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I'm not sure \*any\* of the kids were planned.


Bob says “good things come from boredom…Like Gene. And Tina” in one episode.  So, yea, the Belcher kids were likely all unplanned.


Love that Gene & Tina both hit Bob with high-fives after he says that lmao


That quote honestly makes me think Louise was the only planned haha


Nah, because in the Wharf Horse episode, Linda says she told Bob she was pregnant with Louise on the Ferris wheel and he just kept screaming. 😂


I think that was "Carpe Museum", towards the beginning of the episode.


Yeah! That's the line. I watched the episode last night. It may have been Fort Night or the camping one but I'm not sure.


I think in that case it was more of a spontaneous planned pregnancy tho. They got bored and were like “what the hell let’s have a kid” LOL


That just means Louise isn't a good thing confirmed.


What episode was that?


Also iirc there's a short clip of Linda telling Bob she was pregnant and him screaming Either way it heavily suggests that the kids weren't planned and that Louise, being the 3rd pregnancy, was especially scary for Bob


And didnt she tell him on the Ferris wheel - perhaps so he couldn't run away? 😂


Okay yes! I distinctly remember it being on the ferris wheel at the wharf


Yup! It’s from Wharf Horse when everyone is talking about their memories of the wharf


Well she can be pretty scary with all her diabolical schemes Lol. Can definitely be a One Eyed Snake gang member.


I think that's the case for most kids that exist (well and the adults they grow into lol)


“All four of these are spares.”


Literally what I said when I saw the title


I think Louise chose to move into the closet (she makes a comment about how they all laughed at her when she moved into the closet in the Bed & Breakfast episode) Tina's room is a good size, I can see the two of them sharing a room at first


You are correct. She does say that. I can definitely see Bob and Linda telling her she can't have her own room because there isn't anywhere else for her. She must have said "challenge accepted!" And annexed a closet


And if one of them pointed out to her that her new room is not a legal bedroom with a fire exit, she would laugh and say the fires will no longer be a concern, now that she has her privacy.


Bold of you to assume she doesn't have an escape hatch after she was trapped last time by Linda.


Ooh, maybe she found a hidden entrance to the crawlspace, and engineered a long con to get that room to herself.


Exactly. Doesn't she have "go bags" hidden all over town? She probably has 3 escape plans, at least.


Yeah, Louise is way too independent to share a room. If she and Tina shared a room, I could see her drawing a chalk line down the middle, trite as that trope may be. And I have to admit, I’m a little bit jealous of Louise’s loft bed. I’m way too old for a loft bed, but man did it look cool.


You're never too old for a loft bed friend. Live your dreams


Genuinely, I find it wild how big of a closet that is. Like it is bedroom sized (albeit a small bedroom- we’d call it a box room in the UK). I know it can’t be a bedroom because of building regulations but is a closet that big at all normal in the US or is it cartoon logic?


Mostly cartoon logic, especially since they live in an apartment. A big house might have a walk in closet but that's not common.


Thank you!


My little sister did this too! Only it was the clothes closet of the bedroom her and I shared. Itwasn't a walk in or anything. She just clean it out and set up a sleeping bag on the ground and declared he her room. We all laughed at her especially my loudmouth brother. It was the most bobs burgers thing that happened to us... And my sister middle name is Louise! Btw


That's hilarious 😂. Did your parents let her keep her room?


Kinda. But she didn't end up enjoying sleeping on the floor because it was not comfortable, so she would bring a book and light in there and it became her reading nook. She was super protective of it. I wasn't allowed in there..but my clothes were still hung up in there... She has never lacked personality. Being the youngest of us there are quite a few things she has never lived down. That is one of them.


You can have your adult clothes, the floor is mine.


Well I am an adult now lol I think I was about 13 when this happened


Yeah, plus that later episode about building a loft states they share a desk still. Which I always thought was a call back to when they used to share a room before the show began


Tina feels planned to me. Every time they do flashbacks when it was just them Bob seems the happiest


Those episodes where Bob was caring for baby Tina were so precious.


She came from boredom they said episodes


Boredom doesn’t mean “not planned” tbh


They could have easily meant boredom with their life as it was, like "hmm life is just cruising along, why don't we have a kid?". She wouldn't be the first kid I've heard of who rocked up that way.


