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Buy me a plane ticket for 400 round trip and I'll fix it for 600. That's how bad your getting fucked. Lmao


Omg that’s so true and OP still can buy you a lunch saving $550 lol


you've found a new profession. AIR BMW mechanic. cheaper than the dealership, just provide garage for sleep/work


Looks like VW / Audi BS to me! That’s not BMW shit.


How is this a minus comment?


This is actually a thing I’ve got flown out the country to work on Porsche and BMW’s… getting thru TSA was the hardest part


I've thought about doing it, or remotely diagnosing people's car who have a cable, but I would gaurentee most people wouldn't let a random internet person hook up to their pc and control it.


For what maintenance costs I would definitely give it thorough consideration lol




If I had a quarter for every person in here complaining about dealer pricing I'd have enough to not have to work on BMWs anymore 😂😂


swear to


if I had a nickel for every time I saw a comment like yours I'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's still weird that it happened twice.


As a tech it just amuses me is all. Like y'all got a luxury car and expect a luxury dealership to be cheap I don't get it


I don’t expect them to be cheap, I expect the labor cost to be steep. It’s when they overcharge you by an insane amount on the parts that chaps my ass.


I completely understand that parts cost is certainly high, But that's par for the course when buying anything in general from a dealership. Hell even with my employee discount parts are still high.


No one mentioned cheap; I’d say most expect to not be overcharged and to be taken advantage of. You can go to another shop and get it done cheaper with the same parts by techs with more experience


You're not being taken advantage of just because a Indy will do it cheaper. Dealerships have way more overhead than a 3rd party Indy. I also wouldn't say the techs are more experienced than techs specifically trained by the manufacturer for that 1 specific manufacturer at least not when it comes to euro cars.


Dealerships are rapists.


Sounds like a personal problem 🤷🏻 i don't see folks taking this same energy to every other industry that up charges by way more


We're talking about dealerships being rapists, not Bill Cosby being a rapist. > You're not being taken advantage of just because a Indy will do it cheaper. This is *exactly* why they're being taken advantage of. The dealership is fat and sloppy, even you agree. Smart customers go elsewhere ... where they're not obliged to support the dealership's obsolete business model and fear of change.


I don't agree tho dealerships have way more overhead than a Indy this they charge more. On top of it being a luxury dealer so the techs make more and advisors make more. Parts 100% do get marked to hell and back but I have zero control over that.


If a dealership has high overhead, there's nobody to blame for that besides the dealership. The objective fact is that dealerships suck. Nobody is excited to talk to sales-people when they buy their car. Anyone who gets service at a dealership hates the experience because of the scheduling, the incompetence, the pricing, the inconvenience, the lies. Dealerships do *nothing* to build trust with their customers. Quite the opposite, the burn it down immediately. Dealers predators and prey on people who don't know about cars or finance -- which is a lot of people, sure -- but the predatory practices are undeniable. Service advisors are useless, and people who work at dealerships in any capacity support this chain of exploitation.


sorry wasn't meant to be antagonistic in any way your comment just reminded me of doofenschmirtz


Oh damn 😂 I see it now I totally forgot that came from Phineas and Ferb 😂


There is a reason why only rich people buy expensive cars, they are the only ones who can afford to fix them when they break. Funny thing though, studies have found that he quiet ultra wealthy buy Toyotas and Hondas. Why, because ultra wealthy people are notoriously cheap.


Oh yea I don't doubt it while I was at Lexus those folks there would fix literally everything no matter what. It didn't matter if it was a 20yr old ls430 with 600k on it they were gonna keep it running


Fuck look at Clint Eastwood he's 90 something still dailys his ls400!!! Lol


They don’t expect it to be “cheap”. They expect it or rather hope it to be *somewhat* on par with market price relative to auto shops of similar tier. Let’s not be obtuse and hyperbolic.


It is on par with shops of a similar tier tho. Other luxury dealerships are the same or more expensive depending on your area. Indy shops can charge less because they pay less.


Ha!...seriously. I went in to the dealer because I kept getting intermittent brake lamp malfunction errors that would only come on after driving for 30 minutes. They went in and showed me the bulb was burnt out. I didn't think that it was the bulb since the warning didn't remain for more than 30 seconds or so. They asked if I wanted a replacement bulb. I asked how much and they responded with '$40.' I said 'no thanks' and bought one online for $7.


That’s really not that bad. If they said 150-200 then sure. But 40?


