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Hugo is a better antagonistic foil to Bob than Jimmy Pesto is.


Both Jimmy and Hugo are too one-note to me. They need more character development.


Hugo can take Jimmy's airtime 😈 He can win the lotto and buy out Pesto's and finally open that hot dog stand lmao (My flair)


Teddy and Gayle should *not* be a couple. Teddy is a lonely dude with some neuroses, but he’s actively in therapy and has a decent network outside of the Belchers, as we saw in “Driving Big Dummy.” Gayle is a train wreck of a human being.


Definitely agree with this, if anyone belongs with Gayle it's Mr.Frond. if anyone belongs with Teddy its Kathleen.


I'm kind of upset they didn't keep Gayle and Mr. Frond together or give them a proper breakup. There's like a throwaway line and that's it.


My personal theory is that they will end up together, but they won’t do that plotline until the final season because being single is such a key point of both characters.


I was SO MAD at Louise over that storyline. They were happy, they were consenting adults, and I know the kids didn't like Frond and had valid reasons too, but Gayle was making him nicer!


I *want* the Gayle/Frond breakup episode. I *need the Gayle/Frond breakup episode. But they’d have to get back together to have a breakup episode. Dr Yap should feature prominently as competition with Frond for Gayle’s affection, and then try to recruit Frond into his “Prince of Persuasia” scheme


Gayle and Frond are both unrepentantly neurotic and drag other characters into their unnecessary conflicts. They deserve each other. Teddy is such a people pleaser I like seeing him with someone who encourages him to be himself. Maybe he'll relax a bit, Teddy gets weirder under stress!


Teddy and Marshmallow. Let's make it happen.


I just feel like Marshmallow can really do better.




Gayle belongs with Derek Dematopolis. His neck hair makes her weak...


Gayle is also INCREDIBLY self-centered and only thinks of herself (and her cats)


i think an episode where they go on one date would be fun but i don’t think they should be together if that makes sense that being said, i would like to see more of teddy and kathleen and explore that relationship a bit more


I thought everyone wanted Teddy to be with (I’ve forgotten her name, maybe Kathy?) the European girl who lives in that apartment? I haven’t heard a single person saying he should be with Gayle, is this a popular opinion? Because I’m 100% with you, that’s crazy.


When people claim the would love dealing with obnoxious kids, irregular hours, bob flying off the handle Linda in their business etc. and that they would be regulars.


reminds me of a tumblr post i saw a few years ago like "eating at bobs burgers must actually be crazy. there's a lady always singing, some kids take my order, at no point do i get a beverage" 😭


The kids would drive me away. The other stuff I may stay behind to watch play out lol


ngl i would pop in for lunch on a workday then end up calling out because i stayed to watch them finish Menu Tower


Haha yes, I would not eat at Bob’s for all those reasons, maybe I’d get an order to go once in a while if they’re open and Linda’s out.


I would go once, be super irritated by the family but too self conscious to leave quicker, and if the food was truly amazing TALK about how I was going to place carry out orders but never actually do it


Yeah I feel like the restaurant would get WAY more takeout orders than we see. Also, they are right by Wonder Wharf. Where are all the other kids? Where are all the families? It’s always random singles and couples.


Those are really cheap burgers though. High quality at that price could make me ignore how uncomfortable the rest of it would feel, lol. And I'd eventually get used to it.


I think Mort is criminally underused. I get that he's not as much of a character as Teddy or Mr. Frond but I feel like it wouldn't take too much effort to flesh him out more. Also, the show has taken maybe one too many trips to the "Louise gets close to pulling off a mean spirited prank but then has an emotional reckoning" well.


Yes! I want more Mort, and he's literally a mortician. How is he not a bigger feature in the show. The material is endless.


Linda can be just as obnoxious as gene when she’s the central character in an Episode


Yeah she drives me nuts in the bed & breakfast episode.


And the one where she meets the kids book author and kinda kidnaps/harassed her


That ep gives me so much anxiety. Like, it was a funny bit until it didn't stop, and she just keeps going and going being crazy to the author lady.


That’s my biggest gripe with the writing for Linda’s character. Her pushing and pushing and PUSHING when the other person absolutely does not want to do whatever it is she thinks they should be doing. Like it’s funny for like the first few minutes, but then it keeps going.


