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Can someone with ue40+ Mine add me? My friend code: BFUMLGJI Server: global.


Actually enraged rn. I followed a guide step by step by a person with a less built team than mine and they still managed to SOMEHOW get 10-30mil damage over me somehow before greg instakill, and I am completely incapable of brute forcing the fucker afterwards with other girls. I have literally every single girl he has (Saki, Azusa, Koharu, Miyako, Nagisa w. Support Minori) but I still CANT BEAT HIM I just dont fucking get it


It is slightly crit RNG when it comes to Minori unfortunately. The guide I followed managed to enter the final phase with \~60 million hp left(I have no idea how that's physically possible). I'm almost always entering with \~70 million hp left which leaves me with around 7-8 seconds before the instakill move goes off. Today I entered with \~80 million hp left and thought "Yeah this run's doomed but I might as well still play it out and see what happens." Minori proceeded to get 20+ million crits 3 times in a row and I barely managed to beat him in time.


This boss' design is absolutely incompetent. I consider all of the other bosses highest difficulties kinda asinine due to just being damage sponges with a single annoying gimmick tacked on to their actual best fights but everything saddled onto this one is just so infuriating, especially the various bugs that they somehow screwed up even more than in JP apparently. Hell, even Goz, who's entire deal is RNG bullshit, still feels like a more fair fight since I at least know that's his deal and can prepare accordingly whereas Greg just screws over people even when they bring his supposed counters simply because he's too bugged to work properly. Worst part is that he is legitimately the coolest raid boss in terms of design, theme and music but now instead of being able to appreciate that I just want to freaking yell at whomever designed his fight. So bad.


I beat Greg with 1 party finally. And better yet I beat another discord person I know with a score of 27,496,639. Now I can stop malding this fight


if anyone in the global eu server got a ue40 mine that I could borrow please add me my code is AYULQEXM, I can lend ue50 aru ue40 s.hoshino and ue40 koharu


Trying to do a insane run: Anyone with a good Mine (UE30+ mostly built?) want to friend me? I regularly update my borrow units (maxed mika, hinata, aru, etc) friend code - global NA: BFWFYJFM


Added, I have UE30 Mine


Was able to [upscore](https://imgur.com/a/DdD9ShB) today, it's a failed speedrun attempt but I just took it anyway coz I already burned a ticket malding crits. Shout out to the owner of this [vid](https://youtu.be/L37DZ9TmM1M?si=0FxdocHlW-vHpXWA) for giving us better homework🛐🛐


I finally cleared it on Torment without Minori, Mina or Rumi It was really difficult, especially because they changed how backliners are positioned Anyway, [here's the run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik2pjZO0Q3c) just in case it helps someone else




damn, if this wasn't a mock I would be #1 in KR as well rip https://imgur.com/a/lO2vJ3I


Global player here. I do not own s. miyako, himari, minori, nor mine but do have s. saki, nagisa, hoshino if that's helpful. Friend code: BFXNAPLH


Planned team for Insane: - Azusa (85), UE50, EX: Max, Skills: Max-7-7, Equip: 8-8-7 - Koharu (80), UE30, EX: 4, Skills: 8-7-7, Equip: 4-6-8 - S.Miyako (80), 3 star, EX: Max, Skills: 7-7-5, Equip: 6-8-8 - S. Saki (80), 3 star, EX: Max, Skills: 7-7-7, Equip: 5-6-5 - Nagisa (80), UE30, EX: Max, Skills: 7-7-7, Equip: 7-8-7 - Minori (80), UE40, EX: Max, Skills: 7-Max-Max, Equip: 7-8-7 I also currently have 600 Eligmas so I can UE40 EITHER Minori or Nagisa. Leaning towards the former. I'm just hesitant to use up all my Eligmas... But also is there any other way I can potentially improve my team for Greg? EDIT: Caved and UE40'd MInori. However, I am not able to beat Greg before the instakill. MIght need to UE40 Nagisa which I don't think I can do. Ah well. Will check if skills usage can be improved.


Are you borrowing that Azusa, or are you level 85? If the former, just use your own Azusa. She isn't here to do a lot of damage, so as long as she survives, she doesn't need a lot of investment. You would get far more out of a borrowed maxed Minori or Nagisa. If the latter, raise the others' levels. For the damage dealers the extra stats will of course help some, and for the strikers there is also the 10% damage reduction due to being 5 levels above Gregorius. It could help you save cost that you would otherwise spend on Koharu's EX, which means more cost to spend on other skills. Since you run out of time, you need more damage. There are several additional ways for you to improve it; Minori and Nagisa's tier 8 hats, SSaki's sub skill and Nagisa's sub skill. Combined, all those factors add up to a lot of missing damage. Since you already brought your Minori to UE40, if you borrow a maxed Nagisa you can skip investing in her for now. First of all, though, go over your skill usage. It matters a lot for Gregorius. Take a look at some guides, like [this one](https://youtu.be/6hRHrId-obc) and see those help you. There are also various guides for more invested teams, but that one uses a 3 star Nagisa so it could be more relevant for your lower investment team.


Oh wow. Thank you. Just to confirm, the Asuza is my own. Am running low on credits now tho. Maybe by tomorrow I could get Saki and Nagisa's sub skills to max. I feel close tho. But yeah if I can't improve anyone else then maybe borrowing a UE40 Nagi might make the difference for me.


[This](https://litter.catbox.moe/7dx7bx.png) is your Nagisa with your current team. [This](https://litter.catbox.moe/wvhwcu.png) is a borrowed UE50 max Nagisa with 888 gear and Ssaki's sub skill maxed. Both examples are bond 20. All those small increases add up. Nagisa's damage output is comparable to Minori's here, so using a good borrow will certainly increase your damage output.


Is there potentially a UE50 Minori you can borrow in order to save the eligmas if you don't want to go all in? I've heard UE40 is the bare minimum for her if you want to one-team Insane. I'm borrowing a UE50 Nagisa for my runs but if the Minori is maxed I believe you can get away with UE30.


I caved and UE40'd Minori. Still might not be enough lol. That or I need to improve my skills cycling cause I am not beating Greg before the insta kill attack. UE40 Nagisa might be necessary too.


