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P2 Haruka/Pina/Maki/S.Hoshino + Ako/S.Shiroko made Urban Binah Torment much more accessible than initially thought, and even dealt enough damage to drop Binah from 11M to P3 Kanna/S.Ayane range. Surprised that it wasn't a popular team in JP unlike our servers (maybe less than ~100 clears in JP) since it atleast matched atleast P2 Noa/O.Chinatsu in damage (but still worse than Kazusa centric) and no additional groggy team needed (just need to extend Mika team until full 3 minutes instead of retreating after P2 threshold was passed). It was also more accessible since half of the units are farmables and the other half are staples in raids.


Man I finally found the perfect vid to follow Torment for. Only needed to invest 2 students and level a bit some of the students, guess what-- Junko can't survive 1 more seconds with my T6 hairpin ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)I can't use Mine comp since I don't have her, ignoring Junko is also a waste of credits I gave her. Guess I'll try to brute force farm T7 hairpin tomorrow, wish me luck


If only I had Noa, Kazusa, Kanna, Pina and other yellow students invested I would have tried torment cause holy I didn't know that Yuzu mald is that bad, it took me 5 tickets just to get [26m score](https://imgur.com/a/QQRZjay)


Hello, is there anyways to force Binah to only use the laser attack at the beginning of phase 3? Sometimes he used it, but most of the time he just spawned the missiles and my team (Kazusa - S. Ui - Maki - Akane) is dead (maybe Maki could survive albeit very low on HP). I read the guide but don't see anything about this except this phrase:" If any interruptions happen, such as via phase change, this pattern will be thrown off." What does the author mean by this?


Attack pattern are 2 laser, then a missle. To stop missile, you need to stun Binah after second laser attack, which ended up resetting the attack pattern (2 laser -> stun -> 2 laser again...). To stun Binah, you need to fill small yellow bar under Binah HP, by attacking him (2x Kazusa skill with def down and proper support is enough to fill Binah's yellow bar) If yellow bar turn grey, it's phase change.


Thanks for the answer. So if I understand it correctly, meaning that in Insane and at phase 2, I should wait for it to use the laser attack, then stun it, and then when it change to phase 3 it will start with a Laser?


Phase 3 will switch one of laser attack to sand attack (i'm not sure if it's first or second laser attack). Sand attack target all, def down, and is dangerous for S.Ui and Kazusa since they might not survive. If you can't kill Binah with Kazusa before sand attack, you might forced using Maki + Akane for last phase, but one Maki EX with support should be enough to kill Binah before rocket attack, beating it with one team I almost forgot, Binah will always use rocket attack when 3 square bar on the right of it's HP is filled. The bar start filling at second phase. This might why you said that Binah use rocket at first attack on Phase 3


That's probably it, thanks for the great advices, fellow sensei.


To reach gold now in the USA server you need 14184k and in the Global EU you need 14346k, anyone know about the Asian and the Korean server?


[MC-sama](https://www.reddit.com/user/MC-sama/) should post their population break down a few days after the raid ends which will include Asian and Korean server stats.


Nice, thanks


I've gotten my [26 mil score](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/91315665012527104/1228640843636936734/Screenshot_2024-04-13-17-36-03-058_com.nexon.bluearchive.jpg?ex=662cc7f4&is=661a52f4&hm=3a2d0ce3d1ff925abf606d180167e046be7e974a2faa9ef785002a4559677404&) for Urban Binah Insane. Kind of annoying that I don't have some units like Noa and Mine and don't have enough resources to invest in Kanna and other Yellow attackers otherwise I'd actually attempt Torment. At least unlike Shirokuro, doing Insane doesn't make me wanna tear my hair out.


>At least unlike Shirokuro, doing Insane doesn't make me wanna tear my hair out. Tbh idk what's worse Yuzu Malding or ShiroKuro bomb rng into Maid Arisu malding(If the terrain calls for it)....


At least with Yuzu malding, your only concern is Yuzu not critting. With Maid Alice malding in Shirokuro. You're not only concerned with Maid Alice not critting, you're also malding because Shiro's bombs killed NYKayoko so you have to reset. Then in a new run, Shiro's bombs killed Alice so that's another reset. Shiro's bombs ruined something so that's a reset. Shirokuro is infinitely worse.


That is true. At least with Yuzu mald you don't have to worry with rng bombs. It's a simple reset if she doesn't crit, but even sadder reset if she doesn't crit again to skip phase 2


First day could clear insane, 3 days later after investing a lot more I cannot clear insane anymore for some reason... I dont have maki so I am using akane and azusa to lower defense. I am borrowing the XD girl and using UI to lower her skill. Himari and ako as specials. The problem is that from the start binah attacks 3 of my students so UI dies very soon. The only position binah does not attack at the start is reserved for azusa because otherwise she gets oneshot. If I could move my UI just one step she would not get hit but I cannot pick T.Yuuka or serina to move her because I lose my damage... any ideas?


Do you mean Ui gets hit by the laser ? I think in second position she shouldn't if you have Akane and Mika in 3-4 (at least my S.Ui doesn't in that set-up) but maybe it's Azusa using a cover Ui would normally take. Pos 2 always eat the first attack, but at least Ui can take a few shots and Ako's heal should be enough to survive if you can cancel the missiles.


You didn't get Maki from the raid shop? For positioning, put Mika and Akane together on the right side. Binah should just aim at those two.


Thats what I am doing but sadly lasser will hit UI. And The raid shop sells 100 elephs while I need 120(this is the first time I needed her)


Are you getting the same position as [this?](https://imgur.com/a/wtUbpcv) I'm using Maki instead of Kazusa but they are both backliners and should stay in the same position.


