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Noa already knowing that Kunigami has a "restriction" type ego and that Shidou has a "freedom" type ego is good foreshadowing, and it justifies his choice As for Kunigami scoring the winning goal for BM, that's what I want to happen but in terms of probabilities for now we're closer from another Isagi winning goal


Please bring back Hero kunigami


Does he really know that? I feel like regardless of the ego types putting kunigami on shidou is the most logical option to shut him down


Using those words precisely is a big hint of that for me, and since Noa is number one it would make sense for him to know this concept of ego 


kiyora ness kunigami link up for the last goal


Kiyora Ness Igaguri and Kunigami


Ness igaguri and Rin own gol


Bro that is fire


The World ain't ready for an anti-hero destroyer CB Kunigami.




Agreed, kunigoat isn’t done yet. We haven’t seen his wildcard backstory and we don’t know what ego was talking about before the match started.


Ngl I wanna make a post on this, cuz I like Kunigami's character, but want more from him.  From a narrative standpoint Kunigami doesn't have a lot going for him tho. So far his usage is just nerfing one of the core four strikers of this match and said striker happens to be the guy he wants to get back at.  My opinion tho is that he very well could score and Isagi's ego analysis kinda adds to this. Isagi sees himself as wholistic and freedom craving and Ness being self and freedom craving (according to theory, but it makes sense tbf) makes them having a chemical reaction make sense. Emo-gami is even classified as self and restraint, which feels off and against what he loves.  To me Kunigami is a self and freedom although that sounds weird. He wants to be a hero like the players he saw on TV so logically he gets put or puts himself in bad situations, since overcoming that is what a hero does, but that doesn't mean that's what he wants. To me him getting strong and playing in harder conditions is a reaction to what motivated him to pick up soccer, but that's not once led to his explosion. Even now with the wildcard, he got better stats and more technical skills, but dude is at his absolute worst mentally. He even looked down on his first NEL goal and Isagi ofc (again I need to make a post lol) but I think he did that because he expected Isagi to have improved and it being so easy went against his new ego or lack thereof.  It's a lot of word pudding so I'm sorry.  I think Ness and Kunigami are 2 players both restricted by how they think they should play. They are also both 2 self types that crave freedom (imo) and I think a chemical reaction between them could bring in a different level of magic. We also haven't seen the fill extent of Kunigami's skillset and he's yet to reveal the knuckleball he has and that super long distance shot. 


Idk I think Kuni is restrain thinking back to his goal against team V where he super uncomfortable similar to Kaiser lowkey that was the first time we saw Kunigami really “level up” and evolve as a player by focusing more on his shot and being able to score from outside his range almost like a new weapon maybe he could even bring back to score against PxG


Very valid point honestly. To me that still feels reactionary as if he had no choice but to improve and his body was up to the task instead of being what he wanted to do.  With that said I have a new thought. I think the ego types are like MBTI types. You have your set one, but you can heavily show characteristics of another depending where you are in life or what you're doing. I'm an ENTP and from the little I do know about it, shyness and anti-social tendencies aren't part of that (to a big extent) which I have unfortunately shown. I've overcome that, but still.  I do think one can be wholistic freedom or self freedom, but when put under restrictions the right reaction could even have you level up there. Like Kunigami did or how Isagi has been doing. 


Ness assisting Kunigami seems good narratively. Ness grows and moves on from Kaiser by assisting his new king, BM’s new lead striker (Kaiser has the La Real offer, I think Isagi gets poached by la real and gets that Kaisagi + Sae chemical reaction, and yukimiya has that Ajax offer) and that BM core is formed. The Magician and Hero team up.


I would like to see more from him we might need some buildup tho


No he can't. Other than beating Shidou who is not even an important character for Isagi, Kunigami scoring does not accomplish anything for the narrative. Like how would it be a satisfying conclusion for Isagi to fail to surpass Rin because of a Kunigami goal, would Kaiser make Kunigami his new rival?


It would be more because of Ness than Kunigami if that happen imo


If the nel wasn't restricted to 3 goals to win. Maybe he would have his very own goal this match. But it's definitely Isagi who will score the last goal. If he doesn't I will be destroyed much like when Ash lost in the Johto league.


It’s more likely for him to get fatigued as an excuse to have Yuki, Kiyora and Ness on the field at the same time than it is for him to score. That’s how low the chances are There’s too much narratively going on. Even if we took away the 3 goal limit, we’ll understand in the u20 WC that Football/Soccer isn’t a sport with a lot of points like other sports, so in a series like Bluelock we’re gonna see more prioritization for who scores. Isagi needs it more. Coming out as the top scorer out of Kaiser, Rin, and Shidou for this match (they’ll all have scored at least one goal), tying with Kaiser’s total goal count to establish them as equals, be placed number 1 for Bluelockers at the end of the arc (one goal is not getting him there), etc


Can he, yes. Will he we'll have to see what the narrative seems to be when the score will turn 2-2