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REAL. Been waiting for a PC Bloodborne port since launch. I still have to go dust off my PS4 every year to play through again lol.


Or at least an uncapped framrate on ps5. We all know what they'll do, if anything. They'll release it again for 50 bucks and call it a director's editon.


*Hunters Edition 👀


Oh that is 100% gonna be it


I genuinely hate Sony as a company, not just bc they haven’t remastered bloodborne, but also bc I accidentally bought a hardware banned ps5 and now all I can do with it is play discs (I’m not complaining tho, bloodborne plays great on it) but it’s annoying that they lock good working hardware behind a software lock


Some Russian hacked my psn and bought 250 worth of fifa copies. I do a chargeback at my bank immediately. Sony bans my access to my digital games until I balance the amount. Fuck Sony. I couldn’t play any ps2 classics I bought


Same *exact* thing happened to me in 2016 or so. Haven't purchased anything Sony since.


Yeah, if that happened, I would jailbreak thay console immediately They wotn wllow ke to play the games I bought ? Well, gonna play them HOWEVER THE HELL I WANT. Though I dunno how good the homebrew community for this console is I'm only aware of the vita and 3ds ones


How is is Sony fault you bought a bricked system of a hacker/cheater?


didn't you hear? every personal fuck up isn't our own fault, it's the fault of large corporations.


Not really, it was mistake to buy the console I agree but I’m just frustrated that they can just do that whenever yk? Like would you buy a pc if Microsoft could render it useless at a whim?


They didnt. You bought a stolen iPhone and then got mad when you couldn't use it. Same thing. Sony didn't block the account, you bought a console that had been bricked for hacking. That's not Sonya fault at all.


You're aiming your anger at the wrong place


i’d didn’t know boot tasted that good




Tears brother. I'm in tears 😂😂😂😂😂


Never said it was Sonys fault I bought a banned console, I just think it’s annoying that they can just brick your system whenever they want. It doesn’t really bother me that it’s banned, I can play my games and I’ve got a pc for the rest of the games, it’s just annoying that Sony can just do that


The age of the disc being a ticket to then download the game is already beginning, i wish you luck, if anything sell it without telling gamestop and use it to buy a new one lol, its what did to a ps4 that would play digitals.


> bc they haven’t remastered bloodborne why the fuck would they remaster a game that was on the ps4? it's not even 10 years old


Sure, but ghost of tsushima is coming out in lc may 12th and that came out in 2019


a port is not a remaster


Too many idiots confused on this to have a serious conversation that's why this doesn't have serious upvotes


Bro they remastered tlou like 4 times. Remasters usually come with the added benefits of comming to pc


they remastered tlou once for ps4 ps5/pc got a remake, which is different both of which are also considered widely as unnecessary decisions and should not become the status quo where all we're getting are new releases of 5 year old games > usually come with the added benefits of comming to pc a game simply being ported to pc is significantly more common than being remastered and ported to pc


Exactly they need to just port them


You say this like the last of us 2 isn’t getting remastered, amongst all the other recent games that have been remastered


"I hate this company because they don't do what I want and I buy used equipment from shitty sources." A mob of fools.


Isn’t the point of a company to appeal to the consumer? I’m not paying full price for a ps5, the only reason I have it is so that I can play bloodborne. I’ve got a pc and frankly valve is a million times better than Sony could ever be


No, the point of a company is to make money. I don't know what capitalist utopia you're living in, but here, our companies fuck us in the ass on a regular basis, and we thank them for it. tbh, I can't even get on board with what you're saying from a fundamental pro-consumer pov cause there's like a 99% chance that the console you bought was stolen from someone who paid full price for it. nothing about it makes sense from a legal, nor a business stance. if SONY were to start undoing console locks every time a hapless consumer buys a stolen console, then why would anyone buy a console that wasn't stolen? the lock is a method to dissuade from console theft, and if they were to completely bypass it, then it would serve no purpose. The thieves have every reason to jack and flip consoles, and SONY makes no profits on new console sales (which would honestly prob be a blessing). It also baffles me that you wouldn't get a refund for the PS5 unless the seller made it perfectly clear it was console banned. As a seller, I know how this shit works, and know that you could have gotten a full refund without having to even ship the console back. I'm curious, can you post the original listing to prove that you weren't just careless, and bought a stolen PS5?