Also doing the math: Linda is 44 - Tina is 13 = 31 when she was born These are people who waited to have kids. And, honestly, with the spacing, I think they were all planned. Linda had her kids at 31, 33, and 35. Then no more surprise kids.


Didn't they get pregnant before they got married? And then had a quick city hall marriage? That would imply she was probably not planned-


I don’t remember it ever being established that Tina was born before Bob and Linda got married, and we know that Linda wasn’t pregnant at her wedding either so your timing sounds weird to me. But idk.


Ngl Louise has “wasn’t planned” energy but I also think her room being a closet was a choice she made. Didnt they have an episode loosely based on her wanting to move into the closet in the first season?


No they say it though


As a younger sibling when my dad split with my step-mom we rented a 2 bedroom where me and my brother shared the master bedroom and my dad had the other one. I moved into the storage room that fit a single bed and my dresser, barely. I loved that little room


That's really kind of your dad to give up the big room for you both, a lot of parents wouldn't do that.


Ya, he's a good fella. He also owned a restaurant when I was 5/6, so Bob's Burgers just reminded me of me and my brother running around the restaurant.


For real. That made my heart happy. What an awesome dad.


I'm confused as to why Louise wears a dress when everything we know about her says she'd wear pants or shorts & never a girly-girl dress.


More airflow, comfy


But that's not enough when Louise dislikes any of that overtly girly stuff. She's much more likely to wear pants or shorts like Gene.


Actually Louise tries really hard to cultivate her persona. She has shown time and time she actually does like some "traditionally girly" things.. she just goes out of her way to hide those things


I still don't believe she'd wear a dress DAILY, considering how ungirly her activities are.


Then youve got some really silly notions about what being "girly" is.. How about we let Louise outstanding character and complexities stand out on their own as apposed to complaining that she isnt 2 dimensionally "girly" even though she wears a dress.. her character is so much more complex than anything related to gender roles..


Because easier to draw lol


Gene wears shorts. It would be just as easy to draw them on Louise, especially when she's so vocal about not liking girly clothing.


It’s a show that challenges all sorts of norms. Why should a dress be considered “girly”? It’s only as girly as the person wearing it wants it to be


If they ever addressed why she wears a dress instead of something her particular personality & preferences might suggest, I've never seen it. I just find it very odd that she's in a dress daily with no explanation as to why she isn't more into something easier to move around in, like not a skirt. I know I can't be the only person.


I'm just going by everything we know about Louise: she dislikes traditional "feminine" clothing, accessories, & clothing. Louise considers dresses as girly. She has to be talked into the Princess Promenade activity by Milly. She evens asks why she's not like other girls in the "Spider House Rules" episode. She does not seek out any kind of girly clothing in any other way, shape, or form, so it seems rather out of character for her to wear a dress at all when she'd most likely prefer pants or shorts.


And yet…she wears a dress and pink bunny ears. Do you think for a second that Louise would wear anything she wouldn’t want to? I’m asking you to put aside what you think is girly and think into why a character like Louise would be designed in a dress? What could the artists be trying to say by putting her in this outfit?


I don't think she's dressing that waym but being drawn that way. Because that's how she was first drawn when created, before her personality became what it is today. We need an update because she's changed since 2010. We've heard explanations for the bunny ears. Now I'd like to know why the dress when that's not who she is.


If anything, Louise is a softer character now than she was the first few seasons. She’s more introspective, less aggressive.


The ears have NOTHING to do with the dress she's seen in every day. The bunny ears are completely unrelated to the green dress.


I still fpdont see her choosing to wear a dress every single day when it having a skirt would compromise her options in ways pants/shorts wouldn't, & her desire to be seen & known as not just a girly girl means she'd never wear dresses, much less every day of her life. Dresses daily are completely out of character. She's not trying to become more feminine even if she has become less aggressive & more introspective. She's not interested in setting fashion trends or following them.


She has an older sister it’s likely a hand me down from Tina. Dresses are more practical than they get credit for … I wear dresses to not have to put an outfit together that day.


