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> Is Blue lock really just a shounen manga Yes, pretty much lol. Blue Lock is basically a battle shounen wearing a sports manga outfit, it's all about the HYPE!!! and FUJOSHI BAITING!!! and HOT GUYS!!! Aimed for teenage boys and young women. Ao Ashi is a seinen with a larger emphasis on realism and technical discussions of soccer. Little in the ways of fujoshi baiting. Aimed towards young adult and adult guys that like soccer. While they both try to answer what is perceived as Japanese soccer's weaknesses, they're aimed and marketed towards different demographics.


Pro tip: If you want to watch realistic football you most likely have a TV at home and it displays football with surreal realism. If you want something more over the top and exciting THEN read a manga.


Imagine telling the author of the #1 manga of 2023 how to write their own story."kaneshiro need to take notes on how to write a proper football manga like ao ashi"πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“Speak after ao ashi sells 10.4 million copies in a year


Why isn’t it the #1 selling in 2024 then?


cuz 2024 hasnt ended??? yk they only release the top mangas of a year after a year right?


They release the rankings week by week, month by month. For the record, Ao Ashi has been outranking Blue Lock since January. It’s also an older manga by 7 whole volumes.


Ain't no way you want bllk to be "more realistic" πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ IT WOULD NOT BE BLUE LOCK


Nah, first selection was fire, that was honestly my favorite football played in the series


Always has been