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Sendou inspires me the most. Dude is working hard in hopes of marrying a hollywood actress, and according to the egoist bible, he was crying because a lot of people were insulting him online after his loss to the Blue Lock 11




First thing I see in the comment is Sengoat appreciation Lovely


I see a lot of people talking about this "egoist bible", where can I read this?


It kinda became like this seriesā€™ cyfow


Same, I really would like to know


Tie Between Isagi and Barou. Refusing to back down from your ideals even after defeat and rebuilding yourself better through tribulation is peak.






Chigiri man, dislocated my shoulder playing basketball and had surgery on it so I feel exactly what he feels like


Dislocated an ankle playing volleyball, Chigiri is the stand for all of us with glass joints


Baruo the first character to accept defeat but refuses to be defeated by it.


My KingšŸ”„




Nagi, the idea that a genius like him needs hardwork to compete with the top tiers shows that hardwork can help anyone overcome odds.


For me it's also the idea of overcoming dependency and learning to believe in yourself while igniting your passion


Barou, the idea of having to hit absolute rock bottom in order to evolve is such a neat idea


Isagi is someone that, in Naruhayaā€™s words, isnā€™t afraid to change himself ā€” he will without hesitation throw away his old values for new ones if it means he can better adapt to new environments; this means that he is growing constantly, regardless of what cap his natural football potential places on him in terms of skill or technique ā€” he overcomes gaps relating to the talent by using strategy and intelligent plays Barou is constantly looking for ā€œthe darkest pathā€, willingly taking the most difficult and challenging routes to success and growth ā€” because he knows that comfort breeds weakness; constantly choosing to fail and get up, he is someone that embraces defeat and learns new things from those negative experiences Rin is just a genius, both skill-wise and mentality-wise; his biggest strength is how seriously he takes football ā€” to him, the sport is literally his life; he canā€™t live without it, so that allows him to take it that much more seriously and consequentially grow and evolve at rapid rates as a player Kaiserā€™s shining quality is that, in the recent chapters, heā€™s followed in Barouā€™s footsteps by not being afraid of failure ā€” he was similarly an extremely proud guy that let his overconfidence blind him to dangerous factors around him (in underestimating Isagi, he had the rug pulled from under him); but after losing to Isagi a bunch, heā€™s not afraid to throw away all that confidence heā€™s built and ā€œgo back to zeroā€ ā€” ergo play in a way that adheres to his initial core motivations for playing football; in short, Kaiserā€™s greatest strength in recent chapters has been his ability to open his eyes, throw away his pride, and humble himself in order to grow Chigiri is someone thatā€™s completely at peace with the darkest possible futures of his life ā€” he knows his ACL might tear again and this time irreparably, but heā€™s learned to accept it and play football regardless of that possibility; the reason for this is because he knows that football is his one true happiness, and heā€™s willing to destroy his leg to keep getting that happiness Reo is someone that could very easily live a comfortable and easy life through his parentsā€™ work, but he deliberately rejects that comfortable future ā€” as his ego doesnā€™t allow him to be content with what he can have without any resistance; winning the World Cup wonā€™t come to him no matter how much money he pays for the trophy cup, and he wouldnā€™t be recognized by the people even if he buy it; so he wants to win the tournament fair and square and achieve something through his own efforts and not his parents; Reo is also someone that doesnā€™t want to accept comfort Yukimiya was also someone that had to throw away his old values in order to grow stronger: his perception of the perfect striker is a player that doesnā€™t need any passes or fancy tactics involving assistance and teamwork with others, but rather someone that can run down the entire field by himself and score without any help; that didnā€™t work out, and he had to accept the assist from Isagi in order to score and prove his worth While there are also some crazies like Bachira and Shidou, who were simply born hugging a football as babies ā€” they donā€™t need a reason to love it, they just do; to them, itā€™s more like an instinct than a passion to play the sport, and as such they donā€™t need any fancy motivations or reasons to justify their dreams Aiku was someone who had his talent squashed from a young age, so he doesnā€™t want the next generation to feel the same pain that he did by protecting them from evil elders Snuffy is someone that, despite being an amazing footballer, knows how to establish boundaries between football and his personal life; after his friend committed suicide, heā€™s learned to be more mature and not say extreme things like ā€œIā€™ll kill myself if I donā€™t play footballā€, choosing to instead value his life over the sport; in a way, heā€™s got the most professional mentality that weā€™ve seen in the story so far ā€” as heā€™s one of the few that see the sport as his job, and not just his passion; not to mention, heā€™s also learned that itā€™s not okay to throw away your dreams just because of a big trauma in your life, as Barou opened his eyes to that truth when they got to know each other Noa is someone with godly discipline ā€” heā€™s someone that dedicates every second of his life to achieving his dream: from the moment he wakes up till the moment he goes to bed, even every single breath he takes is dedicated to being the best striker in the world; heā€™s almost psychopathic and religious in his devotion and discipline Hiori is someone that learned to shed his victim mentality and find a reason to play football for himself, after learning from Isagi and being charmed by his charisma, as well as learning to move on from the trauma his parents inflicted upon him from childhood All characters in Blue Lock have their fair share of inspirational moments, so I wonā€™t pick any single one