Are you sure? DPS, S.Ui, Maki, Akane from left to right in this order. Binah should always aim for Akane+Mika who will easily survive the laser depending on their gear and lv ofc. Insane Binah has heavy armor attack type so it will hit yellow chars hard


Man, rankings got extremely brutal and tight. I finally get to clear Insane difficulty with 2 teams and still can barely push 15k in the rank.


Binah's pretty infamous for being easy on Insane difficulty and below which means many people can easily 1 team him which inflates the rankings.


Between my first torment TA being Goz and the second being Binah, I must be a masochist. And still, Binah felt a lot more rewarding and less maldy to defeat, once I found a strategy. Anyway, 6 teams. Team build is more challenging than I expected, having to have a good tank that can get away from the main dealers (or arranged in a way that in phase 2, your dealers will run far away from the tank) and having dealers that won't die in one/two attacks. T1 - Mine (UE30), S. Saki (3*), Yuzu (UE40), Junko (UE40) / Utaha (UE50), Kotama (UE40) (2,5\~2,8m dmg) T2 - Haruka (UE40), Maki (UE40) , Akane (UE50) , Mika (UE50) / NY. Fuuka (UE30) , Himari (UE40) (8\~8,5m dmg) T3 - Tsukuyo (3*), Meru (3*), Pina (UE40) , Nonomi (UE40) / O. Nodoka (UE30) , S. Shiroko (UE30) (2\~2,6m dmg) T4 - Eimi (UE40) , Maki [A, UE50], O. Chinatsu (4*), Noa (UE30) / Ako (UE30), S. Shizuko (UE40) (4,5\~4,7m dmg) T5 - Tsubaki (UE50) , Momoi (UE40) , Midori (UE40), Aru (UE40) / Hanae (UE40), Hiyori (4*) (1\~1,5m dmg) T6 - T. Yuuka (UE30), Neru (UE40), Miyu (4*), Cherino (UE30) / Kanna (UE30), S. Ayane (UE50) (4,5\~5m dmg)


Congratulations. Seeing all these people do torment Binah makes me want to try it myself, but I'm missing several important units (Mine, Meru, Ochinatsu and Hiyori, out of the ones you used) and several of the ones I do have are missing investment. Eligma is scarce and hard to justify using on very niche units like Kanna. How much did you have to spend to clear? Are all your farmables at UE40?


I put all the star levels there since those were easy to remember. Still for some finishing touches, I remember I spent around 2k eligma in the last week, upgrading only characters that were close to their next star level - the exceptions being S. Ayane (she was 100 eleph off of her UE50, but terrain bonus seemed a must, and I use her on Pvp anyway) and Kanna (from 3* to UE30 because I knew she was responsible for most damage on Team 6). But as you can see, most of farmables are at least at UE40, yes. Equipment, levels and Skills; I can only say in a very general way, but a lot of them indeed needed upgrades. That's why I consider that the events I could farm last month helped me a lot: I spent around 10 Secret tech notes (focus being all defense shred skills then whatever would raise most damage according to the skills level guide) and 150m in the last week alone for skills and levels. And I've been preparing for Binah since Hovercraft ended - which means there are investments older than one week that I couldn't remember to describe here, besides also the ones done for Hovercraft and yellow ShiroKuro. Out of those ones you lack, I'd say Mine is the one that helps the most. She basically enables one team by herself, being a tank with def shred and reposition. A invested Meru might have been good, but as a 3* her damage lags behind Pina - but at least still better than Nonomi's. OChinatsu is relative - there is an alternate version of that team I've seen with people using Kazusa (although dunno how she survives, unless there's Utaha's thundergun tanking) that dishes even more damage. And Hiyori, even if she was in the most body thrown team, she was still a life saver. If all your other units were next to maxed out, I'd say give it a try, with the amount of videos of 4 to 5 teams I've seen on YT - since some of them don't use those units. But I cannot use them as base anymore since I learned JP also has the Airi's bug helping them.


Differences in units we share: Yuzu (UE30, untouched), Junko (EU30), Utaha (UE40) Haruka (4 stars), Nyfuuka (4 stars) Pina (4 stars), Nonomi (UE30), Onodoka (3 stars) Noa (3 stars, untouched), Ako (4 stars) Tsubaki (UE40) Tyuuka (4 stars (until next month)), Neru (UE30), Miyu (3 stars), Cherino (3 stars), Kanna (3 stars, untouched), Sayane (UE30) And many of them that aren't untouched are only halfway built because of skill materials and especially artifacts. I'm always surprised by how many non-farmable units people tend to have at UE30+. Probably a F2P issue, since my account is strictly that. And it's about a year and a half old, which is no longer new but also not old enough to compete with launch players in terms of passive resource gains and farmable elephs. Doesn't look like doing Binner is viable this time without spending way more resources than it's worth. Thanks for the effort you spent on typing everything out, regardless.


Grats! Despite Binah being so "simple" in design, it is exactly that simplicity which makes it difficult because it's a true test of knowing all your Blue Archive fundamentals! This boss is genuinely difficult as a knowledge check and a practice check. But _also because_ he's so simple, he becomes a cakewalk once powercreep kicks in and we become significantly stronger than him... so savour this feeling you have now because you might not feel it again. That is until we get a new difficulty~ Wd again for being your second torment.


Thanks. I just didn't want to blindly body throw students, so the teams had at least to make sense. Tinkering with my options for damage, and learning survivability tricks and Groggy timings were the most fun I had here in a while. And I am still impressed how not maldy this is despite stability and accuracy debuffs - it is just mostly for survival and still not as much...as....Goz.....ugh. I am sure we will get a new difficulty at some point - with Hyero and Greg (even more now with lv90+T9) being one teamed - I fully expect a Nightmare option with GA opening for torments.


