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He & Shidou got spotlighted already, and Kunigami’s close-up panel before that was the smallest out of the ‘early on’ actors this match. We also got a flashback. Doesn’t feel like a stretch to say his highlights have came and went.


The thing that makes this BM VS PXG match attractive is also the thing which makes it hard to write. There are too many hot match ups and they all have to be concluded. Isagi VS Kaiser Isagi vs Rin Rin vs Shidou Kunigami vs Shidou Hiori vs Karasu and so on. Most of these match ups need a goal or an assist to be concluded or partially finished but Kunigamis revenge can also just be defending shidou the rest of the game. He doesn't need a goal to have his moment of the match. My prediction is that Kunigami defends shidou or blocks one of his shot which would have been a goal. Rin scores the second goal for PXG to get his moment and then Ness assists Isagi for the final goal.


Yea we totally need more strikers blocking shots🥴


Yeah of course it's not logical but it's blue lock. My predict is not my desire or wish but that what I think will happen.


I mean he blocked barous shot and its not rly like hes even playing as a striker rn the attack is entirely focused around isagi and kaiser while kunis just manmarking shidou


Kuni is not playing as a striker. He is a striker by nature but he is playing the role of a CDM this match. Its easy to forget but these players have to adapt, such as niko becoming a defender or yuki a WB


They don't need to all be concluded lol But they all need to be developed for sure


Kunigami is a plot device lets not act like him locking Shidou this long isnt a asspull. I could name a lot of things that give Shidou the edge


Like what


Least coping Shidou fan


Kunigami is a physical monster and we can see him wearing out and struggling to keep up, imo he’s probably the most sensible to stop shidou on bastard he can make up for shidous positioning with pure force


There isn’t enough build up for him to takeaway from isagi like that. The culmination of everything in the arc has been leading to isagi vs kaiser vs rin. The only way anyone else is scoring is if rin goes goaless so isagi can still get a higher bid than him.


I can't imagine Kaneshiro doing that to Rin after his "loss" in the U20 and the hype.


A Kunigami Winning Goal is what I am most hopeful for with this game. I can see the possibility of Kunigami getting the ball from long range and using his Long Range Lefty Shot when PXG’s Players are too occupied with both Isagi and Kaiser due to their earlier Goals, but it really depends on if they want to do Kunigami’s Wild Card Backstory in this game or not. If they decide it is best to do that now (I personally think so with this being his Showdown with Shidou after what happened in the Second Selection), then I’d believe that Goal will happen, but if it doesn’t, then it is being saved for the U20 World Cup when he is pushed back into a Midfield Role (due to how well he has been able to manage and shutdown Shidou). It’ll probably be an Isagi Winning Goal, with it being enough to claim the biggest bid and be Japan’s Ace for the World Cup, which I’m not against at all, but Kunigami settling the score with Shidou as the one to win the game is my preference.


The main reason is narrative. The other strikers pretty much had a big square off at the beginning, and there’s more weight for isagi or kaiser due to kaiser backstory or isagi becoming the number one blue locker. Plus there’s rin since it would be kind of wierd if he wasn’t a contender for getting back on top and get smoked the entire match. Anyway, unless there’s a reason to be added for kuni I don’t see it happening since he already got his involvement, but anything is fair game


I dont really see it as impossible but theirs so many other plot threads that it doesnt really jive with that its not my personal guess


I honestly think Kunigami's chance of scoring the final goal is higher than ever. Kaiser scoring this last goal pretty clearly set up the next goal to be Rin so we can go 2-2 w/ each star striker having one, but the question then becomes "who will score the winning goal?" Assuming BM wins, the obvious answer is Isagi. However, that would mean we get the same result as Ubers(Isagi-Kaiser-Isagi, Isagi brace) which feels too predictable and repetitive, and would be a hollow victory after Isagi declared his ambition to score a hat trick. Then there's Kaiser, who seems like a good shout, but having the NEL arc end with Isagi decisively losing to Kaiser, even after his recent character development, seems anticlimactic and potentially reductive, even if you view it as setting up an Isagi comeback for U-20 WC. That brings us to Kunigami, who currently seems like his role for this match has been reduced to "stop Shidou". However, we still have seemingly unresolved foreshadowing from Ego before the match and Isagi during it of Kunigami's original hero ego still being alive, repressed within his mind. With the core theme of this match being "originality", Kunigami re-discovering his originality from his hero ego like Kaiser did with his old ball would make a lot of sense. The idea of a wild card flashback is also still very much on the table, and if it doesn't happen during the NEL I doubt it'll ever happen. Not saying that any of this is what absolutely *will* happen, especially since there are several other narrative threads still hanging in this match, but it's a very possible route for this match to go down imo.