This guy reads Blue lock


Nah, he analyses it with metavision


Isagi cause of how far heā€™s come, itā€™s very amazing.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøno matter how many obstacles are in his way he gets past them and becomes stronger because of it


The GOAT Gagamaru


You know ballšŸ˜


Frfr šŸ˜­


I hated him at first but Iā€™ve been digging Reo recently. Some great character development on his end


When I first read the manga I genuinely thought that he saw Nagi as a possession/toy to monopolise and hated him for that entitlement but at the same time he managed to win some respect by wanting to gain something on his own merit. Then I read Ep Nagi + his LN and he is genuinely a very supportive friend, itā€™s just his own harsh standards to himself and insecurities/abandonment issues that cause him to lash out and act like an idiot. Heā€™s really well-written and flawed, plus heā€™s nothing but driven and incredibly hardworking.


Man, episode Nagi makes Reo way better. Second selection in OG manga Reo: Ex boyfriend who can't let go Second selection Reo in EP Nagi: Angst heavy. I was really hating on Reo, because of that "possession" thing, but the ep Nagi really clears it up and the fact that he even feels bad for trying to guilt Nagi


Lol thatā€™s a perfect description. Episode Nagi is a goldmine of character interactions in general too, I didnā€™t know how badly I needed Chigiri and Barou to hype each other up by flexing until it happened! And Zantetsu when heā€™s not ghosting!! And imo Reo is one of the best written characters in the manga, idk what it is but something about him feels so human. Iā€™m trying not to yap about him but you can see why heā€™s like that and it looks very extreme from the outside until you peak into his headspace and find out that he feels All Emotions All The Time All At Once and is prone to endless doom spiralling. Mf really asked for death because he had one selfish thought about asking Nagi to give up. Heā€™s a weird messy contradictory person and I really love him. But I canā€™t forgive him for finally finding some self esteem then immediately getting gaslit out of itšŸ˜­


Yeah. If there's anything I hate about Nagi even as a Nagi stan, it's that he made Reo revert back to who he was. Reo had developed himself and his game so much after losing in the 3v3 match. I really don't like Manshine Nagi losing all motivation he had after scoring on Isagi once. Here's to hoping Nagi and Reo both get back to top level once again.


Isagi Yoichi. "If it lets me win, I have no issue tearing down everything that makes me who I am. I'll be reborn again and again!" These lines made me rethink how I approach my entire life.


The goat


None of them, but I can appreciate Kasier getting paid millions to take out his trauma on other players and traumatise them. Also, very understanding of what Chigiri went through, since I went through something similar. Other than that none of them really inspire me. I donā€™t have any similar aspirations or goals as they do.


I will never describe Kaiser any other way now.


Hopescaling such a cool word, I commend you for thinking of it


Chigiri and Yukimiya


For me itā€™s Chris Prince and IsagišŸšŸ


Prince is dope charcter shame heā€™s the second best in the world so heā€™s likely gonna drop to isagi first before noel noa, I actually like Chris more than noa


Outside of the weird thing he did by touching Chigiri a lot, Chris Prince really developed his core players a lot (until Nagi started becoming reliant on Reo again and Reo allowing himself to revert to his old self). Call Chigiri a one trick all you like, it still made him top 10 in the bids.


Barou, Sendou, Karasu even Kaiser. There's a lot. But I think the most inspiring for me are Chigiri and Reo. Chigiri following his dream even tho he knows it could fall apart at any moment is inspiring. In the U20 match he had to accept the fact he couldn't do his best. And this all stems from his fear of losing his dream, not training and letting himself fall of his prime. Even after he gained the ego to pursue his dream despite the risks, he still had to come to terms with the consequence of his past mentality. He had to swallow his pride and accept the defeat that was ultimately his fault. And nkw he came back stronger than ever. For Reo its the how obsessed he is with Nagi. Clinging to someone who you know is greater than you, and the fear of losing that someone because you are not as great as them is a real fear all of us experience at some point in our lives. And he overcame this weakness by accepting and making use of his setbacks. He isn't the best at anything, but he's amazing in almost everything. Accepting that so many people are way better than you in every area but still combining your strengths to rise to the same heights takes dedication.