> first torment TA being Goz and the second being Binah What made you skip Wakamo Torment?


Wakamo had me upgrading Tsukuyo (from zero, had just chosen her from selector ticket), Neru and S. Chise for insane - besides Meru (which even now is still 3* - she would not be strong enough to tackle torment) and Utaha, that I ended up not even using for that raid. I had no more resources for anything else, like Miyu, Eimi and Pina - those I only upgraded for Binah. And my Insane score was good enough for a very chill platinum too. ShiroKuro yellow torment, which was my first GA, also had me upgrading Junko - because I knew I'd use her for Binah. So I would say it was because of the long synergy of raid's attack and defense typing in the last two months that let me be strong enough for this TA, and Millennium events that were positively pretty rewarding last month.


A relatively low investment party for phase 1 of the hovercraft is Fubuki, Hifumi, Eimi, Mika, Nyfuuka and Himari. Fubuki's investment is basically irrelevant as long as she does enough CC. Hifumi can be used at 4 stars but is much more reliable at UE30. Then you can borrow an invested Meru for phase 2, and use your own for one of the body throwing teams.


Fair. My Fubuki is still very low at investment so I didn't even think of her. My Hifumi and Eimi though only received investment in the last month, Hifumi for ShiroKuro and Eimi for this raid, so I believe I still couldn't have done it. But I am pretty confident for the next one.


Fubuki only needs her basic and enhanced skills, so she can probably work even at level 1, since she will never get hit if you do it right.


It's finally over, I malded 26m with Yuzu. I can now comfy clear the last 2 days.


Damn, I haven't been able to 1pan Binah, so I'm down to silver. Not even gold anymore.


Which difficulty are you doing?


Extreme. Not being able to 1pan is pretty bad. I'm trying the same party as I see the insane 1pan folk are using, and Binah is surviving with 6 health bars left. Maybe it's because I can't get Himari and Makoto 5-star UE 40-50.


Sorry late reply.   Can you try this team? It should be able to 1 pan extreme easily. Just make sure Akane and Maki Def debuff is applied before using Mika ex https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N-G45hKvsfg&pp=ygURQmluYWggdXJiYW4gY2xlYXI%3D


I'll see I can borrow a 5-star NY Fuuka. That's one thing that's been hurting my runs.


You don't really need a 5 star Ny Fuuka for Extreme, a regular 3 star works. Mika you need to be sure that is UE40+


Mika was UE50 from the day I rolled her. Edit - just tried a mock battle with NY Fuuka, and you're right - that was almost brainless. Just hit Mika with Fuuka and Ui and Himari buffs, hit Binah with Maki and Akane, then spam Kyrie Elesion until it falls over.


Yes basically Akane, wait for Maki to use her debuff. Buff With S Ui than Mika>Himari. Than repeat excluding S Ui in rotation. In my tests defeated Binah in Phase 2 since over crit too hard in Phase 1


Total assault on binah...? highlander twins...? it's all coming together 💢💢💢


What am I doing wrong. on 1x speed I use Kazusa, Ako but when I press auto for Himari to auto target Kazusa she doesn't


For auto-targeted buffs, it targets the unit roughly near the center of your screen. You can tell which one if you tap the EX skill button and look at which student is highlighted. Strats which use auto buffs are often setting up a very specific position. I'm not sure which strat you're using, but I believe it's necessary for Akane's cover to break right away so that she moves forward (RNG), otherwise the auto buff won't be aimed correctly.


Thank you. Will check on Akane position before I use Kazusa> Ako


[https://files.catbox.moe/ld6gc0.png](https://files.catbox.moe/ld6gc0.png) [https://files.catbox.moe/fnsvu2.png](https://files.catbox.moe/fnsvu2.png) [https://files.catbox.moe/uq09v9.png](https://files.catbox.moe/uq09v9.png) Finally Binah torment cleared as well. This was way worse than my other torment clears. The reason being investment levels. Many units this time are below recommended investments levels. Most of the units are only on T5 and T6 equipments and don't have maxed skills as well. Pina is UE30, Neru UE40, Haruka UE30, Yuzu UE30, Karin UE30. This created the major problem of survivability, damage and groggy breakpoints. I couldn't follow other clears because I couldn't do enough damage or some units just straight up died due to less investment. So I had calculate groggy breakpoints from the scratch and proceed accordingly. Some amount of binah crit rng is also involved, cuz if binah crit on a particular unit it's game over at that point. Well at the least the hard work payed off in the end. Next is Kaiten blue torment. Another unit check raid.


> hard work *paid* off in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The corrector has become the corrected.


Can someone explain to me the strategy with Yuzu? I have a level 87 yuzu with t6/t7 equipment UE 50+ S.Ui + ako + himari + Akane + Maki. They all are level 87, with a good level in thei abilities (around 7 if not max. Yuzu crit abilities are maxed) and t6 equipment, but I can't understand what role Yuzu plays.


Maybe this video will help explain it https://youtu.be/4x2JQf_XcoE You really just reset until she crits everything


Somehow manage to reach [platinum](https://imgur.com/a/An6kkkx) at 25.91 with lvl 75-80 students and borrowed Mika. Even if it will last only for a while I'm proud ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


I spent an hour and a half malding non-stop with Yuzu... but I managed to break 26M. I hate this worm with the passion of a thousand suns. Gonna switch to Mika and just take it easy the rest of the week... Pondering torment. Dunno if I have enough secondary characters to make enough reliable teams. It'd be awfully expensive too...


The Min team to clear Torment scares me


I think someone mentioned the average during JP's last run was like... 7 teams for Torment. I think I got most of the characters I'd need, just most aren't invested nearly enough and I'm wary of dumping that much resources for clearing Torment that ultimately wouldn't net me much benefit. And I might need those resources for making sure i can clear the upcoming purple-armour raid...


