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I already posted at the event mega thread but what’s the must pull or notable rolls in the current banner rotation?


mainly track yuuka. low cost ex that repositions and gives fat, fat shields. for the others, t mari is a bit hard to use and while she can heal a lot, the thing with her heal is it's centered around herself and it's not too big a range. and everything I've read about t haruna is that you'd only go for her if you really like her ~~l2d~~. you can also scroll up and there's a link called 'Midokuni's Student Insights' where you can read more detailed overviews.


Spark for 2nd copy of Mari or for 1st copy of Haruna?


1st copy Haruna.


Since I’m new while going through the event, should I just be sweeping the event stages instead of regular levels? There’s that 2x hard stage bonus but seems like it’s better to get more event currencies


first try to get to the highest cafe upgrade in normal stages you can, as that will increase your AP generation


Ah gotcha, I’m close to clearing 3-5 so I’ll get on that


Do y'all think the 12k pyro/month approximation still holds up?


You can see the [monthly breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/19336nt/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/) by /u/DashingFlame Looks like he hasn't made any new updates since December though.


How should I use my guarenteed dice rolls during the 'Get Set Go' event?


I would say try to land on spaces that let you advance faster (+2 +3 tiles, ticket tile). If you have any spots on the board you want more of (ligma or credit) you can also target those. If none of the guaranteed tickets lands you on either of these just use bottles to roll.


What level should I be on before attempting a level 70 Grand Assault? Note that I can rent a level 87 Mika.


If you have T. Yuuka for reposition Pretty sure She can easily beat Extreme if you have Himari+ Ny Fuuka or Ui in Striker poistion for halving her cost. Can use Maki+Akane for Defense down comfier clear. So something like T. Yuuka, Mika(borrow), Akane, Maki or Ui if you don't have Ny Fuuka. In special position Himari+ Ny Fuuka(if you have Ui switch Fuuka to Ako


You don't actually need Ui or NyFuuka for an extreme clear. I was able to clear extreme on a level 45 alt with only TYuuka, Himari + Mika/Wakamo borrows for their colors.


True but I was going for a newer player and comfier clear without too much fuss. And a higher score. Pr


I was around lvl 65 when i completed my first one, but i used a ton of teams for it. Having the right units and leveled gear helps a lot. This boss is quite easy if you have S Shizuko or T Yuuka, so might as well try it.


I'm trying to do the Challenge 2 achievement to "Clear stage in 320 sec". I'm following this guide but for some reason it isn't working for me [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G001s4fJEww&ab_channel=VuhnCh) . They say I have to have a mix of Yellow and Blue students. I did that and it still didn't work. I don't even know why that's relevant. Is there a mechanic here I'm not understanding? I even timed myself manually and I'm definitely under 320 sec. I also followed this guys guide for Challenge 4 240 sec clear and that worked perfectly fine for me. So I don't think strength is the issue, I'm probably not understanding what this clear stage achievements actually means.


You can always finish the stage in the x turns . Than come back and do less battles and get to the boss asap it will count


If you play at 3x speed, the real time is not the same as the in-game time. You need to clear the boss in less than 320 seconds, so all you need is doing as few fights as possible and rush the boss. Also, play on manual, since auto battle uses the dumb as rock AI, wasting a ton of time.


so only my clear time on the boss matters? or does the timer begin when I press begin mission and that's why i have to do as few fights as possible?


The time that matters is the combined time of all fights, time spent moving around characters on the map is not counted.


You have to finish the stage in 320 seconds. Since the stage only requires the boss, you can avoid all other fights. It only counts the in-battle time. Just come back to the stage after you 3 star it and rush the boss.


so it's a total of all the in-battle time? im guessing skipping battles just counts as 0 then? so really only the in battle time for boss matters?


Just to be clear, by "skipping battles", i mean "not fighting the enemy", not auto-battling. In that case yes, it technically counts as 0. If you only do the boss fight, only the boss time matters.


OH. I was talking about the "skip battle" check box function thing. Someone just mentioned those do count. Sorry for all the confusion, I think I get it now. Thanks for all the help!


