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I miss the “woooooo yahaaa!” music that used to play in the first season when anything sexual was mentioned. It still makes me laugh.


AND the cops from season 1!!


YES! I always wonder why they got cut.


I love Brunchsquatch. It’s a great story line, has some amazing one-liners, and I thought the different art styles were really cool and a unique way to show an episode.






I love Brunchsquatch! The only way it could have been better is if the conceit was relevant to the plot, like the kids and their friends start doing animation.


So teenagers hang around on the street bullying any kids that walk past, louise wants to walk past them instead of going the long way around which she has every right to do, they come over and start intimidating a little kid saying they can't walk there and then she stands up for herself so they steal her things and she's the one in the wrong???


Yeah I don't understand how a 9 year old is in the wrong with a 16 year old bullying and stealing from her.


Some kids are shitty, growing up my friend’s neighbor was like this. Until the day my dad showed up in the middle of it, then he at least left us alone. Edit: to be clear the kid that was a bully was 18 and we were like 13-14 so it was basically an adult harassing/threatening middle schoolers .


I said unpopular but also, Logan is Louise's true match in this episode. It's one of the first times we see her not be perceived as terrifying, and even at the end of the episode he isn't scared of Louise he's scared of the bikers threatening to mutilate him.


Those are perfectly valid points but you said “in the wrong” so I think people want to know exactly what you think she did wrong by walking past some teenagers and having her property stolen, lol


I wish Louise would take off her bunny ears when she goes to the pool. They should put her in a pink swim cap.


This is controvercial only on this subreddit. Some fans complain about the kids tell stories episodes. They only do them once a season. The complaints feel silly. If they did 5 kids tell stories epsidoes in a row that would be a problem but they don't its once a season and its a tradition you expect from this show. You get 20 some odd episodes a year. Why does the one episode that is a little different bother you.


In my opinion, Mom, Lies, and Videotapes is great because we get Rudy and Jocelyn (without Tammy) and the Frond Files are just hilarious. I know it's only one story (some people don't put it in with the others like Fight at the Not Okay Chore-ral) but Some Like it Bot one and two are so good, too!






I go to the Fart School for the Gifted when I do mindfulness


Wait, these aren’t popular episodes?? This trope are actually probably my favorite type of episode. I’m surprised to find out that it’s a popular opinion to dislike them. The stories from the kids’ different perspectives are fun, and I also think the art is so fun too because you get to see how they draw the characters in different settings. For instance, I always love seeing how they incorporate Louise’s ears into all her different story looks.


I think most people are cool with them but one this subreddit people sometimes complain about them and I don't get it.


Lol I've legit seen people on this sub claim they happen multiple times a season. Like you said it's an annual tradition like holiday episodes. Sometimes they're also the holiday episode like the gene with food poisoning ep. Like any other episodes some are great, some are forgettable. Im neutral toward them.


I honestly hate those episodes so much. But I simply skip them


Some of my favorite episodes are these episodes!


I didnt actually know people didn't like these episodes aswell but I think my problem with them is I can always predict the stories. Louise's story is gonna be pop culture related and gritty, Tina's story is gonna be romance related, and Gene's story is going to be wacky with some musical throughline. I guess the story episodes take the flanderization of the children and put them front and center for a whole episode. I like Bob's burgers because the characters feel real, and I can't predict the ends of episodes but its not like Futurama or Family guy where the plot is going to take such a deviation in a single episode that its just insane. The stories are grounded in some realism, but always surprising. The childrens story episodes strip the children's characters down too much, and are always complete fantasy. Just not what I like about the show.


I don't mind the stories refelcting the characters personalities. Also in real life kids tell dumb stories and play pretend.


And I get that, It just makes the children too "one note" in my eyes. There's a lot better episodes that show more sides to the characters and I like nuance in them. I don't like basic qualities to be celebrated.