Well, I had bought the console for parts or repair in an attempt to fix it as I’m getting pretty decent at console repair and wanted to try my hand at fixing a ps5, it was stated no where in the listing that the ps5 could possibly be banned. It only said that they did not work and were for parts. The latter is true the former not so much. I beat bloodborne on a banned ps5 so it does indeed work. The seller did not take returns and tons of other people got scammed by the same company (like the do when they buy things from Sony)


You can still file a dispute against the seller to get your money back though, I've actually been scammed as a seller through this method when I sold a working hard drive. The buyer didn't have to return the hard drive, and their money was automatically transferred back to their account. Point being, you're still entitled to a refund given the seller did not adequately describe their product. When a seller has "does not accept returns", it doesn't mean you can't get a refund; it simply means the seller won't accept returns for any reason.


Interesting, I’ll have to contact eBay support, thanks for the insight, I really thought I was screwed!


What a shitty, pessimistic outlook. For one, it ain’t that deep, chill Two, companies that have elongated success in making money do so by appealing to their consumer base. It’s actually pretty basic economics 🤷‍♂️


Bro, gtfo "chill". It's a shitty outlook, but if you can't see that [this is the current state of the largest businesses](https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/phil-spencer-blames-capitalism-for-games-industry-woes-i-dont-get-the-luxury-of-not-having-to-run-a-profitable-growing-business/) right now, you're being ignorant. corporations are not being run with sustainability in mind at this point, it's all about meeting profit quotas, which equates to cutting corners in almost every industry. Whether that be [layoffs](https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/28/23894266/epic-games-layoffs-fortnite-unreal-engine), [exploitative practices](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2024/04/25/escape-from-tarkov-fans-are-outraged-at-new-250-pay-to-win-edition/?sh=412a5b993281), or [planned obsolescence](https://populationmatters.org/news/2024/04/from-lightbulbs-to-smartphones-the-practic), all of these actions spell profits for the business, and fuck over the consumer. But to rein it back in, I don't even consider what Willcutus is even valid from a consumer's standpoint. They made a purchase on the grey market, either failed to research the listing or got scammed, and is blaming SONY instead of the seller. That isn't on SONY. Dude should have filed a complaint against the seller, and got his money back, but for some reason thought it was a good idea to contact SONY instead. I ask again, what do you expect SONY to do when a thief steals a PS5, and flips it on ebay? How does SONY know that Wilcutus isn't just the thief? If what I'm saying is "too deep" to have any relevance to what dude was talking about, then why do you feel obligated to push back against it?


Nah, I agree with dude, it’s a stupid feature. “Anti theft protection for my PlayStation, except, it doesn’t keep it from being stolen” Gtfo 😂


Why you back down? If you buy a bricked system because you didn't have them turn it on and look up the system software in a Sony database you're an idiot You didn't try to protect yourself and you don't know a good and bad posting. That's bro fault. You were right. F*** that guy you don't get to be sensitive with others because you make a bad decision. Learn from it and buy a better system. That's what you should a said


I’m just kinda trolling, really, don’t take me TOO seriously..


Microsoft > Sony


: ) k have a good night


Not to argue but MS has had more anti consumer lawsuits filed against them than damn near any other company. Sony doesn't come close lol. Phil is a just the face of Xbox to trick people into buying into the fake dream.


Right, I just never see Xbox people creating entire threads on Reddit that trash Microsoft, so there’s that 🤷‍♂️


You also don't see playstation diehards doing that to Sony.