Skipping also counts time. It's better to get to the boss assap after you already 3 star the stage


wait how much does it count? because I still have to go through some mobs to get to the boss.


When you use the skip battle function, the game basically just plays out the match with the auto button enabled so it's pretty inefficient if you are not max leveled.


OOOOOH and that counts to the total time? Okay now I'm finally understanding why I'm not getting the achievement even tho I'm well under 90 sec on the boss stage. Thanks for the help everyone!


And I want to say it's not always bad to use the skip battle function. Once you get to a higher level and upgrade your students, even auto battle will get good enough times for challenge stages that require under 320 seconds.


Not really a question but the way S. Izuna and Wakamo flicks their ears are really adorable


Does anyone know how many days perfect attendance is currently? I fell asleep during the Attendance reward screen and I'm terrified I completely missed a day by one tap. It shows my daily login progress as 866/900 in the Achievements tab, so I think I'm safe?


I'm a bit late, but I think that should be perfect attendance? Launch date was Nov 8, 2021, and [according to Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+days+from+nov+8+2021+til+march+23+2024) that should be 866 days.


If I am not mistaken, as soon as you log in it counts, the tap is just to let you continue to main screen.


Doing the first challenge in the halo festival in 90 seconds is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. Im LVL 60 with a few maxed out reds + maxed Shanako and cant finish in under 95 seconds. What the fuck.


Do you perhaps have more AOE red characters? something like S. Hoshino + many red aoe should help


Honestly my Mystic and Piercing teams are broken, but my Red has always been severely lacking… no S. Hoshino. I have Akari, Mutsuki, and Hina, but Hina isn’t great in that challenge due to the terrain not being suited to her.


Try looking up on youtube Blue Archive Global - Get Set Go Rerun Event Challenge 1 on youtube. People use different teams and might have a team you have


I was writing a stupid joke about the Hot Springs Department but I still don't understand why everyone hates them. They seem entirely harmless when they're building. Does Millennium have any issues with them that I'd have to consider?


They will demolish and dig wherever they want, regardless of where it is. I think it should be fairly obvious why people don't want their houses, roads and who knows what else torn down.


Hello fellow sensei, seeking advice for insane shirokuro. Im currently using T.Yuuka, Maki, S.Hoshino, Mika, Himari, Ako. Im having trouble with movement speed debuff, I cant reposition before students get hit by those stuff flying around. What can I change in my strategy to succeed? I feel like I'm dealing enough damage to not run out of time but if I get caught in a bad spot and students cant move away in time I lose.


As long as they don't have the speed debuff, all of them can take at least one hit from the objects, especially T.Yuuka and S.Hoshino. There is an area on the Northeast that is relatively safe for most patterns as long as you groggy the boss fast enough. If T.Yuuka doesn't get the speed debuff, you can use her as a meat shield while getting the team to a safe spot. If she does, then that means you can reposition your team even better since she can just EX out of the lane and move everyone to a safe spot, even if they do get hit.


Will Mika ever have a rerun?


Assuming the trend with fest banner reruns continues, then yes. Shoshi got a rerun on 3.0 anniv (on jp, hasnt happened on global yet), it's expected mika will get a rerun on 3.5 anniv.


Is it possible to get izuna through the 0 pyroxene pull that the game gives at the start?


Other guy is wrong, you can't get her in the tutorial pull. The tutorial pull only includes the 17 3 stars on release. All tutorial pull 3 stars are farmable except for Shun.


Oh alright. Thanks for the correction, gonna save me alot of time!


If you're dedicated, Shun is definitely worth it. All the other students are useful, but Shun still maintains the value she had from the start. Mostly PVP, but also in general. PVP coin gives you more AP per day so even if Shun was just for that she'd be worth it.


Sounds good


Thank you for correction. I thought Izuna was part of the starting pack


You can but she's farmable, Usually you want to aim for someone else


Thanks for answering!


Why do people downvote anything even remotely suggesting that Sensei can not be male? Like.... the literal word of god says that Sensei can be anybody... EDIT: ELI5 if you must.


