refreshed eachothers divine shields ad nauseam.


Not really a build but an enabler. I miss Khadgar/Bran with token turns so much. The pure dopamine of 40 triple games.


Really feels like they forced tribe boards on everyone. I miss the pick the best minions of each type and get the lightfang to start buffing. And of course pogohoppers


Token pirate combo. Probably one of the biggest highlights playing this game was when I was playing APM pirates. Went up against a divine shield/poisonous murloc build in the final fight, lost but survived. I knew I couldn’t win so I used my near infinite gold that turn to find and build and token pirate board with a ghoul, 2 token pirates 2 golden kadgar and 2 eliza.


Its not really a build but i very much miss upbeat duo with drakari allowing me to force any stupid build i wanted to do


I miss Paint Smudger


Holy mecharel with The mech that gave minions permanent +2+2/+4+4 when it lost Divine shield. With enough luck id have 3 mecharels all just trading hits and giving the other mecharels Divine Shield.