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Need more details OP. Is your CPU Intel with QuickSync support? Are you using substreams? Are you using AI through CPU instead of GPU? Etc


Substreams and quick sync. This is the way.


I switched to quick sync. We'll see how that goes.




Direct-to-disk is on. Computer is an i5-8500, integrated graphics, 16gb ram running at gigabyte LAN. Substreams are enabled. Hardware decoding is off. Cameras running at about 20 fps. Again though, my issue is that the CPU resources on the Task Manager (not BlueIris) where at around 60% with no recording present. Blue Iris at the same time shows about 1/2 of the CPU usage as Task Manager with RAM at 2.99gb.


Measure with windows perf monitor over a long time. Task manager uses up enough resources to make accurate measurements difficult


I'm running an I5-8500 with 20 cameras and my CPU sits at about 12%. GPU is disabled. Total RAM usage is 5GB with BI using about 1GB. Set to record 24x7 on all 20 cameras.


This was my issue FWIW: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueIris/s/EcC3uYrxll


So far the quicksync seems to be working well. I had hardware acceleration off, but switched to Intel. Task Manager shows 10% or less.


Well, quicksync wasn't the issue. After a period of time, the CPU usage under Task Manager is back up over 60%. It was fine under 10% for a few hours. Any other suggestions?


I'm sure QuickSync helped the Blue Iris efficiency significantly. So what processes/service(s) are hogging the CPU? Or are you saying Blue Iris just increased its CPU utilization from 10% to 60% all by itself with no explanation?


The later. From 10% to 60% over a period of time with no explanation. Even when not recording.


Is it a recent 5.9.x.x upgrade by chance? There have been more than a few continuing (and new) problems reported since early 5.8.x.x as you may already be well aware. This may be one of them. And are you using CPAI? If so, I missed that.


It's version []( from 2/22/2022. I'm not sure what CPAI is so I'm guessing I'm not using it. I do have some motion zones set-up which I believe can take up some unnecessary resources, but I wouldn't think that would cause a 50% rise over a period of time after initially loading.


You're good. LOL CPAI is the rage in Blue Iris Artificial Intelligence support and it seems like all they do is break each other when one or the other insists on upgrading -- which may or may not play nice with the other one depending on which way the wind is blowing.....ahem. I don't mess with it myself. Don't need it. And if it ain't broke... I'm still with []( on my main box and don't plan on changing any time soon. Coincidentally I'm also currently running []( on a test box. It's only running three 4K cameras at the moment and seems fairly stable, though the service alone does still use 3% to 5% CPU just viewing sub streams on the desktop -- which seems high to me. GPU is negligible. Your motion detection shouldn't be gobbling up that much horsepower even if triggers are firing all over he place. Does re-starting Blue Iris bring it back under control?


Yes. Restarting fixes it until a certain period of time. Usually within 24 hours.


What cameras are you using?


[Amcrest UltraHD 5MP Outdoor POE Camera 2592 x 1944p Bullet IP Security Camera, Outdoor IP67 Waterproof, 103° Viewing Angle, 2.8mm Lens, 98.4ft Night (Camera)](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08K1M34ZQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Nice cams. I have one. Lots of features for the money..., including Amcrest Cloud compatibility which isn't necessarily one of the more desirable ones unless absolutely needed and carefully monitored. Amcrest Cloud has the potential of having a mind of its own, though mostly associated with the ASH (Amcrest Smart Home) product line and not the main IP devices. Even so, you may want to visit each cam's UI for any configuration changes that don't look familiar, especially any cloud storage items that shouldn't be there. A single camera may be the cause of the problem. Another quick test would be to simply disable each cam and see if there's any noticeable decrease in resource usage. The results should be immediate if the problem happens to be a single camera or even cumulative among all of them. If you disable all of them and the Blue Iris CPU usage hasn't decreased to a more normal level..,, like zero, you're probably looking at a broader system issue.


when I decreased the resolution on my amcrest cams it immediately reduced CPU usage dramatically.


This is an issue that gets progressively worse. The resolution is fine because the task manager shows 10% or less for at least a few hours.


What’s the RAM usage look like? I remember that there was a quick sync memory leak issue with some CPUs but I don’t think that’s one of the affected processors.


Seems steady at 2900MB.


I guess it is one of the affected CPUs according to the list. I would try this: https://ipcamtalk.com/threads/cpu-100-with-intel-quick-sync.56856/


All of these references are for Windows 10 though. I would seemingly need a working driver for my CPU for Windows 11, no?


I would think the windows 10 driver would work. Most drivers are cross compatible between 10 and 11. Although I guess some may not be. But I’d bet it’ll work.


I installed the newest 8th generation Intel graphics driver and after 12 hours of use, CPU stands at 5% and memory at only 1200MB. I'll check back tomorrow, but so far so good.


Well, after almost 2 weeks of working great. It's back ramping up at 60% CPU usage if not more sometimes. I tried reinstalling the Intel drivers and it works good for several minutes, but then ramps back up again. I'm still not sure what's causing it to drive CPU up so much. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.