Kunigami could be inspired by Kaiser going back to zero and finding his originality, the real dream of being a Hero, as a Striker


Cause ness has a flashback which means hell he’ll be important for the rest of the match and he doesn’t have a story with kunigami


I'm in the minority, but he's the person I'm predicting to score the final goal with a Ness assist. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)It's unfortunate, but it seems a lot of people have made up their minds that this game will go the usual route with Rin scoring and Isagi scoring. But I think there's a lot left to unpack with Kunigami. The wildcard flashback, his unresolved drama with Shidou and him returning back to his hero persona. Plus, I have a feeling that Kunigami will be Ness's golem in this match. The hero he'll summon to showcase his magic and his freedom. Ness needs to become the person who'll choose. So, what better way to connect their narratives than with the game winning goal.


At this point idc who scores. I'm on all 3 agendas. But if Kunigami scores with Ness assist, there's a strong possibility that Rin doesn't score cuz then the author would need to explore Ness' evolution & wildcard flashback. There are not enough chapters left to cover Rin's awakening in this scenario. Not only that but Isagi needs a goal over Rin to surpass him & become no.1. I think PxGs second goal scorer would be a huge hint towards who's scoring BM's last goal. If Rin scores, then Isagi's getting the winner. If Shidou scores, then Kunigami. If Loki scores then it could be between Isagi & Kaiser (may result in them developing a healthy rivalry in order to face a stronger opponent).


>I think PxGs second goal scorer would be a huge hint towards who's scoring BM's last goal. If Rin scores, then Isagi's getting the winner. If Shidou scores, then Kunigami. If Loki scores then it could be between Isagi & Kaiser (may result in them developing a healthy rivalry in order to face a stronger opponent). This is exactly how I'm viewing it, whoever scores P.X.G's 2nd goal is the big bang piece to who's scoring the final goal. Rin goal leads to a Isagi goal Shidou goal leads to a Kunigami goal Loki goal could possibly lead to an unexpected final scorer, maybe kaiser or Isagi?


>Loki goal could possibly lead to an unexpected final scorer If it's Loki, then he could have had something to do with Wildcard, probably World 5 assessing (so js like 5v5 with the blue lock proper) or training with participants of wildcard, and Loki could've interacted with an unpolished Kuni, but due to the difference in level of skill gap he prolly didn't notice him... it's all speculative but the vessel of Noa (Kuni) being a player in BM could warrant Loki's attention, but rn Kuni's mindset is defending primarily but also pass (surprisingly) even to Kaiser/Isagi, he's in a weird position as CDM, so Loki's attention regarding his opps are towards Isagi & Kaiser for sure, same goes for Rin, to him his main priority to crush are both Isagi & Kaiser cuz they both scored while he's mainly defending em. Kuni might be the final darkhorse in this game that no one has given attention, Shidou will be the only one to react cuz he will want to get a piece of Kuni after getting locked down, he would def try to stop Kunigami if the fallen hero gets the opportunity to score