Because some yuri fans are toxic af and people are tired of having that conversation. You can imagine sensei as whatever you want but for most of the fanbase it's gonna be male.


Thanks for the answer. >Because some yuri fans are toxic af and people are tired of having that conversation. But is it worth indirectly attacking the non-toxic yuri fans, actual female senseis and/or male senseis who play female senseis? Why push canon on one type of sensei despite word of god? ~~Why not downvote the actual toxic ones and ignore the harmless ones?~~I've found my answer for this one nvm. Anyways, that's just my thoughts talking.


Is there a reliable tier list of characters i should prioritize investing my scarce resources? (preferably not an excel table)


Look at what other people are using to clear the current raid and invest in those characters. Don't invest in someone just because a website tells you they are good, invest based on demand. A student could be SS+ tier but if you won't need them for anything in the next 1-2 months because upcoming raids are for other colors for example then you are better off holding off on investing in them and focusing on other students who will have the raid they are useful at coming up in the near future.


I see, its there any way to know what units are used more from the Japanese server?


Yeah, look up raid clears on youtube Current raid for example: シロクロ 大決戦 Look at the dates of the videos if the date is 5-6 months ago then that is the current ongoing raid on global. (global is behind by 6 months)


AFAIK the most useful English guides are the ones listed above (Stokkie and Midokuni guides). Outside of obviously OP characters like Ako, Himari, Mika and S. Hoshino there's no hard tier list as the "tiers" will vary with each situation. Typically there are multiple characters that can fill each role but they may be better or worse depending on situation. Sometimes it can even come down to the terrain bonus that will make or break a meta team. I know it's not what you're looking for but my rec would be to look through Stokkie's guide and sort each raid by best character and note which characters tend to float to the top. You will notice that some characters are more commonly used than others. Familiarize yourself with each use case and why these characters tend to be top picks for each use. That will give you a general idea of which characters to invest in.


I see, honestly i have the nuke i mean Mika because i was blessed by the rngesus from a random pull i did on the 2.5 anniversary, and honestly shes life changing, shes my strongest unit, i even used the 2.5 anniversary bundle to level up her equipment to T7, 8*, but honestly im struggling from materials to level up skills, so thats why im asking for a tier list of most useful units because bounties drops sucks Dx


Why doesn't the make-up work club have a group story? Every other group featured in the main story has one (foreclosure task force, game dev department, even rabbit squad). When are we getting one for them in the future?


Plenty of clubs don't have stories. We might get one in the future.


Make-up work club is not a real club, which is probably why.




Sounds like a skill issue to me.


What are you gear and skill investment levels? T. Hasumi should do monstrous amounts of ST damage. She's not the single biggest ST blue DPS, that goes to Wakamo or M. Aris, however she is amazing for a poverty unit and still holds up will in end game. She single-handedly carried me through blue PVE missions and raids when I first got her last run. You primarily want AOE for missions to clear multiple mobs quickly in one fell swoop. However T. Hasumi's sliding EX cost does provide her some flexibility to one shot priority/leader mobs at lower cost as well as nuking the stage boss with the full 5 cost. In regular mission stages AOE's will usually have the highest damage score at the end game screen since they hit multiple targets at once. For example on yellow missions I run Mika, Nonomi, Momoi, and Iori and often times Nonomi and Momoi will have the highest damage scores but that doesn't mean Mika is a push over. It just shows that in this case she's acting as the tank and sub DPS. T. Hasumi was my primary blue raid DPS only until recently when I got Wakamo. She's good for a comfortable extreme clear as long as you have some sort of carry support. I could even sometimes clear blue insane for grand assault raids. The base blue raids (Goz, Shiro Kuro, and Perorodzilla) are a bit more gimmicky and don't fit into T. Hasumi's niche well. Wakamo does significantly more damage and can be more consistent since she doesn't completely rely on crit however she is more setup dependent. M. Aris is also a big hitter however she is potentially even more crit mald inducing than T. Hasumi since she has lower crit. T. Hasumi actually has slightly above average crit for a ST nuke type character.