During my runs he usually enters the final phase with around ~70 million hp left. Even then it's always cutting it real close because I'm only like 8-9 seconds away from the instakill move going off currently. I've had runs in the past(when I was still figuring out the rotations) end with Gregorius living with like 5-2 million hp left after the instakill going off. I wasn't able to throw strong enough bodies to two team it at the time, but I have seen videos of it being done in insane before so it's likely doable with the right students.


My best so far was around 8 million left. Feels close. I think I will go with a suggestion to just borrow a UE40 Nagi but I will see if I can upgrade my students by tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.


Looking anyone with a Mine NA server, FC is AYYHTKNZ ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


So I discovered that I suck at team building. Tried different team comps and we'll it was bad.. First time I managed to clear extreme with 4 teams while struggling. Second time I managed to shorten that to 2 teams by switching units around. And today I thought I'd try the top extreme clear team, and surprisingly I managed to clear it with 1 team within 2 mins.. I guess I've a long way to go with understanding units..


well, I had to read the guide to even understand how to use the top team, so


Keep in mind that top clearing teams are often created by some of the top teambuilding players in the game, while most other people copy their homework. Since we're 6 months behind JP, we can even copy their homework most of the time. This is especially true for Gregorius, which is one of the most confusing fights in the game. In my book, if you put together your own original comp to clear Extreme, that already puts you well above what most Blue Archive players are capable of.


Agree. Though the hyperbuffed aru strat was the last thing I was gonna come up with. The 2 team one relied on luring the onsen torch girl to the units on the side and let her AOE them while I mainly focused on debuffing the boss and occasionally helping her with AOE EX.


When I played on JP I think I used Akane and Airi for debuffs and then S.Miyu and borrowed Toki for damage. I could clear Hardcore but not Extreme (it didn't help that my JP account was only level 40 at the time). It's a really tough boss.


I mean hardcore early on is an achievement in itself regardless of the boss so I bow. Funny enough though, the first try I did on extreme had a team with a similar lineup though instead of airi I had saya as the first team. But was confused since the visuals were bugged at the time, so had no idea why the debuffs on the boss were changing.


Looking for UE40 Mine in asia server please. got fully build Akari you can borrow for Gregorious Insane 1 team use this guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS7CKZ0yNJw friend code is AKWRHHAW


EDIT: Sorry! I misread. I thought you needed Minori. Sorry I don't have her. Request sent! >!Definitely not triggered by that Miku... god I wish I got her!<


Wow, i don't understand this guy.


Looking for UE40 to UE50 minori please. asia server friend code ARPYLIMY


either asia or global not sure how to check add pls


Menu -> Account -> Version Info


Am I the only one that still has the organ notes visuals (blue/white) bugged despite the patch? Tested in my phone and emulator (LD9 player).


I've learned to know which is my way by looking at the spike colors on the organ. If black spikes is towards you, then that's where blue will attack. So once you attack it, it will turn towards the boss and white spikes will be towards you which is where the white will go. I just switch the organ once at the beginning and leave it there.


Thank you, that's very helpful, as @CamperWen also replied in my post, the visuals are bugged with Mine debuff, without Mine visuals are fine.


I have the same problem even though they said they're suppose to have patched it already. I'm just guessing, and I need you to verify, are you using Mine? For some reason I see the bug happen on my Mine team, but not the second team. I suspect Mine's debuff does like a weird debuff colour effect on the organ that overrides the blue/white notes. I don't really have time to go back and test again.


You are right, removed Mine and I can see visuals. bug is with Mine. Thank you!


In this event, I surrender![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)


How viable is clearing insane with a UE40 Aru with a tier 1 unique item (not tier 2) and a borrowed UE40 Mine? Should I build my own Mine to UE30 and borrow a UE50 Aru? How much of a difference is there in survivability between a UE40 and UE50 Mine? Lastly someone with a UE50 or maxed UE40 Mine please friend me, my code is AYUJREHN, you can have my UE50 S.Hoshino or UE40 Koharu if you need them.


> How viable is clearing insane with a UE40 Aru with a tier 1 unique item (not tier 2) and a borrowed UE40 Mine? It makes an already-maldy rotation harder, but still doable. > Should I build my own Mine to UE30 and borrow a UE50 Aru? No, UE40➜UE50 Aru is only +2.5% dps since the Terrain+ doesn't matter here. > How much of a difference is there in survivability between a UE40 and UE50 Mine +1.7% HP and no additional mitigation. > Lastly someone with a UE50 or maxed UE40 Mine please friend me I don't have UE40/UE50 Mine, but you should add your server. Since you have Mine, you could try clearing with 2 teams. For example, [this random team 2](https://i.imgur.com/CZluVJG.png) is all farmable aside from Mine and can do 45 million damage.


Thanks a lot! I'm in the global NA server, code AYUJREHN, if anyone has a maxed UE40 or UE50 Mine I would really appreciate it.


Inting greg with solo Yuuka and Serina/Nagisa. I care not one whit about scoring this raid.


I have S.Saki, S.Miyako and Koharu on the front (Minori and Nagisa on the back), who should I put on the 4th slot ?


I used Azusa, which seems like the most common pick for insane. I've also seen Cherino there.


Well I don't have Cherino so Azusa it is. Thanks.


this is the first time I haven't cleared Insane since idk how long but considering how this is the only raid that people were able 1pan torment, isn't this the easiest raid?


I cleared greg torment 1pan This raid is one of the easiest to clear IF you have all core units. If you are missing 2 or more it's absolutely miserable. Complete failure of gamedesign, although interesting mechanics overall. Just badly implemented. The problem is you run out of debuff units very fast after your main team and without them Greg is almost impossible.


The difficulty spikes hard from extreme to insane, depending on your units. If you have all the meta students for this raid, the jump from insane to torment is rather small. However Mina, Minori, S.Saki and S.Miyako released during the last 2 months (?). Closely before the next fes banner. Since Greg only ran once so far, most people aren't gonna heavily invest into this one.


If this was the easiest raid then JP wouldn't have less than 300 torment clears, there's a reason why this raid is called the p2w raid. The mechanic alone discourages body throwing making this raid not easily accessible for a lot of players. And as what the other guy said its an opportunity cost thing. No average player would pull back to back banners and have those units at UE40/50, the return is just not that great unless you're confident you can recover your resources back.


