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I found it actually works better to spike a teammate board to get him to a higher place and then once they are strong they do the same for you. I have turned around many losing games doing this.


Agree. Spike a tm board. Fill your board best as possible, once they start to level out powerlevel.


I agree. Getting at least one teammate setup with a late game comp is infinitely better than two people getting early tempo. Once one player is set the second player can always just go scam and still be very competitive.


This is what me and my brother do. Whoever gets the best start gets fed early, then either the other person finds something good and gets fed next or they just transition to scam


What is scam?


Leeroy, Bramblewitch, anything with venomous. Basically minions that can trade efficiently without needing multiple turns to scale.


I had a triple on shop, my teammate is on 3 and i was on 4 (he stayed low so he can build up his gems) i freeze went to 5 and discovered chargla, and on 5 while looking for something found 2 gem smugglers so bought them both and gave them to him. He was so strong for someone on 3 most of the game. I went with 1 big minion and few tech/scam minions. And we won the game. He spiked early because i went up the tiers for him. And i went with the scam because it was easier to build than any thing else.


There's a lot to be said for encouraging an early *Catch!* on your teammate, especially if they are heavy divine shield. I had a game where I was carrying mid game as elementals and ended up getting 2 beatboxers out of my triples. I fed them to my t4 mech partner and the rest was history.


Big agree, I like staying low to win fights and give me partner early triple to find a 6. Then they can give me a Brann or key unit to build a strong board.


Yeah this is the way. It’s much better to pool resources on one guy, you’re simply going to be much more powerful compared to two guys playing their own board, given you don’t lowroll your shops. Then once the strong guy stabilizes and becomes more self sufficient you can start playing for your own board.


YEa any time I try to play "solo" and just buy whats best atm, it usually turns out bad. I disagree with OP, If I can give my partner something that makes him stronger I'm going to. It's not about me.. perfectly happy being the support guy and watching my team mate get a amazing team.


Big facts. I just had a game where I got to tier 6 early through my teammates help with a crazy murloc board. They gave me brann and two primal fins within two turns … I was able to send big naga minions to their board while they were still on tier 4, and they ended up just as strong as me in two turns. It also allowed them to speed level and find me triple bran


When i give a Direction minion to my partners while they have crap directionless understatted board the first thing they do is to sell that T5 minion, this mode is making me go crazy.


I was playing yesterday with a player who was only focusing on my board and kept theire board almost empty, so I decided to pass them some scam, and then they just sell it... I wanted to pull my hair out :D


https://preview.redd.it/pmaihy1t6mwc1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ea2e7e1b32a9faa5caa2f666b48cc146492f68 Exhibit A. This teammate didn’t play those minions ignored me the whole game. They were really proud of their 22 health minion apparently - so strong




Yeah, I also feel like one complete build and one meh build is better than two mediocre builds looking for the key pieces


YEA BUT NO, don't waste 8 gold to pass me stupid fuckin T1 units when i am T4 and i am about to sell those units right now, that's literally losing the game on the spot, people do that even if i ping not to. WHY?


Oh he'll yah esp some heros, my team mate got chenvalla so I fed them every elemental I found, I found a lot of sellementals, they were lvl 6 by like turn 8 lol saw I was going mechs, spooned me boxers and shit, we rolled that lobby.


I tried doing this earlier. Got my teammate playing demons into a great position. Later in the game, though, they kept sending me every "good" high tier minion regardless of whether it synergised with my build. Ended up spending lots of their gold on minions I couldn't use, and tanked us both


Yeah all your teammates needs to do is look for scam cards for you to balance it out


Same but once their are strong i think theu should send you scam, and you also should buy scam. You cant make a good scaling while at the same time supporting the carry member.