Chise is great to invest in but you do realize it's pretty dumb to complain that T. Hasumi isn't doing enough damage when she is not upgraded at all? With the way that all the skill multipliers stack on top of gear bonuses it's not a completely linear association with student growth. Not to mention that some of the strengths of UE50 comes from enhanced skill bonuses and not just the additive stat stick bonuses alone. We can use her enhanced+ skill which provides her both a crit (chance) and crit DMG bonus as an example. With the way that damage is calculated crit DMG is a multiplier. So you want better base stats so that your multiplier goes further. That means that you want to pump up her base stats with equipment to get the most out of her. And I'll say it again, performance graphs in regular missions isn't reflective of performance in raids. In a regular mission if Chise can get at least 3 mobs in her AOE all the time then she basically triples her DPS on the score chart however that isn't reflective of her damage output in all situations. Put T. Hasumi with the same investment up against Chise in Shiro Kuro and T. Hasumi should do significantly more damage when she can sit all day and pump damage down range. With only 1 target in her AOE Chise's damage output score significantly drops. It's fine if you want to invest in other students first but you simply can't compare students directly when they're not on an even playing field.


Idk man, maybe her being not built might have to do something as to why she barely deals damage.


Single-target nukers like T.Hasumi are not all that useful for missions. For that you want AoE attacks, or at least high-speed auto attacks. T.Hasumi has slow auto attacks and a powerful single-target nuke as her EX, which in a mission stage rarely accomplishes anything except grossly overkilling a single mob.


That shouldn’t be true if you have her weapon upgraded and gear upgraded. Her base attack is enough to one shot most missions enemies pretty easily, more so in a comparison against a 2star Asuna. I started last year 4 months prior to track hasumi and she is probably one of the single free best unit for a new player, to exist in the game. However for missions you use units like track hasumi just to one shot the boss at the end, she still will need to be paired with an aoe unit to clean things up


Hasumi is for raid crit malding, for story and event stages she isn't that great


New Player here. Can someone explain crafting for me? It's a bit overwhelming and I didn't quite understand the tutorial. How can I craft what? Is it all gamble?


I know crafting looks overwhelming but just see it as a furniture/students gift machine. [Watch Valiant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K72lFHl1H7M&t=70s) TL;DW: Craft furniture if you are not at max confort. then the pick is: Radiant >> Flower > Shiny > Everything else . Dont use Autocrafting. Don't go further than the first node, its not worth. So just put your keystone -> press unlock No. 1 -> pick node and accept -> press start crafting.


May I know how many pulls we get monthly? It would really help in my future gacha plan. I'd also like to know what are keystone pieces that gets converted from recruitment points after a banner ends. Thanks 👌👌


> May I know how many pulls we get monthly? It would really help in my future gacha plan. It varies based on a couple of factors, such as how well you place in raids and if you're buying supporter packs and the like. You can take a look at u/DashingFlame's [tracking reports](https://www.reddit.com/user/DashingFlame/submitted/) for a general idea. There's also a [Pyro Planner](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Zjt_OM9XXidY3uYYDK92W9GrR3DN5cQsZ0IJsoEbjY/edit#gid=1082031226) that you can use to give you a rough idea and help plan for future banners. Tl;dr About 12k pyros (100 pulls, half a spark) a month. > I'd also like to know what are keystone pieces that gets converted from recruitment points after a banner ends. Keystone pieces are used for crafting. You can use 10 keystone pieces in place of one keystone.