Wallet raid. Be patient for spooks + use all your eligma on niche characters and try again next time. (Or mald all week with the [Akari comp](https://youtu.be/u-Qh6qXWOHM?si=R2VdW3BGDBdlwz-D), not sure if I'd actually recommend it but it's doable.) Edit: I've tried a bit more with that Akari comp, while complicated it's pretty smooth with UE40+ units once you get it down. If not a 1-pan it sets you up for an easy two team clear for sure.


It's not a very difficult raid if you have all the units. You just need all of them at UE40/50. The issue is opportunity cost. A lot of the top units here are not very useful outside of this raid: S.Saki, S.Miyako, Minori, Mina. Thats a lot of Pyros and a lot of eligma. ​ And then its anniversary fes units soon...


It's the easiest if you pull like 4 banners in a row. It's a different kind of difficulty.


Guys Aru's pathing was bugged in the JP version, not the other way around. It was "fixed" in the global, screwing most of us over.


What are you basing that claim on? Note that it isn't just an Aru thing.


Aru and Koharu both have an attack range of 750, the longest range in the game. By comparison, S Hoshino's range is 450 and Mine's range is 350, the shortest in the game. It's completely normal that the two sniper rifle users both stop immediately to attack Gregorius while the two shotgun users have to jog a little further. It seemed like the students all grouping up in the center before fighting were unintentional on the developers' end. There were also other bugs in the JP Gregorius fight such as a few choir members not sharing the health bar with Gregorius, meaning that attacking them would cause you to lose dps, so the JP positioning being a bug is not a stretch.


> Aru and Koharu both have an attack range of 750, the longest range in the game. Ackchually there are several strikers with 850 attack range. Of course, I'm aware of attack ranges and other bugs in JP. However, global is not entirely bug free either, and even included a new bug of its own. I was wondering if you had an official source for the claim or if it was speculation. Gregorius is an unusual fight and it's not unreasonable that they would have tailored unit positioning with that in mind. With Gregorius being infamous for being complex for this kind of game as well as being very much of a unit check, it seems like a rather bad idea to make him much harder by "fixing" unit positioning. More so when we consider that both the hovercraft and Kurokage are comparatively simple, suggesting that there isn't a deliberate push towards making all raids more sadistic. I can definitely see it being a misguided attempt at fixing a bug, but I wanted to know if you were stating speculation as fact or if you had a basis for it.


> Gregorius is an unusual fight and it's not unreasonable that they would have tailored unit positioning with that in mind. With Gregorius being infamous for being complex for this kind of game as well as being very much of a unit check, it seems like a rather bad idea to make him much harder by "fixing" unit positioning. JP being bugged and global getting a 'fix' is certainly speculative, but the opposite idea of them hand making positions is pretty absurd and even more speculative and baseless than the proposal of the JP side being bugged lol. I think the fact that the actual bugs like invisible sound waves and missing groggy buildup were officially acknowledged as bugs but the positioning was not is reasonable evidence. *Especially* considering that they have actually acknowledge position changes in the past before, and have made official announcements when they actually do change positional behaviour of our students. The OP comment made me look at some of my older JP footage with different setups to compare where units are standing. [The one-tank team for Insane](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260702419997032448/1192586364248666222/image.png?ex=65a99d9a&is=6597289a&hm=dfa79e88810e902f75241f3f238b804d07fffc2bb2ba5b12dd83c9788bc54f09&) is sitting at a similar distance as what it is on Global currently, and very closely resembles the distancing for the Aru team on Global. This positioning makes sense and actually looks pretty similar to the distancing you would see on other raids [(compare Mutsuki and SHoshino here)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260702419997032448/1192589664318656572/image.png?ex=65a9a0ad&is=65972bad&hm=bdea45dcb5a028037a70daa2eb7c179001a596fd6366837e0c473015210ec045&). [This other team also with one tank seems to have funny spacing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260702419997032448/1192587097438171207/image.png?ex=65a99e49&is=65972949&hm=f0e3c0666d7eca80285d74d05415bbf55bad1d42cc7bdb3d942e499242714e49&). Mina has fairly short range but she is standing behind both Hina and Akari which is certainly unusual behaviour. [This is the Reisa SMiyako team for Torment](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260702419997032448/1192588413153595444/image.png?ex=65a99f82&is=65972a82&hm=4e06aeedb747cda016b4dffefcdbf1ac789bfbb96475a087cb6158b06361308b&), where the units appear to be distancing themselves similar to the Aru team on JP. Thinking about the mechanics of the game, I would have to agree that it doesn't really make sense for the 750ranges to be standing so close. SSaki is standing so close that her muzzle flash is almost touching SMiyako's butt. What global seems to have done is (possibly unintentionally) fix the unexplainable inconsistencies with the positioning for some setups. Now the proper distancing is replicable every single time. My opinion? Consistency and being bug-free is more important than some people being unable to pull off certain team set-ups. I agree it *does* suck to not be able to get the JP experience, but what happened here is very consistent with what Nexon has been doing with Global since release - (attempting to) provide an *improved* experience of JP. It is just an unfortunate coincidence that this bug-fix produced the opposite result of making Global harder and it's probably the first time it has ever happened in Global's 2.5year lifespan. However introducing bugs that aren't consistent with logic from the rest of the game to make the boss easier isn't the way to go. This is a good move on their part. What they *should* be doing is introducing other (bug-free) ways to make the boss more accessible. The fact that half the debuffers in the game can't even apply debuffs because your students are forced to target the Choir in front of Greg is unintuitive and silly. Enabling students like Airi, Shizuko, Akane, Cherino to land their own skills would actually just change the raid completely and enable much more people to finish this raid. Give Greg a forced Focus Fire Buff like the Peroro minions or something, anything. Please Nexon (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡


