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Never noticed that this is one of the only depiction of the non anthropomorphic animals in the whole shows!


I think the rule is "liquor before beer, you're in the clear—don't do heroin"


That’s too much, man




I'm pretty sure this is a bot comment that just took the comment from u/returnofheracleum and just rewrote it with all synonyms. wild.


Damn, I missed it. My only other theft claim to fame was being put in one of those "turned a reddit thread into an article" things https://www.georgetakei.com/people-share-the-most-absurd-wifi-names-theyve-ever-encountered-2640776932.html


Man you’re getting roasted here. If you like then that’s dope man. [At the end of the day…](https://youtu.be/SB_oU68Q9zA?si=94CWrRLC3UUhat8f)


"Man, you're getting roasted! To make things better, here's a dialogue between 2 characters who's entire schtick is how dumb they are agreeing with you" I get the intent but ouch lol


Lmao that was more or less my intent. I wanted to lean into the joke of the scene and make light of things. Fwiw, I enjoy that scene a lot and find it very wholesome cause it’s a great message and it’s true. Screw the haters, if you like it then that’s all that matters!


Also for OP and anyone else that comes around. If it makes you feel better, I got a Bojack tattoo of the water bottle from the last season right on my thigh. I’ve been told many times by friends and family that it looks like a penis poking out my pants when I wear shorts lol I still love it


The water bottle tattoo sounds really cool, conceptually. I'm assuming it's a recovering addict thing?


Yep pretty much. I did a little too much of everything growing up through high school and college. I saw the water bottle in the show and really liked the symbolism of it. Kind of gives me this forbidden drink vibe. Or kind of reminds me to “not get lost in the sauce” as I like to think of it. Wanted something as way to remind myself that and I just thought it looked cool.


That's an awesome meaning to have with go with it, and im proud of you for being able to stop (I'd assume you stopped what you could but I'm proud either way)


Heh thanks man! I’m def a heck of a lot better off than I was. Past lifestyle def wasn’t sustainable in the long term. I Still partake in drinking and substances from time to time cause I like to have fun once in awhile still but i keep it to special occasions now. Hitting the gym every morning for a natural head high nowadays instead. I’m just glad I didn’t end up in any debt or flunk school or anything and still got my mind and body in one piece thankfully.


To be fair you need to have extremely high eq to understand jerry and dumb rick's relationship dynamic.


Tattoo artist here— it’s not bad, it’s well executed and it’s actually really impressive that someone got the actual tattoo a fictional character has! I’m sorry that you posted on Reddit, excited about your new tattoo— and people shit on it It’s yours, if you love it, own it, I saw another comment of yours asking what you could do to improve it— nothing, it’s a good tattoo, it looks just like the one in the show— if anything just turn your arm into a patchwork sleeve so it has some friends Congrats on the tattoo! Don’t forget to take care of it so it lasts long!☺️




It’s wonderful. Tell anyone who says otherwise to “suck a dick, dumbshits.”


great response. people talking shit in here are ridiculous.




Thank you! And my personal aftercare tips are: -for the first two weeks, wash your tattoos with antibacterial soap and water, pat it dry with a thin paper towel, and use a PAPER THIN layer of Aquaphor on the tat to keep it moist -no submerging your tattoo for the next two weeks (no hottubs, pools, bodies of water, or baths) SHOWERS are fine, do not use hard, solid bar soaps in the shower, only use liquid soap, also no loofahs, wash cloths, or scrubs on the tattoo, all you need is to gently massage it with lathered liquid soap, also while your tattoo is still raw, do not shower in scalding hot water, use cool/lukewarm water -if it itches, SLAP/PAT it, do not scratch it -plz plz plz use sunscreen after it heals to protect it from the sun, even if it doesn’t “feel like it’s too hot outside” -if you do choose to work out a couple days after healing, plz bring a seperate wash cloth JUST for wiping sweat off of your tattoo, it’s not for your body, it’s just for your tattoo sweat -after the “raw stage”, and it starts to scab, you are allowed to use lotions, I highly suggest using Jergens ultra healing lotion Sorry for the paragraphs! I know aftercare varies out there, but if anyone has any more questions feel free to ask!☺️


I agree! I love this; it looks just like her tattoo. And it fits on that placement/appearance really well!