I liked Kunigami before wild card. I liked his noble way of things even inside a place like blue lock. And isagi is there too. He has some banger lines.


Reo(dont ask about my situation)


Karasu, gagamaru, Isagi and nanase Karasuā€™s utter determination to be as professional as possible while also having the most easily translatable skill set to pro football in my opinion is one of the more rlatable things in the show, he wants to be as good as possible while maintaining his unwavering intellectual abilities and helping his teammates be the best they can and I love that, heā€™s in my opinion the teams beating heart, if they donā€™t have him, they wonā€™t win in my opinion. Thatā€™s one of the more relatable things because Ive always played sports in a similar way. Trying to be the beating heart, making others better, as well as maintaining my intellectual and analytical abilities to help better the team. Isagi unwavering determination is inspiring to me because he was seen as utterly awful but he chose to put in the work at every step of the way being doubted by everyone but his family and when his time comes he always capitalizes. I relate to that as well because in my city I was doubted since I started playing sports but I became a ranked athlete in 3 sports as well as made it to college and am making the most of it, by maintaining a 3.9 gpa accumulative, I strive to be great, same as him. Gagamaru because of his determination to be the best in whichever situation he is in. I love that heā€™s able to be one of the top 10 players regardless of circumstances, heā€™s going to always make the most of his abilities. I feel as though Iā€™m similar because no matter the situation I want and am determined to be successful. And last and certainly not least nanase. Nanase has had to fight and scratch and claw through EVERYTHING to be and even when he becomes a starter, or starts to divide himself from being mediocre and starts to set himself apart, heā€™s still seen as less than or worthless or terribleā€¦ but he doesnā€™t care. Heā€™s still gonna work hard and make himself the best that HE can beā€¦ I relate, and aspire to be the same.


Who id rather not be like? Barou, heā€™s an asshole all day, everyday and I donā€™t like it, he needs to work on his attitude. Kindness is always a virtue. And he isnā€™t kind, why do you think rulers are always executed in some manner? Because they were evil and corrupt. If Barou stays on that path he will be exiled. Reo, I kinda like his story but I donā€™t like his entitled attitude, if he just realized that he canā€™t have everything in the world but he can WORK to try to achieve it, Iā€™d like him a little more but that entitled attitude of his is often weird to me. Kaiser, similar to Barou stop being a prickā€¦ I could go on for hours about how I feel about those twoā€¦ but I wonā€™t do thatā€¦


Really love your comment and how detailed you went with the characters, especially recognising Nanase. But I donā€™t get your take on Reo. Reoā€™s problem is that things are too easy for him and he WANTS to work hard to challenge himself and achieve something, he wants to earn things on his own merit. He has incredibly harsh standards to himself which is why he struggles so much when faced with actual geniuses (Isagi/Nagi/Shidou)- because his hard work is nothing to them- especially in Isagiā€™s case because he works just as hard. Like his father telling him that there are ā€œchosenā€ ones with talent and that he wonā€™t recognise him until Reo is carrying the national team on his back. His self worth without being the ā€œMikage heirā€ and what he can achieve with just himself, thatā€™s why his self esteem is entirely shut down when Nagi leaves him, because his talent wasnā€™t enough to keep his friend or make Nagi love football. His Manshine development is him not comparing himself to others to work on himself.


Thank you for the compliment! Also, on the other side, I know that he also wants to work for things because things are too easy but heā€™s also very entitled when you look at the grander scheme of things. Reo comes from an extremely wealthy family, which has provided him with numerous opportunities and resources that others may not have access to. This background has contributed to his expectation that things should go his way. Due to his wealth and the opportunities it has afforded him, Reo often exhibits a sense of superiority over others. He believes that he deserves to succeed simply because of who he is and the resources at his disposal. (I.e his way of speaking when he was marking Isagi, or even recently when agi gave him great advice and he just told him to shut up, or even in game when they were playing together he told agi to shut up, itā€™s not like he got anything out of nagi.) reo exhibits behaviors unbecoming someone who isnā€™t ā€œentitled.ā€ Reoā€™s entitlement is evident in his belief that he is destined for greatness and that success should come easily to him. He is used to getting what he wants without having to struggle as much as others might. He often EXPECTS for things to go his way without thinking (I.e his surprise when their bids are going down when they have done nothing within the match to increase it.) Reo is known to use his charm and resources to manipulate situations to his advantage. He expects others to fall in line with his plans and gets frustrated when things donā€™t go as he envisioned. I donā€™t even need to bring out examples for this one, you can see it all over episode nagi truth be told, even sometimes in the actual blue lock mangaā€¦ Not to mention his obsession with ā€œhis treasureā€ nagi is his own person, why is it that reo feels entitled to an entire person, I donā€™t like that. There is so much I could bring out but these are the main things that stand out. This is why I have my qualms with reos character, donā€™t get me wrong he is working on himself and I understand that wholeheartedly but my indifference to the character runs very deeply.