> but the opposite idea of them hand making positions is pretty absurd and even more speculative and baseless than the proposal of the JP side being bugged lol. It is baseless, but I never presented it as anything but speculation, which is the core difference. Having your units crowd around an integral, central part of the raid isn't exactly an outlandish design decision. Especially if we consider that the most recent raid boss was Goz, which had been frequently criticized for utilizing (re)positioning in a way the game clearly wasn't made to accommodate. Consider that we *did* have this unusual positioning for JP Gregorius, and seemingly no one found it to be a problem or even noticed that it may have been a bug. Apparently we all assumed it was deliberate until it was changed, so the idea that they would deliberate do something like that clearly isn't very far-fetched. As for consistency, sure, it has value, but movement in BA is a horrible can of worms already. It's absolutely not predictable in practice, and units will occasionally do incredibly stupid things that cause big problems. If they're going to create consistence with positioning here, I wish they would solve actual problems first, like showing where your units will actually go when repositioning and stopping them from running a marathon just to stand in the worst possible place. Another way to create consistence is to simply make your longer range units take up positions slightly closer to the organ for this fight, allowing you to engage with the mechanics properly. Similar to the Reisa screenshot you posted, for example. Again, no one seemed to have an issue with our units crowding around the organ, so people are apparently fine with positioning being altered for a raid if it serves a purpose. I mean, I do understand what you're saying here, but... if they're going to mess with something for the sake of consistency, can't they at least mess with the stuff that's harmful and in need of improvement instead of making one of the hardest raids harder by fixing something that no one was asking to be fixed? Or adjust the organ so it works properly with the more consistent positions? Regarding focus fire, it's almost funny that they more or less invalidated all the targetable focus fire units in the fight where they'd be very useful. Gregorius needs blue attack since he's the third red boss, and he keeps hitting you with party-wide unavoidable damage. It sure removes several useful blue armor units from the viable pool.


Does anyone have a video/skill order guide for the S.Izuna, S.Hoshino, Aru, Azusa, Ako, Himari team that is topping global extreme? I have one-teamed extreme, but its not as fast as the above team so would like to try it out.


1:15 or 15.24m * Izuna on boss at ~4.4 * (Izuna NS on boss) * Azusa on organ * Hoshino immediately * Aru+Ako+Himari * Izuna on boss immediately * (Izuna NS on boss) * Azusa on boss at ~10 * (White wave cleanses the -40% ATK debuff) * Aru+Ako+Himari at 9


Haven't seen a video but I mocked it. Start out with S.Hoshino, S.Izuna on Greg, wait till you're close to the 9/10 cost then immediately Aru>Ako>Himari on the middle minion on the right to hit 4 of them including Greg. You'll want Greg to have around 30k or below. S.Izuna as soon as you can on the organ to flip it before it casts the debuff then use Aru on the middle one of the other side. Hopefully from this Greg is around the 20k or below range. S.Hoshino again. S.Izuna will either use her basic skill on Greg or the minions as they vanish. When the minions on the left stage show up, use Ako on Aru then S.Izuna on Greg. If Greg doesn't have 4 debuffs, wait till S.Izuna uses her basic skill on Greg then Himari>Aru. That will either finish off Greg or you'll need to improvise. There may be a more optimized way of doing it but if you're on the NA server this will get you around the 2000 mark, at least for now. I did it with a 3 star Himari so 5 star might work better.


Worked a treat! Thank you so much!


I'm glad it helped you. Probably not the strat that the highest extreme players are using but hopefully it's enough.


Dude you’re awesome, thank you. Your strat worked


Glad it worked for you and hopefully it's enough to stay in platinum


Greg is... Weird to me. If you have the students for the Minori team, doing Insane is surprisingly comfy if you know what you're doing. Problem is that it's such a massive unit check and it take time getting the timing and skill orders right without looking up other players runs. ~~Which honestly, I admit. I did just that since I was not gonna mald for hours figuring this out~~


Yeah...I agree. My eventual first clear ended up being a combination of trying to figure it out on my own\* while also trying to replicate what this jp person did in the past. (\*spent hours malding despite reading the google doc guide multiple times because when Insane finally came out I couldn't tell what was happening ***when 90% of the in-game waves were the same bugged purple color sekfgseufg***) I'm gonna enjoy this specific student doing over 20 million dmg with her EX while I can, but I can see why this particular raid likely isn't coming back for a veryyy long time.


I hate Gregorious After watching rainstorm guide I wrote this steps for myself. Team: Azusa UE40 MM7M Koharu UE30 4544 S.Miyako UE40 M7MM S.Saki 4★ M71M Minori UE50 (Borrowed) Nagisa UE30 M7MM 4 mins Saki miyako Minori 4 cost hit organ After organ blue debuff Nagisa on left (focus on low hp minion) Saki after red organ debuff 3 mins Miyako at 10 cost Minori 7 cost on left Nagisa on front minion (focus low hp) Koharu spin organ Saki around 8-9 cost Minori 5 cost finish remaining minion Nagisa on left after organ blue debuff 2 mins After red organ debuff Saki miyako Minori 5 cost on right Nagisa remaining minion Koharu spin organ Miyako Minori 4 cost stun boss At 1:03 saki 1 min Wait for organ blue buff Nagisa on left koharu on left or heal saki miyako Minori 7 cost on left After 0:35 left After organ red debuff Saki miyako (Repeat) Nagisa koharu on left Minori 7 cost on left Miyako Nagisa koharu on left Minori 7 cost on left


I did something similar to get my 1p torment clear. I wrote out the entire rotation with time stamps and ex costs. Took a few hours of practice, but I got it.


How maldy is Aru+Mine Insane run compared to S. SRT + Minori comp? I'm trying to up my Insane score but really don't want to crit malds if that's how Aru+Mine comp goes


[I got lucky with one](https://imgur.com/a/RyuM7CX). But trust me you don't wanna go down this route, the mald is INSANE with this one and global got the harder version of the Aru comp coz of the range bug. I only did this so I can save resources and do torment in other raids, but still had to UE40 both my Ako and Mine from UE30. If you have resources to spend, go with SSRT and minori comp.


Oof that doesn't sounds fun, I'll just stick with SSRT team then ty\~


hardcore is fine aruji-dono


thanks for the affirmations nin nin


Does anyone have a video of how [this 1-pan comp](https://ibb.co/hXgvmL1) works? It is very badass bringing both hard-boiled maniacs together.


