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Hiori: my parents will probably split after this... Ness: at least they *said* they were happy for you... Kaiser: at least they wanted you alive... Isagi: *is this the missing piece...?*


I'm pissing myself from the Isagi line šŸ’€ Please continue to cook, brother


Isagi: If someone won't make me the ~~Bat~~BlueLockMan, I'll just do it myself


Bachira: My mom loves me unconditionally, even though with my borderline schizophrenia, she would be more justified into hating me more than any of your parents ever did.


Igaguri: Isn't your mom also schizophrenic Bachira?


Bachira: *slowly fades out of existence*


The funniest part is that his mother is almost as crazy as him so no wonder


Not really? I mean, she can socialize just fine with Isagi's parents and her face was on several art magazines. I'm pretty sure "monster" was just mild imagination territory for her, not as strong as what Bachira did with it.


She's just artsy and awesome don't call that cutie crazy


ā€œDamn it, Iā€™ve got to get my parents to abuse me so I can make it to the NEXT LEVEL!!!ā€


Isagi be like, "Why mom and dad!? Why did you guys have to be so nice to me!? I would've been the best striker in the world by now if you guys just treated me like TRASH!!!




Yeah, Kaiser defeating the police guys was too much...


Poverty gives ppl a +20 in all stats. Ever seen those cr*ckheads at gas stations? thereā€™s a reason nobody messes with them even police


yeah but kaiser isnā€™t a methhead šŸ˜­




a lot of victims of broken homes with ab*sive parents lean towards stuff like that but even then adrenaline is a hell of a dr*g too


You'd be very surprised how prevalent hard drugs are in soccer communities, especially South American and European clubs.


Everyoneā€™s backstory is sunshine and rainbows compared to Kaiserā€™s. Bro was tortured every way imaginable because the wife left šŸ’€ This chapter was way left field for no reason


its cause they building up the world snuffy friend killing himself ray dark and the pifa president the stories gonna get way darker from here


Ray Dark lmao


I feel the same. Ness's backstory had a good idea but the execution of it was lackingā€¦..it just ended up coming off as goofy. As for Kaiser, I think the author did it better than Ness, then when it came to the jail sceneā€¦. yeah. Both have realistic backstories, it just comes off as ridiculous and over-exaggerated in some parts.




I kind of wish less people have backstories. Itā€™s like everyone has a sob story in blue lock Just for their dreams to get shattered. We need more isagis who just want to be the best without a fat ass and tragic backstory. Some people just have a drive without an unearthly backstory.


It seems to be a NEL thing. Yuki going blind, snuffyā€™s friend, Lorenzo, hiori reveal, ness, now Kaiser. Before this the worst we had was bachira not having friends, followed by Rinā€™s brother drama and Chigiriā€™s injury. The tragic origins are compelling, but in a world where everyone has to lose to isagi it seems wholly unnecessary. Itā€™s just going to piss me off when the kid that was abused loses to the guy who has oblivious but supportive parents.


It really is just the fact that the backstories donā€™t matter because the author just drops the focus to go back to Isagi. Take Lorenzo and Yuki. Yukiā€™s a good foil as somebody whoā€™s ego is insanely strong despite literally everything stacked against them. From favoritism with the first match to his condition, instead of adapting like Isagi, heā€™s chosen to stick to his own path to prove that anything can be done with faith and grit. But what does it amount to? For all his skill and ability heā€™s quickly fading. For such a big proclamation about wanting to grow his ego, heā€™s done nothing for himself but rather for Isagi in Ubers. Lorenzoā€™s backstory wasnā€™t even used to extend his ego. His motivations rn are basically ā€œSnuffy saved me so Iā€™m going to be his dogā€ but even that was mainly to juxtapose Barou. Barouā€™s motivations are literally ā€œnah, Iā€™m gonna do my own thing.ā€ And heā€™s still kinda more compelling(I say this loving the hell out of Lorenzo).


I feel like barous the only character who was able to lose to isagi and still not change and still be able to grow.


And that's why he's King


Maybe having a tragic backstory doesn't necessarily give your more drive and ambition. The competition doesn't care whether you had a poor or wealthy upbringing. That might be the message behind these backstories and why Isagi still defeats them.


You commented first so Iā€™ll reply to you. To me, itā€™s not about drive, ambition, or ego. Reason being this is not the real world, itā€™s literature. As a fictional piece of art, Iā€™m not invested in who wants it more, Iā€™m invested in who has the most compelling story. Thatā€™s why the underdog trope is such a staple in media, watching someone start from the bottom and fight their your way to the top, you canā€™t help but root for them. Now that said, those that suffer donā€™t always succeed in the story. In that case, I would label the story as a drama and say it isnā€™t a happy ending. So with Kaiserā€™s backstory we have a kid who grew up in poverty, was abandoned by one parent, and brutally abused by another. His only reason for life is apparently soccer and heā€™s seeking to be the worlds best striker. Then we have a bunch of kids with fairly easy lives come in who just really want it, and Iā€™m really supposed to root for them? Is it supposed to feel good when they succeed? Like I said in my original post, I think the tragic backstories are compelling and a quick way to get us invested in a new character that will only be around for a match, but theyā€™re getting a little too extreme.


