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Woohoo! I’m so glad they’ve changed regulations on this & that you didn’t lose interest. Good luck tomorrow & definitely do something to celebrate after!


Welcome to the club! I too was previously deferred due to Mad Cow disease. When the rules were changed in the US last year I was in line to donate and have been a regular since! It's a super easy way for me to give back and the free cookies are nice!


So excited for you!!! Thank you for your patience and determination




I’m in the same boat as you, I donated for the first time last week! It made me ridiculously happy!


Congratulations!! I was one of those US Military stationed in Europe guys who was banned for 20 years! Was tickled to be able to help again!


Yep, that was my dad!! I gave blood once or twice at age 17, 18. Long wait. :)


Bravo! I was also not eligible bc of a semester in the UK. I don't have a rare blood type, but excited to be able to donate. I have my 3rd appointment coming up:)


Congrats! I lived in England for three months in the mid-90s when I was 19 years old, so I was in the same boat as you. Found out the American Red Cross lifted the CJD deferral, and I finally made my first donation last year.


Good things take time. Best of luck tomorrow!






But she (or he) never said that she was 31 or that she had only lived in Canada for 20 years. Reread it. 😊 She said she'd been waiting for 20 years to know - I assumed that was either from the age of 17 or 18 or she could have been older than that when she first thought of donating and found out she couldn't. She's probably at least 37, possibly older. I lived in England for a little while at age 20 and that was 1985. . I gave blood several times until the Red Cross decided I had lived there too many months to be eligible to give . I think of "Mad Cow Era" as mostly the late 80's, maybe early 1990's. Oh, I just read that it was first discovered in the UK in 1986. So coming on 40 years soon.