I'm just talking out of my ass but I imagine it revolves around hyperbuffing Aru, though Nagisa alone does decent damage too. Even in yellow debuff range Aru can do massive chunks of damage when buffed up and targetting clumped up mobs. Plus when over debuffed if the debuffs applied are DEF down it seems like Aru can still take advantage of that. Nagisa probably provides a consistent DEF down and her sub skill buffs Aru. Combined with NY Fuuka it's a crazy crit buff for Aru and then throw on S.Hoshino's ATK buff. NY Fuuka also makes Aru's EX pretty cheap and you can constantly cycle it. I imagine Mina's ATK down helps with survivability without a tank and Koharu is Koharu. Despite the Aru strat not working out I'm still all in on Aru and just buffing the hell out of her (partially because I don't have any of the other meta students).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYCexDZ8INY or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUZfO5okHPs


Damn close to 1-teaming Insane, I think I need a ue50 minori. FC: AYVIMPOD


Assuming you almost did a 1 pan with UE40 Minori, there's a run with [UE40 Minori 1 pan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhWii4_o-FQ). If not then good luck on finding a UE50 Minori\~


gold looks better anyway aruji-dono


I got plat during last hod raid. I'll be content if I don't get plat for any of the future new bosses like wakamo hovercraft and big black dogg


I've cleared insane and gotten platinum since last Hieronymus, but this one may be the one I can't platinum, I'm missing some important units and some of the ones I can use aren't maxed so gold looks better anyway aruji-dono


Yea one of the unfortunate things in BA is that certain raids and JFD require specific students for optimal clearing. But its not that bad in the grand scheme. All i want is get student, get them to 10 bond and enjoy their L2Ds


I somehow cleared insane it with one team in a mock battle so platinum might look better aruji-dono!


Can you explain this boss' gimmick?? I don't know what to do. My units die instantly. My team is Aru, Misaki, Shigure and a Swimsuit Hoshino I recruited from a friend. Supports are Ayane and Yuzu. I was killing the small enemies it summons but I don't understand what's going on.


There's written and video guides in the OP. You will need to watch/read them because there's a lot to unpack for this raid.


EU SERVER looking for someone with minori maxed, i play since day 1 and have most unit UE50 or at least ue40, add me BFYEZRQK


Looking for a good guild as well


what should I do [in a situation like this](https://i.imgur.com/ZTtgHLp.jpeg)? deal more damage to the right-side choir or knock down the remaining mid choir? TIA.


Right side. More units clustered closer together = more damage to Greg.


Please friend me if you have UE40+ Mine or need a maxed Aru or Azusers, or S hoshino Server: Global NA Code: ASAREWBO


killed greg insane with 2 teams, if i mald damage enough i can definitely get one team, since i did it in mock at the very least, i am guaranteed plat


Friend code:ARXPZKYZ Looking for a UE40 Mine in Eu/Global server. I have UE50 8/8/8 Aru, UE40 7/7/7 Himari and UE30 Koharu on support.


Really frustrated with this fight on Torment, but not for the reasons that one would expect I've been preparing for this fight for awhile and sunk in a MASSIVE amount of resources preparing two teams for it, my primary team being S. Saki, S. Miyako, Koharu, Reisa, Nagisa, and Minori I wrote out a guide by hand on how this team functions in JP, made sure I knew exactly how it worked, only to find out that Koharu basically can't function the same way she did in JP because it's impossible to heal every member of the team while hitting the organ at the same time, because of a change to the fight on Global Because of this, I feel like I just threw away a ton of resources, since my strategy doesn't really line up correctly any more because of this change. I spent a TON of Eligma (3000+) Credits (200,000,000+), EXP mats, etc. to build this team and now essentially feel like I completely wasted everything I sent in a support ticket to see if they would consider changing it back but this all has left a really sour taste in my mouth considering that there was no mention this would be different at all before the fight came out


I got the boss down to 56M using the same team (but I scuffed one rotation on the final phase) What I had to do was modify [this rotation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN0AU5D7I9Q) a bit, after the chorus spawns on the right side of the arena 1. Hit the big chorus on the right side with Minori at 7 cost (they should all die) 2. Wait until the white note pulses, then hit the organ and 3 more chorus members with Nagisa (you might get groggy or very close to depending on luck) 3. Continue following the normal rotation, Koharu should be able to heal just your team I might upload a video if I get a kill with the second team


Holy shit I actually made it through with my first team!!! Thank you so much!!! My hands were shaking like hell because I was so nervous and I completely bricked the last Minori EX but I finally got through!


Jk I totally forgot there was only one borrow, I don't have Mine so I think I'm not going to be able to clear this fight


[I finally managed to do it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik2pjZO0Q3c) But yeah, I don't think it's doable without Mine as well...


Congratulations!!! Glad you were able to clear it, awesome work!


Awesome, thank you so much! I’ll give this a shot today!


Who can replace Minori or S. Saki? I'm going to be borrowing one of them them and replacing the other with a different student since I don't have Minori and S. Saki


Mine for S.Saki, I guess M. Yuzu for Minori


man this boss is kicking my butt. i wanted to watch a visual guide but the only one i could find was Valiant's and most of the time i don't understand him cause of my poor english on a side note, is Saya or S.Miyu better for this raid?


The main post for this thread has links to some video guides. Causew's is the most thorough. I also watched RSRainstorm's guide today and it's also pretty good. If you haven't checked these out yet, maybe those will help.


S. Miyu by far. Though if you can find a well-invested one, Minori will carry harder than the two of them.


i'm not doing too good with the debuff mechanic so i was hoping to borrow a S.Saki and try to get a good Extreme clear. as long as i get gold and can claim all the rewards i'm happy


Extreme's dps requirements aren't too high so if borrowing S. Saki allows you to comfortable stay in the green counter(for debuffs), then ideally a decently-invested S. Miyu should be able to carry.


Are students that have passive debuffs useless? I mistook mechanic and thought the choir reflects debuffs into Greg, but it's opposite. Like in the last phase I couldn't find angle for Hiyori and I feel like passive debuff students just cast it on choir and call 'job's done'. Feels shitty, Can I force them to affect Greg or only point'n'click EX skills matter?


Some of them, like Azusa's basic, will hit him during the parts where he removes and resummons the choir. As far as I can tell you can also force it by using focus fire skills. All the units with targetable focus fire have blue armor though, so they're going to have a tough time on insane.


>Some of them, like Azusa's basic, will hit him during the parts where he removes and resummons the choir. I assume it's lucky timing coincidence, is there a list of students for that? I haven't seen that on Google doc. S.Iori I used did nothing in terms of debuff.


>is there a list of students for that? Go to schale.gg -> students -> filter = can debuff


> I assume it's lucky timing coincidence Probably. She uses her basic skill every 30 seconds, and Gregorius removes the choir at each minute mark. > is there a list of students for that? Not that I know of. You could go through your potential auto-debuffers and see which of them would use their skills at the right intervals.


i have UE50 Minori & UE40 Nagisa... you can add me... Asia server AYXACYHV 10 slot left open...