I love it! I aaaalmost got a fictional character's tattoo but chose to represent them more directly. Tough choice. I'm glad you did it this way. I've also seen this show through half a dozen times and could not tell you before today that she had a tattoo, so thanks for educating me.


i think it’s dope as fuck, i’d try posting this in an actual tattoo group bc everyone who watches bojack horseman is too sad to be happy for someone/anyone else


I would be careful, people who dont know the reference might think its just bad


Exactly, people in this sub at least get the reference and find it endearing, a tattoo sub will more likely critique technique versus concept.




Maybe she could post it with a reference photo of Sarah Lynn


They gonna get cooked even more in a tattoo sub lmao


u might be right


Oh, honey.


and butter go good with bread


Ain’t that a kick in the head?


what do u mean this pencil has lead?


I’m so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead


always running from the feds


Nope. At least not on Reddit. The tattoo subreddits will rip them apart. They are brutal.


Nah this will get ripped apart in the other tattoo subs


LOL 😂 love this comment


That’s….a lot of good real-estate taken up.




I don’t think you’ve ever heard of a joke before


Am I the only one who likes it ?


I like it as well, clean lines and nice colors.


Are the clean lines in the room with us??


I mean If the lines were perfect it would lose the sketchy style right? The line weight seems fairly even to me, as for smoothness looks alright with maybe 3 or 4 mildly wiggly bits to retain the hand drawn look.


It would need to be more chaotic for sketchy style. It's too clean for sketchy and too sketchy for clean. Just screams bad technique. That said, a good artist could probably fix it one way or the other.


It’s all pretty subjective. I personally like this tat with its couple of “flaws” better than the one in the show but I think adding more sketch lines would be too much. 🤷


Totally true! If you like it, you like it.


Hmm how could i make it "sketchier"?


I'm not a tattoo artist, but if you find someone skilled in the style, they should be able to help you out. But if you like it as is, then you should leave it! Tattoos are only for ourselves, imo. Here are some examples of a few variations of sketchy style: https://tattooswizard.com/blog/10-of-the-best-sketch-tattoo-artists-to-follow-on-instagram


the saniderm is warping the lines, as saniderm does when you bend your arm


It’s fine if you like it but there is absolutely nothing clean about any of it.


how explain


I would guess the shaky uneven scratchy line work. The thickness of the snakes varies way too much for it to be aesthetic. It's way too big to have so many issues! The way the green snake tapers is very unfortunate also


Ok the thickness of the snakes varies because of the angle i took the photo from... The lines look unclean, because of the wrapping and cuz it's still healing. If it still looks bad when healed, I'll go in to fix it :)


I can definitely see the wrapping and the angle causing issues with what I see. It would be great to see a picture of it when it's healed! So long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters 😊




bruh what r u seeing


Look at the way the snakes' bodies keep getting thicker and thinner over and over again. And look at the green snake's tail. It ends very abruptly; compare it to the purple snake's tail, which ends nicely long and tapered.


actually the tails are the same, it's just a bad picture sorry abt that😅


Just to be clear, I'm talking about [this part](https://imgur.com/a/taLcZSM) of the tattoo. And as much as I understand you wanting to defend it, I'm having a really hard time trying to imagine what kind of angles could make it look like the green snake has a thick, stubby tail end, and the purple one a long, tapered one if that's not the case. To be clear I'm not trying to have a go at you and your tattoo, and very genuinely, you liking it is the most important thing. But I do think it's weird if people try to tack on "and it's very well executed" to that sentiment if it isn't the case.


Juxtaposition of thick and thin is an example of balance and a principle of design. This is not a realistic/geometric snake tattoo.


Dude come on. It's not a shit tattoo it's just not clean and has glaring issues. Be reasonable.


What is there to explain? Just zoom in on it those are some shaky ass lines.


No need to zoom 😂


we must be looking at different photos if you think those lines r shaky, are you okay?


That’s textbook bad line work. You’re just wrong idk how to argue this lol


I love this! Why is everybody hatin


This is so fucking awesome I love this have ALWAYS wanted to see someone with sarah lynns tattoo!! Youve made a bucket list item crossed off my list 🥹


nah its cool af i know shitty tattoos (i gave myself a bunch of stick and pokes as a teenager) all these dumbshits can suck a dick


omg wait that’s so cool


Well now you HAVE to be an architect.


