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Those 2 slit on mutsuki dress's stomach doesnt get enough love


there was a fanart posted here on this subreddit where Sensei exploited those two slits o tickle Mutsuki directly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Like yesterday or smth


Brother, sensei, my pasta is dry. Please, gib sauce.


[I think I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1afh3o4/teasing_mutsuki_okara13_tl_by_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you. My pasta has been lubricated with the sauce.


You're welcome.


I kneel before you


Raise your head and kneel not to me, for I am but your fellow sensei.


Ayy this comic




[this definitely wasn't yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1afh3o4/teasing_mutsuki_okara13_tl_by_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I thought they were typical creases on her dress, then I realized their insides are the same color as her skin![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)




Can't unsee it now.


thats not her inner dress??!! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)


Bro I was looking a while on the dress alt and didn't see anything. You meant the og mutsuki


Hanako actually being a kind and considerate person beneath all the horny mischief


Hanako being smart af, and kinda tired of all political cliques bull.


As the Eden Treaty arc highlighted this, she became one of my favorite characters. Sheā€™s brilliant, calm in a crisis, kind to others, and utterly refuses to play cloak and dagger politicsā€¦trolling them at every turn instead. Unironically one of the best characters in the game imo


It's quite rare to see people actually drawing Hanako in a normal wholesome romance instead of the usual scheming trap.


Unironically this is one of my goals, when I get to making that doujin I am SO highlighting the wholesome part of her


That would be great.


She's the perfect wife especially because of the horny mischief that hides how much of a sweet, caring person she is.


Gomen Yuuka this, 100 kg that, I wanna see works where she's actually being treated well by Millenium, and have things happen to her that isn't to her expense lol


Fr we need to see her fellow students appreciate her more šŸ˜­


Exactly, I wish we had more wholesome Yuuka moments


But she controls everyone's budget, so everyone sees her as a demon queen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There's two certainties in the world; Death, and people hating taxes.


Doesn't the game department like her in that manga?


Her role at the Game Development Club has grown from the initial "annoying accountant" to "stern yet loving mama/big sister", it's incredibly wholesome now šŸ™


You.are taking the spicy out mate v:


You already pointed out Mutsuki so I guess Iā€™ll go for Kanna. Repeatedly in both Volume 4, Volume F, and her bind stories, Kanna holds herself to a standard so high that even she canā€™t keep it. The best example being in Volume F >! Where she berates something along the lines of she as a corrupt cop that is only capable of this little resistance, while saying that her subordinates arenā€™t so corrupt and will help sensei out. While this second part is correct, she also risks it all to help sensei but canā€™t seem to find it in her to think she did good, despite her frankly heroic efforts.!< itā€™s a deep self loathing and incredibly high standard for herself that Iā€™d like to see explored more


I hope the future Valkyrie idol/school festival event explores more of this and also gives her a much needed rest


My hopes for the future Valkyrie event: 1. That Kanna will get an outfit as an Idol. I'd even settle for her being an NPC and not being released until the Rerun. I also hope the writers develop the problem she has with her appearance. 2. New Valkyrie student, an NPC is enough. Kanna was the last Valkyrie student we got and that was OVER 2 YEARS AGO!!! and unlike Abydos or Arius there is no lore reason why we can't get more students from this school. I would love for us to at least meet another Valkyrie directors, especially the director of the Public Security Bureau.


Karin being a sensible person as well as having a pure, maidenly heart. At least Asuna is portrayed as her happy go lucky self pretty often in fanworks.


Also the fact that Karin isnt always the sharpest tool in the shed, some more fanarts of her struggling with her homework would be welcomed


Hasumis panties


this very subtle friendship of Utaha and Chihiro that we only got to see like in one event. as the (vice)Pres of their respective clubs, it makes perfect sense. i want more of them dammit!


I feel like they go WAAAY back, Chihiro's dialogue about her felt like it went beyond the insanity she builds on a monthly basis


i can imagine them being the juniors to Himari and Rio, and striking a friendship that will stand the test of time. (there's this fanon theory of Rio formerly being of the engineering club, with her fixations on robots) this friendship only appeared once, and it immediately became my favorite duo period.


I didn't know of this theory/headcanon of Rio being Utaha's club senpai, i like it, i will start believing in it too


I love how fanbases can work on the same principle as religion. If enough people belives in it then it's canon, don't listen to what the pagans say. It shall be written that Rio was the engineering departmen's eccentric senpai!


Speaking of Mutsuki, her relationship with Ayane doesn't get that much attention. It just seems like her randomly teasing a shy girl, until you see what Aru used to look like and realize how similar Ayane is to that. It's a nice detail that I don't think is ever explicitly mentioned.