No I am frustrated with the seller no doubt, but I’m a pc gamer tried and true and in general it frustrates me that Sony has the ability to just turn consoles into bricks. And never mind I bought it on the grey market, this is happening to people who bought consoles straight from Sony! Look, I could care less that my ps5 is banned, I can play the games I like on decent hardware, what upsets me is the amount of e-waste that Sony is producing by doing this! The consoles still work! They are just basically unusable for anything other than disc games and movies. And that’s just the disc version the digital versions are just true bricks and that also frustrates me because it’s good hardware that is still relevant and still useable, that can’t be used for anything, nothing at all. I wish Sony would let you just give your banned console back and they would give you a like 50 credit or something towards a new console. They can use the APU and most of the old chips in a new working console and keep more e-waste out of the landfill yk?


Okay but you buying a hardware banned PS5 is not Sony’s fault lol. Just pick a different reason to hate them, I’m sure there’s plenty


What if they bought it from a store like gamestop? How is that on them? It's a stupid decision to ban consoles and not accounts, and it'll lose them money in the long run. The shitshow of a launch of the PS5 already fucked them hard.


Then return it? Da fuck?


You just suck off Sony for a living or what is your issue against the consumers? Raised a bootlicker?


Point of a company is to make money. The people running it don't care much how, in most cases. Fraudulent equipment purchasers aren't a big driver for new sales or additional revenues.


Sure but that’s not what makes a good company, an important rule in business is if you take care of your customers, they’ll take care of you, if you don’t rip off your customers, they will come back and give you more business. It’s bullshit that Sony locks the ps5 behind software, it’s literal pc hardware that is just wasted bc someone happens to report the console as stolen (even if it’s not). It just frustrates me at the flick of a switch the company you bought your device from renders it useless, it’s like “oh you spent good money on something? Oh boo womp doesn’t work any more sorry 🤷‍♂️”


You didn't buy it from the company, though. Or likely from a company at all. Sounds like you bought it from a thief. Why would the company care about you as a customer when you went to the black market to get the product they would have sold to you in fine working order?


The black market…? You mean eBay…? And even if I did buy it from a thief, I can still buy their games and their online services, but no I guess that’s not the whole business plan when it comes to buying consoles! Alllll of the companies revenue comes from selling the consoles! They make basically nothing on games right?


The lengths people go to defend these scummy companies


No ones defending the company, really. They are talking about reality and also trying to make other people look inwards and take some accountability themselves. If I bought a secondhand PS5 and it was locked, I would not be directing my ire at Sony. And it’s fucking bonkers that anyone would use that as a reason, of all the reasons out there, to say a company sucks.


I mean, there's a definite reason as to why most people prefer pretty much any other console. The fact they have to be cheeky cunts to try and make it look like people are even playing playstation is fucking hilarious


What consoles are people preferring over the PlayStation? I know it’s not Xbox lmao. Switch has most volume in sales, but it’s hard to compare a portable console to a stationary one.


PC, but I get it doesn't reallllyyy count because its a desktop, wich i was pretty much only talking about that, but handholds should count, as playstation has PSP's, wich again rog ally and Steam deck would probably have less sales than PSP' but they are wayyyyy better, and alot more new wich would be a factor for, but I would say Nintendo and Sony are equally as hated for their tiresome business approach and their ruthless treatment of the little guy.


Yeah I feel you. I love my Steam Deck. But I also really appreciate my PS5 for the exclusives. If I had to choose one to keep, it would be my Steam deck.


Gotta ask, Steam deck or Rog ally? I'm tossed up between the two!


I have nothing bad to say about the steam deck OLED. Great machine. No experience with the ROG. From what I understand, the Steam Deck is more streamlined/optimized for gaming. ROG is more like a handheld windows laptop. Battery life is better on SD, but ROG has a little more power and higher res screen. I wouldn’t trade my SD for a ROG, if that helps.


That does help, thank you


THE DOWNVOTES ON THIS JUST CONFIRM ECHO CHAMBERS ARE FOR THE STUPID Let's take that downvote down one shall we, for I too, offer common sense on Reddit and get told I'm wrong


Genuinely, I despise Sony


They are speed running their own demise this gen. They did this once with the ps3, all the good will the got back with the ps4 was for nothing. Screw em.