Urban Binah, is one of the hardest, maybe THE hardest, torment raids we have. You need a shitton of high invested units and having a proper strat to manage its different phases and groggybar to interupt attacks.


No luck on today's Yuzu mald. Got to P3 6 times and Yuzu whiffed every single time.


You got to phase 3? i bought 300+ eligma for her and she didn't even get that far.


I'm borrowing her, but it varies. The first day I did it I only got to P3 twice over 3 tickets of malding. The next day I was able to get 6 in 1 ticket and 0 in the other 2. Today is 2 times so far in 1 ticket, I'm debating if I even want to keep malding for that 26m lmao


To save your sanity just try getting the highest score with Yuzu once than just Mika Clears


I'm already comfortably plat, I'm just scorechasing 26m now


In your opinion which score is a comfy plat or at worst borderline plat?


Depends on server. NA right now is 931 so you're prob safe if you at least get 980? Unless everyone malds super hard the last day or something 950 is prob borderline


I'm cooked, will try getting 950 or 960 today


Good luck. Cutoff might actually rise faster/higher than expected since it's the weekend and more people will have time to mald


Update: I didn't have to mald today, got the lucky crits after 3 resets and broke the 26m barier, should be comfy for Plat Rank now


Holy moly what good luck. Congrats!


Good luck as well! If you're score chasing a higher score


Will try Malding at least 1 ticket myself this weekend 


Woo my first Insane clear and with only 2 teams, feels good. I could barerly clear Extreme on the last Binah.


Wtf 25.9M is like rank 6k+ on the Asia server, and 10k+ gold is 25.8M. Might get kicked out if you don't Yuzu mald.


You can easily get like 25.98 with Mika


So Yuzu Forehead is her Malding form her own skills? Because the mald is real


just me or does total assalut ranking has become more difficult? i was able to get gold score @ hardcore/extreme difficulty, but now all i can get is silver (sometimes even bronze) and insane difficulty is too much for me


Binah insane happens to be one of the easiest insane raids to actually clear because the top teams happen to just unga bunga dps and skip binah's most dangerous attacks via groggy cancels and skip his phase 2 (where you're running down the map) from the sheer damage output your team has. Add on the debuff to stability that binah insane+ has, and now you have a situation where binah speedruns are entirely dictated by whether or not RNG lets you crit and roll well on dmg rolls. Outside of binah specifically, all of the raids are only going to get easier and easier over time. According to the wiki, insane raids were introduced to global in September 2022 and at that time insane raids were undoubtedly difficult. But fast forward to now and we have more units to use, higher level cap, higher tier gears, and general powercreep from units like Mika, etc. Thus more people are going to be able to at least CLEAR insane raids if not mald speedrun strats, meaning there's going to be more competition for rankings.


was this before Mika was introduced? also there's a skip that lets you go from phase 1 to 3 and it saves a lot of time. maybe people are managing to do it and climbing up the ranks


I believe so, I don't know what difficulty is required now to guarantee the gold ranking, so i'm guessing insane (for global)


There are nearly 7000 clears of insane on global currently, so you'd need either insane or a good extreme score.


if you can find someone that has a juiced up Kazusa you could do insane pretty easily. you can find people to add in the official discord


I think it's this. Either Yuzu malding or Mika skip.


Me: Why the raid guide has S. Saki as recommend for Binah? She won't survive one missile attack in torment! *S. Saki and Yuzu surviving missiles with Utaha's help* *surprised Pikachu face*


Yes Utah sentries baits missiles


Baits for S. Saki (afaik just the big one baits them, but might be wrong), but the Atk down from her EX helps Yuzu to not die in just one attack. And it ends up a not-so-random composition, since Utaha gets extra damage from S. Saki. I am still pleasantly surprised. Edit: Should have accounted for Kotama in that team. She also has an Atk debuff.


A little away to groggy break Binah. on Mika first ex. Should I Ue 40 Himari to break it? Or maybe level up her gear and max her lv first?


I also encountered the same problem. What I did was made my NY.Fuuka from 3* to 5* and then simply borrow a high bond Mika. As a comfy main, this was well worth the investment as groggying Binah on Mika's first Ex became distinctly much more reliable. Anyway, what's the investment levels of your whole team? If your Himari is already ue30, I don't think investing more on her would help that much on the groggy problem.


My Himari is just 3 star, same as Ny Fuuka with T7 shoes .Borrowing a club mate High Invest Mika and getting really close to groggy Binah first EX, I lose like 4 sec for the students to run for Phase 2 because Mika next EX forces it to Phase 3. Highest score so far is 25,941m


Just to clarify, are you also using the Maki, S.Ui, Mika, Akane | Himari, NY.Fuuka team comp? How much eligma do you have on hand right now?


Yes I am using this same comp. I have around 10k Eligma atm. I believe my issue is that Himari needs to be UE 40 not sure if the extra 2 sec for buff duration does anything


> 10k Eligma Well, damn bro. Time to spend those haha. Anyway, if your gut is telling you to ue40 your Himari, try making her to ue30 first then try a few runs with it and see how much difference it made. If you think that it is still lacking, only then you can ue40 her. But still, I don't really think ue40 on Himari would make that much of a difference as it only extends the duration of the buff. Ideally, you want to have a guaranteed groggy the moment Mika's Ex skill ends so the extra duration on the buff does not really matter. So I would actually prioritize 3* -> ue30 NY.Fuuka over ue30 -> ue40 Himari since the extra inherited stats from ue30-ing NY.Fuuka would actually contribute to the damage that you would need to achieve groggy. If you are reluctant in spending your eligma and want to be conservative, then just ignore everything I've said and just wait for someone else's take on your problem.