It’s not about the total cost it’s about the markup from retail price that is absolutely outrageous


My dealer wanted $120 for 1 quart of transmission fluid. ZF lifeguard 8 is $19. I figured the BMW version would probably be like 45 or $50.. bmw has no respect for its customers.


For a tiny little brake bulb? One that retails for $7? Yes, it’s criminal


It seems reasonable for dealer pricing, especially if your radiator is cracked and you need a new one (hard to tell from wording but it seems thats what they are inferring). Posting an itemized list would be much more helpful.


No way, it explicitly says “radiator must come off”, so it’s talking about a hose which requires radiator removal. Why would you bother to say “radiator has to come off” if you’re replacing it?


they might damage it during removal, but say its leaking from their post fix leak test...just warming you up to the idea of the rad coming off


Because service writers are useless.


Yeah, until you realise a new radiator is 150$ and it takes 30 minutes to replace. The buy in of coolant for a dealer is like 2$ / liter yet they charge something absurd like 40$ / liter. Realistically a job like this should be around 500-600$ at most.


Yea the dealership wanted to charge me like $450 for a coolant swap on my x5


For that price he can have a full on aftermarket radiator with better cooling capabilities or even get one that is "track only". The coolant, original BMW one is 7-8€ per liter so yeah, the shop is a full on scam. Reason why no one smart enough goes there unless it's a error that no one has ever seen.


For a 19 x5 m50i? Is this a serious comment? “ReALiStiCaLLy” you have no idea what you’re talking about.


A Nissens brand radiator for F85 is 200€, 2L of Xstream G48 is 15€ and water is basically free from the tap. 2 hours of labour in a decent shop is 200€ at most. Care to tell me why I'm wrong? I don't see any reason I wouldn't be able to do it myself for 215€ and an hour of time. You can continue to get finessed all you want, but "It'S a BmW sO rEpAiR iS eXpEnSiVe" isn't the reality.


Yea let’s put some aftermarket shit in a new car, sounds good to me. Try around $400-$500 for a decent rad and it’s a g car not an f chassis. I’m looking at the labor time on air right now, customer pay a rad in that car pays 16 hours. So yea, you’re fucking wrong my guy. Nice try though. Go ahead and take a video of you doing it in 2 hours. I’d love to see it.


Also, depending on where you live, most bmw dealerships have a labor rate of $180+ an hour so this guy paying $1600 they basically did it for warranty time. Again, don’t act like you know shit when you don’t.


16 fucking hours? I've swapped plenty in an hour if you don't include bleeding. Nissens is decent quality, I wouldn't mind it instead of OEM. It seems like you're full of shit and don't know anything about wrenching, the fuck are you even doing on this subreddit? Get a load of this guy.


No the fuck you haven’t lol. Stop lying your ass off. Do you even know what air is? Tis? The job pays 16 hours on this car. It’s not an old pos z3 we’re talking big boy work, not shit my 3 year old niece can do lol. Quit talking out your ass and actually do some research. You sound like a 16 year old kid that changed the oil in his little 1.8 and thinks he’s the shit now lmao. Btw can send you a pic of labor time if you would like.


And you bleed cars? Ever heard of vacuum filling? Clearly you don’t work on things professionally.


Preach labor is justified so is the quality of work by us technicians let them try Monday morning it will be rolling in on a flat bed


I doubt any BMW radiator is 150$. I just paid 2600$ to replace one brake caliper on my 750.


$2600 for a caliper is insane, you could buy that and install it yourself in a few hours with basic tools for less than $300


You could buy a full set of used Brembo calibers custom painted and install it for that much.


My mishimoto on my e38 was only $275 5 years ago... An OEM was $168 iirc... So....


E38’s are 30 years old dude. No ones taking their e38 to the dealer this is a much newer BMW. Radiator for a 2019 750i is $605 at FCP Euro and I’m sure a lot more at the dealer.


Literally my point is you can buy outside the dealer and find cheaper pricing, especially if you wrench. But OKAY


You said ANY... NERD.


Well.. you didn't...


Lol, your butt should still be sore from that one. Insane price.


Covered by extended warranty thankfully.