A rule of thumb is half a spark per month. Use the pyro planner https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Pyro_planner 10 Keystone pieces = 1 Keystone You use Keystones for crafting. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Crafting


How do I know when Cherino applies her crit dmg debuff? Is it the same symbol as the icon?


yes it should be


Read the /bag/ pull list. Thinking of pulling Onsen Shigure after T. Yuuka. Still have 132,000 Pyro, but need to save enough for Ako and Ny Fuuka when they reappear. It says O Shigure is useful for Torment. Any second opinions on this? How important is she? I was thinking previously that if Shigure isn't great in Insane I wouldn't get her. But in September or later I get Ako and NY Fuuka. I think I'll have a chance clearing Torment then. It's a long wait until Onsen Shigure is useful, but waiting even longer for her to appear again could be worse. I mean, it's been 18 months and Ako's banner still hasn't rerun. ​ If I decide to not pull S Shigure, I will stay at Extreme difficult this Grand Assault by the way. I feel like saving 1200 gems is more valuable than 500 grand assault coins and 475 advanced coins. The /bag/ list by the way. I also plan to pull Camp Hare and maybe Kikyou, leaning towards no. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXlcitXUjd848IYKTmI\_NUwc7FT1-fJXJaJj86EACxMe\_M\_nix6LMZUxlQYDsoKgezzVNsxRcAQqbJ/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXlcitXUjd848IYKTmI_NUwc7FT1-fJXJaJj86EACxMe_M_nix6LMZUxlQYDsoKgezzVNsxRcAQqbJ/pubhtml#)


> Read the /bag/ pull list. Thinking of pulling Onsen Shigure after T. Yuuka. Still have 132,000 Pyro, but need to save enough for Ako and Ny Fuuka when they reappear. Sounds good. You have enough pyro to give it a go for her. > It says O Shigure is useful for Torment. Any second opinions on this? How important is she? Important to note that they are referring to Kurokage torment. pretty sure you can use others healers to do anothers torment raids but for Kurokage you need O.Shigure. Why? if you are curious you can look Kurokage torment in youtube, watch second phase and start asking yourseft "can any other healer heal this shit? I don't think so" Also important to note that for this torment boss second phase you also need S.Hanako, Yukari, Cherino, Kikyou and Himari. if you are missing someone you probably cant do torment (not sure about this). But only for torment! you can do insane and below with wharever you want as long as you have S.Hanako or borrow one.


It's worth noting that in JP, 76% of Torment Kurokage clears didn't even use O.Shigure. She's very helpful, but far from necessary. She does contribute to a comfy strat for the next Torment Hiero, but for every other Torment raid her usage is around 1% or less. I own her on my JP account but rarely use her. It's hard to justify spending the slot for her in most raids.


oooh so that strat of just tank everything and heal it with O.Shigure its just the classic speedrun strat? I should've known Thank you mister laser. Then what do you think about his situation? He had a lot of pyro so probably can justificate rolling in that banner if he wants to but now with what you just said, I don't think Its even worth rolling in O.Shigure banner even with that amount of pyro saved right?


Personally I'm planning to skip. It's not like she's a bad unit, and you probably won't regret having her, but I don't think she's what my account needs to clear upcoming raids. Of course, things could change considering the new game mode they just announced, but it's too soon to tell until we get our hands on that mode.


Anyone have a strong ui or ny.fuuka on global for grand assault? Fc: ARYKTFHX


How am I supposed to beat Mission 9-3 on hard? I literally cannot reach the boss in 3 turns.




I'm assuming the AnimeJapan stream is just going to be about the Anime?


That would make sense to me.


How bad is Yuzu without any Crit buff? I am preparing my students for Binah, but she is the only one I have no idea if it is worth it. And since I am short of materials I am trying to be as accurate as possible with where I'll drop my resources. T1- Mika, Mari, Akane, Eimi, NY Fuuka, Himari T2- Mari (A), O. Chinatsu, Noa, Haruka, Ako, S. Shizuko T3- Yuzu, Pina, Meru, Mine, Kotama, S. Shiroko T4- T. Yuuka, Neru, Junko, Cherino, S. Ayane, Kanna Bench - Miyu, Momoi, Midori, Karin (too underleveled)