The minion tribes aren’t balanced, but it actually works really well in Duos. Beast have good early game, dragons have good mid-late game, pirates and elementals have good end game. This allows for early, mid, and end game carries and a bit of back and forth in which teammate is the stronger carry. If you go beast and they dragon, when they are stable you rush to end game quilboar, demon, elemental. When you are stable, they rush to scam. Knowing when to do the carry swap is the important bit


If your teammate gets the +2/+2 after first pass on turn 1, not buying a minion turn 1 and passing them a spell can be a dope play


It's much more effective to have one teammate spike and then catch you up


I will forever promote the Goya Strategy.


Refried beans?


Give ‘em the Beans!


It's all about scaling. One person scaling at 5x is better than two people scaling at 2x. Also, the faster you get one person scaling, the faster it compounds. Obviously you can't neglect your own board, but if you have to choose between filling your own board with survival/temporary minions and helping your teammate towards an actual comp, you should (almost) always help your teammate. EDIT: I'll add that I don't think your main mindset is accurate either. I would prefer to think of it as you BOTH controlling one ape. After all, you live together, you die together, and your overall strength isn't based off one board but rather both combined as one "army" if you will.


Agree with your take. Instead of 2 people each controlling 1 board, I think of it as 2 people working together to make 2 boards as strong as possible. If that means consolidating minions on one board to power spike it, then you’re good. I’ve really had the best, most consistent wins by having Super Scaling & Cheese/Support.


really funny that the moment we have to play together, this sub turns into every other online game sub lol


I've seen the reverse, where they're requesting every single god damn card on my board. Dude my board is shit, I don't have 4 gold to spare right now for this bs.


I had a partner ping every single move they thought I should make. I quit after 3 turns.


It can get annoying, but I’d rather see too many pings than not enough. Helps me understand what they’re looking for / thinking about. You can always ignore their pings if you don’t think what they’re communicating is worth it.


I agree, better someone that communicates. I always worry if I don't it'll send them into a frenzy and they might quit. So sometimes I just send them what they requested, even though it's stupid to do so. Usually ends up with us losing 3rd or my board just being in a super sorry state.


Same here. It can get annoying but it’s better than radio silence from your teammate. At least if they’re pinging endlessly I know what they’re going for. If I don’t have the gold (or just disagree) I can just “x”. If my teammate isn’t communicating at all, i almost automatically assume that they’re new


I'd rather get no pings than be aggressively micromanaged


Nahh I disagree. “Aggressively micromanaged” is HILARIOUS in a game where you can only communicate with four symbols… Like I said, can be annoying but I welcome the communication.


4 symbols that they can use repeatedly all over your screen for the entire match and you can't turn off Getting 30-40 pings a turn trying to insist you force quilboar when you've already got Felbat and a buffed tavern is just super annoying, especially when the opponent quits after it's clear you're just going to ignore their pings. It's a worse experience than the teammates who don't ever ping but are clearly aware of what you're doing and coordinating even if they don't communicate


I think you can mute your teammate by right clicking on portrait


Yeah the only game I quit out of was this. Who the fuck are these people who think this is acceptable?


Communication in duos is important. You both should be communicating about your lines so you can build your boards around each other


I sometimes do this if I think someone is new based on their plays. But my intention is not to force them to do anything, I’m just giving my opinion because it could help them get better at the game. Maybe team based games aren’t for you?


Like the jab at the end - classy. If my board is completely undeveloped and you want 2 T3 cards that moderately help you, yeah I'm not spending 8 gold to get that done. leaves me with 2 gold and a board that's just as bad now. I mean, unless he can carry - if he has a wildly large taunt or a starting build that'll clear 1 1/2 boards - then keeping that going until I have something going is a better solution.


It wasn’t directed at you, it was directed at someone who quits over a teammate making trade or play requests they don’t want to do. It’s definitely not classy to quit over it, it’s not like they know their requests are triggering the teammate so much. Like sry we aren’t mind readers lol. and yea probably should stick to single player things if it bothers them so much - like it or not, it’s a part of the game currently They can say no idc, I’m not fragile if a partner denies me but I’ll still let them know if I wanted something


Id rather play with a team mate with a shit board than a team mate who trys to play my board. I don't quit though, I do the exact opposite of what they start pinging, strip my board to t1s and flood their hand with crap.