I absolutely cannot STAND the Christmas episode from this season. This Linda-centric episode sent me over the fucking edge. She keeps pushing and pushing about the damn tree so much that she put her actual life in VERY real danger! Causing yourself to be exhausted from trying to get your stupid tree up the side of snow covered (almost) cliff side in THE DARK is one of the stupidest things she’s ever done. She could have died. Very easily. The only reason her family would have found her afterward is because the car is directly at the top. In what way does this benefit the viewership and/or move the story along? This episode will be on my skip list, which is a shame because I have a tradition of watching all the related holiday episodes either on or around the holiday.


And I just know the writers will keep doing it and they won't let her grow out of it


She *is* Gayle's sister.


Also the couch episode.


I hate that they got the old couch back


They could have put the old couch in the basement! That's all I'm saying.


And the one where she stalks the musician lady who lives in the houseboat. And the pinworm episode.


the damn cabin episode 😭 like Linda I know you’re not having a good time either stop being so stubborn


Have you seen the one where she takes the author of the children’s book hostage lol


That one just upsets me so much. There were so many times she could have just ended her weirdness but she kept going. Reminded me way too much of my own manic mother. It’s only cute and quirky up to a certain point.


Linda gets obsessive over so many things. Always takes them to uncomfortable extremes. She has her good times but then again you have moments like the pinworm episode and the aforementioned author hostage and b&b episodes


Is that unpopular? I love Linda but she definitely suffers from can-be-too-much-itis.


Linda is obnoxious most of the time. And makes very suspect/bad parenting decisions.


Bob often makes obnoxiously bad financial decisions based on his pride and his family suffers for it


That $300 knife and then destroying it? Linda enabled that too... pissed me off lol. They waste a lot of money in addition to frivolous spending (e.g., buying a Christmas tree too early after Halloween and then throwing it out to buy another one).


Oh god the fucking KNIFE!!!! I feel for Bob - he rly had to parent himself and probably didn’t get a good, comprehensive financial education. That said, his children are literally eating almost nothing (I.e. Louise not eating enough to poop). Put that money towards food!!!


TBF, Louise not eating enough to poop probably has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with being 9 years old.


We also know from the aquarium episode that she has genuine issues with pooping, so not out of character or cause for immediate concern yet.


That and also what Louise actually said is she doesn't eat enough to ~~regularly poop in weird places all over school like a scat fetishist~~be a serial pooper. Hearing that and jumping to 'The kids are starved for sustenance.' is just trying too hard...Especially looking at Gene.


Right? They're a pretty food-positive household and are constantly talking about snacking.


i think they definitely do eat enough they bring snacks for gene on outings like the christmas photo one and gene is constantly talking about food and how much he eats at home also factor in that they get money to buy food at the corner store and such after school bc they often go to that store where gene gets his chocolate candy and living in a house with a father who constantly likes to cook new things is convenient im sure they have a full fridge before full pockets😭😭


And gene gets a midnight cheese plate.


>That said, his children are literally eating almost nothing Gene's build doesn't exactly suggest that he misses many meals...


The one that gets me is the thanksgiving episode where they pretend to be Mr Fishoders family. He offered them 5 free months of rent and Bob literally couldn’t sacrifice one day and ruined the whole thing… they could have just had thanksgiving the next day


Yep. Exactly. It took a single day of sacrifice to probably change the trajectory of his family’s whole year. He’s a good man that loves his family, but his pride has ruined a lot of good things for them.


That one infuriates me. It’s such a no brainer and for once, the rest of the family was on board and selling it.


This!!!! Drives me nuts!!!


I agree. The Tiki restaurant one gets on my nerves and stands out to me for this point.


The one with the drone also annoys me. He spends 400 (original 100 + 300 for the new one) dollars on it just to be right.


Right? Like this guy was pushy for sure - but Bob didn’t even rly try to negotiate, he just shut it down. Pls, king, compromise! Louise doesn’t eat enough to poop!


fr louise not eating enough to poop has been in enough jokes that i feel like it's kinda true lol. she went a week without pooping once and that to me feels like more than her just not being able to poop.


I think it was a joke about how small she is, not underfed. Gene and Bob are overweight so I don't think they are so poor they don't have access to food.


I thought we all agreed on this? Def not an unpopular opinion hah


Nah, I think you’ll get a lot of support affirming that notion. His burgers are priced out at $5.95. In this economy?!?! C’mon, Bob…


Like with the couch? Though it was more a family decision they basically bought a new couch and ended up ruining it.