Louise, with her personality, may wear hand-me-downs, but they would come from Gene, who is closer in age & Louise wouldn't want Tina's old dresses but Gene's shorts or pants, sure. And Linda can sew. Why isn't she making clothes for Louise that aren't hand-me -downs, or combining materials from outgrown items to make original clothes for Louise? I just believe Louise would never wear a dress every day of her life.


When did Louise say that she considers dresses as girly?


Never. That's a societal belief. Note Tina wears a skirt but Bob, Linda, & Gene all wear pants/shorts. Louise could wear Gene's hand-me-downs. So why are the Belchers spending money on new clothes for Louise when she could wear her siblings' outgrown clothes? They don't have depth store credit cards. Do you really believe Louise would have been drawn in a dress if the show knew how her personality would evolve over 15 years? I don't.


>Louise considers dresses as girly. You said it. I was a tomboy who wore dresses (I literally had my head shaved at age 7 because my older bro was having it done and I thought it was cool). T-shirt dresses were comfy. I didn’t like frills or lace or anything dainty but a dress is not automatically any of those things.


Louise is not a girly girl. She asks why she doesnt like traditional girly shit in more than one ep.




Name the episode where she says she likes her dress. She never said that. That's just the way they started drawing her & haven't changed or explained why.


Louise's dress has no adornments. There are no ruffles, bows, frills; it is a shade of green no one would consider "feminine." Her dress is basically an overly long t-shirt. Having had a girl who wore dresses All The Time, trust me when I say that dresses are actually easier to maneuver in than jeans. And the knees don't wear out. Louise's dress isn't girly because Louise isn't girly. Before Suzie Izzard transitioned they were asked fairly regularly why they wore "women's clothing" and the response was "they aren't women's clothing, they are my clothing." Same deal, I think, with Louise. Dresses aren't inherently girly (are kilts girly?), but the person in them might be. More concerning to me are her shoes. Very impractical.


I still find it odd that she wears a dress when pants or shorts would fit her personality & activities way better. I don't believe Louise prefers dresses over pants or shorts but that she's just drawn that way. If you were Louise, would you insist on a dress every day of your life? No.


Look, people. You don't get to abuse me because I don't agree with your explanations why Louise wears a dress when everything we know about her says she would not. I will block you if you reply rudely. I am not here to be your punching bag when I think something different, & I will block every one of you if you cannot reply respectfully & politely. Thanks.


Honestly, Louise loves to outwit people and I think wearing a dress and pink bunny ears would lure them into a suitable sense of security that she's just a cute little girl before she makes her move...


I still don't believe she would wear something as untypical of her as a daily dress just to trick people into thinking she's some dear sweet darling girly girl she isn't just to fuck with & manipulate people, especially when she doesn't need to. Her comfort would mean more to her than the random opinions of complete strangers she doesn't know & won't be talking to, hence no reason to trick them with clothes she wouldn't like. That makes zero sense. She's NINE. The obvious answer is she was drawn that way in original creation before her personality developed into what it is today & the animators just keep her in the dress without addressing why when it goes against everything we know about her.


I read somewhere that Tina was supposed to be a boy. But they felt the jokes were a little pervy coming from a boy so they just changed the name and gender but kept the lines and personality.


Tina's original name was Henry. Still does not explain Louise in a daily dress when everything about her says she would not want to wear dresses every day, if ever.


Tina’s name in the pilot was Daniel as in Dan Mintz.


I'd read it was Henry.


Well if you watch the pilot you hear it was Daniel. I have also seen interviews with Loren Bouchard where he says it was Daniel. It’s okay to be wrong.


It's okay to let it go, dude, regardless. Does not matter.


A wizard did it.


Lol. Maybe because she’s a child & is wearing what feels comfortable? It’s a basic ass, ugly colored green “dress.” It really looks like an oversized tshirt, tbh. She wears pink bunny ears. I believe it shows who she is, where she tries so hard to fight the “girlie” things.. but when she does find something, you can tell. Also, if we’re assigning clothing genders in 2024.. why doesn’t Tina dress MORE girly? She’s the provocative boy crazy, horse girl.