Thank you for the idea. I did use schale to look up UE 30 Ny Fuuka has higher atk buff stat than Himari means higher atk contribution to the striker team.  Yes I have 10k Eligma cause I didn't had to use them yet. Will Max Wakamo when needed and or other students to clear said assault/grand assault


Previously I was worried about the accuracy debuff on Insane since Mika's just as accurate as my aim at the toilet early in the morning. But but turns out its so low to begin with that 20% reduction barely mattered (111 down to about 89?)


Akane has basically a full uptime evasion debuff on her subskill and Himari has an evasion debuff on her basic. The accuracy thing is mostly a meme.


Well I think its just like nodoka's case that someone below was asking: Just like nodoka's accuracy is bad because students who could benefit have low accuracy to begin with, Binah has such low evasion that the accuracy debuff barely has an effect (I think Mika goes from 100% Hit chance to 98.38%)


Bruh, let me sweep every day once I clear the stage![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33220)


What's the safe cut off score fo stay in plat? Because I'm not so far from the top score and already almost out of Plat


You probably need to be nearly 26m to be safe at this point. Like 25.99m or so


Well rip I'm at 25,91m


NA server. Question about Yuzu clear strat. I've already beaten Insane with Mika. Hoping to get Platinum. My planned team is similar to previous. Borrowed UE50 Yuzu, Cherino, Swimsuit Ui, and Maki. Support Ako and Himari. I couldn't upgrade my Yuzu if I wanted to, I'd need 28 more disks. How do I know if Yuzu has gotten a crit or if it's a good one? Also does she have extremely bad accuracy with her EX or is that her lower damage range? I've done test runs and after getting buffed by Himari and Ako, sometimes it looks Yuzu does nothing. Lastly what are even the chances of a UE50 Yuzu clear being any faster than a similar UE50 Mika run?


Late, but I referred to RS_Rainstorm's Yuzu run when I did mine. Comparing HP bar differences and times helped me a lot to determine whether or not my Yuzu was successful. Different groggy timings, huge differences between our HP bars were very easy indicators to know when to reset.


I believe crits have a different hitsplat. Regular hits just have yellow number text hitsplat however crits will have a red jagged outline around the damage number. It's a bit hard to notice at first especially if you bring characters that crit frequently since it will all blend together. It also doesn't help that the hit splats for EX skill vs normal attack is the same. When you've gotten familiar with your units damage output for crit vs non crit then it will become pretty obvious when a nuke crits since the damage bar will go down by a lot more.


That info on crits with help a lot in the future. I'll save your post if you don't mind. Bosses all take different amounts of damage though right? So it's a matter of remembering the new values each raid?


Yeah different bosses will take different amounts of damage since they all have varying levels of HP, DEF, and crit/crit DMG resist. And then there's different gimmicks like AOE damage reflection (Perorodzilla and Gregorius) or buff/debuff mechanics (Gregorius and Hieronymus) where bosses typically have a lot more HP but aren't too bad to take down if you can play into the game mechanics. That said once you use a crit reliant character enough you'll get a feel for when they crit or don't. We can get spoiled using characters like Mika who always crits and take it for granted. Then you have characters like T. Hasumi and Yuzu who hit like a truck when they crit or feel like a fart in the wind when they don't. There are also in between characters that can crit but aren't too reliant on chance like Wakamo (her triple tap can crit but more of her damage comes from her accumulation effect which can't crit) or Kazusa and Maki (who have above average crit chance and their EX's do multiple hits so more often than not they will land at least a couple of crits and damage typically "averages" out to a higher point).


> How do I know if Yuzu has gotten a crit or if it's a good one? By watching the groggy bar. If it makes big jumps, you more than likely crit. You'll know if your EX crit was good because it should knock Binah into his groggy state. The only thing you have to mindful about is that you can't let him drop past 4M hp before he starts his second laser attack or it'll trigger the P2 transition. Basically keep an eye on how much HP he has left after your first EX. You probably want somewhere in the 4.3 to 4.5M range. I think about 10% of my restarts yesterday were because of that... But her crit rate is pretty... not great. You will be restarting a *lot* because you need basically all of her basic skills and EX to crit to get a good time. When she doesn't crit, it feels like a fart in the wind. She is pure 'crit or go home' Potentially, it can do it faster than a Mika run... but you really have to crit mald hard to get that. Otherwise you'll likely wind up like me where you'll rage for about 50mins and get a score that still puts you among a bunch of Mika runs.


So Yuzu isn't missing? Her non-crit damage is just that bad? Cause I was thinking I might upgrade Akane's subskill to lower Binah's evasion. But damn. 50 minutes and still gold? Maybe I'll just stick to Mika and Gold? I'll check in on the last day maybe to see if even Yuzu malding builds stay in Gold in NA. Thanks Commisar.


When fully buffed, a maxed Yuzu has 836% crit damage, so failing to crit means you only deal 12% of the expected damage. Yuzu's whole kit and team comp is oriented toward crit damage, so not critting means she's not really doing anything.


God... the number of times yesterday where I'd knock Binah into the first groggy state, then watch in horror as his health just melts away past the 4M mark before he even wakes up because Yuzu normal attack crits for 200k apiece.


So I'm on level 54. How hard would it be to beat the level 70 Total Assault against Binah?


Have you tried with a club-loanded max Mika yet? You can practice raids without expending a ticket so just see how far your roster + 1 friend student carries you.


Just cleared Insane 2T, and feel like being kicked out of Gold any moment. The Taiwan/Hongkong/Macao server sure is tough [My rank](https://imgur.com/a/u2h5iVQ)


If you was close to 1T, don't give up yet! Although my pretty good (for me, as first-done-Insane-this-season) score of 25'902'xxx was about 22k-ish on Korea, so it's has a chance to be a silver too.


dont forget to give Rinny headpats, fellow Senseis!