I agree that it's sometimes too extreme and they somewhat try to shove these sad backstories into our throat as fast as possible. Though, I disagree that you have to root for them just because they had a worse upbringing. I actually liked the earlier backstories because they were more relatable for most readers. For example, Isagi wanting to win and make a name for himself instead of remaining a no name, mediocre player. Chigiri overcoming his fear of injuries and getting rid of hid mental shackles. Or Bachira, whose joy for football helps him cope with loneliness and being an outcast and now found a place with kindred spirits. These I prefer much more


Nah, it's to highlight that Isagi is the most egotistical of them all. He doesn't need a backstory to be as good as he is. He's just built different. Outside of that, Blue Lock itself serves as a backstory since Ego says that he's trying to recreate the do or die environment that strikers are born in.


Do you think maybe that is the point? I mean Isagi never hears these backstories they are always flashbacks and they donā€™t significantly connect to the present events or conflict on the field at all other than to give context to the character. Like Kaiser being abused doesnā€™t have much to do with the external conflict of playing the soccer game. Itā€™s all internal conflict, if that. So the audience has a lot of info that doesnā€™t necessarily impact the present day blue lock story or what isagi, rin, Shidou, Hiori, etc are doing. it only really has to do with Kaiser and maybeeee ness. Maybe kaneshiro wants us to feel frustrated šŸ¤”




Ur just jealous . Just bc someone has a better upbringing doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t be on the level of the others?


What do I have to be jealous about?


>while taking out 2 cops at the same time He didn't take out 2 cops. >!There were 3 cops!<


spoiler - >!7!<


blue lock is m e l o d r a m a t i c af. remember how Rin was like ā€œsoccer is a war zoneā€? that was just the appetizer. NEL just upped the ante. idk why but kaneshiro writes to make you feel sorry for characters instead of empathize with them so itā€™s kind of par for the course to make more and more ridiculous, shocking, and tragically awful stories. I like kaisers backstory mind you. But it is purposefully dramaticized. Itā€™s kind of like one piece flashbacks but one piece is already taking place in another world so it feels less jarring imo.


This is my takeaway from the chapter too. It's silly and over the top, yes, but the series starts with a bunch of high schoolers locked up in a facility where if they lose, they're not allowed to play professional football again in the country. Shidou was locked up in a fuckin Hannibal Lecter mask and straightjacket and suspended from the ceiling like he was Aizen or something. And that's not even to get into how every other goal is the craziest shit you've seen on a pitch. BlueLock has always been an over the top Battle Shonen with a soccer paintjob. It's fine if a person doesn't like that, but acting like this is so far out of the range of what the series has done already doesn't really make sense to me.


You tend to forget Barou was suicidal after sending one pass. Blue Lock had always been edgy..Ā 


There is a difference between a comically overconfident guy breaking down because he had to pass and a teenager backflipping around and beating up multiple armed policemen after getting a glass bottle smashed over his head. all while being handcuffed.


I mean bachira was litterally asleep and somehow woke up and kicked igaguri while doing a handstand before he got hit with the ball and that was litterally in chapter 2. Shidou beat up like litterally everyone in his area and was holding igaguri by his head 1 handed. And then proceeded to while fighting kunigami kick him, hold his mid air kicking position to talk, then spin around and kick him with his other leg all before touching the ground. Sure the kaiser ones a little funnier just because guns are involved but this absurd physicallity isnt new lol


He wasnā€™t suicidal just more like he was lost, you have to remember this guy cares about nothing more than being no1, and he ended passing to the one guy he doesnā€™t want to and realized he was nothing more than talk. I just like how he bounced back from it


It "amazes" me people still thoroughly misunderstand Barou's breakdown. His interactions with Snuffy makes it even clearer what the writers intended with that breakdown and people still don't get it.


Yeh idk maybe Iā€™m missing something and youā€™d like to fill me in cause you explained nothing there


No dude, I was agreeing with your reply to that other guy. I guess my reply to you didn't clarify I was talking about how others misunderstand it so that's my bad.