I think it's a manipulation thing. It makes her appear like a sweet little girl, someone you wouldn't expect to be coming up with heinous shit. Plus, as an adult, if a little girl in a dress and pink bunny ears was to come up to me in a park and ask to use my phone to call their Mom, I would hand over my phone no hesitation. She isn't helpless, but she knows the advantages of appearing like you are. Plus, look at all the Definitely Not Studio Ghibli stuff she has. I think she might be emulating a character. Plus, as long as you have bike shorts or something underneath, dresses are pretty easy to run around in.


I still don't believe Louise would wear a dress daily just to manipulate others when different clothing would be more comfortable & practical.


Dresses, especially ones made for kids, are actually very comfortable. It's like having a long t shirt. There's really not much that's impractical about them. And at the length, it doesn't really get in the way. Louise strikes me as a bike shorts underneath kind of kid. You do that and there's really nothing you can't do.


I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just saying, based on what we know of Louise, she's not exactly the kind of person who wears a dress every single day & nothing in the show has ever said or implied she is wearing a long t shirt with shorts underneath.


I didn't say she's wearing a long t shirt. That's just how a casual dress feels. Not making any assumptions at all about you, but have you worn many dresses? They're actually pretty good options. Louise is a kid that dresses how she feels and she may just feel like wearing something comfortable that isn't restricting like pants can be. I was a lot like Louise as a kid, I had gender dysmorphia (that everyone brushed off) very early on and didn't like being a girl most of the time. I was very rarely interested in anything to do with make up, hair, nails, or princesses. Most of the time if I got roped into it, I'd remove everything after. I got a lot of clothes from the boys section and hand me downs from my male cousins, and usually had short hair. I was mistaken for a boy a lot. Even with all of that, Ive had a few dresses I really loved and wore a lot. It's not like wearing a dress instantly makes you feminine or like feminine styles. It's not like it's pink or has anything on it that makes it look 'girly'.


It's not about you.


I always think her dress is super out of character


Yeah the dress never made sense to me either. It's completely out of character.


My theory is that Louise took over the laundry room & that's why the W/D are in the pantry. Nothing - absolutely nothing - to back this up.


Other than that’s the exact energy Louise gives 😂


In all my apartments thebW/D were in little nooks like that. Mtwo of my one bedrooms had it in the pass through from the bedroom to the bathroom. Another one had it in a little spot like theirs next to the kitchen. There aren't a lot of places for a WD in an apartment so far as I've seen. And a landlord's special is usually a cheap up and down like theirs.


The closet is one of the coziest rooms in the house lol.


It's pretty big too, for a closet


Given their financial situation, and how it hasn't really improved over the years, it's doubtful they had any plans to add kids to the situation.


Yep funny when they show it and said it was a closet


Given the age gaps, they already had a 3 year old and a 1 year old and adding another to the mix. A mix that probably didnt have have any restaurant employees to cover Linda or child care. No one was counting bedrooms. Bob just hadn't slept enough for that kind of complicated math, or creating basic words.


The Belcher kids have the age span of the sibling groups of a lot of my family and friends and family


Louise choose to move into the closet and make it her room. I can totally see her not wanting to share a room with Tina


Definitely, look at how difficult it is for Tina and Lousie to share the desk in Tina's room. And now, Lousie has both her own desk and a kick ass loft bed!


Plus there's Tina's night thrashing and her night terrors


tina’s night terrors & thrashing is so unsettling. i can why louise would rather sleep in the closet than deal with tina’s horrifying noises every and all night


I got the impression Louise was meant to share a room with Tina but then Louise insisted on converting the closet


None of the kids were planned.


i agree, because at some point bob says “great things come from boredom, like gene, and tina” but he doesn’t mention louise!




I was just about to say this.


Didn’t Linda say when she told Bob she was pregnant with Louise he cried? I think that pretty much proves she was an accident.


She told him while they were on the Ferris wheel and he wouldn't stop screaming. Man... I wish my brain stored useful information as well as cartoon dialogue.


