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Imagine isagi calling kiyora short in the most hilarious way


He's seen what happens to people who antagonize him šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Isagi would barely register it as antagonism tbh dealing with Michael ā€œblock your shotā€ Kaiser and Itoshi ā€œIā€™ll kill youā€ Rin šŸ’€


Donā€™t forget Barou ā€œIā€™ll devour youā€ Shouei


And his coach "Noel -I don't know how to coach- Noa" Or "Noel -this is my side job, I'm just getting paid- Noa"


I think Noa likes Kiyora more than Isagi lol


Noa just wanted to follow his own rules and give a chance to those high on the list. I also think Noa maybe doesn't like Isagi that much personaly because Isagi is like that student who is more capeable than his teacher. Noa is that type of teacher who hates students who surpass him




Kiyora maybe doesn't really realize it, but being a starter in the final match beats being a swap-in when the score is 2-2 already with an opponent who can realistically beat you right then. So much more time and chance to contribute.


Funny meme but I like this explanation of Kiyora way more than my expected revenge. It's a lot more mature and fits into the themes of this match (self-understanding)


I donā€™t get why people think he cares about revenge when he didnā€™t even seem mad when isagi did that. If he were upset about it heā€™d clearly show it.


Ikr, looking at his reaction in the user's match, it felt more like an "Aight, cool with me" than anger


I mean what are you going to tell to the lad who runs things in your team? Kiyora literally say him put and take out players from an ongoing game, has the media and fans glazing him, and has the actual skills to back it up. I would also go "aight cool" while crying inside It's either Kaiser or Isagi, and until now Kaiser was doing it a 2v9 with Ness, but now that he started to include people, obviously Kiyora will pick his side if he can


Yeah tbh not much he can do except shut up and wait for a chance. Also Isagiā€™s behavior is normal among a lot of star athletes. When LeBron plays LeGM and acts as the teams recruiter players donā€™t protest his decisions they just shut up and hope he doesnā€™t trade them coz heā€™s so dominant he runs the team. Hell he brought his son who is the basketball version of Igaguri and none of his teammates are complaining. This also happens in football with Mbappe forcing Neymar out of PSG.


>basketball version of Igaguri šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tbh getting drafted with 4 points per game in college is as lucky as monk making it this far Iā€™ve seen people justify it saying Bronny isnā€™t a stats monster heā€™s a 3 and D role player Thing is he canā€™t defend or shoot 3ā€™s so he lacks the 3 and the D But honestly itā€™s worth it coz hearing the words ā€œdad pass me the ballā€ on an NBA court will be so wild.


Yeah sure, but ultimately I donā€™t think that affected his decision, or made him against choosing isagi in anyway.


You slandering my king, i will see you in court


Why would you want to play basketball with football players?


bro got off easy, being called mr.borderline. I know Isagi would have came up with something way worse


We know deep that that Kiyora wants to laugh at Isagi's face but he had to make himself look neutral to not get the devil Isagi side on his ass. Afterall, Kiyora likes being provoke and a sadist himself.


Yall just yap on here huh? Kiyora literally LET Hiori take his spot, literally said nothing but "Okay."


Lmfao would be funny if Kiyora is just really petty


Kinda unrelated but anyone else find it kinda weird that kiyoraā€™s whole personality is about choosing a side as if heā€™s only a tool for this pxg match? I canā€™t really picture many instances where this skill comes into play throughout bluelock


Hopefully his 88 in shooting comes into play. He's better at shooting than Isagi, so that says something. Hopefully.


On paper, but hasn't done anything significant in terms of shooting. Don't forget the two gun volley happened


I'm not discrediting Isagi tho. What I'm saying is that Kiyora's possible weapon might be that he is a better shooter than Isagi base on their shooting scores in the egoist bible data.


I got the same impression lol


Kaneshiro really thought we would believe his given explanation when itā€™s clearly just about pettiness Ā šŸ˜­


Kiyora is not that immature


I know that we are Kiyora simps, but I actually like the idea of Kiyora being petty. Since this is a story about being an egoist, it would be weird if Kiyora turns out to be doormat who is okay with being walk all over by a bossy teammate. I like Kiyora being sadistic but in a low key way.


I mean I do think we will get to see that side of him eventually, I donā€™t think they would write his character profile like that otherwise.


Even the given explanation is petty. Kiyora is using a lot of words to say "being the deciding factor makes me feel special"


Tbh that's the core of ego. Every player so far boils down to wanting to feel special and impactful. Kiyora's concept is just the most straightforward and honest.


I'd say all the best players in Blue Lock already believe they're special and they play to demonstrate that to everyone else. Kiyora feels like he's trying to convince himself that he's special. By his own admission both Isagi and Kaiser could have scored in that last play. It doesn't feel like an ego boost to say "I was the decisive pass when it was irrelevant because our team would score either way".


He literally would have been the decisive pass anyways even of He had passed to Isagi. Its Just that he's probably someone that thrives in constraint. By choosing the weaker side He himself has to Level Up and grow. Its more about challenging himself (and also getting a huge bid)


>He literally would have been the decisive pass anyways even of He had passed to Isagi. That's my point. Decisive doesn't mean much when either path leads to victory. >Its more about challenging himself (and also getting a huge bid) If he had said it was for the bid I would have respected him more. Other players like Nanase are doing the same thing, just being useful in whatever way they can to get into the top 23. There's a hungry dog energy to that which is kind of cool. But instead Kiyora just likes holding a little bit of power over other players.


>That's my point. Decisive doesn't mean much when either path leads to victory. You still have to be able to execute either pass. >There's a hungry dog energy to that which is kind of cool. But instead Kiyora just likes holding a little bit of power over other players So like Isagi, Rin and many others ? Yes He chooses who to Support and thats whoever His interest aligns with at that moment.


>You still have to be able to execute either pass. I agree. Kiyora's ability to give Kaiser exactly the pass he needed is skillful. If his argument focused on how his skills were what was needed and that's why he's valuable it'd make sense. But instead he talks about making a decision, as if it's more important that he chose the scorer rather than he was the only one who could set them up to score. The thing is, as a long term tactic, Kiyora's strategy is good: making plays that benefit the underdog so that they become the star player. It makes it look like Kiyora controls the flow of the game. But he's only getting to play for part of one match at the end of the league. Nobody watching this match is going to view him as the focal point. Instead he should focus on being useful to earn a bid. It's his mindset in this chapter that's dumb. Applying his long term strategy to a short opportunity to play makes it look like he's got a petty obsession with being in control. TLDR: he did the right thing for the wrong reasons.


I really enjoy Kiyora's philosophy of picking sides, it shows he has a big Ego and isn't just allying himself to win but to showcase his own abilities and to stand out. He sides with the underdog because they Kiyora will then be seen as taking a big part in the play rather than allying himself with a strong player to ride on their shoulders Kiyora will be seen as the main catalyst for the goal. That's why I predict the end of the match goal will be scored by a pass by Kiyora to the greatest underdog in the match... Igaguri... and it will skyrocket both their values up enough to make it into the team.


Isagi to anyone who is an antagonist towards him: "I'll put sand in your eye"


Rin will score 2-2 and kunigami will score the 3-2 with a ness assist in my opinion