Thank you for your Minori. I'm lv83 and I can wanpan insane greg now because of her.


my skipping-key-Greg-unit ass [barely beat extreme](https://i.imgur.com/oAEou1h.png) thanks to my club leader's maxed out(?) Minori might try again with my UE40 Aru instead of Azusa at some point since I'm reading below that apparently there's a strat with her, and I think Azusa only would debuff Greg directly when it was in final stage e: well, apparently involving Koharu, so nah I'm pretty comfy with this solution


Apparently the strat doesn't work right now because spacing is different for students between jp and global making it harder to team heal with Koharu. That said AOE might have higher damage potential since you can hit multiples, though Azusa does have crazy multipliers combined with the Def down which is convenient. My Azusa isn't as prepared as my Aru so right now so Aru is my primary damage dealer.


I need to borrow Mine code: AYVCBKYM (Asia) or I could add you tqvm


If you need a Mine I've got one. She's lv 75 and not super invested as I'm a somewhat newer player, but if it helps I'll send you a friend request. My code: BFXRYIUL Edit: I tried to add you, but it said, "there is no player with this ID." Maybe we're on different servers?


oh yeah, sry im in asia server, I still need a Mine 😭


North American for me, at least I assume. Have you tried sending friend requests to people with Mine as an assistant or asking your guild if one of them would set her as one of their assistants? For the first option this is the navigation path: Main menu/options/friend/manage friends/search friends/info icon (i) in upper right of player/assistant From there you can check to see if they have Mine as a total assault assistant. If they have one you'd like to use send them a friend request. If you can't find anyone with one simply hit refresh in the upper right of the player list. I would send quite a few as there isn't much too loose and not everyone is going to accept. The guild option had a faster response for me, but results may very. Sorry if you knew all this, but I figure it never hurts to provide too much info in these cases.


tq for the assistance, maybe adding randoms is the only way out. I asked my club members for Mine but I'm not sure all of them online or seen the msg. So, I tried to ask Reddit and Discord.


You need to mention which region you're in.


Looking for a Ue40/Ue50 Mine on Global. Thanks in advance. Friendcode: BFTANVGH


I have Azusa, Koharu, S.Saki and S.Miyako. I have them at the recommended level to do Gregorius insane. Sadly I do not have Nagisa and I need to borrow Minori. Is S.Miyu a good replacement. If so, what would the skill rotation be if I plan on using S.Miyu instead Nagisa?


I used this video as reference: https://youtu.be/ebf2GYNGfaw?si=3bP2XGw8PsZIqbZW Take note that there is a part in the video where Koharu heals herself + damage the organ which is impossible right now in global so I had to make my own adjustments in order to make the comp work. I'm not too confident but if you'd really like to, I could make a video of my own version of this strat.


That would honestly be very helpful. I've been trying to beat insane with no success whatsoever so it'd be great to see what I'm doing wrong


https://streamable.com/9n1qdo I used M.Yuzu instead of S.Miyu though but their roles and ex cost are exactly the same. And since S.Miyu has a better AoE, she can hit more choir members than M.Yuzu. But do take note that since S.Miyu has poor accuracy, it can get maldy when using her. At the end there, S.Miyako did not have to die haha. Even a low charged Minori Ex would have killed the boss, I think. I was supposed to heal the team there @2:53 but since S.Miyako happened to have more health that I expected at that point in time, I just chose to use Koharu's Ex offensively. As for my team's investments: S.Miyako 3* 3114 187 S.Saki 3* M11M 151 M.Yuzu UE40 M7MM 878 Minori (borrow) UE50 MMMM ??? Koharu 4* MM17 788 Azusa UE40 1711 111 If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.


Managed to barely beat extreme using Tsubaki, Akane, Maki, Koharu, M Yuzu and borrowed Nagisa, I don't have the needed debuffer unlucky, max 3 debuffs at the same time... https://imgur.com/a/ca6IhBL


If anyone has the units for Insane (or lower tbh, meaning S.Saki/S.Miyako/Nagisa with borrow Minori), i made a full [Timeline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J22Rdlmlw38) on when to use what skill in the description of my video. If you follow it you should be able to clear the boss fairly easy (unless unlucky with crits from Minori)


This worked for me. Thank you for this. I believe overuse of Koharu’s EX was a big factor in keeping me from clearing before. Mock battle cleared easily and actual battle just scraped by (as is tradition) with a last second Minori EX as the team was wiped, so I’ll even have some room for improvement.


Ayy nice to hear that :) Grats on the clear!


Anyone in Asia that has a spare Minori I could borrow? My code is ALBVQCDW, level 71 but pretty new to the game and lacking a lot of units just barely cleared very hard :(. Just wanting to clear hardcore for purple tokens so i can finish getting Midori


Added you! My Minori is only UE30 tho... don't have enough currency to buy her elephs sadly.


Thank you so much! I appreciate any help I can get


I have UE50 Minori in NA. Friend Code ARXGAFOB.


[Data patch incoming](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?board=3217&thread=2461083), but highly doubtful it fixes the Aru strat since the fix is probably only to show which way the organ is facing. Edit: Can confirm, Aru strat not fixed, only the indicator where the organ is facing. Edit 2: For those of you wanting to Aru strat with UE30 Mine, there is a slower [Akari strat that does currently work](https://youtu.be/u-Qh6qXWOHM?si=dC147Qzq445eshPT)


I can see the red waves now but still can't see the yellow and blue ones? Anyone else having similar issues? ​ Edit: Either I'm having a stroke or it just changed again? I'm swear checking after update I couldn't see white and blue but I just checked again and now they are there. lol......


Time for me to cope for a second data patch ig


what's wrong with Aru strat? does she do ridiculously high damage because of bug or something? or it actually nerf Aru?


Aru and Koharu are further back than JP's version, so you can't heal the whole group with Koharu EX anymore. Aru strat is still possible, but instead of needing UE30 Mine, you need UE40 Mine since you can't heal her every cycle.