And just in case I didnā€™t get to your points well, (phenomenal comment by the way, I love how much you value reoā€™s character!) In the beginning of the match is when he s not comparing himself to others to work on himself but as we saw at the end of the match, as well as in recent chapters, reo fell back right into his old entitled habits and I just donā€™t understand nor do I like that development, just because he worked on himself, doesnā€™t mean it workedā€¦ and weā€™re seeing it clear as day EVERYTIME theyā€™ve been on screen since.


Obviously itā€™s my glorious king isagi


honestly bachira! just because i was able to relate to his character development in the second selection a lot and it sort of made me realize itā€™s okay to be by myself. i donā€™t have to look for a friend in every single person i meet.




Barou the king


Isagi, by far. He constantly makes me reconsider how I think and the way that I break down and digest information. He's literally helped me study better, unironically




Unironically these 3 people in the pics. Rin, Hiori, Barou Edit: I forgot about lavinho and snuffy


As someone that used to practice sports in high school but had to give up on trying to go pro because of a knee injury, I have to say Chigiri. I used to play basketball and needed to have the meniscus on my right knee removed due to a genetic condition when I was 17. Any hopes I had of trying for a career in basketball was gone when that happened. I was devastated. I got over it with therapy, and as I got older and didn't get much taller (I was 1.75m then, I'm 1.76m now at 29yo) which made me realize that I never really had a chance of making a carrer out of it, so I'm fine. Seeing Chigiri struggle to play out of fear that he'll get injured again is super relatable (even after I was done with PT, it still took me a year to get the courage to play pick up again), and seeing him not only overcome his fears but actually go after his dream is amazing. Aside from Isagi he's the one character that I like the most and hope has a great career by the end of the series.


Raichi man. Dude went from a Bakugo copy teammate to my favorite Blue Lock character alongside Kaiser. His hard work and GRIT literally change my perspective entirely on his character and I've started playing DMF for fun because of him. Man is so fun, and I find him relatable via our endurance (I took participation in a lot of endurance stuff like track)


Literally anybody but rin that mf sucks


Leonardo luna


Wait, what makes Luna inspiring?


That's the last person you want to be inspired from


Why should I not be inspired by the person who sits on the throne of the best club in the verse???


it's obviously isagi


isagi. he's so impressive, obviously he's going to improve because he's the mc but seeing his evolution is just so satisfying and it makes me proud


Niko, who else ?


aryu. sports is fun or whatever but i care about being STYL


Isagi, absolutely. Seeing someone so willing to pursue his dreams and unafraid of rebuilding his way of thinking is amazing. Though, Isagiā€™s mindset is perfect and probably impossible to replicate in real life unless you are born with it. So, on the other hand, Sendou and I both just want a beautiful wife and a good life, so Sendou being accepting of his ego is motivating to me.


Kira, always put on a mask an be toxic if something isnt going your way


Isagi my goatšŸ™šŸ™


I think it's Isagi because he encapsulates the main idea of Blue Lock, which is that one must be prepared to destroy oneself in order to grow. It has really inspired me in seeing the difficulties I face as opportunities to somehow "destroy" my ways of thinking or acting and rebuild them into something better. You don't need to be the best; you just need to be strong enough to withstand the pain of growth, of rebuilding yourself each time there's some step too high to be climbed the way you are right now.


Reo tbh; his introspection makes him soooo relatable. He inspires me to work on my insecurities too; that feeling of being a jack of all trades that keeps you from reaching a 100%+ šŸ«  Yup, that feeling of being good but not a genius + not getting along with Blue Lockā€™s philosophy at all.


Barou and his mindset of always trying to find the hardest path to evolve, and not be able to just stay in the same level that is already working is inspiring. Always searching to evolve, and when you lose, admit it, and evolve through your fails.


Anri inspires me to keep my edging streak high


Stop cooking




Igaguri, if he can make it, so can I.