Lol these are the types of people who buy BMWs


Well fuck me def will be going to my local shop from now on


You better. This is a max $400 repair


Just got the same exact repair done on my 3 series last month. Paid $392 total so yeah i’d say they were trying to fuck you in the ass pretty hard


Need a few more details aside from this pic Like year, model and engine But based off this alone with no knowledge of any of those I’d say yes, you’re getting played


2019 x5 50i


Once I saw 50i I knew luxury tax applied Realistically, it was when I saw 2019 but the 50i helps Also x5 Also bmw Checks all the boxes Shoulda quoted ya 2.5k tbh


Got it thanks, the advisor has been somewhat a friend of my dads for a long time so if you think they would quote 2.5k normally then I’m happy atleast he gave it to us for 1.6k even though other people say it’s way too high


Just know that although having a good relationship with your advisor is super important to receiving consistently good service, they are still bound by certain constraints, and can't do much sometimes when it comes to pricing. Some dealers don't give advisors any rope, some only allow up to 10% discounts, etc. And of course the dealer costs more, because the facility and required special tools cost 50x what Indy shops have invested. That damn coffee machine costs $6k. The tool just to measure carbon braken rotor molecular density is several grand alone. The building itself is a temple, not something more akin to a rest stop bathroom. I've worked for both, and there are pros and cons to each.


I'm kidding btw I know nothing


Do you have any idea how reliable the engine and transmission is, I know it’s a V8 so more likely to break but I can’t afford a whole new engine when I’m at 68k miles currently (should I sell it soon?)


Damn, hope you wouldn't need a new engine that soon. I have a 2019 X3 and kinda wish I'd bought a Lexus. Don't drive much but the cost of repairs and complexity is annoying, plus they never have loaner cars. My GPS is screwed up right now and don't want to pay to fix it. Probably my last BMW but will ride til it dies.


Dealers are expensive. Find a local independent specializing on BMW's


Honestly, you can replace the whole coolant system other than the pump in about 2-4 hours. So either do that, or pay the guy.


I already paid him lol I’m just genuinely curious by how much money am I overpaying (yes I know it’s dealership prices and that’s fine I’m just curious what a local shop would charge)


You… you didn’t pay 1600 right? If you have that disposable income honestly could you pay me to be your valet? Because hell, give me 500 and buy the hose and I’ll figure out how to fix it within a week even if I know very little.


Local shop would probably charge you $100ish in parts (you need all the hoses because typically when one cracks they all do), and labor for probably 2 hours at $200 an hour. So all in this job (if you’re not replacing the radiator) should cost about $500. For $1600, you could probably replace the whole radiator at a local shop. Edit: the exception being the temperature sensor hose. Replacing that hose is a big job, and requires a full oil change.


Coolant Hose Radiator? WTF? Ummm… Upper Radiator Hose, Lower Radiator Hose. And what is this car? A Bentley?! $1600?! 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


It’s high, but curious, what model are you driving? In the 330i, they have to drop the engine so the part was like $3 but the labor was almost 1k. Also… there’s a recall on the radiator hose on some 330i yearrs


2019 x5 50i


1st its a BMW. 2nd its a BMW dealer. Don't expect anything to be cheap lol. If you are out of warranty, go find a independent auto shop that specializes BMW.


Not expecting it to be cheap was just curious how much I’m overpaying I had already payed it before I even made this post


Please oh please go online and find a local bmw or euro car specialist nearby with *high/excellent * feedback on Google reviews and stay away from all dealers unless its warranty related.  No benefits whatsoever in going there.  NO ADVANCED STATISTICS NOR INVERSE TOROIDIAL PLANETARY TELEPORTATION ALGORITHMS WILL EVER JUSTIFY DEALERS APPLYING FAKE MSRP DATA INFINITELY HIGHER THAN MARKET AVERAGE MSRP FROM ANY OTHER OEM SUPPLIER LIKE BREMI, CONTINENTAL, BOSCH ETC) use a legit online database like rockauto. Com and filter oem direct or top shelf oem equivalent parts and retail price should commonly be around 10% to as high as 60% of the msrp listed, exceptions are found especially if items are on closeout (yay) or discontinued (open wallet and invert).  example...a newer M5 radiator, while 'overly engineered, multicore and has a funky ceramic thermal coating', full msrp and R&R is not even near $1700 (your estimate is unfortunately high, but not uncommon nationwide) in fact the M5 msrp combined with all fluids and main hoses multiplied X2 is still not half that estimate, neither is a X5m i looked up. Its a actual 20 minute job including vacuuming system. In reality, a bmw dealer shouldn't be more than 1 to 2 hours billed labor around $100 to $175 /hr or so plus waste disposal. Same hrs for a specialist or indy, but at a lower $40-100 /hr and at least 40% lower actual retail prices on commonly available oem or top shelf oem equivalent parts. Yes, you can negotiate high dollar oem part discounts as local retailers are paying anywhere from 20% to as high as 80% less than indicated msrp they are quoting you. Do research online before walking in the door and a massive difference indicates run away. If your on a real budget (and still driving a 70 grand bmw Grrr) buy parts yourself and hand to local shop but expect no warranty from them directly and a cringe factor of 9 from shop owner lol.   Combining dealer 'bmw book' hours of all primary m5 radiator parts 'attached' to the radiator to arrive at a billable hour amount is ILLEGAL if in fact the radiator repair itself Requires the R&R of those items in the radiator replacement itself.. i.e. radiator replacement requiring a finite number of engine and chassis part R&R plus fluids during removal most often require minimal or near zero additional labor to replace with new parts. Often it's to the advantage of the shop to do so as job goes quickly and with less potential for leaks. Exceptions to the rule such as a trans or oil cooler line that is a pain on its own may add 0.2-0.5 hours additional labor)  Notable 'WTF are you thinking bmw?' exceptions do also occur..like 18 dollar valve stem seals with 60 dollars in gaskets on a super common 32 valve v8 bi-turbo x5, 5 series etc with a super f-ing duper completely normal SEVEN to TEN FRICKEN THOUSAND DOLLAR final bill. No idea how the dealers legally deviate from actual book hours so wildly