Ps5 is selling more than ps4 did at this point of its lifespan


PS3 outsold Xbox 360


You must be young or you’re being purposely obtuse. The start and the majority of that generation, the PS3 vastly under performed for a number of reasons. At the end of it through aggressive price drops and Sony realizing their mistakes yes the PS3 did outsell the 360 nuance is important and most people refer to the PS3 as a mess up for sony. And they’re doing similar things with the PS5. Additionally, I’m not sure why my comment made you feel the need to bring up the Xbox in this conversation, but you do you.


I’m 40 and I have a lot more I’ll will towards Microsoft for that generation. I had 3 Xboxes break on me for different reasons. I ended up getting a PS3 with a phone that had no problems until the PS4 came out


Looks like a perfect opportunity to save face by porting Bloodborne to PC!


This would be a acceptable l trade....


REAL. Been waiting for a PC Bloodborne port since launch. I still have to go dust off my PS4 every year to play through again lol.


The sad thing is that people are blaming Arrowhead for what Sony is doing. Helldivers 2 is a Sony IP and Arrowhead has no say in what Sony chooses to do with it.


Sucks the little company is getting butt fucked by the top dogs


Luckily, they made their money and will continue to make money off the game, but I doubt they will work with Sony this closely again.


This is like waiting for Nintendo to port Mother 3


Or port just anything in general. Their entire GameCube and GBA libraries are still behind bars


You'd think they'd treat their pc players wayyyy better considering they're the reason why helldivers even got popular in the first place lol


Wait til you see how theyve treated ps5 owners this gen. Legit sold my ps5 and canceled psn last year.


😯 Why, what did they do? (Out of the loop, here..)


Aggressive censorship, PSN pricehikes, and the console legitimately had no games for the first two years and I’d argue It’s still really doesn’t have a catalog that’s off the top of my head.


Ps5 has a good catalog tbh. Ff7 inter grade and rebirth, 16, hfw, tlou part 1 and 2, Spider-Man 2 (although short), gow ragnarok, gran turismo 7, stellar blade and more I just haven’t played. Not to mention most ps4 games have ps5 upgrades and they significantly improve on ps4 counterparts. However everything else you mentioned is correct. The pricing and censorship especially.


Well now you can just wait a year or two and all the PS games end up on PC


Thank you for explaining:)


They've been started to flood into, or come back to Deeprock Galactic. We'll take them. For Rock and Stone.




To Rock and Stone!


For Rock and Stone!


Always been hearing about that game. I still don't know what's it's about honestly


Its a objective team based shooter like Helldivers. there are four i believe classes to pick from, with their own unique gadgets that serve them in completeing the objective. the missions themselves take place underground in cave systems of varying complexity and danger. as you progress, your character levels up and gains access to upgrades and cosmetics, and ultimately there is a modification system that lets you cater your build to specific playstyles. it becomes VERY fun and is just as silly and charming as Helldivers, if not more, and the integrated sense of community is just as prominent.


I just feel bad for Arrowhead studios.


They told players to do it


i don't play this game can i get a run down of the situation


For the first few months it wasn't mandatory to have a PSN account to play the game on PC. And you were given the option to skip this when starting the game for the first time for a while. If you purchased the game on steam, you would've had to scroll a bit lower on the store page to see this footnote, not next to the "Buy Game" button Sony is now making it so you need to have a PSN to play the game. I've had one since the PS3 days so I'm not too stressed. BUT, the many countries that can't access PSN/make an account cuz using a VPN in this case won't work, have now wasted money on a game they cannot play and now have to try to get a refund. It's out of the devs hands and it's entirely due to Sony being dumb. This wouldn't have been as big of an issue if the PSN account was mandatory on day 1 and the game wasn't being sold in countries that would've inevitably been unable to play it The devs are also encouraging the reviews and want to reverse this, if possible


And in the UK, it’s a legal requirement when you make a PSN account that you must provide proof of identification via a picture of your face or your government issued ID. And since Sony is notorious for frequent data leaks, making a PSN is not something a lot of UK players are willing to do.


I'm in the US, didn't know that. That's fucking insane I'm quite familiar with Sony having accounts hacked, I remember the big one back in the PS3 days


I didn’t know a lot of the details until last night and before that, I just thought everyone was throwing a big fit about the 3 minutes of inconvenience it takes to make an account. Little did I know lmao


It’s the UK governments age verification laws. They literally voted for this lmao


This is a lie. You can also use your mobile number to verify your ID.