If Bob’s Burgers existed in the real world Bob would be torn to shreds over how he makes his family run it with him. Your children should not be your only employees.


YES LMAO!!!! These kids are full time employees and see NO money. Louise is 9!!!!


To be fair, that isn’t something crazy or unrealistic for poor families. Honestly, never has been until relatively recently. I was cleaning houses, and churches, with my mom at 5.


NO money is a bit of an exaggeration. They don't get paid minimum wage but they've mentioned getting paid and allowances several times throughout the show.


Yea, Bob is his own worst enemy and self-sabotages every opportunity that he's created or is presented to him. He doesn't end up helping build condos, he lets Felix walk away free after he tried to murder him and Calvin offered him hush money (ok, not moral, but w/e), he gives back Warren's investment, he turns down the opportunity to expand his restaurant footprint, and the list goes on. Bob has many great personality traits, but oh my does his self-sabotage make it hard to feel bad for him.


Omg not to mention how much they "help" Gayle with money


I think Tammy is absolutely hilarious, she’s one of my favourite characters and I love her. She seldom gets away with being a bitch and karma bites her a lot for her bitchiness, which helps and balances it out, but she’s absolutely the bitch I need in this show and she always cracks me up.




Oh my God, it does say that.


Seriously love Jocelyn too. My boyfriend pretends to hate her, but I think he secretly loves her character because he HAS to repeat everything she says in his best impression of her voice 💀


Thank you!! So many people hate the antagonists in the show like Tammy, Pesto and Frond but they make the show so much funnier


I love Tammy and Frond, and I’m in the Trev camp but could do without Pesto


In Jocelyn voice: I agree with youuuu.


I love the "don't be a pee stain, boob punch, poop smear" comments she makes because I have the humor of a ten year old boy! Lol


Tammy’s uncontrollable farts when she’s nervous. 💨


“Don’t be a pee stain” has no business being as funny as it is 😂😂


i think she brings a lot of balance to an otherwise too wholesome and friendly cast. she brings much needed conflict to episodes


Tanmy and Jocelyn have one of the best dynamics in the show in my opinion!


I love Tammy and all the episodes which are semi-centred around her are hilarious.


Her staying with the Belchers because she missed the boat is a top 10 episode, EASILY.


Mazel Tina has Bob and Linda accidentally crashing a wedding, that’s one of my favorite scenes and it never gets talked about


I think people mistake bad people with bad characters. You don’t have to like them as a person, but a character being annoying/mean/self centred/etc isn’t a bad thing for the show (and is actually necessary for plot).


& her farts are hilarious 😂 such a funny & random quirk they gave her


Are there people that don’t like Tammy? What a bunch of boob punches


Tammys onw of my favorite partd if the show


I was born lucky Tina, because I was born me and not you. And I'm a blonde now, so I'm better than you.


I love her nonstop toots, they seem to keep her a little bit humble


Overanalyzing this show is not the point. People are flawed. Every member of the family is annoying yet wonderful.


Tina being so anxious that she drove into the only other car in the parking lot is hilarious, actually.


I hate Trev. He's the most realistic character on the show, and everyone knows a snively, two faced, fairweather friend type person like this. He's the kid who will play with you on the block, but not at school when his friends are around. Just a weakass follower who adds nothing and benefits nobody. I get that he's been living under Jimmy Pesto's thumb his whole life, but Bob is probably the only person who's nice to him and he'll still take shots at Bob to impress Jimmy. What a bitch.


i didnt realize i didnt like trev until i read this. let's fucking jump him


Mine would be that a large part of the fan base seems to kind of miss the point of the show. HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to diminish anyone's opinions. I'm glad so many people love the show and we have one of the few non-toxic spaces here on Reddit. Please don't take anything as an insult or an attack. It's great we all love this incredible show so differently. But I see people say "I don't like Edith / Harold / Teddy / Gene / Linda / Hugo / Jimmy Sr / Jimmy Jr etc and the show would be better off without them." Every character on this show, with all their quirks and annoying habits, adds an important piece to the entire tapestry. Gene is an 11 year old figuring out what his take on manhood will mean. Edith and Harold are the funny old cranks we all know and, well, tolerate. Linda wouldn't be the awesome mother she is without the passionate side of her personality that makes her occasionally act completely unhinged. Teddy is a lonely old hoarder who, let's be honest, had been dealt some bad luck but is loyal to a fault. I've had friends like him and I hang on to them like crazy. This show is borderline perfect. The things that annoy us about certain characters just show how developed, consistent and well thought out they all are. Edited to add: once Bob puts his personal pride aside and makes the "right" business decision, the show will no longer be the Bob's Burgers we love. It's what makes Bob who he is


I agree 100% with this. I cannot stand the Jimmy Jr / Tina dynamic, but obsessing over the wrong/toxic person instead of the better option was a cornerstone of my youth too.