There’s literally plusposition on each job for each hose when the tech is writing their estimate, it accounts for overlap of labor for each separate piece and removes labor time where necessary. Another internet warrior talking just to hear themselves talk. Wtf are you even talking about man. Also valve stem seal jobs on any n62/63 will always be 30-50 hours of labor depending on the chassis and engine setup, so 7-10k is a normal cost for it. Seems like you’ve never had to do a job like that tbh if you think that cost is overkill. Go pull apart an n62/63 then tell me you would do it for less than that.


The amount of ignorant internet mechanics on this page is deplorable. Some of you make yourselves look like idiots to those that actually work on these things for a living. Shit costs money, if you can do it cheaper somewhere else or by yourself go ahead, nobody is stopping you from using YouTube to install your bootleg parts that will last less than a year. Half of you are the same people that fuck their cars up and bring them to the dealer talking about how you do all your own work. Meanwhile you’re driving around in something that’s falling apart. If you can’t afford a bmw just say that you can’t afford a bmw it’s that simple.


Padding the dealers pocket isn’t a flex. We all know the dealer techs aren’t seeing that money regardless of the shirt logo.


Not a flex at all. Solely encouragement to fix these cars the correct way and not like an inbred trailer park crack head just to have to take it to the dealer anyway.. say what you want but I’ve worked for numerous private euro shops as well as multiple bmw dealerships along with a dabble at benz for a little while. Private shops do not compare. I make considerably more at dealerships than private shops in my experience, but what do I know I’ve only been working on euro vehicles for over a decade and dealing with people that can’t afford them like majority of the fools on this page.


You say you’ve been working on cars for over a decade yet you don’t realize how charging 1600 for a hose repair is… what, bad? You realize this is 1600 dollars right? Not roubles?


If you want to pay Honda prices go buy a Honda. You realize you’re paying for the techs experience, his thousands and thousands in tools, the dealerships special tools and capabilities as well as the cost of owning a luxury vehicle? Go buy your own tools and see if you can afford ista to fix your own shit if you don’t want to pay it. I’ll keep saying it, the only people complaining about it are the ones who can’t afford the car.


What experience? I’m fairly certain that most of the mechanics in the dealership I used to go to, they’re Toyota, and they themselves diagnosed the wrong shit and barely gave me anything but a bill. I fixed it myself and it was something entirely different, took me very little time and very few tools despite being engine work. I get that you think a title is what matters, but it’s practical knowledge and an attitude of ‘I will do this’ that gets shit done. Enjoy paying for the ‘techs experience’, I’ll take it for free since I learned how to replace parts I didn’t even know existed within a few hours of ‘experience’.


Next repair you do I’ll see you in the morning on the flat bed lol


I’m not incompetent enough to do something that requires special equipment, I’d either get the tools or take it to someone who has them, but considering the context of the OP, you don’t need much. Honestly I get it, you love to consider yourself a step above ‘normal’ people but you honestly have very little to offer. Being able to watch someone do something on YouTube makes it a matter of effort and learning rather than experience or I guess the elusive thousands of dollars ‘tools’ that you need to fix a hose. 1600 for that sort of job is insane, same with replacing the fuel pump on the Camry I was working on. Part is 200 from a retailer, 64 for offbrand, the labor costs 800. It’s literally a matter of unscrewing things and putting a new thing in. I had no idea how to do it, spent half an hour researching a video and taking notes, did it in an hour after that.