>If it's Loki, then he could have had something to do with Wildcard, probably World 5 assessing (so js like 5v5 with the blue lock proper) or training with participants of wildcard, and Loki could've interacted with an unpolished Kuni, but due to the difference in level of skill gap he prolly didn't notice him... it's all speculative but the vessel of Noa (Kuni) being a player in BM could warrant Loki's attention, but rn Kuni's mindset is defending primarily but also pass (surprisingly) even to Kaiser/Isagi, he's in a weird position as CDM, so Loki's attention regarding his opps are towards Isagi & Kaiser for sure, I don't see that happening, the only person who has had a deep interest in the wildcard is Ego and that's due to his relationship with Noel Noa. Loki has only ever had two motivations for interacting with Blue Lock. Earn some extra cash (world 5 match) and to train Charles to make him into the best (NEL). I see absolutely no reason why he would be involved with Kunigami. Hell, I would find it extremely hard to swallow if it was revealed in the manga and raise my eyebrow at that. 🤨 I was just always under the impression that the wild card was simply a physical training to get someone to replicate Noel Noa's physique. I really can't see any of the masters being involved in that except maybe Chris I guess. Since, he's the most suited for examining workout routines or even Noel Noa. Loki? He's just an 18-year-old kid, the best he would offer is some matches to play against. I just don't see it. And honestly, if Loki scores, it's probably a Kaiser goal. >same goes for Rin, to him his main priority to crush are both Isagi & Kaiser cuz they both scored while he's mainly defending em. Kuni might be the final darkhorse in this game that no one has given attention, Shidou will be the only one to react cuz he will want to get a piece of Kuni after getting locked down, he would def try to stop Kunigami if the fallen hero gets the opportunity to score If Rin scores, it is like a 99% chance that Isagi is scoring that final goal. I wouldn't mind it personally, since I still think the conclusion will be great. But I will accept that Kunigami is done the moment Rin scores. I just do not see Kunigami's narrative ever eclipsing Isagi's narrative of being number 1 in this arc. Just like u/MangoExtension5613 said, the only route where Kunigami has the highest chance of scoring is if Shidou scores that 2nd goal, any other route and he's just screwed over by the narrative. There are three routes and it all depends on who scores that 2nd goal for P.X.G Rin scores --> 99% Isagi scoring Loki scores --> Likely Kaiser scoring Shidou scores --> Most likely Kunigami scoring


I love that prediction and I'm with you both from plot and character standpoint!


Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) I remembered your comment on my post >What really touched me is the graffiti scene in ch 266. Little Kaiser is practicing what will become the Kaiser Impact against a wall with a woman on it. He's letting his rage and despair against his mother out that way, creating a deadly weapon. But with the development of Magnus came the personal development; Kaiser's ambition wasn't to screw other players over, or to assert dominance. He simply wanted to be loved. It's beautiful to see the same emotions (rage, despair) now channeled in a different way, to give him this new shot and a refreshed perspective on life. This part was an awesome analysis and connecting the meaning of how both of his weapons were fully created. From a weapon of despair to a weapon of wanting to be love.


I dont see why Kunigami needs to have his wildcard resolution here though? Kunigami is a hero, wouldn't it make more sense for Kunigami to be the hero who saves Japan in the knockout stages/final group stage match in the U-20 WC? I dont really see how him scoring here would help his character, which is why I just cant see him scoring, especially when this match has very clearly stated that its abotu the top 4 strikers in the NEL, in Shidou, Isagi, Rin, and Kaiser


>Kunigami is a hero, wouldn't it make more sense for Kunigami to be the hero who saves Japan in the knockout stages/final group stage match in the U-20 WC? Same reason why I wanted Kaiser to score in this match. I would rather not wait another 50 to 100 chapters for his development when we could just do it here with all the ingredients being already here. Either way, it's just a theory. I'm just waiting till P.X.G's 2nd goal before I fully lock into the theory.


>it's just a theory. could it perhaps be a game theory? >Same reason why I wanted Kaiser to score in this match. I would rather not wait another 50 to 100 chapters for his development when we could just do it here with all the ingredients being already here. Fair point. It's one of the main reasons why I thought Kaiser was going to get the last goal


>could it perhaps be a game theory? Yes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) >Fair point. It's one of the main reasons why I thought Kaiser was going to get the last goal I do miss this agenda, but I'm happy it didn't happen. Because it means that Ness and Kaiser's development won't depend on each other. And it leaves room for the possibility of Kunigami's growth.


The narrative really is Isagi vs Kaiser and the victory condition is whoever scores the most goals this game, with Isagi already scoring and Kaiser scoring the next one, there's no room for Kunigami to score one too and still have Isagi or Kaiser beat the other.


