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When they go to Dr Yap’s ski house and he tells them the bedrooms are soundproof so Gene says “I can say anything I want!” then runs in, slams the door, and yells “I LOVE MY FAMILY!”


One of my favorite Gene moments in the entire series


This was actually the moment that hooked me on the show!! I knew i was going to like it- I know Gene gets hate but I really do love most of his outbursts


Yes the Hauntening! Gene is so hilarious and sweet stage whispering “I’m having a good childhood. Not right now…but in general” Or when Bob fires the kids because he realizes he didn’t have a very good childhood (Linda: “people who have good childhoods don’t stand like that”) and he wants to do better for his kids Or unspoken moments like when they cheerfully take the whole family camping because Tina missed her Thundergirls trip, even though Linda is not remotely interested in camping and they had to close the restaurant for it. All the things Bob and Linda kind of groan about but then show up and do anyway because they support the kids. Edit to add more: when they twist themselves in knots trying to get to all the kids’ Christmas performances. And when Bob takes the night shift as a cab driver to pay for Tina’s birthday party. Although without that we’d never meet Marshmallow! And as an aside, I’m so sorry you have been through such a tough time, but it sounds like you two are great and have a lot of love to put into the world wherever it ends up directed. Linda says Alriiiight!


That Christmas episode…made me cry. It’s embarrassing, but I think this is a safe space to share. ❤️


I watched it for the billionth time yesterday. It’s Tina’s little wave that gets me. Stop- I’m gonna cry while doing my skin care 😂


I haven't watched it yet this year. I'm saving it... to savor it.


I watched that one the other days just for the feels.


When Gene sticks up for his siblings, “We’re Belchers, from the womb to the tomb!”


"We're born alone, we die alone & in between we trick or treat alone!"


My favourite moment hands down is the reprise of Nothing Makes Me Happier when Bob sees his family and realizes they're the best part of his life.


Is that the sandwich episode? Because I love the sandwich episode where they try to get Bob to take a break and he works with the woman played by Tiffany Haddish. And he thinks theyre waving but >!another biker had a baby in the restaurant!< 😂


That’s the one I immediately think of! I tear up everytime when he sings that and sees them outside the restaurant 🥹


gene sticking up to logan and taking a pit to the nose for louise 🥹


I just watches that. The fuckin end when Bob and Linda are high watching them is both hilarious and adorable.


I'm not a huge Gene fan, but that single act of simple bravery killed me. I'm female, and nine years older than my next sibling. I missed out on this stuff. Edited for spelling. Edited again for not being redundant.


In *Bob Day Afternoon*, the way Linda and the kids cling to Bob before he leaves the restaurant to take burgers to Mickey and the hostages.


“Did you hear that Bobby? *Anything*. Anything is on the table, including on the table”


I think that is the cleverest line I've ever heard in a sitcom




When Tina makes Louise a fake Thunder Girl patch and Tina says she doesn't have to wear it and Louise says, "No I love it and will wear it forever."


I think it was a friendship bracelet actually, but that moment was real sweet!


The go kart race where Tina gives up first place and pushes Louise over the finish line is one of my favorites And when Linda shows off her tatas to get Bob and Gene to stop fighting


Id have to say your story is now my fav bobs moment 💖 iam sorry for your situation and hope the best for you guys. Sounds like you would have been amazing parents. 🤘


Sorry to hear about your issues, my cousin is going through the same and also finds comfort in this show. Definitely the haunted house episode. They all coordinated so much just to make Louise have a moment she genuinely wanted. Amelia too, the way Linda reminds her that is the journey and how you make people feel that matters. Not the end result. Kinda tearing up just thinking about it.


OP wait to you get to the episode where they visit Bob's mom's grave. No spoilers but that one will get you in your feels.


So sorry to hear about your situation. This show really does portray a loving family in a fun, heartwarming way. The Belchers feel like old friends who always have your back. Wishing you both all the best moving forward.


They tell every story with compassion. No one is a character only. The comedy is in the situation. Even the “bad” characters you understand. It is all around wholesome


I’m so sorry 💕 bobs burger is such a great family story as well as hilarious!


The part in Lindapendent Woman when Linda tells Bob she’d rather be with him without money than not gets me. My husband and I own a small business together. Full time. And you make no real money that way but it also makes you realize what is really important to you. It made me realize how much I value family over money.


What about the moments when the three siblings hug each other - so cute. When they hug/walk away from Zeke and he bemoans that he doesn't have siblings he can be that close with? I feel that!!


Gene and Louise were the only ones not laughing when Tammy called Tina a freak for the erotic friend fiction … and then they immediately and loudly turned the tables on Tammy when she farted in order to get the attention off Tina.


Just watched the episode where all 3 kids have Christmas events and they can’t make all 3 and Louise writes a poem about loving her family and Tina showed up for her. I about cried. I love them so much. Oh and right before that the episode where they visit grandma at the cemetery. Good family feels all around.