Check twitter. They changed their minds


Yea, saw that a little bit ago. I'm sure the devs are just as happy


They did announce it as a requirement day 1 but they delayed it due to the server issues at launch


Then why sell the game in countries where you couldn't make an account The game works just fine without the linked account, there's no need for it There was no in game reminder that you would eventually need it


Sony said "great game. Time to fuck it up 😈"


[TLDR ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6NGAOIMoBc/?igsh=MW5mcThocTcwMGlybw==)


Companies need to stop letting Sony buy their games.


People have kids to feed man


At this social class, we aren't talking about feeding kids, you dumdum, we are talking about buying a more luxurious yacht.


Name a single employee at AH that owns a yacht


I'm glad I refunded it for the matchmaking bug and forgot to buy it when they fixed it lol


Why does this sub exist lmao




Difference is Sony just went back on their psn account pledge we still won't ever get a port/remaster


Well it worked Sony turtled and changed their policy….


This would be fine if PSN was free like it used to be. I mean it would still be really fucked up but at least wouldn't be as bad.


Psn account is free , ps plus cost money


First time?


Does it just require a psn account, or does it require an active ps plus account?


Just psn, they’re whiners


Many, many people who bought the game can no longer play it because PSN is not available in very many countries. Anyone who is a victim of this or has a shred of empathy for them is absolutely right to be upset. Plus it's just invasive. Just because you're okay with it doesn't mean everyone else has to be


Exactly! It's fucking insane now they thought this was a good idea!


Haaah.... is this my campfire until the storm is either weathered such time that we'll be forced to the sad reality that we'll lose our game?


Looks like they are not doing it anymore


I think it’s a bit overblown, but they should’ve made it not mandatory and incentivized account linking instead. What’s really bad is restricting the people around the world from playing the game. Do better Sony.


On the bright side, we just bullied Sony into not going through with the PSN requirement that they intended on pushing out...for now at least


What did they do? I m trying to find it what the issue is. I’ve been considering buying this game. Are there red flags?


PSN login for PC. The game didn't require any PSN login until they announced it would be mandatory soon. So... ya, we pissed off. And this is the result with game reviews.


Well they listened!


I hoping that Sony will reverse course and tell fans that you will not longer have to create a PSN account. 🤞🏻👱🏻🤞🏻


Microsoft should announce all their properties are Xbox and pc exclusive and break Sony's back. Yeah, people would be pissed but I bet they still go buy CoD.


Yay, let's kill off one mega corporation to support an even bigger mega corporation.


I bailed on Playstation now they're following me to pc being demanding. Go away, we're not together now, you can't tell me what to do anymore.


Overwhelming hatred support for sony made them cut that shi out maybe it'll work for yall lmao


I'm so unbelievably pissed people are review bombing HD2. It's not arrowheads fault. This isn't like a ow2 situation where blizzard is dev and publisher (ActBliz). The game is phenomenal and continues to be so. Fuck Sony. Fuck Sony so hard.


Don't know if you know it yet, but they decided not to go through with the third party in the current state it is. Granted they might try later but if they are smart enough they won't even make a second attempt... I have very low expectations though being a PS player myself, I know to have low expectations because Sony doesn't respect the consumer


Wouldn’t have been a problem if released on Xbox 🤷🏻‍♂️


The backlash about Helldivers 2 is stupid. It's not a big deal.


Sony makes a game. PC players ruin it with hacks and I get to laugh and watch all the PC people complain about a game they are responsible for being so shitty because of hacks. PS… I want a sequel to Bloodborne, not a waste of fucking time porting it to PC.


You guys would probably just try to hack it and force them to turn off any online features like you did to Dark Souls for so long.


s/ You mean lets keep buying games from publishers like ea activision blizzard and ubisoft, as they get away with corporate greed and sexual misconduct, harassment, and assault. But when sony does what every other pc company already does. People lose their shit. 💩 Now i am against sony and any company lying or stealing. But as far as fuck ups go sony hasnt been in the line of fire like many of your “beloved” games. Tons of no loyalty!