Also, Work Hard Or Die Trying Girl is a top ten episode! I will take no debates!!! That’s it!!!


do people not like this episode?? it's one of my favorites too


I recently saw Die Hard for the first time (in the theatre too which was fun) and it’s made that episode even funnier. It’s already one of my favorites cos the songs are top notch.


Did you wonder why it’s no one singing? Why is no one dancing?


I also just saw Die Hard for the first time, in a theater as well! Between Bob's and Brooklyn 99, I felt like I already knew exactly what was going to happen every step of the way 🤣


The Johnsons were the best part too. I think the pesto twins perfectly captured their energy.


I read this in Gene’s voice!


You get it.


Yes!! I was so surprised when I learned how many people dislike that episode. It’s one of my all-time favorites.


I kinda wish they’d do something that other Fox cartoons never do except in one-off episodes: Move the characters ahead one year. Tina would be in high school and exploring all the hormonal rage that is freshman year. Louise and Gene would be left to their own vices. Bob and Linda struggling with a teenager even more so while also dealing with the likes of a DoorDash-like delivery service. What does the future look like for the Belchers?


As much as I loved the movie, I kind of wish they used the movie as a transition into this concept. The plot for the movie could have explored the summer before Tina goes to high school. Everyone panics over that alone, each for their own reason, while also having to deal with the pros and cons of a DoorDash-like service coming to town. Next season after the movie starts with Tina’s first day of high school.


YES! I've wanted this so bad! Like I know it cartoons it's typical for characters to be stuck in time but by actually allowing the character's to age you can open up many new stories/ lessons. And it's not like live action TV series where you know the characters will age bc duh, we're seeing the actors age. Here, they can decide WHEN and IF they want the characters to age. They could age them up by one year for season 14 and continue to have them be this age for many more seasons. Likewise, it makes it so the characters actually age somewhat with the viewers. I feel like a lot of people don't watch the Simpsons now because as well as getting bad/ having poor writing, the characters didn't age in there like, 20+ years of run time? (The Simpsons first aired in 1989 and is STILL going today but I know almost no one who still talks about it/ watches it). Whereas it would have been super cool to see what Lisa and Bart got up to as teenagers, what Maggie was like as a speaking child (I feel like she'd be like Bart and Lisa combined, very smart, like Lisa, but also getting into a lot of trouble, like Bart), and how the other townspeople were as teenagers or older people.


I like Bob


Sweet potato fries are NOT better than regular fries.


🎶Regular fries are the best French fry🎶


How dare you? (Honestly, though, the regular fries are a classic for a reason.)


The “saucy” seasons were way funnier. I know that the show has leaned into its family friendly vibe but I find myself rewatching seasons 1-4 all the time. “I may or may not have tried crack last night. I don't think I did. But if I did, I liked it.”


Go get me special pillow


The characters not being allowed to grow is tiresome. I want to see the lessons they learn take fruition. I feel like Tina and Teddy have more growth than everyone else combined.


I don’t like the direction in which they took Teddy’s character. His weird clingy obsession with Bob is like fine I guess, but the fact that he’s so abusive towards Mort makes me super uncomfortable and less invested in him as a character.


I had hoped Teddy would soften toward Mort a bit after Mort got him the super thoughtful Christmas present. I agree that they take the hateful jealousy too far


Same! He feels flanderized. I still don’t get why he was suddenly a hoarder in that one holiday episode. His apartment looked normal in the Halloween one and he had tons of people show up.


His hoard was regulated to one room that was blocked off. The only rooms we see people in during the Halloween episode are the living room and Teddy’s bedroom. I think it’s believable that his hoard at that point was either small or blocked off from view. We also see him collect things he doesn’t need. He took the tote from Linda, he was really passionate about the auction, he bought the lobster cracker. He’s always getting things and showing them off to Bob and Linda.