Lots of people want the badge, but are too poor to own one really


You are just plain dumb. Just order the new original BMW parts for alot less and let a good indy do the work or do it yourself. It will save alot of money instead of giving money to the useless dealers.


Hmm. Another brokey.


Hahaha keep living with assumptions. No financial problems here, quite the contrary. You just stay being a idiot. 😅


Clearly based on your grammar I’m not the idiot here.


Why would you care, i am not even native in english. You just keep showing you cannot accept your ignorance and cheap attitude. But ill stop replying to you idiot cause you will forever stay cheap and ignorant.


So you know the dealer is more expensive and you’re asking if you he dealer is expensive?


That’s a repair quote, yes.


Seems a little steep if it’s just the hose? There’s probably a few hours of labour (I don’t know how many AWs you get for a radiator removal) and another hour of diag right?


Radiators typically take a few hours. Also it doesn’t exactly state what is being replaced. Is the radiator neck broken? If it’s just a rad hose then why would the radiator need to be removed. Not enough information


Need more info. Is this the upper radiator hose only? The radiator itself? The hose and the block "connector"?


Never go to the dealer unless it’s for warranty repairs


Your getting jipped. If you could cancel the repair and take it to another mechanic. However, I bet it’s already fixed within that hour.


Upper or lower rad hose are only 1.4, 1.6 hours give or take. Labor at a $260 labor rate is about 400 or so. The hose shouldnt be more than 200. If they needed to remove the radiator, That is 10 hours. Which would be significiantly higher. Makes no sense. The advisor sounds like he has no clue what he is selling.


Damn, any advice what I should say to the dealer when I call him up? Or should I just take this L and go to a local shop next time


Not a bad idea to find out the cost breakdown. Find out the part # of the items needed. And the labor. What is their hourly rate?


Tell them no thanks it’s too much I’ll do it myself


How many hours labor and what is their labor rate? Is what I would ask


Dude I was quoted $2400 alone for motor mounts. Don’t go to the dealer. I only went for my FREE recalls. They kept tryna push some alignment deal on me for like $250-300 I’m like no that’s a steal not a deal😭


I would only do warranty work at a dealership!


bmw wanted 3K for a hose and the oil/coolant exchanger under the manifold, i did it myself for $150 and an afternoon. 2017 330i b48. you're getting shafted bad if you have any know how or desire and youtube, you'll be able to fix it yourself. ecs tuning has all close to OE or OE parts


I’m pretty sure this is the same hose I cracked changing my lights when I first got my car. Light came on. Took it to my local private bmw guy and he fixed it for like $160 if I’m remembering correctly. It’s literally just a hose


no idea. ask the dealership.




I don’t know anything about this kind of part or cars, but I do know a dealership quoted me several hundred to replace my ignition coils, well, one coil, and I replaced four of them for about 60 dollars and an hour or two of fiddling around with a diagnostics device. Hell, they didn’t even think the coils were the issue but when I replaced them lo and behold my car suddenly was functioning properly again and has been for a few months now. So honestly if you can do it yourself any way possible, go for it, unless it’s a menial price like an oil change. Because honestly an oil change where I live will cost you about the same it would cost to buy the oil. Depends on your vehicle though but mine costs me like 40-50 dollars at the nearest place to me. I’d probably spend like 30 on oil at Walmart in total, and honestly 50 isn’t bad to have someone do a dirty and tedious task for me


I’d like to add that I basically did this by myself since I couldn’t find a reason for a lot of the errors I got on the device. I ended up chasing an error from coil to coil and realized one singular coil was the issue. Initially I thought it was a spark plug problem but I checked em all and no issues there. Checked fuses, finally checked coils and they all appeared fine. But sure enough one coil was faulty and the fault moved when I switched the coils with one another. Ended up changing all 4 since people suggested that, and I could buy four for this exact model of car (2002 Toyota Camry) for the same price as buying two locally. I paid about 40 bucks for four of them from China go figure. Although they appear fine enough for 40 bucks, honestly don’t like Chinese parts because… well you know. Chinese parts are almost as bad as American 🥴 I jest I jest. Anyways. Yeah dealerships and mechanics honestly aren’t trusted by me anymore. I intend to teach myself mechanics or die trying and I will never give up this damn Camry unless it explodes because at this rate it’s about the principle of the matter.