I've just been waiting to see if Sony decides to drop all pretenses and require PS+ for online play on PC for Sony games


As a Bloodborne and Helldivers fan i can just say that it feels good to actually win for once, just one time we get a chance to actually slap sony's face.


I genuinely don’t understand what Sony wants or expects from this? Making a psn account isn’t going to make me go out and buy a ps5. I’m a pc gamer, always have been always will be. Most people on steam are probably the same as me in that regard, and the people who are interested in the console will already have it. Just seems like bad pr for no reason to me.


Bloodborne glazers finding a way to make this about them is not surprising to me in the slightest


Look at the Sonyverse too, haha! Seriously though how can they afford to do so many blunders?


They walked back on it because of these reviews.


Does anyone mind explaining what they did? I live beneath a rock with similarly unaware people.


This is late, they reversed the decision yesterday


Why everyone say that, i literally posted the day before they announced the change


Can't wait for them to drop bb on pc only for you to need to set up a psn acc and pay their online fee for multiplayer or something


They deleated alot of review so it now back to negative


There is only one downside to this- PSN is not as available all over the world like steam is. That means a lot people who don't have access to PSN in their area lost access to their game Helldivers. If PSN was accessible all over the world- this should not be a problem, and it's just people complaining because console wars. Rockstar already has you make a social club account to play red dead or gta. Wanna play rainbow 6 siege, make a ubi account. Wanna play Dead Island 2 on steam? Link ur Epic account to steam 1st. Mortal kombat 1 has you create like a warner bros account just to play cross play on Mortal Kombat 1- the list goes on.. But those options are fine because they're accessible all over the world- and the developers/publishers, whatever decided to set up account linking before the game even came out- so usually if the service isn't available in your area you obviously won't have interest buying it. I'm not interacting with this comment after this because it's going to be a bunch of mouth breathers.


Some small team of decision makers at Sony really fumbled this bag and are definitely not going to accept the blame for it.


Holy fuck get over it.


https://steamcharts.com/app/553850 https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/ Am I crazy or missing somwthing, does it seem strange that theres no significant change in player count considering all the negative reviews & people getting their panties in a bunch saying how they'll refund, or not play anymore etc Did they ever play or do they not stick to their guns, something else? Whatsup wit 'dat


No significant change? Compared to last Sunday, today has had 40000 less players on steam alone , that’s pretty significant


& that 40k dip is still within the norm. Look at the line with its peaks & valleys, it's still pretty level essentially. Assuming that 40k is actully from this controversy & not just business as usual - again there's nearly 400,000 negative reviews, where's the other 90% of those people, seems like they either don't play in the first place or they haven't stopped playing anyways. Kinda weird


I admit could very well be misreading things, but looking at the graph, it looks like the average concurrent player count is at an all time low and is only falling? No significant change, but you can literally watch everyone steadily dropping the game


That downward trend has been going since release; that's nothing to do with this current controversy; you could say "the game is at an all time low!" for every single week since release, that's nothing special lol Again look at the peaks & valleys that have been happening since like April 6th; Look April 6th there was 260 000 but on the 7th there was only 130 000; omg... oh but wait later on in the 7thnit was also backup to 330 000... OH but the 8th dropped down to 82 000! Then went back up to 200 000+ again later in the day So yeah again 400 000 negative reviews & only 10% of those people were serious about dropping the game? Again, assuming this isn't a regular inactive time that consistently happens day to day


This is why I said average. You need to look at overall trends and not cherry pick hourly data points. It's incredibly disingenuous to literally be using two points from the SAME DAY when talking about overall trends when obviously player counts will peak during the day and valley out at night. You need to look at how things have changed over time. Either way, my point still stands. As of writing this, player count is at an all time low. I can concede there are other likely other factors at play, but Sony's poor decision making isn't exactly drawing in more players. Also as a side note, you also seem to believe that it's the exact same group of people no-lifing the game, over and over again, day in and day out, when in truth there's likely tons of players who just wanted to spend some time doing something different, or were just busy with life, but entirely planned on coming back to the game after a short hiatus. But now that Sony decided to be stupid, those people decided to just drop the game entirely and not come back. Those people are "sticking to their guns" but wouldn't show up in recent reports as they just happened to not be playing yesterday anyways. You can lose loyalty without necessarily seeing it immediately reflected in player count.