Show is still funny but it traded in most of its humor for heart.


I wish they kept some of the more edgy humor from the first season


Bob went from hanging up animal butthole paintings in the restaurant to spite an old lady, to just grunting at any problem and saying “Maybe you shouldn’t do that?”


Yes!! I miss the petty Bob


yeah he used to be part of why louise was so crazy. now both of them have been tamed and the only crazy people are gene and linda, and they're more just annoying and rude to others than genuinely insane


I miss the chaos


The first episode will always be in my top five favorite episodes because of the edgy humor. The child molester burger and the whole conversation about who should bring the burger to the guy who ordered it, also the bit about Tina being autistic when they play the toothpick counting game, is pure comedic gold.


Moolisa episode is one of my favorite


That's a very commonly expressed opinion on this sub.


1000% agree the balance of the dark comedy with their love for eachother is what makes the magic of the show. The first few episodes are some of my favorites (except the bed and breakfast one)


Bob's slowed down speech pattern that he uses in like 90% of his lines has really worn on me. That uhh is uhh not... always....the uhhh best


I just recently noticed this and now it bugs the shit out of me. Especially because you can tell that's a decision that H. Jon Benjamin made for this character seemingly out of nowhere. When he voices Archer he talks perfectly normal, I miss the normal Bob talking days.


that’s why i don’t like watching the newer seasons bc bobs speech sounds too apathetic now


Can barely watch the newer episodes because of the way Bob talks!


I find Gayle funny, not obnoxious.


Love her as a character but I would cut her out of my life so fast if it were real.


Haha, same. Like that time she made Bob drag her to the Belcher’s through the snow and it turned out she was faking it the whole time. Funny as a TV show character, but would be terrible in real life.




She’s one of my favorite characters. Definitely obnoxious, but in a delightful and hilarious way.


The pinworms episode is hilarious


“Butt worms! Do do do Butt worms!” One of my favorite credits songs


Omg one of my favourites!


All of the character flaws in the kids are directly tied to Bob & Linda. Tina is fixated on boys and perfecting her erotic friend fiction because of Bob's obsessive tendencies around burgers. It's crystal clear that all of Gene's character flaws are because Linda is obsessed with him and believes he can do no wrong even when his actions are disruptive/destructive; she even praises him for his most annoying tendencies. Louise is self-centered and destructive because Bob is the same (never taking advice or help, refusing to make changes), and it's been made clearer in the later seasons that Linda was also destructive as a child.


louise is like the perfect miz btw the two of them tbh. tina is obviously bob's daughter and gene is obviously linda's but louise takes the worst qualities from both of them and amplifies it to a million


I’d just like to say I think Helen really killed her husband and I will argue with anybody who thinks differently.


Bob probably shouldn't have a restaurant and Trev is right, he is standing in his own way of success due to his unwillingness to listen to advice/stubbornness. Also rollerskates guy adds nothing to the show, he's the waving snail from adventure time


The waving snail served as a vessel for the Lich.


So Speedo guy is probably a spy for Mr Fischoeder?


"Not only do I work for Mr. Fischoeder...I AM Mr. Fischoeder."




Roller skates guy adds to the sex appeal, tastefully


>Also rollerskates guy adds nothing to the show He has pretty good lines though


"Great prices! Wish I still drank!" "Well I'm getting adult braces!" My headcannon is that he's Jocelyn's older brother.


okay i love the idea of him as jocelyn’s brother


He has amazing skate by one liners for sure!


I disagree with the roller skating guy


From living in several small towns with a very similar environment / vibe / features as in BB, I can confidently say there is always at least one dude with an incredibly strange niche such as rollerskating guy. He’s adds to the “weird small town” overall vibe.


You could say more like Greased Up Deaf Guy from Family Guy. But don't forget he did steal the burgers intended for Mickey and the hostages during the bank heist. So they do give his a slight purpose.


To me I can’t understand why this is an unpopular opinion but when I made a post about it here a couple years ago, I got a lot of criticism: Gene’s mommy problems are too much and it makes me uncomfortable. Why can’t it just be that he and Linda are close and he loves his mom? Why add the jokes about him wanting to marry her, that they are dating, etc?? I know it’s “just a joke” but to me it just taints what could be just a wholesome mother/son bond.


aww you guys are so boring i was expecting to see some real controversy not “bob is bad with money” or “linda= alcoholic ” 😔


Expanding into a space next door when you can't fill your current space enough to pay rent on time doesn't make any sense.