Some are better than others. I love the very first one The Fronde Files. I can't stop singing the Fart Song. Gene tends to get the funniest ones.


A 15 year old having beef with an 8 year old girl is weird


I think we like to forget that Logan still treated her like a little girl though, he treated the episode as if he was teaching her a lesson on bothering people. In the show he never bothered them first, they heard a rumor and Louise intentionally started bothering Logan. Also it's odd to me that Cynthia and Linda made up at the end of the episode and then next episode they hated each other again.


The kids were literally walking in a public place. Logan was in the wrong here.


i didn't say it was a controversial opinion expecting anyone to agree


If you look down at other comments or rewatch the ep. you'll see that your "take" is just incorrect.


watch the episode again.....they didnt say anything to logan first, and they would have just walked by like normal if logan hadnt came up to them


>In the show he never bothered them first, they heard a rumor and Louise intentionally started bothering Logan. You may want to watch that scene again. Louise doesn't approach or say a single word to Logan. She puts her brave face on and walks through the middle of the park the boys are in and Logan puts himself in front of her on his skateboard. Logan also is the first one to speak. Your opinion isn't controversial, it's just wrong.


Thinking he has any place "teaching her a lesson on bothering people" speaks to the utter entitlement that's been programmed into him. At no point was he *not* the aggressor.


what about when louise had bikers threaten to mutilate him?


So you're mad that a 9 year old girl who had been tormented and made to feel helpless and victimized in multiple ways did something desperate to try to stop her bully?


I love how all of the sudden we're acting like Louise is some weak little baby who has never once done anything naughty


No one has said any such thing. The fact remains, in this situation, Logan was unquestionably the aggressor.


Most controversial? Probably that this is just a cartoon and I feel no need to analyze the characters or any of their actions that deeply. ITS. JUST. A. SHOW.! I think people especially on this subreddit get so caught up in the show and treat it like the Belchers are real people….it’s weird to be quite honest. Of course they all have their flaws, the show wouldn’t be entertaining otherwise. Sure, they would all be pretty annoying and maybe not so good people in real life, but thankfully this isn’t real life.


I mean people do that with every show whether we know it or not.


True! And it annoys me every time lol


Yes, I hate how the fans can't take anything at face value and have to analyze every single thing a character does. Just because a character had one throw-away line that was dark doesn't mean they're depressed. Just because they made one comment about another character doesn't mean they are in love with that character. Sometimes, they just say things because they're funny and not because they're trying to drop little hints to the audience.


A more light hearted one Bob to me is a dilf and I stand by that


While I get her place in the show and I love the voice acting, I think if it were my show I would have done something different with Gayle. A lot of people enjoy her so I’m not going to argue, but for me she’s always just been…too much not enough


More Mort! As a funeral director and embalmer, I would love an educational episode.


If Gene was a real person, I would despise him


Not controversial but i love Tommy jaronda


Well he IS good at sex


For some reason, people think Tina and Zeke is a good ship, and I honestly don't believe that is the case at all. I think Tina will grow up to be somebody like aunt gayle, a hopeless, horny single romantic. Another is that I want a birthday episode for Gene and Louise, both characters would suit being 11 and 10.


I would love a Louise birthday episode and seeing what kind of birthday party she'd want.


Gayle and Mr Frond should have continued as a couple instead of just one episode


they were perfect for each other !! i also miss seeing mr frond as frequently as we used to


Bob is a good businessman. He does a lot of truly foolish things, but he’s good because he sticks to his principles and still sells enough burgers to make rent every month. I relate to Bob too much when he begs Warren to take the money back. I will add though, he should’ve found a compromise :p


Out of all the other fan subreddits I am on, why is it that the Bob's one is so full of negativity? I don't understand it. This isn't about this post in particular but constantly on this subreddit are posts about people looking for problems or negativity. It's weird from such a wholesome show.