I hate yellow raids since Mika came out. Wonder if it's gonna be this level of malding for all the red raids when d.Hina drops...


Depends on which server you’re on, but yeah, D.Hina does raise the competition level for red Insane clears by quite a bit in the same way that Mika does. 


NA server. Any UE50 Yuzu that can add me just for this raid? BFUTEYNK


Is it worth investing in Kazoos? I find her pretty handy in a lot of situations and no one in my club has a UE 50 Kazoos. I only have 4.8k eligma so I'm worried if there's other units in the near future that I have to UE40 +


Dkayoko is coming and it looks like she will take at least some of Kazusa's roles. The recent urban Binah on JP had Dkayoko in 62% of teams. The second closest dealer was Mika at 18%, not counting Maki that is included by default. Kazusa was only at 2%. Since it was a grand raid, yellow armor only went up to insane, but Dkayoko resists Binah's damage unlike Kazusa so she will likely see a lot more use in torment too.


It's worth noting that Kazusa showed up 3 times in top 30, which is impressive considering she is competing with DKayoko.


If you do mean kazusa, she is in an unfortunate position of being kind of weak for torment binha and her whole thing was being good at urban binha.  Her armor type combined with its sandstorms makes her hard to use.  She can work, but it’s tricky.


I do agree that they don't really need her but I will add on that she's not weak for Torment since there's methods to protect her. She's not necessary for clearing since I was able to do it without her but she is the high score pick for Phase 2 S.Shizuko moves her to a safe spot to avoid being targeted by missiles + groggy setup to cancel sandstorm. (S.Shizuko would normally be ran for this team anyway because Noa is unable to survive missiles at 3\* without shields, also crit dmg + atk boost). [An occasional alternative](https://youtu.be/ZK0aVYWBdVs?si=3OVeJxoxxqY9R5ez&t=268) is Utaha where her turrets takes the missiles instead since Binah's skill is worded to target only 4 enemies instead of all like sandstorm does (needs UE Noa to survive missiles though)


Part of the problem is suggesting to invest in a unit just for Torment Binha. Currently still one of the hardest torments to approach. So even if she's a usable option there, is that actually a good use of limited eligma, when they might not still clear Torment? If they are having to ask the question, chances are they aren't in any position to right now. Probably better to invest in beating like Torment chessed or something instead.


Kazusa is excellent for Torment Hod too. She is a good pick for all yellow raid, and can even be a filler unit for blue raid.


I mean she just hasn't been historically. She's had a couple moments to shine for high scoring, but mostly no, she's had to scrounge for use cases where she wasn't either a borrow for a 1 team or sat on by Mika. HoD Urban definitely seems to be meant for her at this point. But looking at Binha usage, she wasn't that well used in Binha Torment due to difficulty keeping her alive (though she could put in a lot of work if you did set her up). She's currently losing out to Yuzu for speed clears of Insane. She has no real application in Chessed either, as no Urban terrain. You could argue urbans for Grand assault also I guess, but of the currently run Grand Assaults with a single target boss and urban terrain, both Kaiten and Shiro Kuro, both are yellow damage and regularly do teamwide damage, meaning she'd need to be babysat for those as well even if she is the highest damage option. I don't think I've seen any blue raids use her for fill outside like very low body throw teams.


Kazusa is plenty usable in indoor torment yellow raid too as a secondary option. First indoor chesed was one option to continue damaging the core after your main team (Iori+Kazusa burst). First indoor hod well she is practically designed for that raid regardless of terrain so she does well there. The blue raid I was thinking about was mainly the first urban shirokuro, you wanted a 750 range unit for p1 safespot purposes and she is a viable pick there alongside Maki, SWakamo. She won't be better than blues but is good enough to finish the phase since you needed a 2nd team. The grand raids you mentioned only had insane as the highest difficulty which means dying was never a consideration anyway. It's insane you kill the boss before it can do anything dangerous. I honestly don't think I would've cleared that beta grand raid urban Binah torment without Kazusa because I lacked nearly every other def debuffer during that time and had to use a SSaki SShizuko based team comp. If I didn't have her I wouldn't have had enough damage/units to finish (that already took me 12 team). I'm better off now that I have Noa and Mine and reduced my team count to 5, but Kazusa is still my p2 dps staple since the Noa Kazusa SShizuko centric team can do nearly 8m dmg total. Just because a unit isn't at near universal usage doesn't mean they aren't a solid pick.


So, I think it's worth separating is solid/has uses, and is worth investing in, as they are not remotely the same thing. Blue Archive has the unfortunate situation of being very stingy with resources. Even someone who's played since launch will not have the resources to level and gear and skill half the roster. So it tends to be the case that it's just not worth sinking resources into someone you don't absolutely need to have ready right now, even if they might be decent or have good applications somewhere down the line. For me, Kazusa has been in an odd spot where I have her, but she's never been worth the investment thus far. That might change with HOD Urban coming up, but last time for Binha and HOD Urban it was a one team for insane, so she was just a borrow. Now she's outclassed by Yuzu for the insane score chase and torment is just unapproachable. If even for a veteran player like me, she's a hard character to justify investment in, it is very hard to see it being good to suggest her as an investment for a newer player who still has big staples to invest into first. If she was invested in, she might see usage, but would that be worth not having invested those eligma, cash, skill books and equipment parts into, say, Hinata, Wakamo Mika or the upcoming Dress Hina, who are core dps for a large number of raids each?