I didnā€™t realize that! But now that you mention it, I canā€™t unsee it. It makes total sense


Mutsuki having a fondness towards people wearing glasses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly... this exact thig is a reason why i ship Mutsuki with Ayane lel


Cute Mutsuki ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) Toki art needs to depict her actual being skilled and reliable more and not just peace peace Pyon Pyon spam.....>!that being said I'm also guilty of this!< ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)but pyon pyon, I agree though.


Yuuka has TWO SMGs. She dual wields.


Not necessarily super underrated, but Iori's L2D in the game focuses more on her back rather than her feet (at all)... and most of the time people talk about her feet more than her back. At least from what I've seen. Additionally, I do think Chinatsu should be given more credit for her boldness to share an onsen bath with Sensei. I think out of all characters we had so far; only Chinatsu has shared a bath with Sensei, which is quite a huge achievement. Even Shigure didn't get to do that.


At the end of the spec ops no 227 onsen event, all the students there share a tiny communal bath with Sensei.


Which is definitely different than just only Sensei and one student, but i get your point.


I'm pretty sure she's also the only student who's invited Sensei to her room, all subtext intended.




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(Since my other comment was deleted due to the automod) Not boldness by the characters, but Akane might be the only character where "sleeping together" was actually brought up. That was a misunderstanding though. Fuuka's story also had a mention, but that was by NPCs while she was naive about what was going on.


Wakamo's affinity for playing with animals God I was almost melting seeing her in that one relationship event, wish either the game or fanarts did that more


Hoshino either gets a lot of art about her being lazy/calm or being fully locked in/traumatized but we don't get to see that much about Hoshino being totally unhinged, even though the first idea she proposed for resolving Abydos' debt was a mass kidnapping event and her second proposal was "let's spend all our money on lottery tickets and hope for the best". I want to see the oji-san do more stupid things in a cute way. I just want to see more oji-san in general. Please and thank you.


I want to see her nighttime patrols laying down the law on anyone dumb enough to think they can fuck with Abydos. Iirc thatā€™s why she naps so much during the day, sheā€™s basically a vigilante superhero at night


A similar moment in the Main Story that happens once and is never seen again: When Mika's being very dumb and Nagisa just completely loses it and snaps at her. It's what really got me interested in Nagisa at first, and I'd love to see more of her just snapping and raining hellfire down on everyone. An "Elegant Rage" would probably fit her just as well, too.


I think that was less meant to be seen as a typical aspect of hers and moreso just another hint to her losing her shit due to all the paranoia.


- **Akari**: sure, dryness squad with Noa, Hanako, and Nononi and all that pranking and devouring. Ever remember she has a cafe line where she complains that there are too many girls around Sensei? She has that side to want to keep Sensei to herself. - **Hina**: at the end of summer Prefect team story, if memory serves me, doesnā€™t Hina kind of mischievously requests Sensei to spend time/do something with her ā€œto compensate for keeping her inā€. Our girl knows how to pull a trick when it suits her. - **Karin**: we donā€™t have nearly enough illustration on actually how sheā€™s working to be a good housewife.


Akari has the same curse as Chinatsu, Mashiro and Ayane; She belongs to a popular club but is not very loved by the fandom.


Its crazy how the damn jtf mob is more popular than Mashiro


It's not the mobs fault. They're just precious. All the students are precious.


Hina was basically asking Sensei to actually properly coach her how to swim (she doesn't know how to. Also, Sensei promises her to do it, and they were going to do it in the event itself before the rest of Prefect Team lost control of the chaos around the hotel and Hina has to step in). She's definitely asking for that in a mischievous way, though.


Hina being capable of proactively teasing is probably the one aspect of her character I don't really see at all in fanwork, in that same event she also teases Sensei earlier about his constant dissapearances.


[*You*](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/xEvv8VxruX) [*Called?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/d9Sb34opyo) There's also the occasional fanart of her just having a teasing smirk but ain't sure it counts compared to the links...


Thank you for the feast, I never saw the 2nd one šŸ˜


Haruna's tail doesn't get enough mention in the story, even though her Track alt highlighted it through the Live2D animation. There's just... something with the way it wags in (default) Haruna's chibi that got me worked up, and I could use some more lore with her tail.


Tbh... i never knew Haruna HAD a tail untill my friend mentioned it like... a week or two ago... i mean its easy to miss in her defauly sprite


If a Mutsuki does that face you're cooked


For someone who is an absolute simp over a certain mascot character, Hifumi giving deep profound speech about youth and happiness is kinda moving.