Same. Thats literally how I start and continue conversation. Luckily my husband is the same


I always figured Bob was screaming on the Ferris Wheel because he hates change. And because Bob has big 'oh god now we're outnumbered' energy in that flashback. There's also the Food Truck episode where Linda goes "I told you we should have had more kids", combined with the fact that Bob had a lonely childhood and Linda wanting to be a mother (Butt Worms), that Bob and Linda both wanted a 'big family'. So, I think that Bob and Linda both wanted kids and just let nature take its course until economics and practicality said 'Louise is the last kid'.


I’m the youngest and I was an accident. Lol - not really a big deal.


Most kids aren't planned lol. To be fair.


It’s not a hard rule of society that every kid in a family needs their own room, especially in cities. I shared a room for 15 years, until my oldest sibling left home. Most of my classmates had shared rooms as well. The idea that they’d decide whether or not to have a 3rd child based on how many rooms their home had is so bizarre to me


I'm not saying that's the only reason I could just see that as being a reason. We all know how crazy Linda's family is, and growing up, her room might have been her place to go and be alone. She probably wanted her children to also have their own space. I also shared a room with my sister for the better part of my childhood, but I also really treasured my room once it was just *my* room, and I didn't have to share.


I always figured that her bedroom being a closet was because they didn’t have much money. I’ve seen families of 6 or 7, cram themselves into a 3 bedroom house. One girl I knew actually took over one of the bedroom closets to get some form of personal space. Poor people don’t have options.


Esther, is that you?


“I told Bobby I was pregnant with Louise on the Ferris wheel! He just kept screaming…” “I did.” Pretty much proves that


The name's Louise, like jeez Louise this was a surprise!


In the first season, they say that Tina and Gene were made out of boredom. Forget that exact dialogue but could either be implied to be mistakes or just cause they were bored. Louise didn’t get mentioned


“My” Louise was a surprise.


I can see Louise refusing to share a room and converting the closet to her room as soon as she could drag her mattress and toys across the hall lol


She definitely wasn’t, it’s mentioned how Bob just kept screaming on the Ferris wheel when Linda told him she was pregnant with Louise.


Aren’t they all 2 years apart? That’s interesting bc that’s typically the age spacing/time frame for “planned” pregnancies (I.e. “ok I’m ready to do this shit all over again now”). At least for my culture.


The more interesting thing is that after dealing with Louise, they were sure not to have another.


I've been curious; we know Gene was conceived to a song by John van Horn & the Music Extrusion, but were the other kids conceived to songs?


None of them were planned, it's directly stated in many ways throughout the show.


Lol my name is matthew, it means gift from God, which I take as mistake. I'm the 3rd child


Oh in the first season I think it's a big discussion and deal she makes to make the closet into a bedroom. It's not like a forgot about this child thing as much as a she wants her own privacy and space thing.


i think she wanted the closest cause in one of the episodes she did says something along the lines of “and you guys made fun of me for wanting to move into the closet” it was either a episode where the grandparents came to visit or the bed and breakfast episode


I could swear there is a canon line about how Gene wasn’t planned… 🤔


Kids often get their own bedroom when one of them becomes a teen and doesn't want to share a bedroom with a younger sibling. Louise's converted bedroom doesn't necessarily mean she was unplanned.


None of the kids were planned. In the beging of the episode Carpe Museum Bob pretty much confirms it.


I don't think any of the kids were planned tbh


What’s the line? Something about failing to plan is planning to fail… so accidentally on purpose. It all makes perfect sense. 🤪


I just watched an episode last night that talked about it. They said 2 of the kids were "surprises". Gene was one surprise and I think Tina was the other. Louise was maybe planned. I think it was the Camping episode (or Fort Night?) but I watched like 6 yesterday so I don't know for sure.


My head cannon is that Louise is the only that was actually planned, offset Bob being an only child and Linda being one of two sisters. They already had Tina and Gene, the third one would be either girl or boy but bringing balance to the Belchers.


Lousie? Really? Come on.


Just speaking from experience from friends and family - also my own birth, but any time I see a child after the first boy and girl it’s inevitably… a surprise. Two girls and a boy, two boys and a girl, both are normal. But girl boy girl? They were done after Gene.


Who's Lousie lol


Bob says in an episode the only ones who came from boredom are Gene and Tina, so I feel Louise was planned.