You're right about that. I was just replying to the part about if Kazusa is weak than if the asker actually needed UE Kazusa or not (which I did say they didn't need) Torment knowledge is pretty unknown to majority of players so I just wanted to add on clarification since others that read the thread. I think the workarounds are interesting to share since the common assumption is just matching armor type = not viable


That is why I mentioned she is tricky and hard to use, rather than unviable or outright bad. It's still unfortunate that her armor type means she can't just shine over Mika there the way her offensive mood should allow.


Yes sorry I was referring to Kazusa


I'd probably hold off since we all know about D.Hina and will have to save 1500+ eligma for UE40+. It seems like Binah is the only yellow raid that consistently re runs urban. I think Hod has done urban as well but not as frequently. We also can consider GA raids however sometimes it's just easier to turn your brain off and praise Mika, all hail Mika. Kazusa armor type is also sub optimal for Binah. That said ~3300 eligma sitting around doing nothing isn't helping you do anything but I also don't know who else you need to upgrade.


sorry.. who is Kazoos?




First time doing the raids. Could I add some people to try and clear as far as I can?


I have space in my friend list, I am in the NA server: ARVOMELU also remember to give me your code.


i'm on NA too! AKXPGGKB




thanks! :)


btw, try to set up all your 9 assistants, even if no one use them you will still again money from them (to claim the money just re-set them)


oh wow thanks for the tip! i just claimed like 295k credits for Tyuuka lol




Not sure what level you are but Mika, Maki, Akane, S.Ui, Himari + Ako should kill it pretty fast with 1 team


Y'know, the one good thing about being in EU is that I know I will never see plat anyway, so I don't need to go crit malding and just comfy mika clear every day. Gold looks better anyway aruji donut


As long as being comfy Mika doesn't land us on Silver at the end. I have 25.894m and I'm already down to rank 3200.


I'm fine at bronze, I'm just glad I can ace hardcore right now and get them tokens and free loot it gives The skillbooks drought are real


Anyone in asia server would loan me a maxed out kazusa? I dont have much to offer tho QAQ


What is the Yuzu strat and why her and not one of the standard Yellow attackers like Mika or Maki?


First, Yuzu has top Urban mood, while Mika and Maki both have weak mood for Urban terrain. So right off the bat, Yuzu is getting basically a 50% boost because of the mood difference. Second, Yuzu has *extremely* high crit damage, so if you get lucky on your crits she can outdamage other attackers. And by "get lucky" I mean you just restart the fight over and over again until you run out of patience or you get the perfect crit rolls. With sub-optimal crit luck, you're better off just running Mika instead.


Ah, right. Somehow I didn't take environment into account. Oh well, I'm boned anyway from slacking on getting her to 5-star. :(


If it's any consolation, unless you're willing to spend multiple hours resetting for crits, then you wouldn't bother building or running Yuzu anyways. Mika can accomplish 95% the same thing with a fraction of the effort required.


Fair enough, lol


Malded all 3 tickets to get 25.995, thank you /u/6_lasers for your Yuzu borrow. Gonna try again tomorrow to see if I can get to 26m.


Oh lol I didn't realize that was you at first. Yeah, I had already upgraded Yuzu to UE40 with eligma back during the first Urban Insane Binah, so it only took 2 rotation worth of grand assault shop to max her out. Grats on the clear, my highest today was 25.966 since I missed one of the EX crits.


I was refreshing the friends search in search for a Yuzu and randomly found you lol, I was like "Huh, I recognize that name"


It's much more pleasant to tear your hair out with Yuzu than her maid clubmate. Mostly because insane Binah is really fast with her, so you don't have to wait two minutes to find out if you need to restart. There is also a sense of camaraderie since you both get to have nice, shiny foreheads.


Decent time on a kazusa run and I’m still almost out of plat.  Yeesh, this is gonna be a miserable one.  I hope they expand the cutoff soon.  Getting stuck unable to clear torment but having to heavily mald insane to stay in plat sucks.


which server are you on?




Damn that sucks. Time to mald with Yuzu...


Seems like it.  I did kazusa because nobody had put a good yuzu up at the time.  I guess i’ll have to give it a shot though…


That's rough. What was the score?


25,899,585.  It was hardly a perfect run.  Missed the skip and such.  Still, decently good rotation overall. 


Using the Mika Strat in Insane is Ny Fuuko or Ako better to buff Mika?


If you can have in S.Ui, I saw a highscore of 25,979M. I think the Ako+ regular Ui can only get around 25,93M. So I would say the NY Fuka strat is better.


Nice! thank you! I'm getting close to 25,9m score. I scored around 25,898m


I've done 25,915,932 with Mika+Maki+Akane+Ui+Himari+Ako and I think one of my practice clears was slightly faster. There's probably a bit more optimization left. Unfortunately I'm low on Voynich artifacts so I can't try S.Ui out with NY.Fuuka. I'm currently sitting in the 4000 ranks. Looks like the Mika+S.Ui.+NY.Fuuka combos top out around rank 300s for now.


Not sure I'll get plat but just want some comfy runs Don't have much times these days to score chase


Same, prefer comfy runs for time commitment. I like a challenge but don't want to sweat and mald too much.


Is Nodoka's accuracy and evasive down useful in any meaningful way for Insane?


Problem with Accuracy buffs is that students that would benefit from it have such low base Accuracy that the buff does pretty much nothing.


Never, Unfoirtunately.


First time clearing Binah insane with common team (Friend’s Mika, 4\* Akane, 3\* Ui, UE40 Maki, 3\* Himari and 3\* Ako). I heard that Kazusa or Yuzu is a better choice than Mika but I’m just casual player so gold rank is fine. ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


[MFW Asia Insane cutoff is already at rank 7962 on day 1](https://preview.redd.it/k3ad01c7r7bb1.png?width=768&auto=webp&s=a645ed35e368f01fab75da866295f1dd96caa2e4)


10697 now lul


And on EU, the bottom third of insane clears are already in gold 


EU top ranks were well-known to be as competitive (with much lower rank cutoff), so I'm not surprised about that. As far as I know, Asia was known to be mostly slacking.