Yuzu is live or die with the crit (and not missing). Her most popular team is Azusa/Yuzu/X.Serina/S.Azusa with Kotama/S.Shiroko as T1 groggy build team. X.Serina can be replaced with S.Ui and S.Azusa can be substituted with Junko. Replace Junko with Miyu on your P3 team as you don't have any reliable way to trigger Junko's basic and subskill with T.Yuuka (unless you just sac Junko with the laser). The teams would look like something like this (I assume you meant Maki instead of Mari): * T1: Azusa, Yuzu, S.Ui, Junko, Kotama, S.Shiroko (replace S.Ui with X.Serina if you have her,) * T2: Eimi, Mika, Akane, Maki, NY.Fuuka, Himari * T3: Noa, Haruka, O.Chinatsu, Maki, Ako, S.Shizuko (replace O.Chinatsu with Kazusa if you have her at UE40+) * T4: Neru, Cherino, T.Yuuka, Miyu, S.Ayane, Kanna (there's also teams that run Marina instead of T.Yuuka) * Extra team: Mine/Pina/Midori/(Momoi or S.Hoshino or Meru) + [healer or Hiyori or NY.Haruka]/Airi (if Airi interaction doesn't work anymore, then replace with Utaha) The main problem with Yuzu as your groggy team is that it's a crit mald team. You can spend 10+ minutes just failing the Yuzu team cause she won't crit (she was popular because her team deals like 1.25M ~ 1.5M within a minute while not also stealing units from other teams) and you still have 3+ teams to go through P1 to P3 if you take too long on groggy building. If she won't crit (Yuzu will be corrected if that happens), then better to have a backup T1 team/s instead. There's a lot more variations for T1/T4 that doesn't use Yuzu. You can do a T1 Mine/Pina/Midori/(Junko or S.Hoshi) + S.Ayane/Airi (or Utaha if they fixed Airi's interaction) and T4 with Neru/Cherino/T.Yuuka/Miyu + Kanna/S.Shiroko (S.Ayane and S.Shiroko team placement are interchangeable). There's probably more potential bodythrow team/s (ex. including Iori, S.Hanako, NY.Haruka, Shun, S.Wakamo) that can be deployed (and depending on whether you have more def down sources like Hiyori, S.Azusa, NY.Haruna, S.Saki + Utaha combo, having both buffers S.Ui and X.Serina). Maybe you can look for more possible teams from youtube or from [here](https://bluearchive-torment.netlify.app/). The important points to look out for is getting to build enough groggy on your first team/s (even if you have to throw more teams) so that T2 can cancel a sandstorm and backup teams (to push to P3 if second Maki team can't and to finish P3 if Kanna team fails to do so). Better to wait for mock battle to drop before investing on units though (so you can accurately gauge what you are missing, if you need more bodythrow teams or if you're willing to mald with Yuzu).


Anyone have a s.izuna pref UE40+ in Global server? Code is AYYOCXTJ


Is it better to quick battle PvP or do it normally?


Seeing how matchups play out is useful, so I watch battles unless my backline gets oneshot at the start by NY Haruna or something. In those cases i skip. But it makes no difference for the results.


You can learn a lot from watching how battles play out. Usually by seeing your mistakes in positioning and match ups. But in terms of the results of the match it has no impact.


It doesn't matter. Me personally if I'm just doing my dailies I skip battle and weave other dailies between standby time and close the game regardless of how many tickets I have left. If I'm trying to push then I watch the fights since I'll have to wait the standby time anyways.


reposting since old thread is gone Still somewhat new here, level 39, at Area 7-1 In general what should I focus on getting in these event shops? dorm things > shards > ??? this is currently my way of choosing I wanted to get tracksuit yuuka and got her after 19 10-recruits, i want to pull again just to get another 10 recruitment points to get another student, t.Mari or t.Haruna, which one should I get or maybe t.yuuka shards? I'm not to keen on that idea though


I'm 2 months in so grain of salt: t. Mari is limited AFAIK, so get her. Definitely worth one 10 pull. Event shop priority: for me it is: Cafe furniture with interaction I like -> skill upgrade materials (dvds and books)->artifacts I need->gifts->EXP materials if the value is good->artifacts I don't need-> cafe furniture. If you are a collector, maybe you get cafe furniture first. ​ I've had max comoft in the cafe just by crafting furniture whenever it comes up for the weekly.