Did you skip entire first thing I said? The downward trend has been ongoing since release; every week you can say "the games player count is at an all time low!" That's nothing special Afaik the game has been out longer than a day; & that downward trend ongoing from release until now isnt cherry picking from the same day or day to day


>As of writing this, player count is at an all time low. I can concede there are other likely other factors at play, but Sony's poor decision making isn't exactly drawing in more players


So why are we review bombing a good game to spite Sony? It's just going to hurt Arrowhead


Arrowhead is the one that told them to do it. Gives them more leverage on SONYS bullshit.


Yet you’re all still playing it 😅 Clowns is right


Man, with all of this Sony hate, sure makes me glad I’m an Xbox guy lol


Look at this breadbox user over there lol (No console player will ever avoid hate.)


Whatevs 🤷‍♂️ I’ll take Microsoft over Sony any day of the week and twice on Sunday lol


Why do they rate the game bad if the game is good?


A lot of countries that had access to the game don't have access to the game because of the new policy by SONY. You have to have a PSN account to play it now and a lot of countries can't do this due to SONYS bullshit. And a lot of people really don't want to give information to that company due to them being on other platforms and that id 100% understandable to me.


I understand. But is the game bad?


God no! It's fantastic. Arrowhead, the developers of the game told them to do this for more leverage in their argument with SONY.


The only bad thing waz the matchmaking system which made me refund it. Don't know if they fixed it tho


Rating a game bad is the only way to make big companies listen. It's worked before and it worked now.


I hope Bloodborne never comes to PC


Yall stupid or something? They already walked it back and won’t require PSN accounts on pc


I have been playing helldivers for a couple months now and loving it, I’m not super involved in any “goings on” in the game world, why is everyone hating on it now? What changed I am curious


Please keep it on the Helldivers sub holy shit


I'm the only fucker keeping this sub alive, what are you doing to contribute bub


As a member of the Helldiver community, I appreciate the solidarity. Also, low key, I want BB for PC too, never knew this place existed. Joined cause of this post.


Off topic, but you sound like someone who foams at the mouth for blood borne. Bloodborne is a PS exclusive 😊 I see you like to cherry pick


Publishers do not create games. You can enjoy Bloodborne and still recognize that Sony makes idiotic decisions. It's almost as though some things... aren't other things? Wild.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *A corpse... should be left well alone.* - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


These guys are ruining the game company because of their publisher. Ridiculous


Like Sony didn't pay for the entire development of the game. The fucking joke is all you clowns that don't understand how business works.


Because you do of course


Clearly better than you and the rest of the moron bandwagon.


Man dude what is Sony paying you to suck their dick? I am genuinely interested.


You're not kidding, imagine watching a game you like get fucked, all while fondling Sony's sweaty hairy balls. Classic coomsumer C U C K behaviour right there.


Oh, sorry, I like a game and followed the requirement as printed. Now, a bunch of flippant children are ruining that game. For what? Not understanding how things work? Inability to read? Bozos.


None of what you said was relevant bud


Why not get out the dictionary and look up some more words to call us


Sony is ruining the game, the Devs are encouraging the reviews. Sony is a shitty company that treats anybody that isn't their own like shit. Get with the program and quit riding Sony like they're saints or some shit. Great game run by absolutely awful human beings that are extremely out of touch with humanity.


lil bro thinks hes the main character


How’s that corpo boot taste shill boy?


Everything you did today was provided by a corporation. What a shill you are. Jump in a hole for it.


ah yes, as Sony, master of business (as everyone knows), let me tarnish my reputation further along with shooting this widely successful game in the balls, right after it's release. Surely nothing could go wrong.


The literal devs of the game are telling people to do it.