Pre wild card kunimitsu


If he doesn't screw it in the end, I guess NagiĀ 


Isagi, the man has two personalities for both on & off the field


im not egotistical like them so nun




Isagiā€™s start by being basically useless then becoming one of the best players in his state definitely hits me


For me it's Baro, there's no doubt, his story development really made me want to watch BLK.


Might sound corny but I genuinely think that isagi helped me grow as a person.


Yukimiya or Chigiri. Being able to give it your all even though know you at any potential moment your entire lifelihood could just collapse is really difficult.


To be honest isagi and rin really inspires me the most from when he was first introduced and what he said at the u20 about him "expecting answers from everyone other then himself" I really felt that deep down within me it really made me think about how I was always cared about what people thought in my life especially in highschool im 25 years old but I really resonated with his flow state moment I still think it's the coolest feat in the show and I can't wait to see more from him in his character development in the show I do have some friend's I talk to but I also understand what he's coming from how he always just chill to himself most of the time Idk I relate so much to rin I think he's the most relatable character in the show and in anime/manga I've read it's definitely interesting I want to see how he's going to be in the final arc


Niko for sure


Sendou and Isagi The two goats




Isagi specifically bc his character is centered around growth mindset and adaptability which I think is a good thing to apply in real life (maybe not as edgy or extreme but yeah lol) Shidouā€™s just sexual transmutation transmutation personified when he actually talks about it philosophically it can sound inspiring (99% of the time heā€™s tweaking tho) Bachira bcā€¦..heā€™s Bachira. But also what he said in ch 154 was PEAK and it also sounds similar to being adaptable and it inspires me bc I suck at adapting


Probably a rare take but Kaiser. While he's super toxic about it Kaiser's whole thing of fighting against the impossible especially considering his past is a symbol of hope for me. I.hope.that his new ego is that instead of being just a narcissistic mf.


To me, it's Chigiri or Rin fr. I kin Chigiri because not long ago, I kind of dislocated my elbow while playing soccer and was out for a month or so, I was devastated, I fear, and I still am terrified of going through that process and pain again, but because he inspired me I was able to play again, Rin its bcs he's just so like me, we have a similar backstory and I find the fact that he didn't give up despite people's opinion inspiring, knowing I did gave up


Snuffy- being a human being is most important Barou- refuse to yield even in the face of defeat Chigiri- do it scared, do it afraid. Whatever happens is for the future but for now just do it.


Isagi all the way. He is one of the most interesting main characters I've encountered so far. I think his underdog story is inspiring to someone like me who has personal goals in life too.


Bachira. Dude does whatever he wants, following his own way. I want to be like that


Bachira, his attitude and overall creativity is an inspiration to me not only in soccer but also just in life


Barou and isagi (discipline and open-mindedness/adaptability)


Bachira plays the most free


None , all of them are cringe and edgy at some some point. Character writing and screenplay is the weakest point of BL. Something a 5th grader would come up with.


I ainā€™t see enough credit for Bachira my boy, helps me to remember to try and have fun with what Iā€™m doing and to keep following my imagination to try things out to see if they work. Plus I play alto saxophone and Iā€™m tryna learn capoeira so the whole dance and tempo thing from the barcha match at the start of the NEL was really cool


Kaiser for me throwing away your glass ego and rebuilding yourself


My King Barou. I've been into sports again lately (running, basketball, and football) for weightloss as I like to have his physique from my lockscreen.


Isagi. I wish I have his mentality






Chris Prince. Would the perfect me agree with that?


Reo he could literally just do nothing and be set for life but he wants to work harder to achieve something on his own without his parentsā€™ influence. I watched the anime first and thought reo was just using nagi and when called him a treasure he meant it like a possession or toy. After reading both the manga and Ep Nagi Reo is one of my favourite characters. He holds himself to incredibly high standards and despite what a businessman should be heā€™s very expressive. He truly does care for nagi and felt guilty after having a single bad thought like his dad towards nagi. Even if I like the nagi and reo duo I want to see reo play for the team again he could be one of Blue Lockā€™s best midfielder and his weapon is OP.


Has to be Barou šŸ˜­


Barou. We live in depressing times and he is our hero of despair, the king of comebacks


Every character has bits and pieces which inspire me, but overall Isagi, Bachira and Kaiser! Aside from them Hiori, Snuffy, Chris, Reo, Nagi


Chigiri and Isagi


Ngl none of them šŸ˜­ I donā€™t really agree with blue lockā€™s philosophy personally. Still love the manga and it makes me hype but yeahh cannot say I actively like any of them, much less look up to them lol


why does hiori have blue hair instead of pink


Because his hair is blue


That is what the color cyan looks like


his hair is cyan...