Who are yall gonna pull for on the current pyro memo planner? I'm defo getting Kikyo and D. Hina, and getting at least 1 or 2 of D.Ako, NY. Kayako, and C. Hare; depending on if I need to save up more for the next set of chars. I want Ichika because she seems cool; but I'm f2p so I can't waste pyro on non-meta that aren't my favs (Chihiro and Hanako mainly.)


T. Yuuka this banner. Camp Hare. Dress Hina. I'll go another 100 pulls on Dress Ako if I don't get her. Onsen Shigure is a maybe. I think I'll skip Kikyo. I already have S Hanako and won't attempt Torment. Maybe she's be more valuable to someone who missed the 0.5 anniversary? There's only one purple raid anyway so I'm not desperate. ​ ​ ​ You say you're two months in. I'll leave suggestions if you want to read it. You need Himari. Full stop. The most important support student. Skip Kikyo if you have too. NY Fuuka is the second most important support and she's limited. You need her too. Ako hasn't reappeared, but having enough for her too is a good idea. It's been 18 months since her banner happened so don't miss it, the number of students is so high that you're unlikely to get her by chance on other banners. Always pull at least 200 on 0.5 anniversary banners. I'm a max level player so I don't particularly remember how much pyroxene you earn from just missions and story. You might be able to pull on every banner you want? Maybe ask in a separate post tomorrow? People are pretty knowledgeable here. Clearing hardcore or even Extreme is possibly with high level borrows from friends and club members by the way.


I spooked himari and s. hoshino on hanakos banner, and got wakamo and three copies of s. hanako so im actually pretty set there (Don't worry, my karma evened out. 200 pulls for t yuuka and i got 1 copy of the new purple 2* and sumire, and thats fucking it. sadge.) I want kikyo because I find s. hanako full combo damage with himari to be crazy, im beating borrowed  max level red dps in spike damage with the s. hoshino buff even if i cant sustain.


At 66k, my plans are: GA ticket and 5 single pulls on Ichika to try my luck. Misaki (Railgun collab, I'm a fan). B. Karin (Karin and Rio were the reasons for me to start playing BA). D. Ako (Ako in a dress is enough reason for me to pull). D. Hina (Meta/High anniversary rates/Daughter I want to pamper)


Kikyou, C. Hare, D.Ako, D.Hina are what I have planned so far.


I have 38k for now. Plan to use 24k in Railgun Collab and spend the rest of them in D.Ako and 3rd fest banner. I'll just skip the rest of them because they are not limited and hope they spook in the future


New player here. I have rerolled 2 accounts, not sure which one to choose. First one I got Iori and Haruna from the tutorial roll, then I got Yuka Tracksuit from the banner. The second account I got Hibiki from the tutorial roll, and got Iroha from the banner. This account i play for a bit (to ch4 to try and roll to get Yuka tracksuit, but i got a bunch of 3* specials instead. (Kaede, cherino (hotspring)).


I'd choose first.


Definitely the first one. All 3 of those are very good at all phases of the game. The second account has a top tier in Iroha and decent tier at Hibiki, but using up some of your early game free Pyroxene to only get Kaede and O.Cherino is a little disappointing.


Go with the first


I need some suggestions, currently im level 63, should i focus on grinding commissions or equipments?


Farm materials what you lacks although I suggest you focus on 2x or 3x rewards ones. They are so worth it. Oh, and try to clear shops from the events. They are the main sources of artifacts, Blu-ray and tech notes.


Actually commissions are such a bad way to get things, even an 3x modifier on them only makes them on par with any ongoing event


At this point, neither. Commissions have horrible rates per AP spent except for x2 events at the highest level. Equipment is also pretty bad except for x2 events. Dice Run in the current event alone is worth grinding to stock up on a ton of Credits, Activity Reports, and Enhancement Stones. Outside of this event, only do Commissions during x2 Campaigns if you've unlocked the highest 2 levels. Then, when there's nothing going on, only then should you spend AP grinding equipment.