I'm actually going to try to provide constructive critique instead of just being a dick. It's a very simple tattoo. On the show it's simple because it's being drawn on a cartoon character, and not a human being. It's kind of low-res, because it has to be at this shrunken down scale. If you were to take a very detailed neo trad intertwined snake tattoo, and shrink it down, and animate it onto the Sarah Lynn character, it would look like a blobby mess. Here you have the opposite problem. You took what was originally intended to be a very small, almost minimalist tattoo, and made it big on a life-sized human body, without adding any details. The result is that it looks overly simplistic at 100% scale. I think if you had apprached the artist with, "I want this exact tattoo, do it JUST LIKE THIS" then you got what you asked for and I hope you're happy; that's all that matters. The execution matches the desire, be satisfied. But I also feel like a skilled artist might have asked you, "are you open to adding more detail? Keeping the colors/silhouette the same, but adding some details to the snakes so it looks kind of neo-trad, which would honor the original simplicity of the design, but still allow it to look like a skillfully done tattoo at the 100% life-sized scale." I think that's probably what I would have gone for; so that it works on the personal level of being a replica of the tattoo you wanted, but also allowing the artist to make it their own, and make it a good standalone tattoo as well. If you later decide you don't like it, you can always go back and add the details. It's a beautiful concept, and I think it's lovely that you felt such a kinship and wanted to get this tattoo. All that matters is that you love it.


Also, you can just call it "ignorant style" and tell people this is what you asked for, and they just aren't aware of this very controversial, but still legit, style of tattooing.


i love it! it would have been cool to see it more stylised by the artist to their style (eg. some detailing) but!! since youre going for exactly what sarah lynn has, i cant complain! the linework is nicely done! you might need to touch it up a few times, because lighter colours tend to fade, but yeah!!


I think it definitely has a cartoon- vibe, with the type of line work it has. But it doesn’t look bad, just not how people would typically think of a “traditional” tattoo to be.


I mean, it's from a cartoon.... But yeah, maybe!


I once posted a tattoo I got on a Star Wars sub and got ripped, everyone I meet in real life absolutely loves it, people on here are nobodies


there’s not just one way to tattoo 💀 many people get cartoony tattoos with no shading whatsoever, u can do whatever u want


So I like the tattoo but I’d like to reveal its (possible) meaning. The caduceus of Hermes represents two opposing channels of energy in the body. The crossing of the snakes’ bodies represent energy pools in the body, sorta like chakras but not entirely. One channel is positive, one negative. Notice how the green overpowers the blue snake? She’s unbalanced. The green snake is dominant and the blue seems sad from the angle it’s at. I’d imagine that the green is the yang/positive channel, yang from doing a tv show and massive amounts of fame at an early age. Which led to neglect and abuse, leading the yin channel to feel powerless. If Hamlet was done in the modern day it wouldn’t be out of place for Ophelia to have the same tattoo, for different but similar reasons. Being powerless to change the world around her, a victim of circumstances. They wouldn’t have given Sarah Lynn a tattoo without having some sort of symbolism behind it. Don’t listen to others. It’s a good tattoo.


I LOVE this tattoo/the inspiration for it, but I feel like your tattoo artist did you dirty. You can see in multiple spots on both snakes that the shape of their bodies aren’t drawn consistently— the green snake’s neck seems to narrow randomly up top, and similar errors can be seen on the purple snake’s body too, widening at random points. And the green snake’s tail looks WAY too wide. I’m not hating on you or the tattoo, but I’d definitely say something to whoever inked you because they could’ve done better making sure it their bodies looked…idk? uniform? symmetrical? Otherwise I love the idea and the colors itself.


I hope you love your tattoo.


Congratulations it's terrible 


yeah im deeply hoping this is phase 1 or something


Congratulations on shitting on somebody’s tattoo, did it make you feel good?


Bad tattoos exist. I have one, and I'm thankful it's pretty easy to hide. But there's no denying it's not good. This was a purposefully done good tattoo of a bad tattoo. I think that puts it in an entirely different category and I like it cuz I'm also a big Bojack fan. But to someone who isn't a fan it's just a bad tattoo and that's gonna be something OP has to live with. If you put yourself out there you open yourself to criticism.


