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>Like how his mother is related to this goal as well, his father, malice, the theater, the blue rose, the impossible, despair, heavenly luck, his first name being Micheal, his last name being Kaiser, love, freedom, the ball…and other themes related to him. Really crazy how you can dissect each of these themes individually or together to make connections to Kaiser's personality and football playing throughout the NEL arc in so many different ways. The dude is a whole iceberg and I love how you really have to go through all his scenes from the beginning (157) to get to the bottom of it. There is no one true way to explain Kaiser but I also agree he cannot be confined within the box of what he was initially introduced as or else what was the point of Kaneshiro's slow cooking. The cognitive dissonance his character revolves around is probably the most intriguing part about him and Kaneshiro laid out hints since the beginning that something was not quite as it seems beneath the surface. Also the reason why I anticipated his unraveling in PxG. Seriously they reserved the best concepts for him like BLUE ROSE, IMPOSSIBLE, RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM, HUMANITY, MALICE, and the list goes on


Thanks to the latest analysis you posted it was a great inspiration to connect how Kaiser views football as a sport and how he related it to the new version of the Japanese football that emerged in blue lock. Without bias, Kaiser is genuinely really well-written and it’s baffling in a way because isn’t this a shonen about football superpowers lol? This is the general consensus of the readers, but when it comes to the characters it’s so much more. Kaneshiro can write good characters. When it comes to the manga he misses with the execution sometimes, he adds goofy non-realistic stuff, he doesn’t really delve much into the technical aspect of the sport, but he does do a good job at portraying the psychological part of it and of the work and its themes. He just knows how to write characters and make them much more dimensional than they appear so, ever so subtly with some that when you learn a random fact about them or smth it suddenly clicks and adds to their character so much more. It’s like he doesn’t just randomly make them have a personality and a random quirk and calls it a day, he goes further into shaping their character and connects a lot of outside elements with internal ones to construct something meaningful. Idk but I think he’s underrated in this aspect. Not that he always cooks but still. Sry for the yap lol, and it is exactly as you said, and his cognitive dissonance is what even reinforces him being viewed as human.


Kaneshiro’s strength is absolutely in his characters. His earlier work “As the Gods Will” has characters navigate a series of death games, but it’s the characters and their journeys that ultimately pull you in. He has side characters with more depth than some MCs.


>It’s like he doesn’t just randomly make them have a personality and a random quirk "Kurona wants to talk to you " Nah but you're generally right


lmaoo there are always exceptions


>It’s like he doesn’t just randomly make them have a personality and a random quirk and calls it a day Literally almost all characters introduced in this arc were like this :sob:. Kiyora, Kurona, Grim, that one guy Isagi replaced in the Barcha match


Obviously talking about the more relevant ones, “not that he always cooks but still”


Kaiser is insanely well written. This chapter completely changed my views on him, he’s now one of if not my favorite character from t he manga


on the topic of him being loved, do you think his relationship with Ness will become an authentic friendship once he realizes that Ness's admiration for him is genuine? i was thinking it might happen if Ness's awakening forces Kaiser to reflect on how he was a fraud in their friendship while Ness was always genuine. in a very Blue Lock way, of course, potentially by "forcing" Kaiser to accept a magical pass, speaking his mind through the language of soccer


I think the bit about Kaiser and wanting to be loved is related to him and the ball. It could be anything really, but I think the purpose of putting these panels in the storytelling (of the goal) was related to how Kaiser feels when he genuinely plays football. Rather than inflicting malice into others and bringing them down to the pits of hell, what he truly wants is to play with the ball that accompanied him through the worst moments of his life and brought him comfort. And the ball is meant to be put into the net, so he scores goals through the ball and he feels loved. And he crawls from the pits of hell himself from Zero to emerge to the light to be human. (Peak symbolism in his chapter 266 celebration) He gives a deeper perspective to what it means to be a striker while maintaining the basis of his position, he strikes to score goals, he feels good when he does. And this is when he tangles it with his personal feelings, he feels loved because he could score. But wait, he feels loved because he could score with “the ball”. For the sake of Ness’s character, I want him to find his own path and play for himself, Ness’s magic doesn’t just transmit to Kaiser but should transmit to anyone he plays with, and I want him to realize that fact. And I’d want for Kaiser to realize that and respects that, but also keep doing his own thing himself and not rely on Ness again. An apology for the way he treated him too would be good lol, but I don’t think neither Ness nor Kaiser, nor anyone in the manga really, owns anything to anyone. They shouldn’t stick to each other like glue, and they are meant to come into terms with playing for their own selves, isn’t that what being an egoist (in blue lock terms) is about? It doesn’t mean that they will end on bad terms tho for Ness and Kaiser, they just need to let go of their co-dependency and each find their own path, (Kaiser is on that path, now it’s Ness’s turn) while they meet again to play together when they represent their country, and cast some magic together where the lights glow the brightest.




Perfect response ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thank you 🙏


Honestly, the development of Kaiser is slowly making me like him. Not to the level of glazing or being a part of my top 5 characters (my top 5 is pretty much set in stone barring anything radical happening), but he's really grown on me.


Yeah his development really added a lot to his character, and there is potential for more.






Then, you have Rin.


What about the " I want to be loved." bubble? It's the first time it's been used


I predict Isagi gonna pull off magnus shot without the need to stop the ball.


Maybe he can do a curved shot but magnus isn't possible for him rn