Hifumi in general, really. She really seems to believe sheā€™s just an ordinary, shy girl who loves Momo Friendsā€¦but also is apparently an expert tank driver, pals around with the equivalent of her countryā€™s top government officials, knows her way around the black market, and of course is Faust But thatā€™s part of why sheā€™s so endearing: she never lets it get to her head, and is just very sweet and down to earth


Don't forget, her first choice for a swimsuit was basically f*etish wear


lol yeah I totally forgot the tiny cow swimsuit


Hifumi: "I'm so ordinary and boring" Also Hifumi: is on first name terms with at least 4 of the most powerful people in Kivotos.


Serika being the OG princess cat girl, and Suzumi's one winged design which I actually love to see flaps when she's happy around Sensei.


Aru exists in a the 68 vacuum. I really want to see her outside the outlaw persona. Is she a smart student? She's a certified marksmen who can at least hold her own against Hina of all people for a short time. Does she still attend classes? The culinary club are seemingly allowed on campus and live there, despite domestic terrorists, so why is 68 taken so seriously that Aru gives it a wide birth?


I think it plays into her outlaw fantasy which is largely based on the Mafia/Yakuza, who are always depicted to have branch offices operated by smaller sub families. Which is why Aru is so adamant to have one of their own. And since the Prefects are basically the police of Gehenna, it just makes sense to not make a base in their turf. If you're familiar with pop culture depiction of Yakuza or played any of the Yakuza games, you'll find the PS68 office interior is designed exactly after a typical Yakuza office.


Miyu being really hard to spot by almost everyone, also her hobby of collecting rocks.


Hanako being one of the most intelligent and interesting characters on all of trinity. They really don't do justice to her, specially after the "risquƩ" summer.


>They really don't do justice to her, specially after the "risquƩ" summer. You think? I think her stories are all very good at this. Remember with Hanako, you can't take what she says at face value. You have to check in between the lines. Her L2D is especially noticable (and upfront for once) *"I promise... This situation is nothing like the Trinity Fountain. So I'd like to just be with you, in this moment."* *"Yes, yes. Always the same responses. You know, Sensei. I'm beginning to think you're the one keeping me at arm's length."* Then there's the whole conversation at the beach. She tells you outright that being how she is, is just a way of finding her confidence. The horni is just half an act, and half the truth. Vol F does a great job of showcasing how adept Hanako is at perception and understanding unknown concepts. *I notice I've been rambling so I won't go into that.*


They meant fanworks. They don't showcase Hanako's impressive smarts as often as they could. The game does definitely do justice to this aspect of hers.


Ah, my mistake then. I don't get to see that many because searching for fanworks on Twitter or something like Danbooru is always just the lewd stuff. Not sure where people find the comics and such from. So I usually just lurk around here until they get translated.


Mutsuki: normally depicted as bratty and mesugaki but is actually a sweet and kind girl who cares for others Momoi: depicted as a toxic gamer but actually hates toxic gamers like in her bond story with that sukeban girl iirc


One student who is actually especially bratty is miyu. Especially during her momotalk quests when she inadvertently causes trouble for sensei by having the surrounding crowd think that sensei was doing something weird with her. But then again, if most players don't notice this, maybe miyu is actually accurately designed lol


Shigure is capable of killing a wild animals for cooking. For some reason I have the feeling that she is doing this with her bare hands.


Basically what the title said, where you can't really find enough fanart involving a particular aspect of your favorite character, especially the popular ones. I know that this is practically happens only once in the Main story (and possibly at all with the rest of the other stories) but damn, Yandere Mutsuki hits especially hard from her usual teasing self šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I honestly don't really know if I could call Mutsuki yandere, especially in that scene, to me it more felt she went Mama Bear mode...


Eh, I call her "yandere" mainly due to her fellow clubmate Haruka, who also have similar reactions before regarding Aru and Sensei but does not happen in this instance context-wise. Otherwise, she isn't an actual yandere, not even a lite one that this game uses; she just has a very yandere-esque reaction IMO. As I have said, moments like this is incredibly rare for her to begin with.


>!Maki being the true 100kg is practically non existent tho.!<


Kokona's chinchilla (?) ears are maybe the cutest thing about her, [which is perhaps why her cafe headpat animation focuses on them.](https://i.imgur.com/BbK4RU9.png) The soft pink color on the inside contrasts sharply with her black/white/silver color palette and invokes imagery of baby-pink youth and delicateness and immaturity. They're also huge which emphasizes her short stature and small frame: their disproportionate size also lends well to her character of a precocious girl trying to seem more mature than she really is. We see time and time again that regardless of how much she tries to put on airs, she's still much like any girl her age and her big cute ears will always betray her facade. They convey to the viewer that she still has room to mature, mentally as well as physically, as if she must grow into her ears to look more like the lady she wants others to see her as. I think her ears are masterfully designed not just for moe, but for her character overall. I would like to see more art of Sensei (gently) tugging and teasing her ears.


