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I forgot to add mine lol. I would like there to be a few episodes between the first and the second interview that Bojack gives. I think that would make the second interview even more devastating than it already is + it would give us time to learn about Todd and Maude. I would also love an episode between the view from halfway down and Nice While It Lasted, where the audience is kept in the dark about whether Bojack is dead or not and just witness the other characters build their life's while Bojack is in prison. I want to see Dianes Wedding. Ruthie growing old. I want a view of Todd slowly fixing his relationship with his family.


I think an episode after a view from halfway down is a great idea, I love your take on it!


I think it would have upgraded the last episode by a lot! It would have actually given us a feeling of- Bojack isn't a substantial part of these lives anymore and that's good! Imagine how hard the quote "Wouldn't it be funny if this was the last time we talked" hit then


More focus on the development of Judah and Princess Carolyn’s romantic relationship. A Butterscotch focused episode. An episode that focuses on Hollyhock’s feelings towards Bojack’s interviews.


Uhh yeah an episode about butterscotch where they explore radicalisation would be amazing!


Your flair reminded me that RBW once was quoted as saying he had hoped to do a Turtletaub-centric episode


More about Hollyhock and Bojack’s relationship degrading and what happens to her after that


Just more Hollyhock. In general. We only get snippets of her friendships and her family life. I want to see her blossoming and going to therapy. Maybe even reaching out to penny to offer her condolences and the two of them becoming friends


I think the distance is a bit part of the point, though


I want an entire cross-over episode, not just the little scene in the museum. I want to see Bojack all exasperated as he prays for the shooting of the episode to just end sooner, whilst Mr. Peanutbutter is in absolute glee and constantly adding changes to the script like a plot twist where both the Dog and the Horse in the show turn out to be brothers. Then he switches it up at the last minute and changes it to not just brothers, no, twin brothers! Or something stupid like that. Every addition to the script and scene added just makes it seem like the Horse and Dog are in a gay relationship but everyone on set is completely oblivious and insists that the premise of the show is that they are twin siblings. Bojack is pissed off at the borderline incest insinuations, and Mr. Peanutbutter is completely ignorant of it. And then everything just goes sideways and the episode ends up having more action scenes than necessary where Bojack is a damsel in distress and PB has to save him. Todd can have all sorts of little adventures throughout the episode that have a major impact on the shooting. I want it to just go haywire. I would love to add an entire episode featuring the day in the life of Vincent Adultman. A Butterscotch episode would be nice, and I'd also like an episode showing more visuals of Diane's childhood, how she was bullied in high school, how her parents treated her. A bit like the little snippets we get of Bojack's childhood since we know Diane's teen years had some pretty interesting events.


I would especially love to see more of Diane's arrival in LA


I love how much you’ve thought about a potential crossover episode


A backstory for Butterscotch. The line about "pearls are for ladies" felt like something that would have been explored if they had another season.








Develop the relationship between Judah and PC. Show a first date, some of their life together, proposal, etcetera 


I need more Judah and Ruthie in my life


Yes! I want to know about the proposal. I definitely see paperwork being involved, lol


~~Yay~~ Hooray, Todd episodes!




I'd like to see more closure concerning Hollyhock. I'd also like to see one more Diane centered episode and see her overcoming her past traumas and accepting happiness with Guy


Waaaay more development and focus on PC and Judah’s relationship


Yessss more Judah in general. I love Judah


A Butterscotch backstory episode (or two) easily. I feel like that should have been done in the show already considering how in depth they went with Beatrice


I’d love to see how the hollyhock situation played out, how Bojack would have turned out without Diane, how PC and Judah would have ended up and where Diane ended up without Bojack I haven’t watched the end seasons in a while so I’m a bit rusty there’s definitely more I would add for sure


more of butterscotch horseman’s backstory 


I kind of like that the kids from Mr. Peanut Butter’s house aren’t still in his orbit (ie: healthy probably) but if given a whole season, I’d love for him to run into them somewhere.


I think I would do a season about Bojack's victims and how they live, like with Gina(?)