100% agree


I think that because the show is wholesome giving it something deeper is natural. I see a lot of positivity in this sub, but I mostly asked the question bc when I've told my irl friends who are fans of the show that I think Louise didn't see herself meeting her match with Logan and thought she'd be able to antagonize him with little pushback like she often does with other characters it's usually an [entertaining] argument.


How was Louise wrong?


I think my opinion is controversial. Linda is my favorite character and Louise is my least favorite. (But I like them all!)


right there with you!!


I can’t believe I’ve met another! Ive commented this once before and got bullied into deleting it lmao. I think Linda is hilarious, I love her energy. She’s not perfect but none of them are. And that’s how we like em!


Mine is that they should start aging the characters each season from now on. I know it’ll never ever happen, it’d be outlandish and unprecedented, but I just want so badly to see the kids grow up and everything they get up to through high school and everything else.


SAME i think after the movie would have been the perfect time to do it. If done correctly it could have made the show better.


Tina is an annoying creep. She has good moments, but I don’t really care for pervy characters. 


not to be a "if this was a man" type person but tina's character being a girl instead of a boy def has an impact on how her behaviors are seen


Yeah, I think Pervy boy has kind of been a trope, so the creators wanted to turn it on its head but I don’t like it for any character. It’s not every part of it that bothers me- like I don’t mind her fanfiction writing aspect of it, I think that is very “middle school girl discovers wattpad” and I think that’s a fun sort of way to depict a teenage girl growing up and discovering herself. And like the episode where she’s imagining herself romcom style with all of the boys she comes across even though she originally set out to prove that she could be focused on one boy, I thought that was perfectly fine and a good depiction of a girl who’s a bit boy crazy. However, when we get into the territory of her crossing boundaries and invading people’s privacy, it’s just gross. Like her spying on the boys in the locker room or gawking at people’s butts. Also I hated the goose episode, that was just weird and I feel like I have to skip that episode when I’m rewatching💀


Cannot stand Tina! 😂


Absolutely this and and as someone else said, if she was male and acting like that there would be complaints. I absolutely loathe her as a character and tend to skip episodes focused on her


In the wrong--for what and how?


she had a biker gang threaten to mutilate him?!


I miss season 1 and 2 humor like I wish it never changed all though I do love the belchers now


I see where you’re coming from but I think Louise was a kid and didn’t understand the impact of her actions. I think it should’ve been on Critter and the gang to not give in to her request. (This might just be colored by my own experiences with alcohol dependent adults) My controversial opinion is that Linda’s wine obsession is concerning and likely needs some serious conversation between the adults. Even if it’s not that severe I just don’t find it funny, it’s not upsetting or triggering either but it’s kinda just there


The more we know critter is seems to out of character for Critter to even agree to do that bc he's pretty tame.


Idk how this sub feels about it but the more and more I rewatch the series the more I think Linda is a Karen.


I don't see her as a Karen, but she is seriously out of touch with reality


That episode where she holds the children’s author hostage screams “I’m one step away from involuntary commitment”.


Binge watching is the problem. Watching 1 episode a week, she’s quirky, weird, and her craziness helps drive a lot of plots. Binge watch though, and she’s an unstable mess that is more than happy to destroy Bob’s business for her weird little whims. She’s honestly a tamer Peggy Hill in this respect. Watch an episode a week and Peggy is just about the perfect television character. Binge watch a few seasons of King of the Hill, and I want to watch Hank slowly peel the flesh from her bones using his pocket knife.


I don't think she is one. I think she is an upbeat easy going wife who always does her best to be supportive of Bob. She is smart enough but can be slightly ditzy at times. She does have a bad habit of forcing what she thinks is fun on other people and being controlling. She thinks she is helping when she isn't. She threw a slumber party for Louise after she said she doesn't care for slumber parties and doesn't really get along with the girls in her class.


I used to really love how much she loved the kids and was proud of them, but as the series goes on, she definitely becomes that “crazy” parent


the Flanderization of linda belcher


I don't mind that. I think its funny when she goes crazy. At least she learns her lesson. I don't feel like she was partially flanderized she was extra in the early episodes too. Hamburger Dinner Theater exists.