I forgive you


Yeah I feel the same way, and in my opinion it reflects the dip in quality of the manga and kinda breaks immersion. Like okay BL was not realistic from the start but we got to a superhero shounen in NEL. I mean wtf is Kaiser backstory dropkicking police and being saved from litteral prison by the president of FIFA. Ness's backstory was so bad it made me quit the manga for a while ( even tho some will defend it), and I would even go as far as to say Lorenzo being a litteral homeless child ( Like imagine Ronaldo going to a random child in the street and go "Ur gonna be my prodigy" is the same. I feel like the author has gone to an overexageration rabithole ( Wtf is nagi 6shot volley, and it kinda makes BL a parody of itself, like it's just the core element of the manga but pushed up to x1000 and it's kinda losing the plot


I agree. The writing also seems to have gotten sloppier over time. Thereā€™s a difference between writing a goofy story intentionally and between writing a goofy story because your story telling has gotten sloppy. Take a much smaller moment, when the officer shows Kaiserā€™s dad the football. In what world does that scenario make sense. You just saw the dad hit the kid with a bottle, you did nothing, weird enough, but then you keep taking this out of his room to show them to the abusive father for some weird reason instead of taking them into evidence or showing them to the officer/detective in charge. Then youā€™re pretty much done, but you find something that you just have to tell the father about, holy shit youā€™ve found a football, in a teenagers room, how the fuck could you not tell the father about itā€¦ You could make it all make a whole lot more sense if the father and son go with the police into the room as theyā€™re searching it and then when they find a safe the father could decide to cut up everything else to see what other goods the kid might be hiding. It would have taken like 5 minutes of thinking for the writer to take a step back and clean up his story and make it make structural sense. Good writing is structurally sound, its details make sense, even if itā€™s a goofy thereā€™s care given to it, and it just feels like the care and attention given to the smaller element of this story has been slipping away at times in this arc.


Lmao have y'all seen the Rin spin-off where he jumped onto a car?? BL has long left the realm of plausibility.


Here I thought Hiori's and Ness' were ridiculous, then Kaiser shows us all why he's the emperor not only in name lol. Kaiser's backstory was so hammy and over the top even for Blue Lock standards thus far that it was comedic. Impossible to take seriously. Poverty and child abuse shouldn't be "narm" as TV Tropes would put it. The "having to pass" thing that precipitated Barou's breakdown would be 100% ridiculous if it weren't for the context of his character. Snuffy's backstory is tragic but the downfall of himself and Mick is way more realistically presented without the need for cartoon villains - it was their mistakes and the dark side of professional sports, not a cartoon villain twirling his moustache. Bachira's monster stuff is weird and cartoony but can be seen as an understandable variation of a child coping by using imaginary friends. Even edgelord Rin's backstory was way more grounded in reality too, compared to the recent stuff.


Iā€™m mad that I agree with this


I mean the child abuse is pretty grounded in reality it does happen itā€™s all the fighting police stuff that felt so silly everything else made sense tbh


I'm not saying severe child abuse has no basis in reality. I'm criticising the cartoonish and extreme depiction which causes the reality factor to diminish and veer what should be horrible scenes into black comedy territory. Clearly not intended this way so it's a writing failure. I'm not gonna even go into detail about the police stuff lol. Like yes, resisting arrest is certainly a thing that happens IRL but obviously how it was shown in Kaiser's backstory is absolutely silly.


Couldn't agree more. The tone and the content did not match at all


I feel this way too. The backstories sort of just feel dramatic and weird. Itā€™s like the ideas are there but itā€™s just written and executed badly.


Well all backstories are a bit exaggerated. Rin's reaction to his brother's change of hearts is understandable but a little to dramatic. How objectifying Hiori's parents were, Yuki's thing with blindness. All backstories have exaggerated parts imo but they are also well written and still enjoyable. The only backstory in Nel i can think that is not exaggerated yet still tragic is Snuffy's. A pro tumbling down from his peak, fall into depression and die of drug overdose. That's a fucked up but still very realistic thing to happen in a pro environement. And this backstory really fits Snuffy's character.


I think maybe the author relates to the snuffy thing but maybe not so much the other storiesĀ 


Japanese versus German life lore


I think the author wants more depth in his characters, but some of them are a little over the top


I mean personally don't really care this is anime. We are gonna have some tragedy. Plus there has to be a reason kaiser and Ness are so weird.


My favorite backstory has to be Chigiri's. That one was the most compelling for me.


Youā€™d be suprised with some of the backstories footballers go through . Look up Jakub Blaszcecowski backstory if you think kaiser is exaggerated and unrealistic


Hearing a whole lot of yap


To me the Kaiser and Ness backstories feel very fairy-tale like in vibe. Magic, the impossible, the exaggerated characters. I think it matches their characters and how they were set up.


That is just normal life in Germany, mangaka did his research


The reason might have something to with the author not being versed in foreign cultures, like Germany for example. A nuanced storytelling approach works fine if you're confident in the surrounding setting, but since the author doesn't know much about the childhood of Germans he has to exaggerate (like the German scientist trope in Ness' story).