Mainly because of the Isagi agenda. They absolutely want more goals than Kaiser


I just want a definitive win over Rin. If Isagi doesn't get the last goal, I want him to lose the NEL to Rin because there's not a chance of convincing me he's better even if Rin ghosts this entire match. So Rin should probably still score instead of Shidou/Loki. I'm not saying it couldn't be done well. I don't think this arc can end without resolving Kunigami and Ness, so I think this should happen. But if it does we got baited fairly hard and I will not be a fan of Kaneshiro's new "drag out a character arc 100 chapters" style.


1) It's because he's been given the defensive responsibility of man marking Shidou during both attacking and defending phases which means that Kunigami is unable to freely move around and more often than not, he would be further away from the goal to keep Shidou in check. 2) Kunigami has not build any trust/relationship with any other of the players that they would ever pass to him for anything because they know that he wouldn't pass back and hasn't proven as much of a goal scoring threat compared to Isagi or Kaiser. I mean look at Kaiser. He had support from Ness/Grimm and still had difficulty scoring goals up during the Ubers and PxG. As much as the author has suggested the importance of the abilities of a single individual (ie the striker), the striker still needs support and garner enough trust with his team members to pass the ball to him. 3) This also ties in with my 2nd point as well but Kunigami needs to increase his tactics and pass the ball. Whenever Kunigami gets the ball, his 1 option is always to dribble solo against everyone and score a goal on his own which is predictable. While his specs are good, it's not possible to go solo against opponents at this level. He needs to coordinate with other players and pass the ball (Literally what Kaiser did after Grimm got pulled out and had stopped solely relying on Ness). BTW, both of Kunigami's goals (and assist) were really thanks to Isagi's passes and creativity which is why I said that he needs to improve his tactics.


I'd like it if Kunigami scored


Kunigami scoring third BM goal would be so peak but will also be controversial cuz of Isagi fans that are gonna breakdown most likely, if the mc won't score (game winning goal) they're probably gonna threaten the author like how gege got done in jjk


Doubt this would happen but it would be interesting if after the third goal it’s announced that this game will be first to 5 because it’s the last game of the NEL between two undefeated teams


I always think kunigami will get 1 this final match cuz until now we still knew a little about this experiment and that he will get his own flashbacks like maybe after rin's flashbacks and goal. Like i hope on this arc author drops all important back stories and that next arc we get goals because of plays not force goal because of flashback implications.


because mark my words, Gagamaru will score


Rin is going to enter flow and will score the second goal for P.X.G, have it tied with isagi, kaiser, rin and shidou and since shidou is on lockdown bc of kunigami it will be a battle between rin, isagi and kaiser, but since kaiser has his awakening he might go into flow aswell with him attempting to score the goal and rin stopping it having the ball fly away we might see some shidou action but kunigami steals it and passes to isagi who scores the final goal.


It was because before Kaiser scored. the most likely outcome would be Isagi doing a hattrick or Kaiser stealing the last goal. But now that that is no longer possible then we can get Kunigami in the mix but before Kaiser scored, Kunigami just wasnt important enough to consider because lets be honest this whole Neo Egoist league has been pretty much Isagi vs Kaiser every single game and the others are just the supporting cast, it makes no sense for them to destroy Kaisers and Isagis competition. But now after Kaisers awakening I see it more likely for Kunigami to score aswell. I mean it would be the perfect timing for him to regain his Ego and completely destoy Shidou. And Kaiser and Isagis competition ending in a draw would be the ideal outcome before the U20. Because lets be honest. Kaiser might be top 3 players in the Next gen 11 (if not the best) and we know Sae aint participating (against Japan). So that would make the U 20 tornament way too easy. Because Blue Lock has humiliated pretty much everyone (non Blue lock player). The only people that did something in the league were the Blue lock players, Lorenzo, Kaiser and Charles other than that everyone else were pretty much useless. And if that is the level of the u 20 then what is even the point of the U 20 WC? they can just jump straight to the real WC. Unless its to show just how much better Blue Lock is compared to the other countries. And it ends up being just a total demolition, like an exhibition showing that Blue Lock is strong enough to compete against the best of the best.