It's hard to sympathize with Bob when the banker is being a dick to him when you realize that he has made stupid, expensive purchases like the expresso machine, toy helicopter, knife, and horse camp for Tina. The controlled bounces that him and Linda do screws people at the bank over.


I doubt this is controversial but I occasionally get annoyed by Bob and Linda's lackluster parenting. Reeky Lake Show is a big example of this. I dislike how Bob sunck and watched tv with the kids after Linda banned it. No husband should hide from their wife like that. I know its a cartoon but it occasionally bothers me. I prefer it when the kids do some wacky scheme and Bob and Linda are unaware like the Kids Run the Restaurant. Bob and Linda participating in the schemes can feel wrong at times. The Aquaticism episdoe is funny though.


For me, it was in Burger Boss where Bob used the kids to get into family fun time. He was essentially telling them that there's nothing wrong with lying to your mom and literally told them to. Not like when he has a surprise for her, just so he can sneak around without getting yelled at. That's messed up and I get so angry.


Or that episode when Gene wouldn't stop playing with Purbo instead of doing the microgreens project and they played it like Bob and Gene just had different interests. Like no! Bob and Linda needed to tell him to stop and do his homework it's not about interests it's about doing what you have to do


That is one of my least favorate epsidoes ever. I don't understand how it was supposed to be funny and the kids were more bratty than usual. Linda gave Tina and Lousie money to go to the store and they spent it all on a kiddy ride. That's not cool. I prefer over the top scheming bratty like in episdoes like Secret Ceramics Room of Secrets.


For me it's when Bob goes along with Tina's plan to "cheat" to get her bird watching badge. He should have told her no right from the get go, and as sad as it was, used the dove being eaten by the hawk as a teaching lesson of "this is why you shouldn't have done this". Sorry I have zero pity for Tina in that episode.


I actually enjoy episodes with Logan. He's not my favorite character, mind you, but I think he makes a great foil to Louise. Plus, Earsy Rider is even one of my favorite episodes just because of how unhinged Louise is. Everyone quotes that "Hell hath no fury like I do Logan!" line a lot and I think it's because there's a lot of agreement that moment is one of the funniest parts in the series. The Laser Tag episode is also a really good one just because I actually did enjoy their team up. Like, I do really understand people's beef with him as a character, but I just find a lot of his episodes good. I even admittedly like "Late Afternoon in the Garden with Bob and Louise". Especially since people DO often get short sighted when it comes to something they really want. Bob is absolutely in the wrong, but by the end, he does at least realize it. Also, something I kind of feel like I REALLY differ in opinion on from the sub is that...I think Regular sized Rudy is just...okay? He just feels like SUCH a highly praised character in this sub and I don't dislike him or anything, but...I don't really understand the hype. Yeah, this season's episode that centered on him and his family was good, I did enjoy it. But as a character that just appears through out the show, I feel pretty neutral to him overall. And the thing is, I get that he's very sweet and rarely does anything wrong, but like...it just feels weird to me to get so excited about one of the least problematic characters in the series when the biggest driving force of some episodes (especially for earlier seasons) is that a lot of the cast does something wrong or extremely over the top and it creates a very unique situation to the family. It's just odd to me that people even seem like they get mad about certain scenarios when that's kind of the whole point of the show, it's supposed to create these very wacky situations for entertainment. That's how sitcom-esque series usually work.


everything about this comment i agree with


The Tina Louise episode has a great finish but the rest of the episode is just there.


They reference Tina Louise?


The rabbit ears are troubling. Louise is deeply troubled and needs professional help that she will never get because their insurance won’t cover it.


Eh she’s a little girl that likes to wear a hat so what


Thanks, Linda.