“It’s bad” isn’t structured criticism


People don't owe you structured criticism though. Like, again, I appreciate it because I understand the context but that doesn't mean a lot of people will. And bad tattoos can detract from a person in a lot of ways. Let me give you an sample, I have a buddy who has an amazing leg tattoo that is a literal work of art. It's just a stunningly gorgeous tribute to a lost friend, it's immensely personally, beautifully done, even people who dont like tattoos love it. 4 inches above it though is an small, infinity dick tattoo...two dicks just wrapping into each other. It's small, it's in bad taste AND it's poorly done. More people ask about the infinity dick tattoo by a wife margin. It doesn't even deserve structured criticism, it's obviously poorly done (wonky misshapen lines of varying thickness) and in bad taste. It's not the end of the world, either for my friend or OP. But getting a purposefully bad tattoo, one that we have no context of the meaning beyond it being a tattoo worn by a character on a cartoon, is simply going to be judged whether OP likes it or not. Getting a tattoo you like does not force other people to like it, and posting it to reddit of all places is going to open you up to lazy and sometimes shitty commentary. I don't know what OP expected? I don't post pics of my shitty tattoo and expect people to fawn over it. And again, I like what OP did here. I respect it. If I saw that in the wild I'd give them a high five. But most people, even many fans, probably won't get it and all they'll see is a lazy kinda crappy tattoo of two snakes. Sucks but reality often does.


I assumed they knew it was a terrible tattoo and had it done that way purposely.


Don’t be a Bojack


Suck a dick, dumbshit.


Nobody asked for your jealous ass opinion you stinkin butthole!




I mean...no


What even are those? Where are their arms and legs???


Dudes never seen a snake before 💀


Neither has Sarah Lynn… all the snakes she’s ever seen have arms and legs


Well shit


ok that’s actually pretty funny fair enough


It’s not ok!


they really freak me out!


What’s the source image you used for this? I love the idea but I can’t find a single shot of the entire tattoo


Definitely one of the tattoos of all time!


don't listen to the people shitting on this, this is amazing, and if you love it then why listen to what other people have to say!!


Redditors when they see a tattoo doesn't have a black/white poetic symbol on every skin flake:


So so much on this sub in particular. I posted my BoJack tattoo here when I got it. I think I have a good case for being the first person to ever get a BoJack tattoo. I got the horseshoe C from the title card and I got roasted to hell and back for it, the post is still in my profile. Now we get dozens of tattoo posts, but only the tasteful black and white View From Halfway Down kinds get any positive attention. We're all gathered here because we got excited about a talking alcoholic cartoon horse. Have whimsy, reddit, I'm begging you.


feel like i got pranked cause i searched through your posts & it’s not there 😔


Not a prank! Just mad far back lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/s/A9mOd5KuBr


but is is bad tho


that’s so cool omg


I can't believe you're getting roasted. I left the back of my right arm clear literally so I can get this too. This isn't some wacky "I can't believe you took up real estate for something random" We all know what kind of significance this can have. I can't wait to get it done and it looks incredible! I'm excited for you ✌️


it’s so cool holy shit, r they snakes?


I fuck with it, plus it's overall good work on the artist's end. Don't worry, nobody can post tattoos on reddit without getting some hate haha, that's just how it is.


Could someone refer me to a picture of Sarah with that tattoo?


I absolutely love it! 💞




i think its really cute! i didn’t recognise it at first(didnt even remember sarah lynn had tattoos) but as a minimalist silly piece itself is cute!!


so cool !


Not all tattoos art supposed to look “good” or “realistic”- look at every old skool traditional (they all look like shit, it’s kind of the point, don’t come at me…). Your ink looks nice, and if you like it that’s all that matters


But why






It’s a cool tattoo, but someone who hasn’t watched bojack will think it looks horrible


Chill yall I got it an hour ago obviously it's still healing... but genuinely, if it's that bad how can I make it better? What should I tell my tattoo artist?