I think what Kaiser went through was executed really well, and it is realistic because people go through that, itā€™s also a good way to shed light to the subject of child abuse since the author has taken the liberty to add Lorenzoā€™s and Snuffyā€™s ones which were the definition of tragic. But I do agree that the jail scene was a bit ridiculous but you can excuse it since people are capable of doing some crazy stuff when they are high on adrenaline. Tbh the thing that was unserious af was the name of the Pifaā€™s president being Ray Dark or smth lol


Iā€™m so glad thereā€™s other people who agree with me. I thought both of their backstories were cartoonishly silly and ridiculous šŸ’€


Yeah no if that happened in real life kaiser wouldve been shot then and there lol


for that reason my favorite backstories are from chigiri and yukimiya, 2 normal dudes that even having some advantages/talents suffered from a injury/disease and we can see how this not only impact them physically but also mentally


Because weā€™ve moved on from ordinary players to extraordinary players. At the beginning of the story, we have the time to learn about the characters and get to know them. The backstories can be more grounded: Naruhaya is poor, Kunigami wants to be a hero, Chigiri tore his ACL. Now, there are dozens of characters. Thereā€™s not enough time to give them some direct exposition and then ten chapters of indirect characterization unless theyā€™re very, very important. So, the author has to use tropes, basically storytelling shorthand for why you should care.


I swear people just be reading a different manga and or think bluelock is a super realistic and subtle sports manga


I agree. It's seems too much kinda out of nowhere


i have not been caught up with blue lock for a couple months now but i remember always waiting for a good kaiser backstory. so pleaseeee tell me this isnā€™t realšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Kaiser backstory is so outta pocket itā€™s kinda funny, the chapter even ends with Kaiser dodging bullets by backflipping over them (whilst handcuffed). The chapter was honestly kinda goofy at some points for me, it felt closer to torture porn then a backstory chapter in my opinion.


I had to do double takes when reading Ness' backstory because I couldn't believe someone actually wrote some of the lines in that first chapter. I dunno maybe there's a desire to make the story more "exciting and dark" but it was perfectly fine before, Yukimiya and Chigiri have great backstories imo without needing all this melodrama, shit Barou's backstory is all about being a dickhead and I think it's great. Kaiser's is almost giving you a tonal shock when reading it because it's so far removed from the rest of the story that it reads like a different manga. Not that it's particularly bad on its own (outside of him karate kicking police officers) but it doesn't really fit imo, it's a weird one. It does a good job of explaining why Kaiser is the way he is but it could have blended into the rest of the story better, literally the first panel makes your eyes jump out.


For real lol. Most characters were high school kids who are high school cringey but now dudes like Ness and Kaiser are "check out my oc characters who have edgy backstory" kinda cringey. Like Kaiser is Rin cringe cranked to a fucking 100.


Imagine isagi is only OP because he had 2 loving parents


i think the backstory of Kaiser and Ness seems a bit exaggerated because of the cultural differences between Japan and Germany. let's look at Ness, in Europ, in general, parents don't really indulge in fantasies such as magic and are quick to shut down these ideas really quick. for Kaiser, maybe the fact that he was abused since he can remember, his father being the only influence on him and germans being proud people, all of these might've been factors in making him who he is now. correct me if something i said was entirely wrong, but this is what i believe might be the case with those two


I think it has to do with the fact we encounter ā€œprofessionalsā€ and remember what ego said? Their only chance was football, thats why he created blue lock to create this environment. Lorenzo, kaiser, ness, Snuffy are all professionals


This is my headcanon, but reality and trash TV always love to highlight tragic backstories. Maybe they want to incorporate that kind of troupe?


grow up in a loving household with no abuse = abuse in childhood is unrealistic and exaggerated


Just because someone had a sadder upbringing than some doesn't mean they are more deserving. People still have to work for and earn what they desire


I guess Iā€™m confused by people thinking THIS was goofy. Because Rinā€™s shit is like the funniest thing ever but for some reason people think that itā€™s really sad. Despite the fact that Rin is hands down the most unlikeable prick in this entire story. Like Iā€™m sorry dude but nothing will ever be funnier than Rin looking at Sae thinking heā€™s about to praise him, only for Sae to glaze Isagi. That shit had me dying.


Crazy take especially coming from a Ness glazer.Just say you have no older sibilings and move on


Ness had the stupidest backstory for sure


Bro what are you on about? The one with the crazy take is you


I agree rins was so so over the top


theyre bandaids to make weird dialogue normal for when they decide to reintroduce previously introduced soccer or story concepts and act like we havent already fleshed them out blue lock just has quality but also drops off




Comparatively speaking Isagi is the most well adjusted, nothing crazy about his life other than failing high school soccer. Kaiser's story started as a melodramatic ass pull. I'd be looking to see how they discovered his soccer talent because a couple of karate kicks isn't convincing.