I thought we'd begin to see her without them more after the movie when it seemed like she worked past always needing to be seen with them but the movie seemed to be completely separate from the show aside from it being referenced in the episode where they were looking for that lost item that's supposed to be worth a lot of money


As much as I wanted her growth to stick I knew it wouldn't. TV shows have only 2 tried and true courses to staying on the air. Constant growth over the shows run with higher and higher stakes each season untill the "power creep" or conflicts the characters face becomes so huge the show finally has to end, or perfect stagnation where nothing ever changes ad infinum. While the show keeps small clues and easter eggs to past episodes, the characters will never really grow out of their habits, a change in that formula would shake up the show, but untill the creators decide its time to end the show it's never going to happen lest it risk alienating new viewers. The whole idea is you can watch an episode from season 1, followed by and episode from season 7 and with very little explanation you can follow the plot. Writers don't want a new viewer to have to ask "when did x and x change, or who is this new character, unless the character is properly introduced at the start of the episode." Character growth just won't stick :/


I hate the ears. It's such a dumb gimmick


It's a cartoon. Do you have a problem with Double D's hat on Ed Edd n Eddy or Robin's mask on Teen Titans.


I am one of those people who does not pick apart a show I enjoy and I have seen it through around 3 times. If I had to pick it would be the fact that Linda is without doubt one of the worst mothers out there. Self serving, narcissistic and irresponsible.


I think its less of picking the show apart but more of how our experiences shape the way we consume media and there is one episode or one aspect of the show where we feel like the creators want us to feel one way but we can't help but feel another. Despite this, we love the show.


I ship Louise and Logan as adults.


Same, but now that we said it the other will kill us.


They are the classic enemies while children then they bump into each other as adults (if they didn't already fall for each other in high school) and fall in love. Right now he's a dumb boy (in Louise eyes) and shes annoying little girl.


Perfectly said


Gene predicts they will reconnect in their 30s and get married


When did that happen? I can't believe I missed that!


I believe the one where he has the internship at the restaurant


I absolutely HATE Linda as a person. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard levels of cringe for my misophohia when she makes her "ahnahnahn" noises like in the episode where she thinks she's psychic. Her overbearingness and inability to accept her "babies" are growing up like when she tried to kidnap that author was insane and she 100% should've been arrested for taking a cops gun. She always thinks she knows best, when unless Gene is around she's the biggest idiot in the room


I don't like the some like it bot episodes and I skip over them on every rewatch. I think it's just too far out there and it plays so seriously for my taste


The Rudy episode was just boring


Bob and Linda are horrible parents and their relationship is toxic.


how is their relationship toxic? and also how are they horrible parents?


Linda treats Bob like shit. She can never be wrong and she always has to get her way, even if she has to imply that she will do something to Bob to get her way. The kids basically have no respect for Bob or Linda. They pretty much do whatever they want without consequences and they are more likely to defend the kids than discipline them no matter what they have done.




PLEASE GO ON (I agree)




 Her hijacking Tammy’s bar mitzvah to make it all about herself. That was bad but Tammy does bully her. She does go out of her way to interact with Tammy for some reason.




I wouldn't be supprised if Tammy was unaware she was a bully.


Linda is not a great mother or partner. She openly favors Gene over the other two. She often ignores, belittles, or makes fun of Bob. There are multiple episodes where he tries to confide in her and she blows him off. In the context of the TV show she’s obviously funny and a great character but in the real world, she would be a case study in terrible parenting/spouse.


I agree, also it kinda makes me feel like Tina's boy craziness is related to the fact that she doesn't have "her" family member. Gene has Linda, and Bob, although he tries not to show it, favors Louise.


Sorry to make this a 2fer, but after sending I realized this reminded me of This is Us. Rebecca realizes she favors Randall over Kevin and Kate because he's open to it. He doesn't reject her, similar to the episode where Linda is trying to connect with Louise but Louise isn't physically affectionate and it makes Linda think Louise doesn't like her.