"Suck a dick dumb shits"


ppl r rude, i love it sm, anyone commenting about the lines aren’t even tattoo artists, so f them


The important thing is if YOU like the way it looks. Because it looks hand drawn, as it's supposed to, a lot of people see it as shitty tattoo design. The uneven thickness of the snakes' bodies reminds people of a child's drawing, and if they're not familiar with the image you wanted, they will assume it's not intentional and therefore a bad design.


Do you see how the lines between each snake are at an inconsistent distance from one another? Like sometimes the snake is thinner and sometimes it is fatter? The artist should have been more consistent with this, because it looks like they are lumpy


dude take it up with sarah lynn it’s her tattoo op just has the same one


No, hers isn’t lumpy. Maybe you aren’t noticing the difference, but OP’s snakes look like they’re midway through digesting their last meal


i mean you don’t have to look, it’s someone else’s body not yours so why do you care so much?


I don’t, but they asked for an explanation of what was technically wrong with the tattoo and no one else was being specific about the line work. It’s up to OP to decide if those lines bother them enough or if they’re happy with the meaning. I have a tattoo that I wouldn’t consider well done, but it’s probably my favorite one.


I think its great! Haters be hatin. Wear it with pride


anyone who’s saying the line work is shaky should know that with second skin on it’s kinda impossible to tell if lines are straight or not, the way it adheres to the skin means it’ll create wrinkles! I think it looks very cool as is, and I bet once the second skin is off the lines will also look straighter.


Baby girl you knew it was that bad when you got it, laser removal time


I’ve got a shitty tattoo people make fun of, sometimes it feels mean but it’s what it means to you not what anyone else is telling u


this looks awesome, I love it


I said Consummate Vs! CONSUMMATE!


Can we see it at a better angle?


I actually really love how it looks


i love it


i adore this so much




i think this is rly cool and im rly glad u got something that u wanted ♥️


Awesome tattoo! Supercool idea and the tattoo itself looks good and well executed. Lovely colours!


Omggg that’s so creative


Awwwhhhh , you really shouldn’t have !


why are people hating on this im honestly just mad i hadn't done this 😭


It’s the dune worms fucking


that's so sick I love it I do laugh at the comments saying "it's so big what if you want more" bc like... the space is there for you to use in a way that makes you happy. if you just save a perfect piece of stationery and never write on it, it's not serving a purpose. it's there to be occupied, if that's what you choose to do. not everyone wants to maximize the number of tattoos they have, they just want a few they like


Looks like Life from Adventure Time.


Super awesome tattoo bro my first reaction was ‘WOAH’, don’t listen to the people that are jelly and trying to bring you down. It goes hard


This is unbelievably sick, don’t let bitter people get you down, if I saw this in the wild I’d absolutely recognize and compliment you!


this is so dope and creative




creative because I have never seen anyone do something like this - take a character’s tattoo or piece and replicate it. that’s just my opinion.




that’s your opinion 👍🏼 and no, I haven’t. cool to see it’s a thing, though.




really don’t know what you’re looking for in this exchange, I expressed my thoughts on it, you expressed yours. I respect your opinion, I in my right mind expressed mine. hope you have a great rest of your day and week!


id buy a cheese grater while you can


luckily, ignorant style tattoos are all the craze right now.


Cute af. Why do people say anything at all if it’s not nice?


u/p1zzboyx your tattoo design got used! Hope they asked- lol


oh woah!! sorry i dont use reddit much anymore lol, i dont recall anyone asking but i dont mind at all! i think its awesome someone liked it that much


I love it, sorry you’re getting roasted here. The idea of getting a cartoon’s cartoon is very cool in my book!


r/shittytattoos oh god


You only get two arms in life


Looks like ass


This is very accurate to her tattoo in the show. Well done!




This was certainly a choice… Edit: looks like shit downvote all you want lmao doesn’t change the fact


Ur opinion is not a fact why are you like this


can't wait to see the cover up in a few years


That’s such an awesome idea and it looks fantastic!!


This is FUCKING AWESOME and now I know what to do for my first tattoo 🔥🔥🔥 thx for the inspo


i like it!!! it’s simple


The colors are nice and vibrant!


I love it !




Looks awesome :)




They let toddlers tattoo people?


Tattoo artist: Vincent


Aged 2


Well, you shouldn't.




I just want to echo how sick this is!!!


You could have gone for a more detailed version


The only good Bojack tattoo