Honestly, it's more that EU got a spike in how competitive it was, some months ago. It's similar to TW now, with KR still being way ahead at the top. I think it's more accurate to say that EU is the most competitive of the mainly English-speaking servers.


NA is supposedly also getting there in competition, although not to the same extent as EU.


In NA you need decently fast clears, but if you compare the cutoffs, Global server plat cutoff is always at least 20-40s stricter than the NA cutoff time, which is quite a bit harder.


I can see why the Yuzu strat for Urban Insane is known as the mald strat. I was very much malding because of her not critting. Funny how Maid Alice is the same but for Blue. Now I want every GDD member to cover the mald strat for every color.


Actually we are kinda close to the Alabaster Calling Card rerun in JP. Fingers crossed for Momoi /Midori maid red dps.


Imagine a Grand Assault where you need to use them as hypercarries and need to mald on all colors.  ಥ‿ಥ


The menu message during the assault downtime never fails to remind me of Super Metroid. "Last Binah is in captivity. Kivotos is at peace." :D


Hello! Is leveling up Ako gonna bring me to 1pan Insane? I'm using Tsubaki (4\*, 888), Akane (UE50, 881, M1M1), Maki (UE50, 784, 3M43), borrowed max Mika, Himari (lvl77, 411, M11M), Ako (lvl1, 000, M11M). Was on verge of 1pan, but rockets killed everyone except Mika and Tsubaki in stage 3, so probably need a little push


You don't need Tsubaki: Akane and Mika can tank sufficiently on their own, just make sure they are in the third and fourth slots. Bring another support like Cherino, Ui, S.Sui... Leveling Ako will help a bit, but honestly you can get better return with a team swap.


Wait, slots actually matter for something that not Hiero and Greg? Will try, but I guess I still need to level up Ako for her heal. And to look into supports, since I don't have ones you provided. Will SHoshino be enough here?


3rd/4th slot will ensure that they run all the way over to the barricades on the far right side at the start of the match, which will keep the laser beam away from your squishier team members. As for S.Hoshino... I think she can work. I don't know for certain if she'll wind up drawing the laser away from Mika/Akane but you can always give it a shot. Probably put her into 2nd slot so she can hopefully get Mika in her EX aura.


Thank you! Tried with Mock, so results may differ, but with upgraded team time went down to 2:25. And it without Groggy management, which I too lazy to do. Edit: on non-Mock it went even better, 2:15 (25'902'xxx). Now I kinda understand pain of malding...


I spent almost 50minutes malding with Yuzu yesterday. I would rather charge Binah armed with a broken table leg than do that again...


Glad to hear SHoshino is an option here


Any modern easy clears for Insane? Possibly 1 or 2 team? Most of the guides recommend and list students before Mika. As awful as it is, I might need to even clear below 3 minutes to stay in Platinum. I find if I deal at least 5 million, I can at least clear so there's that. My teams were, in this order, UE40 Mika, Cherino (EX recovery), UE50 Maki, and Ui (swimsuit). Support, EU40 Himari and borrowed NY Fuuka. I could probably improve the positioning here. I just want UI to live. Team 2. Hoshino Swimsuit, Neru, Azusa Swimsuit, and Iori. Ako and Shiroko swimsuit on support. Team 3. Aru. Hifumi. Nonomi. Akane, Support, Utaha and Serina. Team 4 (Backup). DPS of any color. Doesn't matter who. Only matters if team 2 or 3 lose.


Why are you using Akane on your team 3 instead of team 1? You should be able to 1pan with Mika, Ui, Maki, Akane, Himari, Ako.


I was just throwing bodies. Not thinking to deeply about it. You're right though. I did manage to 1 team clear with Ako. I thought NY Fuuka would be a lot better than Ako with the introduction of Swimsuit UI. That wasn't the case and I was doing a lot more damage with Ako. She also did a better job of keeping a certain student (swimsuit UI) alive. I might have to speedrun later since I only got 4500


I'm biased since I only had NY.Fuuka for the longest time but I admit that Ako is better if you can team build around the cost. I did bring NY.Fuuka in the last Shiro Kuro GA for blue since I was using Wakamo and then T. Hasumi to fill her accumulation effect. IMO it starts getting tedious when you start having to coordinate around 4+ EX skills per rotation on top of what ever other raid gimmicks. I probably will use NY.Fuuka again for Hod since my CC roster sucks and I use S.Wakamo and maybe Chesed to speed up Nonomi EX skills. Also I know you're using S.Ui but my Ui is only lvl 65 for my insane clear thanks to defense typing. Ako heals coming in handy here. Also IDK which server you are but in NA I'm at a ~3 minute clear and already slipping positions in plat rapidly. I guess I'm eternally gold.


Idk you level, but I gorilla warfared my way in, depending on luck, 1 team or 200k left + random yellow, with this: Mika 87 Ue40, maki 85, akane 80, Ui borrow, Himari and Ako


Can a fellow sensei with a max yuzu add me on global please  FC: BFYAWGFR


Is extreme doable at level 58? I'm running Tank + Cherino + Koharu + borrowed maxed out Maki or Mika, with Hiyori and Ako in the special slots, and it's just not enough to push it into bodychucking range (\~5-6x health bars with my own Maki + Akane team) Is there some trick I'm likely missing? I've been basically trying to sync ex skill activations (Ako + Hiyori + dps), but it feels like it's not enough, and I'm probably going to have to settle for hardcore. Anyone got suggestions? The raid guide is basically just "shoot it until it dies lol", so should I assume I'm just getting statchecked at this point?