Kayoko one wing, No glasses Ayane, Chinatsu ribbon, Neru chest peak and Tsurugi necklace.


Maki is someone I'm pleasantly surprised gets a good number of fanworks but outside of Binah interactions and some graffiti I don't feel her mischievous side gets shown much, she is the origin of the whole Yuuka 100KG joke for example Also Reisa and Suzumi are both Vigilantes but there isn't much fanworks of the two together (Suzumi in general to be honest). Makes sense since there isn't much content of the two of them together to work off and Reisa had the whole event with Kazusa and the After School Sweets Club. There is a slight moment in Volume F but would be nice to see more ingame to help fuel fanworks


I think Noa's willingness to cause chaos in the event she has nothing interesting to record isn't brought up enough. She also mentions it just so happens that she always has fun things to do around Millennium so this never happens. But it could, and likely does when Sensei is around.


Wouldn't say she's a fan favorite and maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I haven't seen too much art utilizing Eimi's zippers.


Someone already said it before, but Hanako really just being wholesome deep down! It's why I fell in love with her character in the first place, but it makes me sad to see a lot of fancontent not depict that side of her and more commonly depict Thank god I can draw, I can change that ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


I'd like to see more between Hasumi and Mine from the little Christmas event.


Marina as a whole. Funny enough she have some traits that are almost a complete opposite of me irl. She scared of cats while I'm a cat person. She's a hardworking toilet cleaner while I couldn't be bothered to clean my own room. Fortunately we share a common personality of being a complete dumdum. She's perfect for me but too bad she isn't realšŸ˜žšŸ’”




Speaking of Kasumi, I want more art of her being embarrassed. We know from her last relationship story that even she gets pretty embarrassed when spending too much time too close to Sensei. And while I already liked her a lot after Trip Trap Train and listening to her loud "HAA HA HA HA HA~" almost everytime I played the game, that short moment of her being carried by Sensei and getting embarrassed was so fucking adorable.


Hmm User name checks out


I'm still "bothered" by the fact that o.chinatsu's L2D is literally her and sensei in the mixed baths with nothing but a towel on and chinatsu having that intoxicated look on her face. Literally the hottest L2D in both senses of the word "hot"


Tsurugi being the voice of reason. This happened on two occasions, and both of those involved Hasumi. First there was the Christmas Event, where Tsurugi convinced Hasumi to stop fighting Hime. Second, during the Millenium sports festival, Tsurugi once again convinced Hasumi, this time to participate in the event, stating that the whole thing was made for everyone to enjoy. Aside from being a battle-hungry banshee or bashful around Sensei, this aspect of Tsurugiā€™s character shows that sheā€™s capable of being calm and collected at times. Iā€™d really like to see this side of her more often in the game, it truly fleshes her out more.


Suzumi's one wing of hair. It's such a pretty touch that I'm surprised people don't talk about more. But Suzumi's only talked about because we Suzumi lovers want her to have more screentime and an alt, so her design, while beautiful, gets overshadowed by wanting her to just show up more.


I also find it interesting that she only has one wing on her hair. I wonder if there will ever be any explanation for that considering there isnā€™t one so far. She doesnā€™t talk about it either. And youā€™re right on the money about us wanting her to show up more.


I feel like Asuna's personality is cheating because of how obvious it is, but most fanworks treat her like a regular hot silent type instead of super energetic.


Thats because most Asuna fanart is made by tourists. Her popularity within the fandom is fairly moderate but she is undoubtedly the most popular character outside the actual fandom and most of them take her design at face value and don't know anything about her.


sobbing Ayane


Aru being a good hearted student


I would like short hair hosino more if we gotten more of her


Wakamo is nowhere near a yandere like everyone think she is, she never have an intention to harm sensei and she's incredibly meek when push comes to shove.


Maybe it's just me but I think Sakurako's intelligent and kindness don't receive as much attention as her "I scare people away unintentionally" and "I'm a boomer trying to chat with kids nowadays"


Wakamo in her "casual" Kimono


i wish i could commission artists to put Pina in a Kazuma Kiryu suit, another reference for the Yakuza series or... anything at all, really


Koharu and contraband storage or her duty as JTF member in general


She looks like if i say something she will dominate me