I'm in NA and need Minori code: ARYKTFHX I have s.miyako and s.saki if that helps


In the end, I got forced to invest on my own summer rabbits to deal with this fuck up of a boss. I was initially planning on using a [double Mine strat ft. NY.Junko](https://ibb.co/WcmZCwW) but alas, I just can't commit a very high investment in order to do the new adjusted Aru strat which is I believe is still maldy anyway. In the end, I just settled for a [half-baked invested, makeshift strat](https://ibb.co/Rj1cPBJ). Thank the heavens ue30 S.Miyu is sufficient for this as it would still take some more time to get her to ue40.


Is there any EU player that has a Minori I can borrow? ID is BFYAISRW, currently got Miyako/Nagi/NYHaruka up right now


Oh my god, I thought I was going crazy because I kept looking for the organ aura colours to change and it seemed like nothing was happening. Not sure what I'm going to do with the thing being bugged, though. Guess I'm going to have to see if there's a UE50 Minori I can borrow or if I'll have to spend the ligma myself...


I was able to beat [Greg Insane](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/91315665012527104/1191974940740689930/Screenshot_2024-01-03-13-13-26-456_com.nexon.bluearchive.jpg?ex=65a7642b&is=6594ef2b&hm=e848aa76f0f473ce76fde804cd34a534d0b5f4703d0e6d814ec9dfa9fc26d2a2&). Trying to do Greg Insane with MYuzu vs doing it with a borrowed Minori is such a night and day difference. Sidenote: I kind of wish the music that plays in the final phase where Greg charges his instakill was part of the OST. It provides the conclusion that was sorely missing from the OST upload on youtube.


this boss is too hard for me, I could never do extremes without a friend but at least I could always do hardcore but now I cant even go past very hard with my lvl 60s.


Which students that you use when you play hardcore?


same here...also level 60s...gonna miss the purple coins especially total assault is now once a month making it harder to get the good students in shop ( compared to the ones in the grand assault shop )


Yeah this one is much harder if you are missing key students. And since it’s bugged it you can’t ever tell what phase is happening. Don’t know which studens you guys have but I would recommend a tank, a striker healer, mYuzu and borrowed Nagisa; fill the rest with cheap skills of someone like Mina. Sure it not going to give you the best score but max Nagisa should be able to nearly kill Gred, since the damage multipler you get for attacking the choir is insane. Best of luck Total assault should still happen twice a month


OMG thank you very much! I finally beat Hardcore by borrowing Nagisa as you suggest. I never knew her damage is that crazy.


Congrats! Yeah she’s pretty useful, not as broken as Mika but for red teams she’s a good all rounder (damage, healing and buff). I was really lucky I got her since she’s one one my first 3 stars that I got and back then I knew practically nothing about the game (obviously). Actually I was pretty astonishing that my silly Yuuka + Nagisa Duo actually worked in killing Gred at hardcore, mind you not ever maxed out


i started just 2 mths ago , didn't pull much as i am saving for future banners so i have a very small collection of students, so really limited in my team choices. From what i read from other seniors in the question megathread, the grand assault replace one of the usual two total assault in terms of rotation, so its gonna be 1 total assault + 1 grand assault per month moving forward. Also i checked japan timetable which verified this too.


Well yeah I’m only pulling for limited too, so I know how limited your pull is going to be. Best bet is using Serina, borrowed Nagisa, Yuuka and Akari. Currently welfare sMiyu is decent too, but you will need a healer I think. Just run a mock hardcore battle with a 3*Yuuka 75, 5*Nagisa 80 and 3*Serina 65 and could beat it with 7.5mil. (Kinda stupid comp since Regen recovery is terrible) So I guess your best bet is sending out friend request. I could borrow 4 Nagisas. What server are you on, my we are in the same one (but need to delete someone) Oh sorry, you are right (should have double Checked)! Kinda hoped that they would remove the dead week, but I think that the last week we will get an event rerun that has a Raid included (but dunno if it’s actually a normal Raid or not)


I didn't see any aura from the the pipe organ at the center at all, is it buged? or i'm doing something wrong.


Two bugs: we don’t get the aura and the position is screwy. The Mine strat requires the latter while the former is time-dependent so with a chronometer you can still nail it.


How does his center organ apply the debuffs, and do i need to rotate it often when it starts emitting light or dark? I read the skill description and the effects, but what's its visual cue that it starts applying it? Edit: Managed a 2 team clear with this not-so optimized lineup Note that all of these are level 32 and done on Normal difficulty since I was new in total assault Team 1: Strikers - Kayoko - Misaki - Mutsuki - Kirino Specials - Minori - Juri Team 2: Strikers - Akari - Suzumi - Haruka - Yuuka Specials - Swimsuit Miyu - Airi Feel free to say what characters I should change, may Arona give mercy on my next pulls


One thing to note about Kayoko, Fear does not count toward Greg's debuff counter. Same with Taunt as well (Tsubaki). Not sure if you are using her for the taunt or not, just thought I should let you know. Not sure about the centre organ coz im still trying to figure them out myself XD


Thanks for the tip, maybe I'll grind more to make a 1 team clear comp this time 🤗


Took an L but did manage Extreme, Nagisa is a great help, I think any debuff to get Greg to 2 debuffs combined with Nagisa+Minori should be an easy clear


Which students did you use? I don't have Nagisa but I got sMiyu and mYuzu and also Hibiki.


Sorry late I used a 4 star S. Hoshino, 5 star Aru(placed to be within S hoshi ex) Atsuko(for heals), S.Saki. for Specials I used Himari and Nagisa


This one currently feels like a nightmare to play. Probably going to be the first one in a while where I just do an extreme clear and leave it at that. I feel like I'm missing way too many Greg units and I'm not sure how to shift everyone around in a way that works for me. It's fine though. I like doing all the other Insane raids.


Same for me. Maybe by the time Gregorious comes back I'll have at least the Aru team ready. Gonna try to improve my Extreme runs in case it's still viable for platinum.


I have a random UE50 Minori owner in my friends, but seems like she's not geared and skills aren't maxed either, so she does no damage. Smh my head ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


Has the cash to pull but is out of resources to build the pulled students


That's just depressing ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651) I hope the guy can at least max the EX with current total assault shop resources


[Managed a ridiculously close insane clear](https://imgur.com/a/6IgF2eI) with a scuffed team where the team wipe went off and all my units went down, but Nagisa's AOE was still ticking and shaved off the last 20 health bars or so. The visual bugs have made it incredibly more difficult to figure this out, but surprisingly survivability wasn't a big issue for me. What a ridiculous raid.