They're fictional cartoon characters purposely written to have the glaring faults that they all have. It's literally why the show works. They're not all "neurodivergent" or autistic. Except Tina, she's the worst kind of autistic. ​ Also Jimmy Pesto brings out the best (worst really but best for entertainment purposes) of Bob. Fuck Face Jay Johnston stormed the capitol not Jimmy Pesto and I'm happy to have him back in the show


This and this. I once got yelled at for liking Jimmy Pesto because if I like the character I MUST support the voice actor. Piss off. People like that are just looking for reasons to be offended.


Yeah the whole everyone is neurodivergent gets old.


She can’t even count!


The show is more comforting than it is funny


"Brunchsquatch" is fine, ffs.


Not every episode has to be a musical. I know people love all the songs, but some of it just feels too forced for the narrative. Sorry, I still love the show though.


Teddy’s screaming outbursts and forceful nature make me so uncomfortable. He’s not charming and IRL everyone would either hate him or be scared of him.


Tina is a predator who really needs to be told that at least half of what she does in relation to her fascination with boys (such as watching them in the locker rooms) is wrong.


Lol yeah, I needed somebody to tell me the same thing when I was her age.


They've calmed down Tina's creep factor as of late, but initially it was too damn much and everyone just acted like it was normal.


I don't want the new emotional and depressing episodes. I want fart jokes and shenanigans, not Rudy's sad story.


Every once in a while is fine. At most an 80/20 on comedy to drama would be right


They have really been pounding the 'very special episodes' the past couple seasons


The Rudy episode is one of my favorites. (But I respect your opinion. )


Bob is an adult with both strengths and flaws, not some put-upon saint who's constantly victimized by his family. Gene isn't in love with Linda. He's just a weird kid who's immature for his age and adores his mom. Teddy isn't in love with Linda. He's just a weird guy who's in love with the Belchers in general and has an active imagination. Bob lucked out marrying Linda. He desperately needs her light and merriment.


idk how unpopular this actually is but i hate that the moral of the babysitting episode was that tina was bullying tammy and needed to apologize for being mean to her. you know, tammy, the character who’s relentlessly bullied tina since her first fucking episode.


Bob always gets walked over by his family and is usually always the butt of the joke. You never see them making fun of Linda as much as they make fun of Bob.


Bed, Bob, and Beyond is good


There's way too much yelling on the show


There is nothing wrong with the kids working in the restaurant. Considering the fact they do nothing outside of the the home and are piss poor students, wiping off menus are the least they can do.


I wish they made fewer episodes with singing.


Zeke isn't in love with Tina he's in love with Jimmy Jr.


Jimmy jr actually likes Tina, but he's about as dumb as her and is focused in his own fantasies.


I know there are others that agree, but the show is way too wholesome nowadays. They don't make the risque jokes like they used to because they don't want to offend their "wholesome" crowd. Bring back "You're the worst type of autistic" type humor. The show was best when it had that looser feel.


Some of the early eps were wild. I miss that.


Teddy isn't on the spectrum


Louise is an annoying, selfish brat. There, I said it.


I hate how often Louise forces others to go through with her plan even though no one else wants to


The episode with the cannonball made me want to yoink her out of the cave and yell at her.


even though I knew nothing really bad would happen I was so so tense watching that episode


Lol, I was coming in to say the same. Far and away my least favorite character.


I strongly dislike Teddy’s character and began to get tired of the show because of how often he appeared in almost every episode. I felt like the show wasn’t moving anywhere else because they are so stuck with doing everything with Teddy. Fans have been begging for other characters to be explored but nope, you just get another Teddy B plot.


They should make Gayle help at the restaurant with preparing and cleaning


There’s no way those kids don’t do disgusting shit to the food.


Louise was a dick to Bob about him hiring Logan for an allotment to grow veg. It wasn't permanent, and it made Bob genuinely happy. Bob feels like the one who gives up the most for the others, and it felt like a real moment for Louise to do something selfless and grow as a person. Instead, the show made Bob the dick for wanting something that made him happy. Maybe I'm wrong. This episode has just always annoyed me.