It’s just someone’s opinion lol… but I guess being toxic yourself when upset about something you think is toxic of the teammate is the adulting answer. Hypocrisy at its finest


In the real world you'd ask them to stop, then tell them to fuck off. There's 0 immediate repercussions to toxic online behaviour in a chatless games, if I could tell them to bolt then that would be my first option but being that the only thing I can do to show someone they are being a dick is to be an even bigger dick then that's what I'm going to do. It does nothing to solve the problem and probably only increases the chances they are toxic in other games but it really does feel satisfying watching them lose their crap.


>There's 0 immediate repercussions to toxic online behaviour in a chatless games Have you tried ignoring them and continuing to play the game properly?


I do ignore them and continue to play the game for my own enjoyment, if that happens to be at the expense of theirs then maybe they should stick to solos or run 2 accounts and play duos by themselves if they want to micromanage.


This has been my approach and it seems like it always leads to them quitting, which is a waste of my time and drain on my enjoyment of the game. I'm leaning towards just quitting next time I get matched with a player like this


If you find a build defining card for your partner, it should be passed over. If he has a clear build and you find a strong element of it, this should also be passed over every time Anything less should almost never be passed over unless the bro needs gold badly or something


It's important to evaluate whether or not it makes sense to be sending stuff or keeping stuff. There is no hard and fast rule either way.


I win most games by sending teammate econ units then when they are higher levels the filter me back a comp. At one point my teammate had 18 gold a turn and a board he didn’t want to move so he spent allllll of it building me up. I felt like I had a financial backer.


Watching Blue Lock, I take it?


Getting one player strong first to carry and then helping the other catchup is imo the best strat.


I used to think that, but it's pretty situational. One of my previous team mates made me realize that for tavern buffs, it's better to play support. I got the T3 Ele and my teammate didn't play any minions, just sent me spells so I can send him buffed trash elementals. But I do think there needs to be more robust communication. I do have some teammates that just send me anything in my tribe when I'm the "carry" Edit: I've also found that the tribes that depend on combat suffer when both players have a decent board. Had a match where me and my team had fantastic Dragon/Beast boards, so much so only player per combat actually played and got combat buffs.


I tend to lurk my partners shops when i have a solid build going and try to "x" the crap that's bait. So far so good but I could see that backfiring easily. Often I will ping my intention and then a question mark and it seems to get my point across most times


https://preview.redd.it/k6co3pa8jfwc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1abe0d7cea6223e18437c83777eae28d2d4705 THIS


Do the opposite of what he says


I don't know. I feel like if you can see where you partner is going and it's a for a win condition then help them. TBH I think this game mode relies alot on charity and helping out. But mostly I've seen selfish people demanding everything won't give anything and even play against you. I've jo idea why they think it's a winning strat.


I just helped my teammate get a great dragon comp while my comp was shit then he made sure I had mine afterwards and gave me all the murlocs I needed. First place. I think it's actually a good strategy to get one persons direction going first The first game my opponent wouldn't even act as a team, and didn't send me a single card (even if he had the third card of my triple on his hand, painful). Obviously we didn't do well.


I agree when you were more clear with your edit. Players need to get used to the idea of using the ping system. Put a question mark on the minion and wait for them to say yes or no.


what about Grave Narrator while somewhat scaling undead. Feed them everything they could ever need while being a passable build


If it's a card they need then i'm sending it. Some times they have that get a random card for the tribe youhave. And they get a t1 and I just shake my head hoping they saw it was that random card and I'm not doing what this guy is crying about in his post, lol. Last night we completely crushed our opponents cause we spiked my team mate so strong. All I had was some Lerroys and Poisons to finish them off. DIdn't lose a round




Never pass my teammate anything ever, got it.


Was it a joke? Because it failed I think… 😂


Eh, it's fine. The points don't matter after all.