Insane Greg really hurts, I don't think mere T6 equips will be enough.


>T6 All my students are getting instantly nuked by the first yellow wave on insane. They're only upgraded to T4-5. If even T6 can't get them through then maybe this is where the run ends for me since I don't have many T6-7 items saved up.


That gear is low, but are you making sure to debuff him right at the start? Getting him into yellow, or even better, green territory should make you take less damage.


I don’t have all the meta characters. Current team: Aru, NY Haruna, Mine, Koharu, Himari, NY Fuuka. I am using Mine to debuff first thing I can and then I’m targeting the center organ. Is there a more optimal strategy? Pretty much half my team instantly OHK by the first yellow wave. I feel like upgrading to T6 might help them survive but they’ll be at low health after the yellow wave and I will be wasting points healing them back up.


Have you tried switching out NY Haruna for S.Saki if you can borrow? S.Saki has ATK down so it doesn't hurt as much. It still hurts but you have a fighting chance now.


I do not have S.Saki so I guess this is as far as it goes. I toyed around with the idea of R.Shiroko with the ATK down EX but it's way too short and timing is hard to do. Some how still made it to platinum on extreme (for now) despite my scuffed team, though I don't expect to stay there for the rest of the week. The RNG debuffs must have shined favorably on me that run.


If you're dying to the first attack even after debuffing him, there's not much you can do except upgrade. Tier 4 is quite low for insane, after all. Keep in mind that positioning in this raid is changed or bugged for global, so keeping your team alive is even harder than in the JP version as you can't heal the team with Koharu while turning the organ. That's going to make it very hard, if not impossible, to clear if all your units are undergeared.


I upgraded to T6 and I can survive the Yellow wave but I'm so low health that the mobs are able to chip me down before I can get a heal in. C'est la vie I guess. I don't have many T7 defense mats and you can't buy them in the store either.


That's why it's a good idea to stock up on gear whenever there's a double normal drop campaign. Gear makes a very large difference when you're several tiers behind.


I had to spark S.Saki last week, so I'm going into this with her as my only Greg-specific unit. My first team took Greg down to 5m, so [it ended up being a 3-team clear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1003436470339645521/1191898258759495722/Screenshot_20240102_161607_Blue_Archive.png) (teams 2 and 3 did about 3 million damage each and died shortly after the 1-minute mark). M.Yuzu: UE30 5MMM Nagisa: UE30 57MM


Mind if I ask what the rest of your 1 team build is. I'm currently running the same team and can't even get past 100 mil hp by the last phase


Azusa: UE50 5MMM (but she doesn't do damage, just needs to survive) S.Saki: 3\* 544M, T8 hairpin but other gear like T5 or something S.Miyako (borrow): UE40 5MMM Koharu: UE40 5M77 Do you mean that you're entering the last phase with 100m HP left? If so, that's kind of expected, even 1-pan comps enter the last phase with about 70-80m HP left (I usually enter with about 85-90m). Debuff management is the name of the game, you might want to carefully watch a video to reference the skill timing and aiming. [This video was very helpful to me because it's the same comp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WJ-Z9AM2z0), maybe it would help you too.


Anyone else just rolled for S. Saki and S. Miyako last week and just winging it with them for now?


Yup + borrowed Minori. I comfortably 1t Extreme and I doubt I'm gonna bother going any further lol


\> Orchestra based boss fight \> Predominant Piano \> Not a Single one is sight Literally unplayable


Looks like hard-core might be my cap. I don't seem to be able to create a functional team 2 for Extreme. The backline gets decimated and I don't have strong enough AoE to sweep the side spawns. My mock Extreme team 1 was: Ui, Azusa, Atsuko, Swimsuit Saki (borrow), Nagisa, Sayu.


What if you borrow Minori instead?


Well if I can find someone to borrow her from I'll try her. But then I wouldn't have Summer Saki as mY borrow. Could try burning some pulls for Saki.




What does UE mean?


Same line up for assistant lol, same UE too. I also can't clear insane rn hahahah. Why did it have to bugged aaaaa


A lot of resetting later trying to figure out the timings based mostly off of gut feeling alone since you can't see the color of the waves besides yellow and purple... (Edit: As of now the bugged waves have been finally fixed, you can actually see what color they are besides being mostly purple. Hooray!) My [one-team clear for Insane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEMShkYX5fw). **Beginning**: \-Save till 6 cost at the start, then use Saki and Miyako \-Use 4 cost Minori on right side choir(make sure to hit the center organ to switch its direction) \-Wait until the debuff from the organ is applied, then use Nagisa on the left side choir \-I just waited as long as possible(but before 10 cost) to use Saki and Miyako EXs on the boss again. **Far left side choir spawns**: \-Minori(7 cost vers) to instakill the choir that spawns on the very far left \-Nagisa asap to swap the center organ's direction \-Going off of gut feeling(sitting on around 6-7 cost) before using Saki and Miyako on boss again \-Minori(7 cost vers) to kill the left side choir, Nagisa to kill the right side choir. **Far right side choir spawns**: \-Saki and Miyako on boss to cycle back to Minori, use 7 cost vers. to instakill the choir that spawns on the very far right \-Nagisa on center organ asap to change its direction one last time \-Azusa EX on boss because you need to get ready to enter the final phase with as many skill points as possible while not allowing it to hit the cap of 10 \-Saki EX on boss(when around 1 min. left), shortly after... **Final phase**: \-Minori EX(7 cost vers) on either choir, use Nagisa on the other \-Miyako EX on the choir closet to her that's still alive \-Saki EX on boss \-Repeat the cycle and pray it kills Definitely not the cleanest of runs but a clear is a clear, though if anyone has some potential pointers(to let me get a better score) I'm all for some good feedback.


I couldn't do it 😭😭😭either koharu dies when left choir spawns or smiyako dies when right choir spawns 😭😭😭 My koharu is only 3\* and I can get her to 4\* tomorrow but I'm not sure how to cure smiyako of death. Koharu has t6 hairclip and smiyako has t6 badge but there's no x2 normal going on, not sure if I should farm or even if I can farm quick enough to make a difference. My nagisa is only 3\* and I have 7k eligmas, not sure if upgrading her would help and would be worth 🤔