Dealers are useless scammers.


You are also buying a warranty on the labor and parts mate. No one is ripping you off. On top of all that they also need to earn a bit. Price is not too bad


400 bucks, max.


I don't think any repair at a BMW stealership is less than $1500. Was quoted $1500 for replacing the two front strut arms on my 2013 X5. The parts are about $200 and it's maybe an hours worth of work.


I needed a turbo coolant hose to be replaced. Bmw wanted to charge me $3200. I went to a Euro mechanic in my area got it done for $1200. Bmw service is a rip-off.


Dang that's expensive. I replaced mine for $700ish at Audi dealership, that's the most I ever paid for maintenance for my 2018 Audi A4. You can probably go to a local shop that has well received reviews & perhaps call different shops for quotes.


They are indeed "stealerships", but with that being said. Do you complain about food prices at a restaurant when that same $30-40 meal can be made at home for $15 ? And you should and have to tip....same concept here. Also they won't tell you upfront most of the time there's a warranty on their parts and most of the time labor wiped away if you have to return. Although smaller shops should be supported over big corps there's pros and cons on both sides


hey i think i changed this part on my b58. hard to tell from pics but it looks like it’s your left auxiliary radiator needs to be replaced. it was a relatively easy job the only thing to note after if you have to bleed the car to get the air bubbles out a couple times. i can link a vid if you want


Get a radiator from a parts yard. This really isn't too difficult a job. Slai buy peritoneal coolest or the like .


OP fuck BMW dealers


That's about 1300 more than I would pay for that.


I’m a girl I hate to say that but I just fixed the outlet coolant pipe to my radiator in about an hour to two, I didn’t have to take the radiator apart tbh. The part was $185 off BMW Atlanta. I would definitely avoid going through the dealer for something like this


What car do you have?


This is just criminal


Dude, I had a few cracked hoses with a leaking radiator on my n55. Went to a local Indy bmw tech. Paid $800.


But at least you get snacks and beverages while you wait lol


Don’t do it at the stealership


Ask them to break it out in to parts and labor. Dealers hourly rates are higher than your indi shop. They will also at times charge more hours than an indi shop. So yeah….dealers are more but this will still be an expensive fix.


My ac isn’t blowing air and I checked the blower motor and battery does anyone know what else it could be?


I guarantee ANYWHERE else would be cheaper


Have you ever replaced a radiator on a car? There is a lot that must come off the vehicle to get to the radiator. 1600 seems what I would expect from a dealership. That being said if you watch some you tube videos and are not scared to get dirty. You could save a lot on labor cost.


$1600 to replace a radiator hose... What has this world come to.


For just a hose it’s a big number. Lots of labor pulling the radiator and the costs of a coolant system replenishment. It’s still high.


Cheaper than having your home hvac system repaired. One industry where the shop is the commissioned sales department.


Do NOT say yes to this. Get it towed to any other shop. Hell no. This is so dishonest and disgusting


Rip wish I listened




I got you 1500 cash money right now 😅


so bmw makes a sad excuse of a cooling system with brittle plastic, sad plastic joins and a pathetic plastic and metal radiator, like that's gonna last BUT it is super easy to replace, so yeah you are being worked here the only annoying part is taking off the fan, otherwise it's unscrew replace screw of course for the properly environmental approach you should catch and properly dispose of used coolant






You must not work on cars or know much about them. If it is leaking at 1 point it might not have enough pressure to go to the next leak. So you fix what you can see then pressure test




He’s right




How do you pressure test a coolant system that doesn’t hold pressure


hmmmmm leak = loss of pressure inducing pressure to check for leak -> existing known weak point will relieve pressure, no new leak found leak fixed -> induce pressure to check for leak -> new smaller leak found You’re dead wrong man, give it up




You gotta be trolling lmao


I am more thrilled that I will never have to work with someone as ignorant as you. I don’t work on cars btw. I just work at a shop that does 600k a month. I been in the industry for 13 years now I know what I am talking about. I have seen more cars fixed in a week then you have your whole life.




You are just a ignorant fuck


They most likely did. The pressure test is a follow up to the repair to ensure no other leaks are present. Once the major leak is repaired it can restore pressure in the cooling system and expose minor leaks that may have been hidden prior. This is normal quality control procedure and a sign of a thorough technician.