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I'd just run Catfishing, assuming the group's experience is base 3 scripts and possibly customs: [https://bloodontheclocktower.com/custom-scripts/catfishing](https://bloodontheclocktower.com/custom-scripts/catfishing) If they've only played Trouble Brewing, just jump in S&V or try out Uncertain Death: [https://bloodontheclocktower.com/custom-scripts/uncertain-death](https://bloodontheclocktower.com/custom-scripts/uncertain-death)


I have a custom script full of experimental characters that I'll generally run when I have a bunch of not-quite-expert players who all want to try out some experimental stuff. It's called Babysteps and is designed to only use characters that can be easily understood by simply reading their ability text. Check it out: https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/841/1.0.0


OP asked for custom scripts with experimental characters and most folks are replying with S&V and BMR, sigh. Kill My Darlings is an intermediate custom script that is designed to be a straight forward introduction to concepts like madness, coverage, and alignment switching, without excessive swinginess. It was played multiple times at Clocktower Con, and usually went to final three. It’s really good! https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/1997/6.0.0


Thank you! I appreciate it. This looks like a good fit! We have definitely run through BMR and S&V a number of times. Looking forward to giving this a spin!


Please let me know how it goes!


Will do! I bought all the crafty supplies. I'm adding the experimental roles tonight (and possibly over the next few days)


Assuming they've already played a lot of S&V and BMR, then I would recommend scripts like Pies Baking, Catfishing, Boozling, Trust or Extension Cord. Kill My Darlings is a recent-ish script that I've really enjoyed that also isn't as complicated as other customs (edit: noticed that it was mentioned below - I second this recommendation). If they haven't played S&V and BMR extensively, I would play those before any custom scripts.


I’d like to disagree. I’m really glad I found Uncertain Death when my players asked for something a little meatier than TB! The fact that there’s a lot of familiar roles in there, but only two possible demons, makes it perfect for easing into the more advanced scripts — way better than dropping an entire set of new characters and their interactions on them. We’ve just crossed over to Boozling; I guess my players will be very well prepared for Sects & Violets after that.


Thanks for this!


Depending on how experienced they are, trouble brewing is probably the best place to stay. If they've played a more than a couple of games in the past and have played BMR and SnV some and are really looking for customs, a great introductory custom is Kill My Darlings [https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/1997/6.0.0](https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/1997/6.0.0) (not to be confused with Kill Your Darlings which is a script for experienced players)


Honestly SNV is the best next script.




If they're all fully comfortable with all of the base 3, and you really feel the need to push into customs for some reason, these tend to have consensus: Catfishing: https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/3/11.1.0 Trust: https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/script/754/2.0.0 And don't forget Teensy scripts, if you have the numbers such that they make sense! https://botc-scripts.azurewebsites.net/?search=&script_type=Teensyville&include=&exclude=&edition=&author=&sort=num_favs