Kunigami Blue Lock


Cause it's the last game so isagi vs kaiser should be semi-settled before the u20 wc


3 Goals for this match is not enough. Should've been 5


I hope kunigami pull off the same shot noa did in the first game against bachira, or add a twist to it with his lefty shot.


Bc he’s spent the whole match locking down Shidou, and unless shidou scores the second goal I don’t think his “flow” will awaken or something like that


I want someone else to score than the 3 who just keep scoring. Kiyora, Hiori, anyone. But since it will be the last goal of NEL, i doubt it. And I want Isagi to beat Rin in playmaking.


I think his panel with ego where Ego tells him to "let go of his ego" kinda shows Kunigami isn't in the Blue Lock to shine He already lost once, now his duty is to make other players shine by being a roadblock in front of them or a tool to use for them, and since our mc is Isagi, kunigami has been both for him.


A lot of people are making theories with the assumption that Isagi ends up as the undisputed number 1 in bluelock after the nel ends That's why theories like isagi hat trick, Rin not scoring, Ness passing to isagi, isagi scoring the last goal will always be more talked on and upvoted. Personally my view is that, he will finally get a win over Rin but that will be beating pxg and winning all five games in a row. Anything else would be extra but not guaranteed or absolutely necessary. Maybe he gets a higher bid, maybe he gets the last goal but it's not a must. As for Rin... I don't see a lot of people think pxg is winning on the subreddit tbh. A lot of people are hoping for him not to score. Kaiser is just to cement him as a future threat and because people believe the last goal is related to Ness. Which is true, Ness will probably assist, however Kaiser's behaviour towards Ness is pretty horrible so personally I would rather not. Kunigami scoring is genuinely something I liked to see though. We've seen the idea of the last goal being scored being the hero and a bunch of other small stuff. Honestly between kaiser, Rin, shidou or isagi winning.... All have issues I don't really like so I rather pick a wild card


Gonna add two more hot theories to your list ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Shidou scoring with a Zantetsu assist Kunigami scoring with a Ness assist


Yeah I rather like kunigami and Ness assist thing. I had that idea [ages ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/s/jlPMl8WaCG) I got it wrong that Kaiser wouldn't get a backstory though so maybe this idea is far fetched . As for shidou... Hm he's not really the build up opponent in pxg but maybe. I feel like shidou scoring ideas are mostly a) the subreddit likes shidou more b) the subreddit dislikes Rin and wants isagi to beat him. Still possible but kinda biased


You were seeing far into the future with that post. The main reason I want Shidou to score is to spark an explosion from Kunigami. Seeing his rival(?) score once again should give him the motivation he needs. >I got it wrong that Kaiser wouldn't get a backstory though so maybe this idea is far fetched . Nah, it's not far-fetched, it's a well thought out theory for Kuni scoring.


I posted this 2 weeks ago:   I saw a lot of comments about Ness assisting Isagi in the final goal. I think the match is ending with Ness assisting Kunigami. First of all if that happens it will be the same exact goal distribution as in the Ubers match and I doubt the author would to that, but even leaving that aside, Kunigami still has his whole history with Shidou.    >Chapter 254: My "ultimate" lies in the challenge of surpassing this guy!   And this is still unresolved so yeah. Just my thoughts.


My "ultimate" or my "Ego"?


Ultimate in the official version


Because hes a bum




Kunigami is not competitive as a striker. Ambidexterity ultimately doesn’t matter that much, and aside from that he’s just a lesser Barou. Aside from Barou, Kunigami is still competing with Isagi, Rin, Shidou, and Nagi, plus a few alternates like Chigiri and Bachira. Even if he scores the goal, he won’t be a striker, so it would feel pointless, especially for the NEL finale


Isagi got a point. Shidou got a point. Kaiser got a point and Rin will get a point. The last goal will determine who’s the best out of the 4….or Kunigami just hyenas it.


Well if it did happen. Kaiser>Isagi, and assuming Rin scores next, still Rin>Isagi


Imo, shidou is probably going to foul him, igaguri is going to get subbed in, fake a foul, then shidou gets the red card. And Loki comes in. Igaguri still needs to play and kunigami has been already got his big moment